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高二英语课标选修6UNIT1 language points,1There are so many different styles of Western art that it would be impossible to describe all of them in a short text,that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere.(07陕西) A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her business C. So her business was successful D. So was her successful business,Language points,B,so + adj./ adv. so + adj. + an / a + c.n (单) so + many (few, much, little) + n. such +(a) + (adj.) + n,eg.1) The book is _interesting that I want to read it again. 2) It was _a cold day that the ice in the river was nearly two feet thick. 3) It was _cold a day that the ice in the river was nearly two feet thick. 4) There are _many mistakes in your composition that I cant understand it. 5) He has made _rapid progress that he got the first in the exam.,so,such,so,so,such,2.In the Renaissance, new ideas and values took the place of those that were held in the Middle Ages.,take the place of 代替,替代 知识拓展 take place 发生,举行 take ones place 就座, 入座 take sb.s place 代替某人; 接替某人的位置 give place to 为取代;让位于 in place 在通常的位置,在适当的位置 in place of 代替 out of place 在错误的位置;在不适当的位置 1.When did the accident _exactly? 2.Ill _my father for a while. 3.Ill _for a while.,take place,take the place of,take my fathers place,3.People became focused more on humans and less on religion,focus on 聚焦于;(使)集中(注意力)于 focus ones attention on a problem 集中注意力于同一问题 知识拓展 concentrate /centre on 集中 1.Ill_the main group of people over there. 2.All the eyes _him.,focus on,were focused on,4.When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in the wall at a real scene.,convince vt. 使确信;说服 常用句型如下: 知识拓展 convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 convince sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事 convinced adj. 确信的;深信的。常作表语,构成be convinced that / of等结构,意思与convince结构相同。 convincing adj. 有说服力的 1.I was convinced _he knew the truth. 2.I couldnt convince him _his mistake. 3.The doctor convinced me _stop smoking. 4.The more he said, the less _he was.,that,of,to,convincing,5.The style of Western art has changed many times, while Chinese art has changed less often.,while用来表示对比或转折,意为而;然而。如: Some people waste food while others havent enough. You like sports, while I prefer music. Exercise: ShethoughtIwaspraisingherchild,_,infact,Iwasscoldinghimforhisbadbehaviorsatschool. A. what B. while C. so that D. therefore 知识拓展 引导时间状语从句,意为当的时候;和同时,此时的主从句谓语动作同时发生,从句谓语通常是延续性动词。如: While she was listening to the radio, she fell asleep.,B,while引导从句时,如主从句的主语一致,且从句谓语又含有be,则从句主语和be可省略。while后可直接跟现在分词、名词、形容词或介词短语。如: We are teachers while (we are) serving as students. While (he was) yet a youth, he gained many prizes. He caught a cold while (he was) on vacation. 表示条件,意为只要,其意思和用法相当于as long as。while可位于句首,也可位于句中。如: You dont have to worry while we are here. There will be life while there is water and air. While there is life, there is hope. 常用短语: _ 过了一会儿,不久 _ 暂时,一时 _ 不久 _ 偶尔,有时,after a while,for a while,in a short while,once in a while,6.The painter does not attempt paint objects as we see them with our eyes.,1.v.企图,试图;努力试图,尝试:努力去执行,做或完成 attempt doing反复尝试做 attempt to do企图做 I attempted to read the entire novel in one sitting. We attempted the difficult maneuver without assistance. n. (1)企图或努力 (2)袭击;攻击 an attempt on someones life.对某人生命的攻击 Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_ .A) intentionB) attemptC) purposeD) desire,B,a great deal = a good deal 大量; a great deal of = a good deal of 大量的;,He ate _for supper yesterday. He ran _ faster than me. She is _ better today. She has _ experience. I have _work to do. I was _surprised.,a great deal of money / information / water,a great deal,a great deal,a great deal,a great deal of,a great deal of,a great deal,7.In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal.,8. Nowadays, there are scores of modern art styles.,scores of 很多, 几十 score 二十 ; (比赛)的得分,There are scores of rooms in the hotel. Ive seen the film scores of times. Scores of people were killed in the fight.,足球比赛的比分是四比一。