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4 English for the Humanities 4,1,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 4,City and Country Life,Educational Fairness,Unit 5,Quality of Education,Legal Complaint,Unit 6,Effective Communication,Unit 7,Social Work,Unit 8,Pleading not Guilty,Contents,Unit 1,British Culture,2,British Culture,3,Learning Objectives,4,Match the places / people with the pictures below. Please make some comments on the places / people. You may search for more detailed information on the Internet.,William Shakespeare B. Tower Bridge C. Big BenD. The Beatles E. The London Eye F. Winston Churchill,5,Big Ben(大本钟) Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, and often extended to refer to the clock and the clock tower. The tower is officially known as Elizabeth Tower, renamed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II in 2012. The tower holds the second largest four-faced chiming clock in the world. The tower was completed in 1858 and has become one of the most prominent symbols of the United Kingdom and is often in the establishing shot of films set in London.,6,Tower Bridge(塔桥) Tower Bridge (built 1886 1894) is a combined bascule and suspension bridge(开合桥和吊桥) in London. The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol of London. The bridge consists of two bridge towers tied together at the upper level by two horizontal walkways. The bridge deck is freely accessible to both vehicles and pedestrians, whereas the bridges twin towers, high-level walkways and Victorian engine rooms form part of the Tower Bridge Exhibition, for which an admission charge is made.,7,William Shakespeare(威廉莎士比亚) William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the worlds preeminent(卓越的,超群的)dramatist. He is often called Englands national poet, and the “Bard of Avon”. His extant works, including collaborations, consist of approximately 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, some of uncertain authorship. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.,8,What question does Liu Hui ask Gordon about watching TV? What benefit can people enjoy when they reach the age of 75 in terms of TV license? What is the main source of income for BBC?,Listen to the dialog and answer the following questions.,9,【句子】You need to be covered by a TV license if you watch or record programs as theyre being shown on TV or live on an online TV service. 【译文】如果你观看或录制电视播放或在线实况转播的节 目,你就需要持有电视收视许可证。 【难点】license 许可证,执照。例如: business license 营业执照, drivers license 驾驶执照;美语中, license 也可以作动词,意为“授权,发许可证”。例如:The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US. 这种新药在美国还没有被许可。 online 在线的,在网上。例如: online shopping 网络购物, online game 网络游戏, online banking 网上银行。,Language Notes,10,【句子】Including watching TV on computers and mobile phones? 【译文】包括在电脑上和手机上看电视吗? 【难点】mobile 移动式的。例如: mobile phone 移动电话,手机; mobile communication 移动通信。 【句子】 We do for the live cable TV programs. 【译文】我们的直播有线电视节目需要电视收视许可证。 【难点】这里的 do 指上句话中的 need,意为“需要”。单词 live 此处是形容词,意为“直播的”。 cable 电缆。例如: They run commercials on cable systems across the country. 他们在遍布全国的有线电视网做广告。,Language Notes,11,强调句 I do hate the awful symbols on the walls definitely. 我绝对讨厌墙上那些讨厌的符号。 英语中表示“ 强调” 的方式有很多种,常见的方法如下: 1. 用助词 do 表示强调。例如: The baby is generally healthy, but every now and then she does catch a cold. Do be quiet. I told you I had a headache. 2. 用形容词 very, single 等表示强调。例如: The Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 3. 用副词 very, only, even, so 等表示强调。例如:,12,He drank it to the very last drop. Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 4. 用 . and that, . and those, . not too much,“否定加否定”等结构表示强调。例如: They fulfilled the task, and that in a few days. 5. 用反身代词表示强调。例如: I myself will see her off at the station. 6. 用短语 in every way, in no way, by all means, by no means, only too, all too, but too, in heaven, in the world, in hell, on earth 等表示强调。