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高考二轮复习单项填空,甘肃省永靖县移民中学 李宪博,单项填空(1),1. _ water to grow is well-known. A. That trees need B. These trees need C. That tree needs D. Trees need 2.Its said that the old lady died _. A. happily B. happy C. happiness D. of happiness 3.He began to _ because every means _ tried already. A. lose heart; has been B. lose heart; had been C. lose his heart; was D. lose his heart; had,选A。本句的意思是:树需要水生长是众所周知的。 That trees need water to grow是一个主语从句,放在句子的开头,引导词that不能省略。,选B。容易误选A。认为应该选副词来修饰动词。本题中的die相当于连系动词,所以后面应该接一个形容词作表语。类似的动词有:come, go , lie, stand, rise, fall, leave, sit, return, die等。,选B。try发生在began之前,所以用过去完成时。lose heart 意思是“灰心,失去信心”;而lose ones heart to意思是“爱上某人”。,4. He did better in the exam not only than _ in her own class but also than _ in mine. any other studentany student B. anybodyanybody C. anybodyanybody else D. the otherothers 5.The theory he had stuck _ to be true. A. proved B. to proving C. to prove D. to proved 6. Tell me something about your adventure in the forest, please. We lost our way in the forest and _ matters worse was _ night began to fall. A. whatthat B. itthat C. itbecause D. whatbecause,选C。 前空表示“两者中较的一个”要加the,后空是“越就越”的句型。,选D。一看这四个选项认为是不定式后接动词原形,其实he had stuck to是充当后置定语,stick to(坚持)为一个固定搭配,去掉这个定语从句后,我们可以很清楚地发现整个句子缺少了谓语动词,定语从句时态为过去完成时,所以主句谓语动词应该过去式。,选A。 前空缺少主语,用what引导一个主哟从句表示“所的”;后空句意、结构均完整,但was后面的表语从句的连词that不能省略。,7. He was chosen _ of the company. manager B. a manager C. the manager D. as a manager 8. You _ stop me. Even if you _ it, I wont allow you to do it. A. mustntdare not do B. maydare not do C. candare to do D. needntdare do 9.I will have begun to do the work _ 3 oclock this afternoon. A. by B. at C. after D. before,选A。 在作为主语补足语和宾语补足语的表示独一无二的官衔或职务的名词前,一般不要用冠词。选A。 在作为主语补足语和宾语补足语的表示独一无二的官衔或职务的名词前,一般不要用冠词。,选D。 根据情态动词的基本用法可排除A、B、C。,选A。句中will have begun提供了一个关键的解题线索,表明应该表示“将来截止时间”的介词,在本题中只有by有这种用法。,10.She is too thin. She _ gain some weight but she _ too little. A. would; ate B. will; eat C. would; eats D. will; ate 11.You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting, _ you dont mind taking the night train. A. provided B. unless C. though D. until 12.The child came back _ from a dangerous situation. A. safely and sound B. safely and soundly C. safe and sound D. soundly and safe,选C。根据第一句She is too thin所给的信息可以知道,“她瘦”是客观事实,所以“吃得少”也是客观事实,因此用陈述语气的eats。那么“体重增加”则应该是一种假设(注意句中的转折连词but),所以第一个空要填would。本句可以理解为其后面省略了一个条件从句if she ate more。,选 A。provided在这里用作连词,相当于if,引导一个条件状语从句。,选C。本题考查形容词短语作状语的用法,safe and sound意思是“安然无恙”。,13. Its high time that we _ home and _ supper now. A. gohave B. wenthad C. goshould have D. wentto have 14.The man used to _ up early had his leg broken. A. getting B. get C. got D. have got 5.You must keep the news a secret and dont put it _ anybody else. A. in possession of B. in the possession of C. in charge of D. in the charge of,选B。 该句型中的谓语动词用“过去式”或“should + 动词原形”,should不能省略!,选A。used to getting up early是形容词短语作定语修饰the man。有些学生受思维定势的影响错误把used to get up看作是定语从句,但没有关系代词who。有的同学把它看承是谓语,但本句已经有谓语had his leg broken,所以前面部分不可能是谓语,只能用作定语。,选B。A和C的逻辑主语是人,分别表示“某人占有”和“某人负责某事”,含有主动意义;而B和D的逻辑主语是物,分别表示“被某人所占有”和“由某人负责”,具有被动意义。根据句子的意思应该选B。