,The score in the football game was 4 - 1.,七十岁, 古稀之年 六十人 许多年前,three score (years) and ten,three score of people,scores of years ago,我需要一打铅笔. (二十只铅笔) 他买了三打啤酒. 我们去广州十几次了.,I need a dozen pencils.,I need a score of pencils.,He bought three dozen bottles of beer.,We have been to Guangzhou dozens of times.,scores of 前不能加数词 1._(很多) people attended the special performance. 2._(有40人)those people wanted to fly there. 3.I have heard that _(很多)times. 4._(有20人)people were present at the party.,scores of,Two score of,Scores of,A score of,1. He spent _money on books and _his books are about space and satellite. A great deal of, a good many of a good many; a great number of a large quantity of; a large amount of many; plenty of 2. She bought _eggs yesterday, but there were _ them broken. two scores of; scores of scores of; two scores of scores of; two score of score of; two score,9、 include v.including prep.Eg. Thirty people, including six children, went to visit the factory. = Thirty people, six children included, went to visit the factory.,10、abstractadj.抽象的,深奥的n.摘要(of) v.摘录,提取,分离(from) an abstract painting 抽象画 abstract noun 抽象名词 abstractfrom从中提取 in the abstract 抽象地,一般性地 eg. Beauty is abstract but a house is not. eg. Salt can be abstracted from sea water. eg. I like dogs in the abstract, but I cant bear this one.,11、influence v. consequently, it went bankrupt. She overslept and, consequently, she was late.,consequently = as a result , therefore 因此 Be consequent on /upon 作为结果的,随之发生的,It rained that day and _ the baseball game was called off. A. however B. still C. so D. consequently,As a result of her mothers illness, she left school. Her mother became ill; _ she left school.,consequently,The bank refused to give the company more time . consequently , It went bankrupt. The rise in prices was consequent upon the failure of the crops . She overslept and, consequently, she was late.,13、value n.价值;(pl.)价值观 v.给估价,be of great(some, little, no) value to 对有很大(一些,几乎没有,没有)价值put great value on sth. 认为某事十分有益go up/rise/increase in value 升值cultural/social/moral values 文化/社会/道德观念valuable adj. 有价值的;重要的 valueless adj. (worthless) invaluable adj. (priceless),14. During the Middle Ages, the main aim of the painters was to represent religious themes.,中世纪,画家们的主要目的是表达宗教主题。,take aim at 瞄准 = aim at achieve ones aim 达到目的 aim at sth瞄准 对准 take aim at 向.瞄准 without aim 漫无目的地 with the aim of 意在 be aimed at 目的是目标是,这些措施旨在削减政府的开支。 These measures are _ _ government costs. 他没有瞄准就开枪。 He fired _ _. 他的人生没有目标。 He has_ _ in life.,aimed at,without aim,no aim,15.They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions.,他们雇请著名艺术家来画他们,及他们的住宅和其他的财产。,possession 拥有, 占有, 所有, 领土, 领地, 财产(常用复数),富人 个人财产 他放弃了这房子的所有权。,a man of great possessions,personal possessions,He gave up _ of the house.,possession,Page2,Sbin possession of 某人拥有某物 Sth.in the possession of sb 为某人拥有 Sth.in ones possession,possess v.,他有两辆汽车。,He possesses two cars. He is in possession of two cars. Two cars are in his possession.,你是怎样得到它的?,How did you get ( take ) possession of it?,15. When people first saw his paintings ,they were convinced they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene.,人们初次看到他的作品,认为是通过在墙上的一个小孔看到了真实的场景。,convince vt. 使确信 说服 convince sb. of sth convince sb. to do sth. be convinced of sth,我们说服她搭火车去。 We_ her_ by train. 她试图使我们相信她的清白。 She tried to _her innocence. 我坚信她是清白无辜的.,convinced,to go,convinced us of,Page2,他劝我应该学法律。,He convinced me that I should study law.,花费了许多个小时法庭才相信他有罪。,It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.,Everyone was convinced by his words.,16、mostly adv. 大部分地; 主要地 most n.大部分;最大程度(作主,宾 adj. 大多数的(表) adv. 最,极其,非常(状) eg. Most students say that it is a most (a very) interesting book, but it isnt the most (最高级)interesting theyve read, and that they read such books mostly on weekends. .,17、faith n. / faithful adj. / faithfully adv. develop / have faith in 建立/对.有信心、信任 lose faith in 对.失去信心、信任 defend faith捍卫信仰 bad faith不诚实 blind faith迷信 deep faith深信 good faith忠诚 great faith信心十足 faith in oneself对自己充满信心 1.I dont have much faith in this medicine .我对这种药没有多大信心。 