例如: His behavior is in every way perfect.,13,Listen to the dialog and decide whether the following statements are TRUE (T)or FALSE (F).,1. Molly has already had some plans this afternoon. 2. Zhang Hua asks Molly to walk around with him.3. Zhang Hua wants to see the typical British phone booths or the red buses.4. Molly doesnt think graffiti is part of Londons street culture.5. It is through the movie, Sherlock, that Zhang Hua becomes interested in graffiti,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),14,【句子】Would you like to walk around with me? 【译文】您愿意和我一起四处走走吗? 【难点】walk around 四处走走。例如: Its important to take mini-breaks during your work day. Stop what youre doing, massage your shoulders, neck, head, hands and arms, get up and stretch, walk around and drink some water. 忙碌的一天中抽出时间歇一会儿是很重要的。停下手中的事,揉揉肩膀、脖子、头、手和手臂,站起来伸个懒腰,四处走动走动,喝点儿水。 【句子】You can pose for pictures with these magnificent places in the background. 【译文】你可以以这些壮观的地方作背景留影。 【难点】pose for 摆好姿势(让别人拍照或画像)。例如: I hadnt been on a horse since I was five, and then only to pose for a picture in a cowboy outfit. 我五岁的时候曾经穿着一身牛仔装爬到马背上,但只是为了拍张照片而已,从那以后我就再没有骑过马。,Language Notes,15,It is / was + 被强调部分 + that 句型 It is / was + 被强调部分 + that. 句型是强调句型,将被强调的部分放在前面,其他部分置于 that 之后。被强调部分可以是主语、宾语或状语。强调的主语如果是人, that 也可以由 who 替代。 It is 或 It was 分别表示现在(将来)或过去。例如: It was they that (who) cleaned the classroom yesterday. (强调主语) It is me that he is going to blame. (强调宾语) It was on Monday night that all this happened. ( 强调状语),16,17,Read the passage and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.,1. There are no free services over 480 channels for people to choose from in the UK. 2. People in the UK cant watch digital content on the Internet. 3. The Labor and Liberal Parties agreed with the bill introduced by the Conservative Government in 1953. 4. The BBC and Independent Television often put out different types of programs at the same time. 5. The license fee for color is almost the same as that for black and white.,18,Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions from the passage to outline the development of British TV.,Television broadcasting started in the United Kingdom in 1936 as a public service 1 . In 1953 the Conservative Government introduced a bill to 2 commercial television. This was opposed very strongly by the 3 Parties, but the bill was passed and commercial television flourishes. Now there is a collection of 4 services over a variety of distribution media, through which there are over 480 channels for consumers as well as 5 . In the United Kingdom and 6 , any household watching or recording live television transmissions as they are being broadcast (terrestrial, satellite, cable, or Internet) is required to hold a 7 . Since April 1, 2010 the 8 has been 145.50 for color and 49.00 for 9 . On October 24, 2012, all television broadcasts in the United Kingdom were 10 .,19,【句子】Now there is a collection of free and subscription services over a variety of distribution media, through which there are over 480 channels for consumers as well as on-demand content. 【译文】现在,各种传播媒体可为消费者提供480多个频道及点播内容,其中既有免费服务也有付费服务。 【难点】subscription 订购,订阅。例如: subscription library 收费图书馆, subscription channel 付费频道。 on-demand 按需的。例如: The need for business integration in the on demand era has never been so compelling. 进入随需应变的时代以来,我们对业务整合的需求 从未如此强烈。 【句子】On October 24, 2012, all television broadcasts in the United Kingdom were in a digital format. 【译文】2012年10月24日,英国所有的电视广播都采用数码格式。 【难点】format 格式。例如: We will discuss the advantages of one format over the other. 我们将讨论这两种格式各自的优点。,20,Language Notes,【句子】 In 1953 the Conservative Government introduced a bill to make arrangements for commercial television. 【译文】1953年,保守党政府提出了一项议案,安排设立商业电视。 【难点】conservative 保守的。例如: People tend to be more liberal when theyre young and more conservative as they get older. 人们年轻时往往更开放,年纪越大就越保守。 bill 议案。例如: This is the toughest crime bill that the Congress has passed in a decade. 这是十年来国会通过的最强硬的犯罪议案。 make arrangements for 安排某事。