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Answers for Exercise Book(Unit 1, 2, 5, 6),Unit 1Exercise Book,Word Formation Vocabulary Structure Comprehensive Exercises Comprehensive Revisions Writing Exercises,Word Formation,1. Directions:Fill in the blanks with the right word chosen from the group. hesitate hesitant hesitantly hesitancy hesitation (1) She _ for a moment and then gave her agreement. (2) Shes _ about making new friends. (3) “Is this seat taken?” he asked _ (4) Without a moments _, she jumped into the river after the child. (5) I made the suggestion with some _, not knowing how it would be received. 2. Directions:Fill in the blanks with the right word chosen from the group accept acceptable acceptably acceptance (1) Ive decided to _ the job in America. (2) You must make it clear to her that her behavior is not _. (3) The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave _. (4) She immediately wrote a letter of _.,hesitated,hesitant,hesitantly,hesitation,hesitancy,accept,acceptable,acceptably,acceptance,3. Directions:Fill in the blanks with the right word chosen from the group relate related relation relationship (1) He asked me some _ questions. (2) What is the _ between poverty and crime rate? (3) I think we may _ these two accidents. (4) We wouldnt want to damage the special _that exists between our two governments. 4. Directions:Fill in the blanks with the right word chosen from the group friend friendly friendless friendship friendliness (1) She found herself alone and _ in a foreign city. (2) I was only trying to be _ to her. (3) Our _ has developed through the years. (4) I ran into an old _ of mine on the plane. (5) She also love the _ of the people.,related,relation,relate,relationship,friendless,friendly,friendship,friend,friendliness,Word Formation,Vocabulary,awkward move acceptable acquaintance be interested in exchange major current event local skip related closed-ended participate avoid comment appearance barrier overcome,1. Directions: Fill in the gaps with the words or expressions chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. (1) He took great care of his personal _. (2) Do you have any _ on what has been planned? (3) It would be a wise _ to test the market first. (4) Her _ is history. (5) The two teams _ presents before the game. (6) Nuclear war is to be _ at any costs. (7) After a couple of months the language _ begins to fade at a rapid rate. (8) Its a long job informing your friends and _of your change of mobile phone. (9) The _ situation is different to that in 1990. (10) They _ all the difficulties that had been placed in their path.,appearance,comments,move,major,exchanged,avoided,barrier,acquaintances,current,overcame,awkward move acceptable acquaintance be interested in exchange major current event local skip related closed-ended participate avoid comment appearance barrier overcome,Directions: Fill in the gaps with the words or expressions chosen from the box in vocabulary (1). Change the form where necessary. Some people may feel _ to talk to strangers. They may wonder whether it is _ to start a conversation. Actually they dont have to worry that much. Everybody needs friends and the other person might also be _getting to know about you. Try to find some topics both of you may like to talk about, such as something about the current _ or the _ news. Dont _ from one question to another. You should make one question _ to another. It is also important to _opinions in a conversation. Avoid those _ questions which can only be answered with “Yes” or “No”. Both of the speakers should _ in the conversation.,awkward,acceptable,interested in,events,local,skip,related,exchange,closed-ended,participate,Vocabulary,3. Directions: Choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps to make the sentence right in grammar and the most suitable in meaning. (1) We missed the last bus, so there was no choice _ than to walk home. A. other B. others C. another D. the other. (2) _ her departure she gave a party. A. Prior B. Previous C. Previous to D. Prior to (3) Theres postage and packing fee _ the repair charge. A. additional B. in addition to C. in addition D. addition (4) Carelessness may _ accidents. A. result B. result from C. result of D. result in (5) Can you _ all the changes in computer technology? A. keep B. keep up with C. keep up D. keep with,Vocabulary,(6) I _ my letter with a visit. A. followed B. followed on C. followed through D. followed up (7) The decision was taken for political _ military reasons. A. rather than B. than C. rather D. rather to (8) I want to invite Jane _ Mary. A. as well B. as well as C. as long as D as far as (9) Shes got such a _ attitude that she lost the aim of life. A. positive B. negative C. active D. cheerful (10) The President stopped off _ in London on his way to Geneva. A. immediately B. quickly C. briefly D. fast,Vocabulary,4. Directions: Therere ten sentences below with one word or expressions underlined. Choose the most suitable one from A, B, C, and D to explain or replace the underlined part. (1) Her answer indicated that she is angry. A. showed B. pointed C. appointed D. stood for (2) She can sing, and in addition, she can dance. A. or B. besides C. yet D. either (3) The fire was completely overcome by firemen. A. defeated B. beaten C. controlled D. manipulated (4) They have been asking some very awkward questions. A. difficult to answer B. clumsy C. sensitive D. interesting (5) We like to set off early to avoid the rush hour. A. happen B. keep away from C. stop D. prevent,Vocabulary,(6) The accident resulted in the death of two passengers. A. led to B. resulted from C. is due to D. originated (7) She is hesitant about making new friends. A. indifferent B. uncertain C. concerned D. anxious (8) Have you had any previous experience of this kind of work? A. following B. before C. early D. one-time (9) I havent seen him for years, though we exchanged letters at Christmas. A. interchange B. replace C. switch D. change (10) Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region. A. fault B. objection C. disapproval D. obstacle,Vocabulary,Structure,1. Directions: Rewrite the following sentences after the model. Model 1 To read English every day is important. It is important to read English every day. To do morning exercise is beneficial. It is beneficial to do morning exercises. To drink in time of pregnancy is dangerous. It is dangerous to drink in time of pregnancy. (3) To get there in half an hour is impossible. It is impossible to get there in half an hour.,Model 2 It is fun speaking English. Speaking English is fun. (1) It is of great importance fight against corruption. Fighting against corruption is of great importance. (2) It is no use crying over spilt milk. Crying over spilt milk is no use. (3) It is worthwhile having a discussion with other group members. Having a discussion with other group members is worthwhile.,Structure,Model 3 He seems to be ill. It seems that he is ill. (1) He doesnt seem to like this shirt. It seems that he doesnt like this shirt. (2) You seem in good mood. It seems that you are in good mood. (3) Mary seems to be a carefree girl. It seems that Mary is carefree girl.,Structure,2. Directions: Complete the following sentences, using a clause. (1) My opinion is _. ( that, children, go to school) (2) Friendship is _. ( what, people, in need of) (3) My question is _. ( where, we, have our holidays) (4) Please allow me to introduce the detective _. ( come from London) (5) The novel _( I, read, now) is written by Tomas Hardy. (6) The desk _ ( leg, broken) is very old.,that children should go to school,whose leg is broken,which I am reading now,who comes from London,where we are going to have our holidays,what we are in need of,Structure,3. Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets, and using the words and expression followed. (1) The man _ ( 告诉我这件事的,who)refused to give me his name. (2) The stairs _ ( 通向图书馆的,which)are rather slippery. (3) I like the house _ . ( 墙是用玻璃做 的,whose) (4) What I would suggest is _.(立刻开始干,to ) (5) To work means _(为了生活, to ) (6) This is _.(我们为什 么不能得到人们支持的原因所在, why) (7) The reason he is late for work is_. (没赶上早班车, that) (8) _ ( 停车, -ing)is not easy. (9) _ (读法语,-ing)is easier than speaking it.,who told me this,which leads to the library,whose walls are made of glass,to start work at once,to earn a living,why we cant get the support from the people,that he missed the early bus,Parking cars,Reading French,Structure,Comprehensive Exercises,1. Cloze Test (A) Directions: Fill in the gaps with words that you think are suitable in meaning and grammar. A good _ to know a culture is at the table. Every culture has its rules for dining, and every visitor, tourist or student should know the important ones. You will be embarrassed or unhappy _ you dont follow such _, so lets look at some, shall we? In the US, it is not a good idea to do something that looks or