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北师大版,2010年高考英语一轮复习,Unit 7 The sea,基础知识提要,核心单词,根据提示写出英语单词或汉语意思。,1.折扣,减价 _ 2. 航海,航空 _ 3. 祖先,祖宗 _ 4. 更远,较远 _ 5. 行为,行动 _ 6. 讲授,演讲 _ 7. 讲演,演示 _ 8. 说服,劝服 _ 9. 戏法,把戏 _ 10. 融化,熔化_,discount,voyage,ancestor,further,deed,lecture,present,persuade,trick,melt,11. 度量,测量 _ 12. 浮,漂 _ 13. 逃跑,逃脱 _ 14. 痊愈,康复 _ 15. 尖声喊叫,惊呼 _ 16. 下沉,沉没 _ 17. 辨认出 _ 18. 渗透,泄露 _ 19. 辩论,争论 _ 20. 当地的,地方性的 _,measure,float,escape,recover,scream,sink,recognise,leak,debate,local,21. explorer _ 22. unknown _ 23. eventually _ 24. present-day _ 25. journey _ 26. brake _ 27. over-fishing _ 28. chemical _ 29. handle _ 30. coral _,探险家,不知道的, 未知的,最后, 终于,当今的, 现代的,旅行,旅程,制动器, 刹车,过度捕鱼,化学物,对付,珊瑚,31. educate _ 32. up-to-date _ 33. shark _ 34. centimetre _ 35. whirlpool _ 36. soul _ 37. opposite _ 38. stadium _ 39. bay _ 40. wildlife _,教育,现代的,新式的,鲨鱼,厘米,旋涡,灵魂,对立的,反义词,运动场,体育场,海湾, 湾,野生动物,按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 1. terrible (adj.) _ (n.)惊骇,吃惊 类似: horrible _ (n) 恐怖,可怕 2. industry (nj.)_ (adj.)工业 类似: agriculture _ (adj.) 农业 3. solve (vt.) _ (n.)解决办法 类似: pollute _ (n.) 污染 4. intelligent (adj.)_ (n.)智力,理解力 类似: important _ (n.)重要性 5. energy (n.) _ (vt.)给增添能量 类似: apology _(n.) 道歉,词类转换,terror,horror,industrial,agricultural,solution,pollution,intelligence,importance,energize,apologize,6. discover (vt.)_ (n.)发现 类似: recover _ (n.)痊愈,康复 7. attract (vt.)_ (adj.)吸引人的 类似: subject _(adj.) 主观的 8. long (adj.) _(n.)长度 类似: deep _(n.) 深度 9. survive (v.) _ (n.)幸存 类似: arrive _(n.) 到达 10. sail (v.) _(n.)水手,海员 类似: visit _(n.)参观者,discovery,recovery,attractive,subjective,length,depth,survival,arrival,sailor,visitor,重要词组,1. _ 启航 2. _ 根据,依据 3. _ 陷入麻烦,陷入困境 4. _ 即时到达 (arrive in time) 5. _ 寻找,寻找(try to find) 6. _ 以.谋生 7. _ 注意,小心(=take care) 8. _ 突然, (suddenly and unexpectedly) 9. _ 取,接载 10. _ 处理,涉及 11. _ 填写(=put in, fill in) 12. _ 起源于,发源于,set sail,according to,get into trouble,make it to,in search of,make a living from/by,watch out,all at once,pick up,deal with,fill out,originate from,根据提示写出英语词组或汉语意思。,13.说服/ 劝服某人做某事_ 14.打听清楚,搞明白_ 15.一直到,等于_ 16. in the direction _ 17. pick up _ 18. stop from doing _ 19. on one hand _ 20. on the other hand _ 21. be covered with _ 22. in addition to _ 23. manage to do _ 24. share with _,persuade to do,find out,up to,朝的方向,搭载某人, 接某人,阻止做某事,一方面,另一方面,被覆盖,除了之外(还有),设法完成某事,与人合用,重要考点突破,1. further adj. 避开, 避免 用法:(1)常与from连用,不与away, off连用;(2)后可接动名词,不接不定式;(3)不可用被动语态。 搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。 (1) escape from the jail _ (2) escape sbs clutches _ (3) escape sbs attention _ (4) a lucky escape _ (5) escape being caught in the rain _,从监狱里逃出来,从某人手中逃脱,逃过某人的注意,幸运逃脱,避免淋雨,运用:用相关词或短语翻译下列句子。 (1)那个小孩终于从燃烧的房子里逃了出来。 That child managed to _. (2)小偷跑得很快,女警没能抓到他。 The thief ran very fast and _ by the policewoman.,escaped being caught,escape from the burning house,6. discount n. 折扣;vi 打折;不(值得)考虑 搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。 (1) at a discount _ (2) at a 30% discount _ (3) discount price/ fare _ 运用:用相关词或短语翻译下列句子。 (1)她说打折她就买。 She said that she would buy it _. (2)现金付款,我们予以八折优待。 We give_ for cash. (3) 他以九折的价钱买了这房子。 He bought the house_.,以折扣价,打折,以七折,折扣价,at a discount,a 20% discount,at a 10% discount.,7. survive vt. 承认 搭配:指出下列各个词组的汉语意思。 recognize the man from/by his clothes _ (2) recognize her as his student _ (3) a recognized writer _ 运用:用相关短语翻译下列句子。 (1)玛丽这几年改变了很多,我一下没认出她来。 Mary has changed a lot these years, so I_. (2)同学们公认他是我们班上最好的学生。 He is _in our class. (3)在飞机场我一看见他的发型我就认出他来了。 I _ his hairstyle as soon as I saw him at the airport,从他的衣着上认出他来,承认她是他的学生,一个公认的作家。,didnt recognize her at the first sight.,recognized as the best student,recognized him from,1. set sail 启航,出航 翻译: 这船是七点起航的。_ 用法:也可以换成make sail,后面可以接介词for引出目的地。 拓展:补全含set的词组: (1)set _ (doing sth.) 开始,着手干 (2)set an _ 树立榜样 (3)set fire _ 放火烧,使燃烧 (4)set_ 释放,解放,使自由 (5)set _ 动身出发;使爆炸;引起 (6)set _ (for/ to do sth. ) 出发;开始,着手干 (7)set _ 建立,设立,竖起,重要词组,The ship set sail at seven.,about,example,to,free,off,out,up,运用:选用上述词组翻译下列句子。 (1)那艘船开往美国。_ (2)学生开始着手做他们的作业。 _ (3)你要是想赶上飞机,我们最好马上就去飞机场。 _ _,If you want to catch the plane wed better set off for the airport.,The students set about doing(=set out to do) their homework.,That ship sets sail for the USA.,2. according to 根据,依据 翻译: 根据天气预报,明天天气晴朗。 _. 用法:according to引出的短语在句中做状语,to为介词,其后可接名词、代词或what引导的名词性从句。 温馨提醒:according to不能与表示意见、观点的词,如opinion, view等连用。 运用:选出下列句子翻译正确的一句。 根据她的意见,汤姆不会通过考试。( ) (1) According to her opinion, Tom will fail in the exam. (2) In her opinion, Tom will fail in the exam.,According to the weather forecast, it will be clear tomorrow.,(2),3. get into trouble 陷入麻烦,陷入困境 理解:The driver ignored the policemans warning and got into trouble. _ 拓展:完成并熟记含get的常用短语: (1)get _ 进展,过活 (2)get _ 跑掉,逃脱,离开 (3)get _ 回来,回到,找回,取回 (4)get _ 进站,进去,收割 (5)get _ 脱下,下车,起飞,司机无视警察的警告,结果出了麻烦事儿。,along/on,away,back,in,off,(6)get _ 穿上,上车 (7)get _ 拔出,取掉,传出去,漏出 (8)get _ 越过,克服,恢复过来 (9)get _ 接通,及格,通过 (10)get _ 到达,开始/着手 (11)get _ 聚会,联欢,聚集 (12)get _ 起床,站起来 (13)get _ 结婚 (14)get close _ 靠近,接近,to,married,on,out,over,through,to,together,up,(15)get down _ 开始认真(做某事) (16)get hold _ 拿到,抓住 (17)get in touch _ 与取得联系 (18)get into the habit _ 养成的习惯 联想:写出含trouble的词组 (1) _ trouble 处于不幸中 (2) have trouble _ doing sth. 做某事有困难 (3) _ trouble 闹事,捣乱 (4) get _ trouble (使)摆脱不幸(困境) (5) ask/look _ trouble 自寻麻烦,to,of,with,of,in,in,make,out of,for,运用:用含trouble的短语或句型翻译下列句子。 (1)有麻烦,找警察。 Please ask the police for help _ (2)我们费了很大的劲才做出这道题。 _ _ (3)他又有麻烦了,这次他打碎了窗户上的玻璃。 _ again. This time he has broken a window.,when you get into trouble.,We had much trouble in working out the problem.,He is in trouble,4. make it (to) 及时到达(arrive in time);办成(succeed);约定时间 运用:翻译下列句子。 (1) 露西上次的电脑考试没有通过,而我通过了。 Lucy failed in the computer test last time while I_. (2)我们何时去郊游?下周星期天如何? When shall we go outing? What about _? (3)我很高兴我们能够准时赶到戏院。 I am glad we were able _ 辨析:make it 与 manage it make it强调把事情办成;manage it多用在情态动词can/could后表示“设法办成”之意。