例如: Im going to make arrangements for your business trip. 我去给你安排出差事宜。 commercial 商业的。例如: Baltimore in its heyday was a major center of industrial and commercial activity. 巴尔的摩在其鼎盛时期曾是工商业活动的重要中心。,21,【句子】 Thus, the license fee made up the bulk of the BBCs total income of 5.102 billion in 20122013. 【译文】因此,收视许可证费占到了 BBC 20122013年51.02亿英镑总收入的大部分。 【难点】make up组成,构成。例如: The Chinese make up the largest single ethnic group in the citys public classrooms. 华人在该市公立学校中构成最大的一个族群。 bulk 大部分,大多数。例如: The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents. 正文的大部分基本上是对这些原始文献的回顾。,22,Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Graffiti painting is traditionally a daredevil pursuit. 2. But over the past decade, graffiti has all but disappeared from Britains cities. 3. The most obvious reason for the decline in tagging and train-painting is better policing. 4. The Internet means that painters can win far more attention by posting pictures online than they can by breaking into a railway yard. 5. It has become something to do on a Sunday afternoon a slightly healthier alternative to sitting and watching football.,23,【句子】Between 2007 and 2012 the number of incidents of graffiti recorded by the British Transport Police fell by 63%. 【译文】20072012年,英国交通警察局记录的涂鸦事件下降了63%。 【难点】incident 事件。例如: These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between the two nations. 这些事件是两国一系列争端中最近的几起。 【句子】If you are having an argument with your child, you need to make sure you both take the time to really listen. 【译文】如果你和孩子之间发生争执,你应该确保你们彼此花时间互相倾听对方。 【难点】have an argument with 与发生争吵。例如: Tom had an argument with his boss during the meeting this morning. 汤姆今天上午在开会的时候和他的老板发生了争吵。 take the time to do 花费时间去做某事。 其中 take 表示“耗费(时间)”,经常用于这个结构中: It takes sb. (sometime) to do sth. 某人花时间做某事。例如: It takes me a long time to understand the theme of the novel. 我花了相当长的时间才理解了那部小说的主题。,24,【句子】Graffiti are increasingly confined to sanctioned walls. 【译文】涂鸦越来越被限制在被批准的墙上。 【难点】confine 限制。例如: They decided not to let their new dog run loose, confining it to a fenced enclosure during the day. 他们决定不让他们新买的狗乱跑,白天就把它关在有围栏的围圈里。sanction 批准,认可。例如: The church would not sanction his second marriage. 教会不会认可他的第二次婚姻。 【句子】In time the practice may die out entirely. 【译文】 最终涂鸦也许会完全消失。 【难点】in time 最终,迟早。例如: If you keep on, you will succeed in time. 如果坚持下去,你总有一天会成功。 die out 消失,灭绝。例如: Campus life will lose its variety and vigor if marginalized clubs die out. 如果一些边缘社团消失了,校园生活也就会失去其多样性和活力。,25,Corporate Culture(企业文化) Corporate culture is the general values, beliefs and attitudes that characterize a company and guide its practices. To some extent, a companys internal culture may be expressed in its mission state mentor vision statement. Elements of corporate culture include a companys physical environment, human resources practices and the staff itself. Corporate culture is also reflected in the degree of emphasis placed on various defining elements such as hierarchy(层级) , process, innovation, collaboration, competition, community involvement and social engagement. A corporate culture that reflects the broader culture is usually more successful than one that is at odds with it. For example, in the current global culture, which values transparency (透明度) , equality and communication, a secretive company with a strictly hierarchical structure may have a public relations problem.,Workplace Tip,26,Ask your classmates, colleagues or friends the following questions and write down his / her answers.,How many people are there in your family? Do your family members often watch TV? How many hours do they spend watching TV every day on average? What kind of TV programs do your family members like to watch? Do your family members often watch TV together?,27,City and Country Life,28,Learning Objectives,29,What are the people in the following pictures doing? What kinds of sports do you like best? Match the pictures with the sports in the box.,Football table tennis fishing cycling board games hiking camping snooker skating bowling card games,30,Where does Zhang Hua live these days? What has made Zhang Hua move to the country? What does Zhang Hua plan to do in the future?,Listen to the dialog and answer the following questions.,31,【句子】Ive just gotten fed up with the tension of city life. 