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鲤鱼网()Lesson Thirty-one Making planWhat do you plan to do tomorrow?明天你计划做什么?What do you plan to do on the weekend?周末你计划做什么?work out a plan 制定计划=make a planbuilding plan图纸hijack劫机Nice to meet you见面时用语Nice meeting you离开时用语You too。How are you doing ?见过面不太熟用语Doing well.还好。Whats up?熟人见面用语Not much.。没什么。Im planning to go to the English corner. 我计划去英语角。Im planning to learn English.我计划学英语Im planning to take a trip.我计划去旅行。Im hoping to spend a few day in the mountains. 我希望去山里面待几天。Im hoping to spend a few day at the seaside.我希望去海边待几天。Im hoping to spend a few days in Shanghai.我希望去上海待几天。I think Ill do some work instead of going to the movies.我想我会工作而不是去看电影。go to the movies去看电影film 胶卷of offI think Ill learn english instead of staying home.我想我会学英语而不是待在家里。I think Ill go shopping instead of going to the movies.I think Ill do sth. instead of doing another thing.Theres nothing to do because tomorrow is a holiday.没什么可做的,因为明天是假期。holiday 法定假期,传统节假日vacation公休假,寒暑假winter vacation寒假summer vacation暑假Theres nothing to do today.今天没什么可做的。Theres nothing to do because tomorrow is weekend.Theres nothing to do because tomorrow is my off-day. 没什么可做的,应为明天是我的休息日。National Day 国庆节Labor Day劳动节Spring Festival春节I doubt Ill do anything tomorrow.我不认为我明天会做任何事情。Do you have a position for a secretary?你们有秘书的空缺吗?I doubt it.=I dont think so.我不认为Without doubt 毫无疑问Without doubt Zoe is my best friend.毫无疑问,Zoe是我最好的朋友。Without doubt,this book is great.毫无疑问,这本书很好。He cant decide what to do.他决定不了做什么。We cant decide what to do.They cant decide what to do.Would you consider going north this summer?你考虑今年夏天去北方吗?Would you consider buying a house?Would you consider moving to beijing?Thats a good idea.这主意不错。Id love to.but Im tired.Id love to,but I have no time.Thats a good ,but ill ill lately.很好,但最近我生病了。Please excuse me for a little while ,I want to do something.失陪一会儿,我有点事。Excuse me意思:失陪;劳驾、借光;请再说一遍I beg you pardon a little while 片刻 稍等 反义词a long timerestroom 洗手间bathroomtoilet 抽水马桶lavatory 盥洗室(飞机或船上的)Lesson Thirty-Two Making decisionsWhat have you decided?Can you tell me?你做了决定没有?可以告诉我吗?decide v.决定decision n. 决定Ive definitely decided to go to California.我的确已经决定去加州。Ive decided to learn English.Ive decided to change my jobs.Ive decided to stop smoking.She has decided against buying a new car.他已经决定不买一辆新车了。Ive decided against staying up late.我已经决定不再熬夜太晚了。night person 夜猫子early bird 起得早的人The early bird catches the worm.Ive decided against dying my hair.skin head光头bald秃头I cant make up my mind right now.我无法立刻作出一个决定。make up ones mind做决定Im sure youre made the right choice .我肯定你已经做出正确的选择。make a choice 做出选择After you think it over,please let me know what you decide.等你考虑过后,请把你的决定告诉我。think over 考虑清楚We are all determined to succeed.我们决心一定要取得成功。We are all determined to go abroad.be determined to do sth.决心做某事She is trying to talk me into changing my mind.她正试图说服我改变主意。chang ones mind.改变主意I changed my mind later.It took us a long time to make up our mind.做决定花了我们很长的时间。