,made it,making it next Sunday,to make it to the theatre on time.,5. in search of 寻找(trying to find)(短语介词) I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.我到处寻找我的眼镜。 比较: search for寻找(某人或某物)(短语动词)search+某人或某地+for为找到某物或某人而搜查某地或搜某人的身 运用:用search短语翻译下列句子。 (1) 父母到处找孩子,但没有找到。_ _ (2) 他出去找些吃的东西。 (3) 这对夫妇为了他们丢失的小孩找遍了整条街。 _,The parents searched for their child here and there, but they didnt find him.,He went out in search of something to eat.,The couple searched the whole street for their lost child.,联想:写出下列与in search of相似的词组。 (1)in _ of 负责,管理 (2)in _ of 在前面 (3)in _ of 向致敬,为庆祝,为纪念 (4)in _ of 需要,有必要 (5)in _ of 称赞,歌颂 (6)in _ of尽管,虽然 (7)in _ of 有鉴于,考虑到,由于 (8)in the _ of 以形式 (9)in the _ of 怀希望 (10)in the _ of 在单上,charge,front,honour,need,praise,spite,view,form,hope,list,6. make a living by/from 以谋生 Most of the people here make a living by/from fishing. 这里的人大多以捕鱼为生。 联想:熟记make a短语: make a decision 作决定 make a speech 作演讲 make an appointment 约会 运用:用make a短语翻译下列句子。 (1)他靠开出租车谋生。 _ (2)经理几分钟内就做出了最终的决定。 _ (3)今天早上校长做了很精彩的演讲。 _,He makes a living by/from driving a taxi.,The manager made a final decision in a few minutes.,The headmaster made a wonderful speech this morning.,7. watch out 注意,当心(单独用于祈使句) watch out for 密切注意,留意;提防 运用:补全下列英文句子。 (1)当心,别把桌子上的纸弄脏了。 _! Dont dirty the paper on the desk. (2)注意一个戴黑帽子的高个子男人。 _ in a black hat. (3) 我们必须小心公共汽车上的小偷。 We must _ on the bus.,Watch out,Watch out for a tall man,watch out for the thieves,8. all at once 突然,意想不到地(suddenly and unexpectedly) All at once a truck turned up.突然一辆卡车出现了。 比较:at once 立刻,马上(without delay);同时(at the same time) 运用:用all at once或at once填空。 (1) On hearing that the new novel was published, he rushed_ to the bookshop for a copy. (2) _we saw a snake on our way to school. (3)One cannot be in two places _.,at once,All at once,at once,9. pick up 检起,收拾,取,接载,得到,买到,学会,收听 理解: 指出下列各句中pick up的意思。 (1) My father will come to pick me up this afternoon. (2) My pen is under your desk, would you please pick it up for me? (3) The bus stopped and picked me up. (4)I need to go back and pick up my book that I forgot. (5)I have got to pick up some thing on my way home. (6) She soon picked up French when she went to live in France. 温馨提示:该短语中up是副词,宾语是名词时,既可以放动词与副词之间,也可以放到副词之后;但如果宾语是代词时,则只能放在动词与副词之间。如:表达“把那本书捡起来。”用Pick the book up.或Pick up the book.都行。若表达“把它捡起来。”就只能说Pick it up。 拓展:pick _ 精选出,辨认出,(用车)接,捡起,让人搭车,取,买,学习,out,高级句型 The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America. 北欧海盗是第一批到达美洲的欧洲人. 优美句式: sb. is +序数词(the firstlast)(+名词)+to do sth. 某人是做某事的第人 学以致用:用the firstto reach翻译下列句子。 他们是第一批到美国的华人,They were the first Chinese to reach the USA.,2. According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric the Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder, for which he got into trouble. 根据爱尔兰和挪威的古老故事,埃里克。雷德是因为犯了谋杀罪-正因为此他陷入了麻烦,被迫离开爱尔兰。 结构分析:该句含有一个because引导的原因状语从句和for which引导的定语从句。该句有用的短语是:According to, mitted a murder, got into trouble。 