Unit2 This is my sister Lesson1

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Unit2 This is my sister Lesson1_第1页
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Unit2 This is my sister Lesson1(SectionA:1a-2c).The analysis of the teaching contents: The topic of this unit is about the family.Such a topic is related to our daily life.So it is helpful to raise the students learning interests.This section is the first part of this unit.The main contents of todayslesson are the words mother,father,grandfather,grandmother,sister,brother,these,thoseand the sentence patternsWho is she? She is my .,These are my.,Those are my.,so if the student can learn it well,it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit.he analysis of the students: The students of grade seven may have learned English for several years, but most of students in my class know little English. So I will teach them little by little. The students of this grade are curious,active and creative. They are full of enthusiasm and often show a lot of eagerness to participate, but their attention can not last long. So I will design some games and play the tape to focus their attentions.Teaching aims and demands:1. Knowledge aims a. All of the students can master the key words:mother,father,grandfather,grandmother,sister,brother,those,these.b. Most students can know and use the demonstrative pronouns and personal pronouns.2. Ability aims:a. All of the students can point and say the key words of family members.b. Most students can use key sentence patterns to introduce family members.3. Emotional aims:a. Lead students to know their family members well and love their family members.b. Have students to know it is important to love and help each other.Teaching key points:1. Students can master the key words and expressions.2. Students can introduce their family members fluently and correctly.3.Most students can master the use of demonstrative pronoun and personal pronouns. .Teaching difficult points:Students may find mastering the use of demonstrative pronouns and personal pronouns difficult.Teaching methods:Total-physical response,situational method,task-based teaching method, pair-work,individual work.Teaching time:45minutes.Teaching aids:A tape recorder,a tape,vocabulary cards,a picture.Teaching procedures:Step1: warm-up1. GreetingT:Good afternoon, boys and girls.Ss:Good afternoon, Miss Yang.T:How are you?Ss:Im fine,thank you.2. Revision(find out the first name and the last name, then read the telephone number out.)Eric Brown(9428748) Jenny Smith(5467709)Gina Green(7452907) Zhang Haitao(8795436)(Divide the class into three groups.The group which does a good job ,will get a reward star.)Step2:Presentation1. Teach the new words.(take out a picture)T:Attention,boys and girls.Look,whats this?Ss:Its a picture.T:Right,there are some people in the picture,lets count how many people are there?Ss:One,two,.eight.T:Do you want to know them?Ss:Yes.T:Ok,they are zhang Haitaos family members,today I want to introduce them to you.Please look at this man. Is he old?Ss:Yes.T:He is Zhang Haitaos grandfather.Read after me,grandfather,grandfather.G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R,grandfather.Ss:G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R,grandfather.(teach the word grandmother in the same way )T:He is Zhang Haitaos grandfather and shes Zhang Haitaos grandmother.These are his grandparents, read after me,grandparents,grandparents.mother,father,sister,brother in the same way.Ask some students to be a small teacher. The student who does a good job will get a reward star.)2. Activity 1a.T:Please open you book, and look at the picture in 1a carefully. Then match the words with the people in the picture.(ask a student to write the letters on the blackboard,if he or she do a good job,he or she will get a star.)3. Activity 1b.T:Now I will play the tape. You must listen carefully and circle the words you hear in 1a.Then I will play it again for you to check your answers.4. Activity 1c.T:Look at the picture again.A boy is talking about his family.Who is he talking about ?Now read the conversation and circle the people the boy talks about.Ss:He is talking about his sister and two brothers with his friend.T:Right.This is a picture of his family.Lets talk about his family members in pairs,you must use This is .and These are .to do it.(Ask a few pairs to act out for the whole class.The best pair will get a reward star.)Step3:Practice1. Activity 2a.Before listening,ask students to look through the words in the box.Then listen carefully and circle the words they hear.(Play the tape twice.Then invite one student to present the words he or she hears.) 2. Activity 2b.T:Now,read through the instruction so that you can know how to do this activity.Have a look at the picture. The first one is given.Jenny matches b.How about other people?Listen carefully again and match the letters next to the people in the picture with the correct names in the box.(Play the tape and then check the answers.)3. Activity 2c.T:First, read the sample conversation so that you can know how to do this activity,then make conversations like using the photo in 2b. Do it in pairs.Finally,invite several pairs to act out their conversations for the whole class.Step4: Consolidation1.Listen to the tape of vocabulary on page 88.(Pay much attention on the pronunciation and intonation )2.Have students work in pairs to do self-introduction and introduce their family members.3.Introduce some background information of the American family ,to have students know their parents hardworking.Step5:SummaryIn this lesson,we have learned how to talk about our family members.And we have also learned the use of demonstrative pronouns and personal pronouns.Step6:Homework1. Listen to the tape after school to correct the pronunciations.2. Go on line to find out the other family members .3. Prepare a family photo for the next class.4. Copy the key words and memorize them. .Blackboard design: Unit2 This is my sisterLesson1(SectionA:1a-2c) G1 G2 G3Picture1. Who is she/he? She/He is my.2. This is my grandfather/.3. Those/these are my brothers. Vocabulary cards .Reflection:


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