It takes sb. some time to do sth.It took me two days to read this book.It took me one week to write this report.make a good choice.make a bad choice.Lesson Thirty-Three Telephone Englishtelephone=phone 电话make a call 打电话call sb. 给某人打电话mobile phone/cell phone 手机cordless phone 无绳电话pay phone 公用电话walkie-talkie 对讲机Hello ,This is john here.whos speaking?Hello,this is john ,whos that please.?Hello ,this is will speaking,whos that please.?May I speak to Mr. SmithSorry, he is tied up at the moment. 对不起,他这时正忙。Wait a minute,please.One moment please.Sorry ,she is out.Sorry ,she isnt in.Sorry,she is tied up.对不起,他抽不开身。Would you like to leave a message or call back later? 你愿意留话还是过后再打过来。Please tell him his mother is here.Please tell her her brother is ill.Would you mind calling back later?Would you mind calling back this afternoon?Thank you,Ill call back later.short message=SMS 短信Ok,Ill call his mobile phone/cell phone.What number should I dial to get the manager?you get him at 672-5588. 要找经理应该拨哪个号码?你拨672-5588能找到他。6083 six 0 eight threelong distance 长途电话I want to make a long distance call. 我要打一个长途电话。international call 国际电话make an international call 打国际电话toll free call 免费电话local call 市话collect call 对方付费电话Michael ,you are wanted on the telephone. Michael,有人给你打电话。Pick up ,the receiver and drop a coin into the slot. 拿起电话筒,然后投一枚硬币到投币孔里去。The telephone is ringing ,would you answer it please. 电话铃响了,你去接一下好吗?I tried to call Miss dole,but the line was busy.我试着给dole女士打电话,但是占线。I dialed the right number ,but nobady answered. 我拨对号码了,但没人接。How can I reach you? 我怎么能联系到你?I am going out for a few days. 我将出去几天。Can I call you back later?以后再联系你好吗?Lesson Thirty-Four Eating Outvegetable蔬菜vanilla 香草invite邀请restraurent 饭店dessert 甜食desert沙漠potato 土豆tomato 西红柿soup 汤soap 香皂Jame, lets go to dinner!Its on time. Jame,一起去吃饭吧,我请客。Lets go eat.Its my treat.Im buying.Lets split. AA制AAGo Dutch. AA 制They serve good food in this restaurant. 这家餐馆饭菜很不错。delicious美味tasty味道Its very delicious. = Its very tasty.很好吃。What do you recommend? 您能推荐一些特色菜吗?Whats good here? 有什么好菜?Whats the daily special? 今天的特价菜品是什么?Mr. Rice ,what would you like to eat?What do you want?Id like beijing roast duck and some vegetable. 我要北京烤鸭和一些蔬菜。Peking duck/Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭hot pot 热狗instant boiled mutton 涮羊肉instant coffee 速溶咖啡instant noddles 方便面cold dish 冷盘spring roll 春卷Which would you rather have steak or fish? 你要吃什么?牛排还是鱼?pork 猪肉beef 牛肉muton 羊肉dogs meat 狗肉熟人之间:You eat like a horse. 你真能吃啊。You eat like a bird. 你吃得真少啊。You drink like fish.你真能喝。You sleep like a log.你真能睡。gut 内脏jelly fish 海蜇 (美国人不吃)chicken feet 凤爪pork blood 猪血(美国人不吃)What kind of vegetables do you have? 你要什么蔬菜?celery 芹菜spinach 菠菜cabbage 卷心菜chinese cabbage 大白菜eggplant 茄子lettuce 生菜cauliflower 西兰花cucumber 黄瓜peanut 花生water spinach 空心菜drink 饮料soft drink 软饮料beer 啤酒juice 果汁wine 葡萄酒red wine 红葡萄酒(配肉)white wine 白葡萄酒(配鱼)Cheers 干杯!To your health 为你的健康干杯!To our friendship 为我们的友谊干杯!To our cooperation。 为我们的合作干杯!餐桌用语:Lets eat up! 开吃吧。(女主人说)Help yourself. 你自己来。Bottoms up. 干了吧。Im (very) full. 我饱了。Check please.我来结帐。Tip 小费 15%左右I tip the waiter. 我给男服务生小费I tip the waitress. 我给女服务生小费。stingy吝啬You are so stingy. 你真吝啬。Do you enjoy the meal? 