学以致用:用According to, mitted a murder, got into trouble翻译下列句子。 根据中国的法律,即使是外国人在这里犯了谋杀罪也一样有麻烦。,According to the Chinese laws, even the foreigners who commit a murder here will get into trouble as well.,3. all at once, the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. 突然,天空被乌云笼罩,刹那间,我们就卷入了可怕的暴风雨中。 结构分析: 整句是一个由“and”引导的并列句。该句的有用短语:all at once, be covered with, in less than a minute等。 学以致用:用all at once, be covered with, in less than a minute翻译下列句子。 突然,下起了大雨,地面都是水,顷刻,我们就看不到那个村庄。,All at once, it began to rain heavily and the ground was covered with water and in less than a minute we couldnt see the village.,单元基础过关 一、单词拼写 根据句子意思,用本单元单词的适当形式填空。 1. He _(说服)some people to go back with him to Greenland. 2. How can we _ (处理)with this problem? 3. It is difficult to find whos responsible for _(污染). 4. Their friendship _(起源)from a chance meeting. 5. Look carefully for the _(最微小地)fish in the world.,persuaded,deal,pollution,originated,tiniest,6. As a student, we are expected to keep _ (精力充沛的) all day. 7. Some time after I left the boat, it s_ into the bottom of the whirlpool. 8. The fishermen were my old companions, but they did not r_ me. 9. It is in a beautiful coastal area where there is a _(野生动植物)park. 10. The little boy was so _(感到恐惧的)that he couldnt move at all.,terrified,wildlife,recognize,sank,energetic,二、词形辨别 选择适当的词填空并翻译成汉语。 1. It was said that he wanted to go abroad for _ study. (A. further B. farther C. feather) 2. They showed little _ to the enemies. (A. mercy B. merry) 3. The two teams are very evenly _. (A. watch B. match) 4. It took him two months to _ from the operation. (A. discover B. uncover C. recover) 5. _ the butter and mix it with the eggs. (A. Felt B. Belt C. Melt),A,A,B,C,C,三、词类转换 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The plane crashed into the sea, and there were no _ (survive). 2. The river before my house is 1500 meters in _(long). 3. Mr. Reader is an _ (energy) mid-aged man. 4. Hearing the _ word “whirlpool”, the fishermen on the boat were very _. (terrify) 5. It sounded _ (horror), like the scream of a mad person.,survivors,length,energetic,terrifying,horrible,terrified,6. Special discount before 22nd the sooner the _ (good). 7. The boy is more _ (intelligence) than he looks. 8. The _(pollution) river does great harm to the villagers. 9. Song Zhuying is an _ (attract) singer. 10. _ (industry) development plays an important role in the economic progress of a country.,Industrial,attractive,polluted,intelligent,better,四、词组填空 用本单元所学词组的适当形式填空或完成句子。 in search of, all at once, make a living, up to, watch out, make it, pick up, happen to, carry out, be situated on, set sail 1. In 1492, Columbus _ for the Atlantic Ocean. 2. Please wait for me at your home. I will _ you _ to the supermarket. 3. Sue, please _ while crossing the street. 4. When Linda came out of the station, we caught sight of each other _. 