,16.He got up early, _ to catch the train. A. to hope B. hoping C. hope D. hoped17.Is there a cinema around _ I can see a film? A. that B. which C. where D. what 17. -What do you think of the film we saw last night? -I feel _ that the film is well worth seeing once more. A. strong B. strongly C. hardly D. bad,选B。to catch the train是目的状语,hope是伴随状语。,选B。容易误选A。原因是把feel当成了连系动词,其实that 引导了一个宾语从句,所以可以断定feel在这里不是一个连系动词,而是一个实义动词。I feel strongly that意思是“我坚信”。,18. May I take your order? Yes, Id like a cup of coffee, a hot dog and some salad. What about you, Lisa? _. A. Me too B. Same again, please C. Its all the same to meD. The same to me 19. How many students are going to the Great Wall? _. A. None B. No one C. No D. Not any 20.He came home after midnight, and _, he was drunk. That made his parents very angry. A. What is more B. On the other hand C. In my opinion D. In another word,选B。Same again, please. 表示“请同样的再来一份”。,选A。回答How many的提问,英语中常用none表示 “一个也没有”;回答Who is.的提问,英语中常用no one,表示“一个也没有”。,选A。whats more常用作插入语,意为“更有甚者;而且”。,单项填空(2),1. Whats going on? A. No, we wont go on. We need rest. B. The Times Theatre is on fire. C. Im going on telling the story. D. How about some ice cream? 2. Everything he _ away from him before he returned to his home town. A. took B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken,选B。 “Whats going on?” 意为“出什么事了?”,由此可以得出B与问句意思想一致。而A为一般疑问句的回答不符合。,选C。该题的选择具有很强的迷惑性,句子结构较长,这就要求学生在平时学习中,不但要掌握其“形”,而且要掌握其“神”,从理清句子结构入手,判断这个貌似某一结构的句子的真实面目。可以运用简化法,将定语从句中的he had先删除,句子就简单了许多。该句应正确理解为“他所拥有的一切都在他返回家乡之前被拿走了”,故正确答案C中第一个动词had和he组成定语从句,he had表示“他所拥有的”,省略了引导词that。第二个动词had been taken是过去完成时的被动语态,和before所引导的从句在意义和时态上均一致。,3.When I was you age, I dared to go out alone at night, you? dared B. dare C. did D. didnt 4. Who are those with the flags? A group itself the League for Peace. A. called B. calls C. calling D. is called 选B。本题极易错选A或C。从“When I was you age”看说话人问的是“你”现在的情况,因此A、C、D不可以。dare you 是dare you go alone at night 的省略形式,dare在这里为情态动词。,选B。本题极易错选A或C。从“When I was you age”看说话人问的是“你”现在的情况,因此A、C、D不可以。dare you 是dare you go alone at night 的省略形式,dare在这里为情态动词。,选C。可以用补全法做题。calling itself 作定语,修饰group, 表示主动关系,故用-ing形式,若去掉itself则用called修饰group,表示被动。本题完整的句子为:They are a group calling itself the League for Peace.,选A。本题主要考查从句时态的用法。lost行发生在thought 之前,故应用完成时had lost。,6. The dictionary is to a student the tool is to a worker. which B. that C. what D. whatever 7. They arrived at the farmhouse, in front of which . A. is sitting a boy B. sat a boy C. a boy sat D. a boy is sitting 8. If we , we can realize the progress we have made in space research. A. turn back B. look back C. answer back D. move back,选C。A is to+ B What C is to D意为“A与B的关系就等于C与D的关系”。又如:Air is to man what water is to fish.空气之于人犹如水之于鱼。,选B。地点状语放在句首构在完全倒装,即主语与谓语直接颠倒位置,不加助动词。选A、D与主句时态不符,选项C应构成倒装句才对。,选B。look back在这里是“回顾”的意思,turn back有“转身”的意思,因此B为最佳答案。C没有相关表达;move back表示“搬回”的意思,不符合句子的意思。,9. Many newspapers printed the governors statement_ would support a tax cut. A. and he B. was that he C. which he D. that he 10. If better use is of your spare time, youll make great progress in it. spent B. made C. taken D. thought 11.Id like Jane, Joan, to go to the farewell party on behalf of (代表) our class. A. more than B. less than C. rather than D. or other,选D。本题考查由that引导的同位语从句的用法。that 在同位语从句中不作成分,但一般不省略,用来说明其内容。,选B。本题主要考查动词的固定搭配。make better use of 意思是“对更好地利用”,故选B。,选C。本题考查固定短语。Would likerather than意思是“宁愿,而不愿”。