吃得怎么样?Yes ,its very delicious. 非常好吃。Thank you very much! 谢谢你。快餐食品:hot dog 热狗burge / cheese burger 汉堡包sandwich 三明治pizza 匹萨饼dried chicken 炸鸡french fries/fries 薯条coke可乐饭:breakfast 早饭 lunch午饭 super 晚饭 dinner 正餐,宴会 brunch 早中饭mid-night snack 夜宵 banguet 宴会(大型,正式)buffet 自助餐bar B Q 烤肉soup 汤appetizer 开胃品main course 主菜dessert 甜点tea and coffee 茶和咖啡Lesson Thirty-Five Going ShoppingI enjoy going to department stores on the weekends. 我喜欢在周末逛百货商场。shoping mall 步行街department store 百货商店supermarket 超市flea market 旧货市场 跳蚤市场store 商店bookstore 书店chain store 连锁店KFC is a chain store KFC 是一家连锁店。drugstore 药店,街边杂货铺,小卖部stand 路边摊newsstand 报摊fruit stand 水果摊snack stand 小吃摊vend 出售vending machine 自动售货机Id like to look at one of these watches.What can I do for you?May I help you?I am looking for sth.I am looking for a tie.Id like to look at sth.Id like to look at the clothes.I am going to shoping bacause I need to buy some clothes. 我去逛街,因为我需要买些衣服。do some shopping逛街I am going shopping because I need to buy some drinks.Can I try this jacket? 我可以试穿这件甲克吗?try on 试穿Can I try on this sweater?Can I try on this shirt?If this shirt doesnt fit,may I return it later? 如果簿合身,我能拿来退换吗?return 退换refund 退款exchange 换货Whats the price of this wallet? 这个钱夹多少钱?How much is.=Whats the price of.Whats the price of this TVset?How much do I owe you?IOU 借条,欠条ABC:american born chineseABC:basic knowledge and skills 基础知识和技能I just know some ABC about English.我对英语只知道一点点。AtoZ从头到尾I read this textbook from AtoZ.我把这本教材从头到尾读了一遍。Thats a good camera,but it costs too much. 这个照相机不错,可是它太贵。Its so expensive.Its costs too much.Its cheap and expensive. 又俗气又贵Its a baigain. 很便宜Its a good deal. 这是幢好买卖。The orange juice is on sale today,its a good deal. 橙汁今天减价出售,很划算的。Any discount? 有折扣吗?Can you give me any discount? 能给我一点折扣吗?on sale 减价出售This book is on sale. This suit is on sale. for sale 待售This house is for sale.promotion 促销ten percent off 九折twenty percent off 八折twenty-five percent off 75折two for one 买一送一Ill take it. 我买下了。buy 买purchase 采购get=take 得到,买到pick up sth. 顺便捎带pick up sb. 接某人The checkout counters are extremely busy at the moment. 现在收款机十分忙。checkout counter 付款台cashier 收银员Excuse me ,wheres the checkout counter? Would you like to pay with cash or a credit card? 你愿意用现金还是信用卡?cash or charge 现金还是记帐card 信用卡check 支票cash cow 核心业务部门,盈利最高的部门Do you have change for a fifty-dollar bill? 50元一张你找得开吗?Do you have change for a 100 dollar bill?That will be eighteen dollars and severty-five cents. dollar=buck 元(口语化)This T-shirt is made of cotton , isnt it? 这件T恤是全棉的,对吗?be made of 由制成be made from 由制成(看不出原材料)This sofa is beautiful,where did you get it? 这个沙发很漂亮,你在哪儿买的?Lesson Thirty-Six Going placesAre you going to go any place this year? 你今年准备去什么地方?this yearlast yearnext yearvacation 公休假,寒暑假Are you gioing to go to any place in winter vacation? 如果我有足够钱,我想出趟国。If I have enough money,I am going to take a trip abroad.take a trip to somewhere 去某地一趟Im taking a trip to Hongkong. Im taking a trip to America.Im taking a trip to Taiwan by a way of Hongkong. 我要去趟台湾经由香港中转。Im taking a trip to San Francisco via Shanghai. 我要去趟旧金山经由上海中转。