【译文】我已经厌倦了紧张的城市生活。 【难点】be / get fed up with sth. 意思是“受够了,厌倦了”。例如: He is fed up with the noise and closes the door. 他受够了那噪声,关上了门 【句子】I no longer have to breathe in exhaust fumes. 【译文】我再也不用吸入那些废气了。 【难点】no longer / no more 表示“不再”,与 notany longer / more 意思一样。例如: He no longer lives here. 他不再住在这里了。也可以说: He doesnt live here any longer.,Language Notes,32,(not) asas 的用法 There arent as many job vacancies in the country as in the city. 乡下的空缺职位不如城里多。 not as / so + adj. / adv. +as 的意思是“不如,不像”。例如: This dictionary is not as / so useful as you think. 其肯定式为 asas,意为“和一样”,表示同级的比较。其基本结构为: as+adj. / adv. +as。例如: This film is as interesting as that one. 另外还有一些常见的 asas 句型,但是不表示比较。例如: Please answer my question as soon as possible.,33,Listen to the dialog and decide whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).,1. The newspaper says we should sort trash. ( ) 2. Many communities have not already done that. ( ) 3. Trash is trash not only when everything is mixed together. ( ) 4. It is high time for us to sort out the trash. ( ) 5. People should be informed about how to do that in the first place. ( ),34,【句子】With trash separated, pollution caused by incineration can be avoided. 【译文】如果垃圾被分类,那么焚烧带来的污染就可以避免。 【难点】句中介词 with 后跟名词短语,表示条件。例如: With your permission, sir, Id like to speak. 先生,若您允许,我想发言。 【句子】Otherwise, few people would bother to do it. 【译文】否则,很少有人会费力这样做。 【难点】bother to do sth.意为“费力做某事,不嫌麻烦做某事”,常用于否定句中,表示不理会、嫌麻烦的态度。例如: He didnt even bother to say thank you. 他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯。,Language Notes,35,It is (high) time 的用法 It is high time for us to sort out the trash. 现在正是该将垃圾分类的时候了。 It is (high) time 意思是“现在正是该的时候了”,后面可以跟不定式。例如: It is high time for the students to devote more energy to learning technology. It is high time for us to make changes in the digital age. 当 It is (high) time 后面加 that 从句的时候,要用虚拟语气,即从句中要用过去时或“ should+ 动词原形”的形式。例如: It is (high) time that we went to bed. It is (high) time that we should tell him the truth.,36,Incineration(垃圾焚烧) Incineration is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion(燃烧) of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration of waste materials converts(转化) the waste into ash, flue gas, and heat. Incinerators reduce the solid mass(质量) of the original waste by 80%85% and the volume (体积) (already compressed somewhat in garbage trucks) by 95%96%. Incineration should also include a materials separation to remove hazardous(危险的) , bulky or recyclable materials before combustion.,37,38,Public Library(公共图书馆) A public library is a library that is accessible by the general public. They are generally supported by taxes (usually local, though any level of government can and may contribute). They provide basic services without charge and are open to all and every community member can access the collection. Public libraries exist in many countries across the world and are often considered as an essential part of having an educated and literate(有读写能力的) population.,39,The author has lived in the countryside for more than a decade, and he / she loves living there. Living in the country is not interesting at all. The author takes a walk or drives along country roads almost every day. People living in the country usually go shopping every Saturday. According to the author, nobody dislikes countryside life.,Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).,40,Language Notes,【句子】It may be just a get-together on a Saturday at the local farmers market. 【译文】它或许仅仅是周六当地农贸市场里的一次小聚 【难点】句中的 get-together 此处被用作名词,意思是“聚会”。类似的如 break-through, 动词和名词均为“突破”之意。 【句子】This routine will establish a sense of structure and increase feelings of control and safety. 