该句型相当于I like Jane, not Joan. rather than意思是“而不是”。,12 Which city in England do you think may be called Shanghai of West? A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. the; the D. 不填;the 13. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first . A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire 14. It was she that a sharp whistle, which makes possible for us to catch the thief. A. gave off; this B. gave out; that C. gave; it D. sent out; them,选C。the West(西方、西洋)是固定搭配;指类似于的人或物时,专有名词前面冠词,而Shanghai 又受of West修饰,所以用the。,选B。比较:attempt尝试,企图;intention意图;purpose目的;desire欲望。选B符合语境。,选C。前半句即主句是强调句,强调she;后半句是which引导的非限制生定语从句,it为形式宾语,指代真正的宾语即动词不定式短语to catch the thief.,15.My brother was still studying into the night while I was asleep. A. late; sound B. lately; wide C. deeply; far D. far; far 16. Kates little brother kicked the ball to the river; she took great trouble to get in the river. A. on B. from C. from on D. over from 17. Your mother , however, say that to us that day. A. does B. did C. is doing D. was doing,选A。late deep into the night 熬夜;sound/fast副词,表示“彻底地”,与asleep 构成习惯搭配。,选C。get sth from意为“从取得某物,on the river指“河上”。注:介词from后可接介词短语,又如:The cat jumped out from under the bed猫从床下跳出来。,选B。根据句意及that day 可知谓语动词用一般过去时。其中的did为强调用法,表示“的确,确实”,后面必须接动词的原形,而且要用在肯定句中。,18. The problem just to be discussed at the class meeting tomorrow. A. referred is B. referred to being C. referring to is D. referred to is 19. I phoned my first teacher time and again when I heard that he was ill, yet couldnt . A. get through B. get along C. get over D. get hold of 20. Henry, the phone is ringing . Do you want me to go? No, sit still. . A. Ill get it B. I am to get it C. Im getting it D. I am about to get it,选D。本题的关键在于理解句子结构: referred to 在句中作定语,修饰名词the problem,而谓语动词为is, to be discussed是它的表语,be to do表示将来的动作。,选A。由句子的意义可知,说话人得知老师生病,所以再三给老师打电话,但打不通,故应选择A项,表示“打通电话”之意。get along 一般接with表示“相处如何/进展如何”;get over表示“恢复健康,克服困难”;而get hold of表示“抓住”的意思。这三个短语都是及物动词要接宾语,在此均可以排除。,选A。回答为“不,你坐着,我去”表明一种意愿的行动。B项意为“按约定或责任应该”;C项为“即要去”;D项为动作即刻发生;而A项侧重表明说话者的意志。,单项填空(3),1.It was great shock to the world that two aero-planes crashed into World Trade Center in New York o September 11th, 2001. a; / B. a; the C. the; the D. /; the 2. The TV programme has on the children as as the old. A. a good effect; good B. a positive effect; well C. a good affect; well D. affect; well 3. , I think, and all the problems could be settled. A. If you make more efforts B. Making more efforts C. A bit more effort D. To have made more efforts,选B。shock指代具体事情时为可数名词,a great shock意为“一次沉重的打击”;由普通名词构成的建筑类专有名词需加冠词,故答案为B。,选B。have an effect on“对有影响”;as well as “和一样”。,选C。句中有并列连词and,故应选择C项。其中名词短语相当于一个祈使句,完整的句子为:Make more efforts, I think, and all the problems could be settled.如选A , and要删去。,4 at in this way, the present situation about birds flue doesnt seem so disappointing. A. Looking B. Looked C. Having looked D. To look 5. you I owe a thousand apologies having doubted your ability. A. For; to B. To; for C. For; for D. To; to 6. He the person referred to be put in prison. A. said B. demanded C. agreed D. thought,选B。根据“分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语须与主句的主语保持一致”的原则,因主语the present situation与look at 之间为被动关系,故答案为B。选B。