Will you go with a tour group? 你会随旅行团一起去吗?Personality,I prefer to go by myself. 就个人而言,我更偏好自己旅行。tour group 旅行团How are you going ? Are you going by boat? 你怎么去?是坐船去吗?by trainby planeby airby buson footIm going by air, I like flying. 我坐飞机去,我喜欢坐飞机。airfly to somewhere 飞到什么地方I like flying a lot. 我非常喜欢坐飞机。I like spicy food. 我喜欢吃辣的。Ill fly to shanghai.How long does the flight take?Its a six-hour flight. 飞行时间多长?这是六小时的飞机航程。flght 飞机航程train ride 火车航程Its a 48-hour train ride. bus ride 公共汽车行程voyage 船的航程Its a 16-hour voyage。坐船16小时的航程。Its a 2-hour drive. 开车需2个小时。Its a 1-hour walk. 要走1个小时。At to gether,itll take ten days to make the trip. 这次旅行需十天时间。make a trip 完成一次旅行I hope you have a good time on your trip. 我希望你旅途愉快。good time=have fun=have a gread time-enjoy yourselfhave a great trip旅途愉快。have a safe trip 旅途安全bon voyage=good trip 旅途愉快thanksthank youthanks a lotthank you very muchthanks a millionI appreciate it.Thank youNo problemMy pleasureYou are welcomeForget it。 不用谢!忘了吧!Dont mention it. 不用注意这些。 别记住它。souvenir 纪念品How was your trip?How was your exam?How was your paper? 这篇论文怎么样?Its cool. 很棒!Its great. Its amazing.Its sucks. 很糟糕。My friend was injured in an airplane crash. 我的朋友在一次飞行坠毁事件中受了伤。How many passenges were on this plane?这架飞机上有多少乘客?There are over eight hundred passengers on the train. 这列火车上载有超过800名乘客。Lets go out to the airport. the plane will land in an hour. 我们去机场吧,飞机还有一个小时就要降落了。airport 飞机场train station 火车站harbor 港口bus stop 公共汽车站take a walk 散步Would you like to take a walk? 你想出去散散步?Id love to take a walk?Id love to, but I am pretty busy now. 我很愿意,但我现在很忙。Lesson Thirty-Seven HealthHealth is better than wealth.健康胜过财富。We work out regularly to keep fit. 我坚持锻炼以保持健康。I am quiet fit. 我很健康。I dont feel well today. 我今天不太舒服。I am sick.=I am ill.=I feel terrble. 我生病了。I am very ill. 我病入膏肓。Whats bothering you? 你怎么了?Ive got a bad cold.see the doctor 看医生go to hospital 住院cold 感冒bad cold 重感冒flu 流感fever 发烧cough 咳嗽headache 头疼SARS=severe acute respiration syndromeWHO=world health organizationpublic health 公共卫生I went to see my doctor for a medical check-up. 昨天我去医生那里做了一次体检。check-up体检have a check-up 做体检I had a check-up last week. What did the doctor say? The doctor said I am a little over weight. 医生说我有点超重。weight体重height身高over weight 超重under weight 体重不足lose some weight 减肥put on some weight 增加体重You look pale these days.you should take your health more seriously. 最近你的面色不太好,你应当重视一下身体健康了。You look pale. 你看起来气色不好。You look great today. 今天气色很好。You look tried. 你看上去很累。You look happy. You look excited. 很激动。Ive got a fever,so I take sick leave today. 我发烧了,所以今天请了病假。sick leave 病假home leave 探亲假I have watery eyes and a running nose. 我的眼睛流泪,鼻子流鼻涕。doctor医生physiciam 内科医生surgeon 外科医生dentist 牙医nurse 护士handyman 勤杂工人patient 病人hospital 医院clinic诊所I have an appointment with my doctor tommrrow morning. 明天早上我和我的医生有个预约。If you want to be healthy,you have to stop smoking cigarettes. 如果你想健康,你就得戒烟。If you want to be healthy,you have to do some exercise.If you want to improve your spoken english,you have to open your mouth and practice again and again.如果你想提高口语,你就得张开口反复练习。think loudly自言自语She gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. 