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Module 2 My New Teachers,.短语检测 1确定, 确信;查明 make sure 2犯错误 make a mistake/make mistakes 3取得进步 make progress 4不断/总是做某事 keep doing sth. 5结果 as a result 6在某方面干得好do well in sth.(反义do badly in) 7事实上 in fact 8睡着 fall asleep 9讲笑话;开玩笑 tell jokes,10厌倦了 get bored (with sth.) 11宁愿, 宁可 would rather 12.确信(做)对有把握 be sure of(doing) 13.按时. on time 14.及时 in time 15.害怕 be afraid of 16.擅长 be good at/in(反义:be poor/weak at/in) 17.尽力 do ones best(try ones best) 18举例 for example 19.公立学校 state school 20私立学校 private shool,1.amusing (funny) 有趣的;可笑的,我有一则可能你没听说过的有趣的消息,他在饭后讲了几则令人捧腹的笑话。,I have an amusing piece of news you may not have heard of.,He told several amusing jokes after dinner.,amuse vt 使开心 amusement n 消遣,娱乐 amused adj 感到有趣的;被逗乐的(主语常为人) be amused at/by 以为乐 The audience was amused by the performance,2.energetic adj.精力充沛的 energy n.能量 活力,他精力充沛。,He is an energetic tennis player.他是个精力充沛的网球手。,He has much energy. He is full of energy.,intelligent adj 聪明的;智能的 理解力强的。 intellect 侧重不受感情或意志左右的冷静思考或领悟能力,它还可表示智力高的人。 eg :He was one of the most formidable intellect of his time.他是他所处时代的盖世英雄。 intelligence 指处理或对付问题或情况所需的特殊才智 eg:use your intelligence ,and youre sure to achieve something. Wisdom 较为文雅正式,可指明智的言行,侧重于经过一定经验和知识的积累而能更好的做出决定或提出建议的能力。,3.patient耐心的 其反义词impatient 没有耐心的 patience n.耐心 patient n. 病人 be patient with sb/sth 对有耐心,有忍耐力。 be patient of sth 对某事有耐心/有忍耐力的 My uncle was a man patient of injuries. Shes very patient with young children.,4.be serious about sb/sth/doing sth 对认真 Is she serious about giving up her job?,be strict in/on/about sth 对某事严格 be strict with sb 对某人严格 This company is very strict about punctuality.The Browns are very strict with their children. We must be strict with ourselves in everything,5.be nervous about 对紧张,担忧 be nervous of 害怕 eg :Im nervous of (being in) large crowds. eg:She was so nervous about her exams that she couldnt sleep.,. 6.avoid vt 避免;防止 avoid sth 避免/避开某物 avoid doing sth避免做某事 eg:Fortunately,we were able to avoid an accident. 我们幸运地逃过一场事故 eg:He was lucky and avoided punishment /being punished.他很幸运,避免了惩罚,7.appreciate vt .感激;欣赏 appreciaten./pron.赏识、欣赏、感激某事。 eg:I appreciate all your help. appreciate(ones) doing sth 欣赏.感激(某人)做某事. eg:I would appreciate your calling back this afternoon. I would appreciate it if 如果我将不胜感激。 eg: I would appreciate it if you can write back soon.,8.admit vt ,承认 admit sth 承认(事实、过失等) eg:At last the thief admitted his crime. admit doing sth/ having done 承认干过某事 eg:He admitted having stolen the car. admit that 承认 I admit my mistake/that I was wrong. be admitted to/into 被录取,被接纳为会员 eg:luckily for him, he was admitted to Beijing University.,9.respect v. he enjoys sports. Our teacher is _ (严格的), so we have to do what he says. 3. What were your first _ (印象) of London? 4. Give a _ (总结) of todays lesson. 5. Make a _ (翻译) into French, please!,energetic,strict,impression,summary,translation,Fill in the blanks.,6. I known your leg hurts, just be p_ until the doctor arrives. 7. We a_ your efforts for the development of the company. 8. I_ means clever or bright . 9. As soon as I got their letter, I wrote back i_. 10. Students should show r_ for their teachers. 11. She really enjoys reading Chinese _ (文学).,atient,ppreciate,ntelligent,mmediately,espect,literature,Translation:,1. 我对学校的第一印象是它又大又漂亮。,My first impression of our school was that it was large and beautiful.,2. 明天上午会有一场足球赛的直播。,There will be a live broadcast of a football match tomorrow morning.,3. 白求恩大夫对他的病人都很耐心。,Doctor Bethune was very patient with all his patients.,4. 刚开学的时候,王老师对我们很严格。,Mr. Wang was very strict with us at the beginning of the semester.,5. 据说明年会有一位新老师教我们。,They say/ It is said that a new teacher will teach us next year.,6. 作为今天的家庭作业,我们要写一 篇关于学校的作文。,For our homework today, we have to write a composition of our school.,7. 我讨厌说英语的时候犯错误或读错单词。,I hate making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English.,8. 由校长教我们,我想我会取得进步的。,I feel Im going to make progress with the headmaster teaching us.,9. 吴老师的课是非常的有组织,所以我 们都非常尊敬他。,Mr. Wus teaching is so well organised that we all respect him a lot.,10. 他老是问同一个问题。,He keeps on asking the same question.,11.那位医生对他的病人很有耐心。,The doctor is very patient with his patients.,12.电影哈利波特如此好看有趣,所有的孩子都喜欢看。,The film Harry Porter is so interesting that all the children like it.,13.小明是个诚实的孩子,大家都信懒他。,Xiao Ming is such an honest boy that everybody believes in him.,14.刘翔跑得很快,结果获得了金牌。,Liu Xiang ran fast, so that he got a gold medal.,15.为了获得金牌,刘翔跑得很快。,Liu Xiang ran fast so that he could get a gold medal.,16.这双鞋对我来说有点大。,This pair of shoes is a bit too big for me.,17.我们非常感谢你们的及时帮助。,We greatly appreciate your timely help.,18.由于天气原因,我们迟到了。,I was late as a result of bad weather.,19.在向导的带领下,他走出了森林。,He got out of the forest with the guide leading the way.,HOMEWORK,Recite the passage. Write a passage about one of your teachers. Do exercises on page 73-76.,


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