【译文】这种惯例会形成一种按部就班的感觉,并增加控制感和安全感。 【难点】a sense of 表示“一种感觉”。例如: a sense of trust 信任感; a sense of humor 幽默感。 feeling of 表示 “的感觉”。例如: A feeling of shame came over her. 她突然感到一阵羞愧。,41,Translate the English sentences into Chinese. I usually have no problem filling the two bags I bring with me. Its not art in the state I find it. Through creativity and trial-and-error, it becomes art. The process I go through from the raw materials to a finished piece is not complex at all. I typically do this for a few days or a week before something “clicks” and I have an idea about what I want to create.,42,【句子】I typically do this for a few days or a week before something “clicks” and I have an idea about what I want to create. 【译文】这件事我通常会做上几天或一周的时间,直到突然茅塞顿开,我会弄明白我的创意所在。 【难点】 click 指“使发出咔哒声”,也指“点击(鼠标)”,此处意为“突然明白或理解”。例如: I puzzled over it for hours before it finally clicked. 我对这一问题茫然不解,几小时后,终于茅塞顿开。 【句子】Overall, I couldnt be happier. 【译文】总之,没有比这更令我高兴的了。这里是通过否定比较级来表示最高级的含义。 【难点】最常见的例子如: I cant agree more! 我太同意了!,43,【句子】After that, it is only a matter of realizing my vision. 【译文】然后,就只剩下去实现我的想法的事情了。 【难点】a matter of 后加名词,常表示关乎,的问题等。例如: Of course this must have priority. Its a matter of life and death. 当然,这一点必须要优先考虑,这是生死攸关的问题。 Success in business is simply a matter of knowing when to take a chance. 商业成功的关键在于把握时机。,44,The Human Resource Manager Bruce asks you to prepare a memo for him briefing all staff about the coming invited speech to be delivered by Dr. Jerry Anderson.,You have been given the following information: The time and the date: 14:0016:00, April 11 The venue: Function Room on Level 3 The invited speaker: Dr. Jerry Anderson The content: sorting trash scientifically The participants: all staff,45,Business Memos(商务备忘录) Unlike letters, the external communications of a company, business memos are an internal form of communication and it is standard practice to save them. Their objective is to deliver information or instructions. Their scope should be limited to a single topic so that the reader will “get the message” quickly and, if necessary, take an action. Confined to(局限于) a single topic, each interoffice, interdepartmental and companywide memo becomes part of the institutional memory of an organization. In short, they speed up the daily business of doing business; they keep people who need to be kept in the know. When a business organization designs an official letterhead it often also designs an official memo sheet, complete with a company logo featured at the top of the page. Besides having a professional look and feel, preprinted memo sheets often provide specialized information fields that accommodate specific procedures for expediting(加速) in-house communications.,Workplace Tip,46,Educational Fairness,47,Learning Objectives,48,Talk about the following chart and give your own opinions on the issue of education equality.,49,Three of the Key Universities in the United States(美国三所名校) Harvard University(哈佛大学) Harvard University, the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, was established in l636 and named after its first benefactor, John Harvard. Harvard University is known around the world for its outstanding academic achievements. It has produced more than 40 Nobel laureates(诺贝尔奖得主) . Seven Presidents of the United States graduated from Harvard. Yale University(耶鲁大学) Yale University was founded in 1701 as a college; it is the third oldest institution of higher education in the United States. In 1716, it moved to its permanent location in New Haven. It was renamed Yale College in 1718 because a wealthy British merchant whose name is Elihu Yale donated generously to the school. In 1887, Yale College became Yale University Massachusetts Institute of Technology(麻省理工学院) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is an institute well known for its scientific and technological training and research. I


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