她给我做了胸部X光透视,还给我测了血压。X-ray X光射线chest X-ray 胸透Its bleeding 在流血。blood pressure 血压blood type 血型blood test 验血blood donation 献血blood transfusion 输血temperature 体温take ones temperature 量体温feel the pulse号脉The doctor wrote out a prescription for me. 医生给我开了处方。write a prescription 开处方I have to take these pills every six hours. 我得每6小时服一次这种药丸。pill 药丸tablet药片capsule 胶囊lotion 药液cream 药膏painkiller 止疼药TCM中药traditional chinese medicine 中药shot 打针infusion 打点滴be hospitalized 送到医院治疗first aid 急救operation 手术major operation 大手术minor operation 小手术Its just a mosquito bite,nothing to worry about. 只不过是蚊子咬罢了,没什么好担心的。mosquito蚊子fly 苍蝇Lets have a bite . 让我们随便吃点东西。nothing to worry about=take it easy 不用担心headache 头痛stomachache 胃痛earache 耳痛backache 背痛Frank is in hospital ,we hope he will get better soon. Frank住院了,我们希望他能早日康复。sb. be hospitalized. 某人被住院治疗Lesson Thirty-Eight ClothingWhat are you going to wear today?你今天穿什么衣服?wear穿着ware 器具software 软件hardware 硬件chinaware 瓷器fit 合身match 搭配sportwear 运动装footwear 鞋类clothing 衣着cloth 布clothes 衣服(布可数)a piece of clothes 一件衣服formal clothes 正装casual clothes 休闲装wear a hat I am wearing my classeswear a make-upwear a necklace 戴项链wear a ring 戴戒指wear a gold ring 戴金戒指wear a earing戴耳环wear a bracelet 戴手镯put on 穿上When I get up, I put on my clotheswear 穿着Today,I wear my overcoat.I wear my blue shirt.I just put on my downcoat.我刚穿上羽绒服。take off 脱掉I take off my jacket.Im going to wear my blue suit,is that all right. suit西服blue suit 蓝色套装dark blue suit 深蓝色西装dark green 深绿色light yellow 浅黄色redpink 粉红yellowgreenbluegreenish blue 青purple 紫blue 沮丧I feel blue today。今天我感到沮丧。Its a blue movie. 这是部黄色电影。grey 灰色brown 棕色black and white 花白色black and blue 青一块紫一块mao suit 中山装Im going to wear my mao suit.Is that all right? 合不合适?All my clothes are dirty,I dont have anything to wear. 我所有的衣服都脏了,没什么可穿的。dirty 脏I have nothing to do .没什么可做的。( eat 吃;wear 穿; say说)This dress doesnt fit me any more. 这件衣服不合身。fit sb. well 合身This shirt fits me well.This pair of shoes fits me well.dont fit sb.This coat doesnt fit me.dress 女士套装downcoat 羽绒服overcoat 大衣furcoat 皮衣sweater 毛衣shirt 衬衫blouse 女衬衫pants 裤子a pair of pants 一条裤子T-shirt T恤衫shorts 短裤skirt 裙子sandals 凉鞋sunglasses 墨镜underwear 内衣windbreaker 风衣casual clothes 休闲装jeans 牛仔服cleaners laundry 洗衣店I have two suits to send to laundry. 我有二套西服要送洗衣店。Your shirt are wrinkled,you ought to have them cleaned and pressed. 你的衬衫皱了,应该送去洗并烫一下。clean or wash 洗press or iron 烫Why dont you get dressed now?put on your work clothes.你怎么现在还不穿衣服,穿上你的工作服吧?Please dress up. 请着正装put on work clothes.穿上工作服put on uniform. 穿上制服army uniform. 军服police uniform 警察服nurse uniform 护士服school uniform 校服Youd better wear a light jacket,its chilly today. 你最好穿件薄甲克,今天有点凉。light 轻便的heavy 厚重的chilly=a little cold/unpleasantly coldIts very cold.Youd better do sth.Youd better wear a rain coat,it is raining today.stylish 流行,湿毛Its very stylish this year. 这是今年最湿毛的款式。Your pants and shoes match perfectly. 你的裤子和鞋子搭配得很好。match 搭配Your tie and shirt match very well. Your suit and shirt dont match.tie 领带cap 帽子overcoat 大衣sunglasses 墨镜gloves 手套cotton 棉silk 丝nylon 尼龙wool 羊毛cash mere羊绒linen麻This coat looks very good on you.