根据“分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语须与主句的主语保持一致”的原则,因主语the present situation与look at 之间为被动关系,故答案为B。,选B。本句的结构是:owe sb. sth. for doing sth. 或owe sth. to do. for doing sth.。,选B。referred to为过去分词作后置定;be put in prison前省去了should,在宾语从句中作谓语,在四个选项中,只有demand后跟虚拟语气,结构为:(should) + 动词原形。,7. It is not enough only the rules of grammar if you want to learn English well. A. keeping in the mind B. to keep in mind C. to keep in your mind D. keeping in your mind 8. He to the meeting. Have you informed him of it? Sorry. I to. A. hasnt come; am going B. didnt come; have forgotten C. hasnt come; forgot D. doesnt come; will have 9. Many people have been ill from a strange disease these days, weve never heard of before. A. one B. that C. it D. this,选B。keep sth. in mind 为固定短语,意为“记住,记在心里。”only to keep sth. In mind为动词不定式作主语。,选C。第一句话Have you informed him of it? 暗示了时间状语so far;而第二句话暗含时间状语then,指当时发生的动作。,选A。one作同位语,指代前面的disease。,10. She stepped into the bedroom quietly she might wake up her roommates. A. for fear that B. so long as C. on condition that D. in order that 11. Did you look up the time of trains to Shanghai? Yes, the earliest train is to leave at 5:30 am. A. likely B. about C. possible D. due 12. Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday? . A. Yes, of course B. The other is better C. Whats the matter D. Either would suit me,选A。so long as 只要;on condition that只要;in order that为了;for fear that唯恐,以防。,选D。be due to do意为“应该/预期的”;be about to do 不和时间状语连用;possible主语应为it;而likely与句意不合。,选D。句意为:两者中任何一个都合适。,13. I want to go to the library but I am afraid I am not in the right . . Go ahead. A. way; No B. distance; No C. side; Yes D. direction; Yes 14. The man we followed suddenly stopped ad looked as if whether he was going I the right direction. A. seeing B. having seen C. to have see D. to see 15. Everyone was on time for the meeting Chris, whos usually ten minutes late for everything. A. but B. only C. even D. yet,选D。in the right direction“向着正确的方向”。C项不能构成搭配,其他项与句意不符。,选D。as if 引导的状语从句是一个省略句,只剩下了目的状语to see。,选C。本句话的意思是:每个人都准时来参加会议了,甚至经常干什么事都迟到十分钟的Chris也准时来了。,16. The politician has been warned that he would be getting into great trouble stick to his standpoint. A. were he to B. he will C. he was to D. would he 17. Jane was disappointed that most of the guests when she at the party. A. left; had arrived B. left; arrived C. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrived 18. Bruce was killed in a traffic accident. I talked with him yesterday morning! A. What a pity! B. I beg your pardon? C. Sorry to hear that. D. Is that so?,选A。表示对将来情况的虚拟,条件从句的形式是:should + 动词原形;were to + 动词原形或一般过去时态。把if去掉,应使用倒装形式,故答案为A。,选D。客人在她arrived之前就已离开;过去的过去,用had left。,选D。答语的后半部分是感叹句,说明惊讶的原因。D项 “Is that so?” 是用问句的语气表示惊讶;C项与后面的语气不一致,是干扰项。,19. It was quite a long time I made it out what had happened. after B. before C. when D. since 20. It was quite a serious accident, caused by careless driving. A. which I think was B. I think which was C. which I think it was D. I think which it was,选B。“It + be + 时间名词+before / since”从句句型中,连词before 与since 混淆。用before引导时,句意是 “过了多久才”,主句中的be动词为过去时或将来时态;用since引导时,其句间是“自从以来已经多久了”,主句中的be动词多为现在时(或现在完成时)或一般过去时(此时since从句要用过去完成时)。,选A。本题考查由which引导的非限制性定语从句,which替代先行词accident 在定语从句中作主语。I think 是插入语,放在which后面。,


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