5. The enormous storm lasted for _ 4 hours.,set sail,pick,up,watch out,all at once,up to,6. A lot of people dived into the lake _ the lost diamond ring. 7. You wont be able to _ if you dont work hard. 8. A terrible thing _ him last week. 9. The tower _ the top of the hill and can be seen from here. 10. The old man _ by fishing all his life.,makes a living,is situated on,happened to,make it,in search of,五、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 (1) Whats color? Why do some objects look red, others green, others blue? Color1 _ _ (cause) by reflected light rays. We see color 2 _ objects reflect light. Something 3 _ is red reflects mostly red light. In the4 _ way, green objects reflect mostly green light. White objects reflect all colors of light. Black objects do not reflect 5 _ light.,is caused,because,that,same,any,What happens 6 _ the colors of light that arent reflected? They are absorbed by the object. The darker the color, the 7 _ (little) light is reflected and the more light is absorbed. Light 8 _ (absorb) is turned into heat.9_this reason, Dark-colored clothes are 10_ (warm) in the sunlight than light-colored clothes.,warmer,For,absorbed,less,to,(2) A popular story goes like this: Once there was 1 _ wrong with a motor in a factory in America. The factory could do nothing2 turn to a German electrician for help. 3 he checked the motor, the electrician drew a line on it and then said, “Take off the part where the line is and do the coil again” The motor 4_ (begin) running miraculously (神奇地) when it had been coiled. The electrician then asked for $30,000 for,something,but,After,began,5 _ he had done. The following was what he wrote on a bill, “The line only costs one dollar, and 6 (know) where to draw the line costs $29,999.” You see, everyone7 draw a line. Although its simple, its not so easy for8 _ who dont know where to draw the line. One dollar for9_ (draw) a line sounds 10 _ (reason) but the $29,999 is exactly thevalue of knowledge.,what,knowing,can,those,drawing,reasonable,六、基础写作 写作内容 结合本单元句型,并运用部分重要词组,表达以下我的经历: 1去年十一月部分教师去三亚三日游,我第二次见到大海。(a 3-day holiday, for the second time) 2我们在海滩上沐浴阳关,游泳,拾贝壳,照相;(on the beach, pick up) 3次日起航去一个海岛潜水,风大,船颠簸得厉害,发出尖叫声;(set sail for, scream) 4旅游途中,不少同事被说服买了糖、茶和项链;(on the way, persuade sb to do sth) 5旅途辛苦但很兴奋。(Although,) 写作要求 1只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容; 2尽量使用本单元的句型,词组和单词。,Last November some teachers went to San Ya for a 3-day holiday and I was lucky to see the sea for the second time. We lay on the beach, enjoying the sunshine, going swimming, picking up seashells and taking pictures. We set sail early the following morning for an island where we could go diving, but the wind blew strongly and the ship shook violently, so many ladies screamed. On the way back some of my colleagues were persuaded to buy all kinds of candies, necklaces and tea. Although we felt a little tired after the long journey, it was really exciting.,goodbye,


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