那件外套你穿着很好看。Dont forget to fasten the collar button.不要忘记扣紧这个纽扣。These shoes are worn-out,theyre lasted a longtime.这些鞋破了,它们已经穿了很长时间了。In the west,white is the traditional color for wedding dresses.在西方,白色是婚纱的传统颜色。Lesson Thirty-nine making appointmentappointment n.预约(公务预约)make an appointment做预约date 私人约会appointment book预约本Id like to make an appointment to see Mr Steward.我想预约与Steward.先生见面。Id like to make an appointment to see sb.Id like to make appointment to see your chairman.Will you be free this Thursday? 这个周四你有空吗?How (what) about this thursday?How about next monday?Your appointment will be next Tuesday at 10 oclock,is that all right?您的约会是下周二的十点钟,可以吗?Could you make it some other time?I can come any day except Thursday.您能安排其它时间吗?除了周四那天都能来。I can come any day except Tuesday.I can come any day except Wednesday.No problem。没问题。Sure。好的。Thats it. 就这么定了。Somethings come up,i have to change my appointment from Monday to Wednesday。事情有了变化,我不得不把会面从周一换到周三。Something has come up. 事情有了变化。I have to change my appointment from this week to next week.I want to change my appointment from this Friday to next Monday.I cant keep the appointment because im sick.我无法如约见面,因为我生病。I couldnt keep the appointment because I met a traffic-nam.traffic-light 红绿灯rush hour 高峰时I couldnt keep the appointment because my family came. 我不能遵守预约,因为我的家人来了。Ann failed to call the office to cancel her appointmentmake an appointment 做预约change the appointment 更改预约keep the appointment 遵守预约cancel the appontment 取消预约fail to do sth. 没有去做什么事sb. fail the exam 某人考试没有及格failure 失败Lets make a date to go to the movies tonight. 让我们预约今晚去吃饭。Lets make a date to eat out. 让我们预约出去吃饭。Lets make a date to go shopping. 让我们预约去购物。Lets make a date to go boating. 让我们预约去划船。Whats the date today? 今天几号?blid date 初次见面date 大枣,日期,私人约会I called the employment agency for a job.我打电话给职业介绍所谋一份工作。call somewhere 打电话预约agency 机构news agency 新闻通讯社Xinhua News Agency 新华通讯社travel agency 旅行社AD agency 广告公司agent代理商Please fill out this appointment form. 请填写这份申请表。application form 申请表fill in/fill out 填(表格)Im going to call in a plumber this afternoon. 今天下午我会打电话叫一个管道工。Please call before you came,otherwise we might not be home. 你来之前打个电话,否则我们可能不在家。I can give you one hour tjis afternoon.我今天下午能给你1小时。I can give you half an hour this afternoon.I can give you 40 minutes tomorrow morning.Lesson Forty School and Educationfundmental education 基础教育higher education 高等教育life-long education 终生教育never too old to learn 活到老学到老university大学Chicago University 芝加哥大学college 学院Children enter school at the age of seven , dont they?enter进入enter the class roomentered this companyenter school入学I enter this company at 23.I entered college at 19.Children enter school at seven.In elementary school,the child learns read and write.reas and write.识字you and me 你和我again and again 反复In secondary school ,students get more advanced knowledge.在中学里,儿童们可以学到更高级的知识。Knowledge is power。知识就是力量。know-how 实践技能Sarah went to grade school in new york city and high school in Washing


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