sounds bad. And what might look or sound bad? Well, putting large amounts of food in your _ or talking with your mouth _ would look bad. Leaving some food on a fork or a spoon would also look bad. And if you are a woman and _ a lot of lipstick on your napkin, which would certainly look bad. If you make your napkin into a ball after you have _ eating, that would look bad, too. Things that sound bad might be words or the result of some behavior. Some conversation topics do not _ to the dinner table. Dont talk about _ to do with the toilet, for _. Regarding behaviors, dont slurp your soup. And dont push or pull your chair across the floor.,place,if,rules,mouth,full,leave,finished,also belong,anything,example,Cloze Test (B) Directions: Fill in the gaps with one chose from A,B,C and D you think the most suitable in meaning and grammar. Talking is an important part of friendship. In a mutually satisfying friendship, both friends talk and both friends listen, usually to an equal _(1)_. When a friend talks and reveals ideas or feelings, he/she is expecting shared information in _(2)_. When the talk is not equal, the friend talking feels as if the listener is_(3)_. In fact, the friend who is always the listener is really playing the _(4)_of a counselor, not that of friend. Anytime you have been talking for more than a minute or two without _(5)_ from the person you are talking to, you are lecturing or putting your friend in the role of a counselor. People talk to _(6)_ themselves to another, to accept responsibility for the growth of the relationship, and to share ideas or feelings with someone else. Good, rich conversation is always available for friends and lovers. People dont talk for a _(7)_ of reasons. Non-talking can be used as a defense or as punishment. And last, but not least, talking can be a lot of work. But friendship is a lot of work as is anything worth _(8)_. When friends talk to you, show gratitude _(9)_ their trust. “Thank you for sharing that with me” is the language of friends.,Comprehensive Exercises,Make certain your subject is _(10)_ to the situation. For example, you would not disclose your exciting new promotion while your friend was telling you about her mothers illness. (1) A. degree B. part C. position D. time (2) A. answer B. return C. reaction D. response (3) A. interested B. different C. uninterested D. unworried (4) A. action B. role C. task D. job (5) A. change B. participation C. cooperation D. reply (6) A. promote B. show off C. extend D. open (7) A. various B. varied C. variety D. vary (8) A. to have B. to be having C. have D. having (9) A. in B. at C. off D. for (10) A. good B. appropriate C. effective D. equal,Comprehensive Exercises,2. Sentence Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words, expressions or the sentence patterns in brackets. (1) 事实真相和你想的很不一样。 (other than) The truth is quite other than what you think. (2) 你走得真快,我跟不上你。 ( keep up with) You are walking so fast that I cannot keep up with you. (3) 我们克服了许多困难。 ( overcome) We overcame a lot of difficulties. (4) 你用消极的态度是什么都学不到的。 (negative) You cant learn anything with a negative attitude. (5) 我们应该积极参与讨论。 (participate) We should actively participate in the discussion.,Comprehensive Exercises,Comprehensive Revisions,Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence. 1. Hes written a book _ name Ive completely forgotten. A. whose B. which C. of which D. that 2. The reason _ he gave for his being late was unacceptable. A. why B. that C. who D. for which 3. Ill never forget the day _ I met you for the first time. A. which B. when C. where D. that 4. This is the town _ I was born. A. where B. that C. which D. when + 5. They shouted with the loudest voice _ they could. A. when B. that C. which D. what,6. No sample _ we have received is satisfactory. A. which B. what C. that D. who 7. There are two spare rooms in the building, neither of _ has been provided with modern facilities. A. it B. which C. them D. this 8. I had nothing _ they could focus. A. that B. which C. on that D. on which 9. An old friend from abroad, _ was expecting to stay with me, telephoned from the airport. A. that B. which C. whom D. who 10. A survey was carried out, _ were surprising. A. the results of which B. whose results C. of which the results D. which results,Comprehensive Revisions,11. It is no good _ money on computer games. A. of you to waste B. for you to waste C. to waste D. wasting your 12. Ann prefers _ taking an