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English Reading Skills,2012年广东省高考英语“模仿朗读”应试技巧,CELST,Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test,试卷结构和题型,Pre-task,计分: 听说考试占英语科总分(满分150分)的10%。 计算机辅助“英语听说”考试最终计入英语科总成绩的分值=卷面成绩(满分60分)0.25,四舍五入取整数计分。,汕头市2011年一模 “听说考试”平均分:7.13,揭阳市2011年一模 “听说考试”平均分:6.73,Part A 模仿朗读,朗读100单词左右的文本 (1 min) 1:播放影视片:带字幕、音频 2:考生练习1:显示纯文本 3:考生练习2:显示文本,播放音频 4:考生朗读,同步录音:播放影视片,带字幕、无音频,5,How will the teacher give marks to your recording? How can you grasp some skills and get a good mark in Part A?,Focus: 1. criteria for assessment 2. skills in Part A Reading Aloud,While-task,模仿朗读评分标准,加强模仿朗读,完善语音语调,追求“洋腔洋调”; 学会处理句子语调、意群停顿、爆破、连读和重弱读。,备考策略,Reading Skills,Reading Skills,技巧一:如何处理句子中的升调 英语中的升调一般用于: a. 一般疑问句,如: Do you come here a lot? Have you been to any foreign countries? b. 选择疑问句的前半部分,如: Is he an English teacher or Chinese teacher? Are you here for the tickets or books? ,c. 若干相同类目的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,如: I want to low fat yogurt, tuna salad, chocolate cake and hamburger special. My ideal man must be handsome, generous, dependable and considerate. d. 表示疑问的陈述句,如: You want a cup of coffee? You dont work here? e. 表示祝贺、同情或热情时:如 Congratulations! Im sorry to hear that. Have a nice weekend. ,技巧二:如何处理句子中的降调 英语中的降调一般用于: a. 特殊疑问句: What have all the flowers gone? What the hell did he do? b. 感叹句: What a game! What depressing information! ,c. 反意疑问句中,当说话人对自己所说的内容已经很确定,只是象征性地与对方确认一下时: We will live in a global village, arent we? A small world, isnt it? d. 选择疑问句的最后一个选项,如: Do you prefer hand-written letter or E-mail? Does she raise rats or rabbits? e. 并列出现的若干相同类目词语的最后一项,如: I want a house with a dining room, two bedrooms, a bath and a basement. ,【Practice】 模仿朗读下列句子,注意语调。 1)I beg your pardon. 2)You speak English, dont you? 3)Please stand in the line. 4)Shes got a stomachache, a sore throat,and a temperature.,Reading Skills,在朗读长句子的时候,要使朗读流畅、自然,常常需要停顿。但停顿不是随意的,只能在意群之间进行。句子可以按照它的意思和语法结构分成小段,这样的小段就叫意群。意群可以是一个词,一个短语,也可以是并列句中的一个分句或复合句中的一个主、从句等。,技巧三:如何处理句子中的停顿,如下面的句子可以这样划分意群: (1)Tonny only walks a few steps/from his office/to the place/where his wife works. (2)When I leave BeijingI will leave with very fond memoriesof the city and its peopleand with an increased knowledge of China.,Reading Skills,技巧四:如何处理助动词的弱读 助动词弱读在句子中的应用: 学会助动词的弱读,是掌握连读技巧的第一步。那么,在英语中,哪些单词在句子中需要弱读呢?一般情况下,助动词会明显地弱读。请看下面的例句,揣摩助动词在句中是如何被弱读的: They werent expecting us. Theyre having another argument. We havent been told anything yet.,助动词弱读时的发音变化: 助动词弱读时,其发音与单词音标中的发音会有一些不同,快读时,他们发音会变为: do you /dju/ Im /aim/ werent/wnt/ theyre / Ill /aiI/ being /bi/ have /hv/ been /bin/ well /wiI/ were /wi/ be /bi/ havent /hvn/ ,技巧五:如何处理of的弱读 of 的弱读形式: of 在词典中的音标及它的重读形式为:/ f /,而当它出现在句子中时,很少采取strong form, 而会采取其弱读形式,即/ f /。,of 与其他单词的连读 例如下面的短语: a flightof stairs a pieceof furniture an itemof news a pinchof salt a cartonof milk a barof chocolate a bunchof flowers a bundleof sticks,技巧六:如何处理介词的弱读 1.处理好介词的弱读,会让你的英语听起来流利得多。 2.