I have great faith in you, you wont let me down.,in bad faith背信弃义地,存心不良地 The workers thought that the boss acted in bad faith.工人们认为老板的行为存心不良。The government has conducted the negotiations in bad faith.政府在谈判中缺乏诚意。 in good faith真诚地,诚意地 She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications.她真心实意地在信上签了字,没有意识到其中另有含义。I doubt whether he is in good faith.我怀疑他是否有诚意。keep faith守信 You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you do not keep faith with them.如果你对朋友不守信,那你就不能指望他们信任你。 on faith不加怀疑 He said he was twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith.他说他21岁,职业介绍所毫不怀疑就相信了他。,18、coincidence n.knsdns C U 1. 巧合U 2. 符合,一致 by coincidence 巧合地。 They met again in Paris by coincidence after ten years . 由于巧合他们十年后在巴黎再次相会 I dont think all these things happened by coincidence . 我认为这些事情不是凑巧发生地的。 She and I both arrived at the same time by coincidence.她和我同时到达纯属巧合。 Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own?他的观点与你自己的有无一致之处?,19、specific adj. spsfk明确的,确切的,详尽的具体的,特有的,特定的 specific address 确切的地点 specific date 具体的日期 specific occasion 特定场合 specific style 独特的风格 Whats the specific time of his arrival?他确切的到达时间是几点钟? We havent fixed a specific date for our meeting.我们会议的具体日期还没有定下来。 Theres a specific tool for each job.各工种配备特定的工具。 The picture has a specific style.这幅画有一种独特的风格。 Will you be specific?请讲清楚些,好吗? S+be+prep.-phrase This disease is specific to this area.这种疾病只发生在这一地区。,20、aggressive adj. gresv1.好斗的,攻击性的 2.进取的 aggressive act侵略行径 aggressive leadership有力的领导 aggressive sales rep得力的推销员 aggressive state侵略性的国家 aggressive war侵略战争 aggressive weapons攻击性武器 She is really an aggressive lady.她真是个天不怕地不怕的女人。 He is an aggressive person and likely to start a fight.他好攻击他人,随时准备打架。 He appeared to be now in a less aggressive mood.他看起来好像不如以前有进取心了。 His manner is slightly aggressive.他的样子有点咄咄逼人。,21、shadow n. 指物体挡住了光线而形成的影子 有一定的轮廓(平面) shade n. 指照不到阳光的阴凉之处 没有一定的轮廓(立体空间) 21.They are drinking tea in the shade of the tree. 22. The shadows of the trees grow longer as the afternoon goes on.,22、figure n1. 数字 C2. 图解,图表 C3. 装饰性的图案 C4. (绘画中的)人或动物的像,画像,肖像 C5. 轮廓,人影,身材,体态,风姿 6. 算数,计算 cut a figure1.露头角,出风头The couple cut quite a figure.这对夫妇大出风头。With his handsome face Benjamin cuts quite a figure with all the ladies.凭着英俊的长相,本杰明在所有的女士中间大出风头。 in round figures以整数计算 In round figures, you have $2000 left in your bank account.以整数来计算,你银行里的存款还有2000美元。,The above figure did not include workers.上面的数字没有包括工人。 Those figures indicate why the Black live in such deep poverty.那些数字说明黑人的生活为什么如此贫困。 We bought the house at a high figure.我们以高价买下了那所房子。 I The girl has a good figure but a plain face.那个女孩子体形很美,但长相一般。 She had an excellent figure and walked with an air.她身材非常优美,走起路来仪态万方。,The central figure in the painting is the artists daughter.画中的主角是艺术家的女儿。 He is an outstanding figure in politics.他是政界中的一位杰出人物。 He was a picturesque figure with his long beard and strange old clothes.他留着长胡须,穿着古怪的旧衣服,真是个怪人。 Hes a controversial figure.他是一个有争议的人物。The incident made her a national figure.这次事件使她成为全国知名的人物。Are you good at figures?你擅长计算吗?,23、contemporary adj./ n. kntemprri A 1. 当代的 2.同时代的,同时代的人同辈人 contemporary art现代艺术 contemporary authors当代作家 contemporary composers同时代的作曲家 I am interested in contemporary Chinese literature. Jim is a contemporary of mine.(同龄),24、be worth n. be worth doing be worthy n. be worthy of being done be worthy to be done be worthwhile to do / doing The matter is worth consideration. = The matter is worthy of consideration.,25、display v. / n. dsplevt.1.陈列,展览2.显示,显露句型例句 The performance of the violinist displayed great art. 小提琴手的表演展现了高超的艺术技巧。The young woman proudly displayed her furs. 那个年轻女人骄傲地炫耀她的皮衣。 All this years new models are displayed at the motor show. 汽车展览会上展出了今年所有的新款车。,C 1.陈列,展览C 2.陈列的货物、艺术品等 A new kind of car was on display in the shop.商店里展出一种新汽车。 The displays in Harrods are one of the sights in London.哈罗德百货公司的陈列品是伦敦一景。,26、more than + 数词 多于超过 By then he was more than fifty years old. more than +n.不只是不仅仅 Peace is more than the absence of war. more than + adj./ adv.非常十分 He is more than selfish. more than one 不止一个 More than one person has known it.,


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