examination. A. writing a term paper than B. writing a term paper to C. to write a term paper and D. to write a term paper than 13. I dont think you will have any difficulty _ a driving license. A. for getting B. to get C. having got D. getting 14. We regret _ you that the materials you ordered are out of stock. A. informing B. to inform C. having inform D. to have informed 15. There is _that this has been a difficult year for the company. A. not to deny B. not denying C. no denying D. without denying,Comprehensive Revisions,16. Dont worry; Philip is quite used _ in such heavy traffic as this. A. to driving B. to have driven C. to be driving D. to drive 17. The teacher doesnt permit _ in class. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. to have a smoke 18. You must tell me the truth. I insist on _ the truth. A. telling B. told C. to tell D. being told 19. The teacher has had some problems _ when they should return the final papers to the students. A. to decide B. to be deciding C. deciding D. decide 20. The teacher said that he wouldnt tolerate _ late every day. A. for me to arrive B. me arrived C. me to arrive D. my arriving,Comprehensive Revisions,Writing Exercises,1. Make sentences using the given words, paying attention to their tenses. (1) set / the / in / sun / west The sun sets in the west. (2) he / in / walk / the / garden / every day He walks in the garden every day. (3) stand / a / girl / be / near / the / window A girl is/was standing near the window. (4) the / sound / price / reasonable The price sounds reasonable. (5) she / show / feelings / seldom / her She seldom shows / showed her feelings.,(6) the / getting / be / weather / colder / and / colder The weather is / was getting colder and colder. (7) I / find / her / always / happy I always find her happy. (8) name / they / son / Tom / their They named their son Tom. (9) I / you / stay / prefer / with / to / us I prefer you to stay with us. (10) you / can / show / your / new / me / book Can you show me your new book?,Writing Exercises,2. Translate the following sentences into English. (1) 月亮升起来了。 The moon rose. (2) 飞机正在着陆。 The plane was / is landing. (3) 我们的国家越来越强大。 Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. (4) 眼见为实。 Seeing is believing. (5) 他们昨天知道了这个消息。 They got the news yesterday.,Writing Exercises,(6) 我已寄了一些钱给他。 I have sent him some money. (7) 他只给了我们两个小时来收拾行李。 He only allowed us two hours to pack up. (8) 董事们选举约翰为银行经理。 The directors elected John manager of the bank. (9) 火车八点离站。 The train leaves at eight. (10)这个故事听起来很有趣,但不真实。 The story sounds interesting, but it is not real.,Writing Exercises,Unit 2Exercise Book,Word Formation Vocabulary Structure Comprehensive Exercises Comprehensive Revisions Writing Exercises,Directions:The prefix “sub-” means “under, below”, combing whit a noun or an adjective, such as subway, subnormal, subsurface. Study the words in the box and fill the gaps of the sentences below. 1. My parents like living in the city while I like living in the _. 2. These_ goods were made in that factory. 3. The temperatures in the South and North Poles are _ all the year round. 4. Mr. Smith was made to be the _of the college. 5. He was once the _in the editorial department. 6. When we read a novel, we should read the _ of each chapter first. 7. Part of the building has been _ into offices. 8. Most of South China belongs to the _ belts.,Word Formation,suburb,substandard,subzero,subprincipal,subeditor,subtitles,subdivided,subtropical,subdivide substandard subtitlesubzero suburb subeditor subprincipal subtropical subagent,Vocabulary,economic mark spot be used to imagine magnificent historical protect out of survive wind (v.) top powerful be used for equipment advanced convenient,1. Directions: Fill in the gaps with the words or expressions chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. (1) Every vocation many tourists would like to come here because of its beautiful _. (2) To some extent, the development of IT leads to the _ growth. (3) We cant _living without the sunlight. (4) What actions should we take to _rare animals? (5) The _ bridge is a crystallization of working peoples wisdom.,sports,economic,imagine,protect,magnificent,(6) He has been abroad many years and _ living there. (7) The old machine has been _use because of its bad efficiency. (8) According to the _ record, the country is 3,000 years old. (9) When we read a book, we should hold a pen and


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