常用介词在重读和弱读时的不同发音:,Reading Skills,弱读,技巧七:如何处理句子的重读 语句重音(sentence stress)是指根据不同的交际需要而对句子的某个或者某些词加以强调。重音的特点是:发音用力较多,音量较大,时间较长。 一般规则:实词重读,虚词不重读。 (1)名词、动词、数词、形容词、副词是实词,一般要重读。 (2)冠词、介词、连词、助动词是虚词,一般不重读。,I believe the course I have followed with China is the one thats best for America, disagreeing where we have serious disagreements, pursuing our common interests where I thought it was in the interest of the United States. (Bill Clinton),Reading Skills,技巧八:如何处理连读 我们在听英语时会发现漂亮的口语听起来流畅,有跳跃感和音乐感。这是由连读带来的效果。 以下几种情况常要连读:,Reading Skills,连读,技巧九:如何处理失爆 当前面一个单词的最后一个音是辅音,后面一个单词的第一个音也还是辅音,那么前面一个单词的最后一个辅音一般可以不发出来。 练习(下划线部分为失爆部分): at most at best at present at night keep track of stop the car cab-driver keep quiet kick the ball throughout China good chance not now night train get through should not good night right there passport number,Reading Skills,要求: 口齿清晰,发音准确,语调自然(美、英、澳音?) 比较:,发音不准,“有声无调”难以听懂,36,策略: 此部分得分相对容易,但须平日功夫好(勿“贪污”音等) “高仿真”固然好,尽量“像”即可 陌生词(生词、专有名词等)咋办?E.g. crisis 听、练时须留意读音规则,录音时模仿读出即可 特别注意长词(重读、次重读音节),2011高考样题 Part A Reading Aloud Under the effect of global warming, the ice cap has lost 40% of its thickness in 40 years. Its surface area in the summer shrinks year by year. It could disappear before 2030. Some predictions suggest 2015. Soon these waters will be free of ice several summer months a year. The sunbeams that the ice sheet previously reflected back now penetrate the dark water, heating it up. The warming process gathers pace. This ice contains the records of our planet. The concentration of carbon dioxide hasnt been so high for several hundred thousand years. Humanity has never lived in an atmosphere like this.,命题研究 材料来源:本试题选自法国环保记录片家园(home)的英文解说词。 该样题有以下特点: 话题:世界环境。 内容:全球变暖导致冰川加速融化,很可能会消失。 长度:视频文字长度为103 词,时间约1分钟。,生词:共有5个生词,其中, 派生词有prediction(预测),previously(以前),concentration (集中) 3个; 合成词有sunbeams(阳光,日光)1个; 纯生词只有penetrate(渗透,穿透)1个。 朗读时可能给考生造成困难的单词有prediction, previously, reflect, penetrate, record (n.), concentration, dioxide, humanity, atmosphere等,特别是这些单词的重音位置; 下列数字的读法也要注意:40%(forty percent), 2030(twenty thirty), 2015(twenty fifteen)等。,技巧一:意群停顿 The sunbeams that the ice sheet previously reflected back / now penetrate the dark water, heating it up. The concentration of carbon dioxide / hasnt been so high / for several hundred thousand years.,实例分析,技巧二:重弱读 Under the effect of global warming, the ice cap has lost 40% of its thickness in 40 years.,实例分析,技巧三:连读 Under the effectof global warming, Soon these waters willbe freeof iceseveral summer monthsa year. This ice contains the recordsof our planet.,实例分析,Practice,model test of CELST 2011, Part A,Assessment(based on the criteria),Post-task,模仿朗读评分标准,(summary) 考试流程: 1.观看短片约1分钟(了解大意,整体感知); 2.阅读文本准备约1分钟(快速读,记下发音没有把握的难词或数字); 3.对照文本听录音(特别注意听清前面记下不会读的单词和数字); 4.观看视频,开始朗读并录音(语音、 语调自然 ,语速与画面一致)。,如何备考“模仿朗读”:,模仿课文的录音进行朗读。 模仿新概念英语等标准英语语音的录音。 通过经常、反复的练习,朗读时要大声,使口腔肌肉得到充分的锻炼,同时也训练舌头的灵活性。 朗读最佳时间及方式:晨读,Practice makes perfect.,Assignment,Thank you !,


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