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“Dont look a gift horse in the mouth,Dont look a gift horse in the mouth means dont measure the value of something that you have received for free. (looking a gift horse in the mouth = you question the value of the gift you received) Eg 1: Here is your drink. Reply: Oh, I hate this kind. Answer: Dont look a gift horse in the mouth. Eg2: This shirt you gave me is not my favorite brand. Reply: “You are looking a gift horse in the mouth! That was the best they had. Tip: You should be thankful when you receive a gift, and not wish for something better.,Unit 8 Hummingbird Winter,Outline: Warming up activities Words reluctance to spend money unnecessarily Hard work, plain living and building up the country through thrift.艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国. thrive vi. (throve, thrived; thriven) grow stronger 兴旺, 繁荣, 旺盛,茁壮成长 A business can not thrive without good management.,plumage,N. the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds 羽毛; 羽衣, 精致漂亮的衣服 wild goose having white adult plumage. (synonym) feather, plume Tell the difference of plumage/plum/ plumb,entice : to draw on skillfully, as by arousing hopes or desires 意为通过唤起希望或欲望巧妙地吸引 Eg.1) The teacher opened the door and, showing the toys on the shelves, tried to entice him into the classroom. 2) The beautiful weather enticed me into the garden. the enticement of the big city an enticing smell of cooking entice away from . 从.诱出 entice sb. into doing sth. 怂恿某人做某事 entice sb. to do sth. 怂恿某人做某事,lure/ entice/ tempt/ seduce/induceThese verbs mean “to lead or attempt to lead into a wrong or foolish course, as of action”,Lure vt suggests the use of something that attracts like bait: 表示用象鱼饵似的东西来吸引: eg: Industry often seeks to lure scientists from universities by offering them huge salaries. Phrase: alight on the lure come to ones lure 上钩, 上当 bring sb. to his the lure 引某人上钩 tempt vt. implies the operation of an attraction that disposes or invites one to do something, especially something immoral, unwise, or contrary to ones better judgment: 引诱; 诱惑, 引起(食欲等) 吸引; 使发生兴趣, 冒.的风险 暗指一个诱惑物作用于某人,诱使其做某事,尤指做不道德、不明智、与其正常判断相反的事情: never to be tempted off the straight path 决不被引入歧途 tempt sb. to steal 诱人偷窃 tempt providence 冒大险,seduce vt. (seduced, seducing) is to entice away, as from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; it usually suggests the overcoming of moral resistance:诱奸;勾引, 诱使(人)犯罪,意为诱惑使脱离职责、公认的准则或适当的行为; 它通常指摆脱道德的约束力 seduce sb. from his duty 诱使某人放弃职责 induce : vt. cause to arise; cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner 引诱; 劝导; 诱发, 引起; 导致 induce sb. to do sth. 劝导某人做某事 induced abortion 引产; 人工流产 induced current 感应电流 Too much food induces sleepiness.,frost :ice crystals forming a white deposit冰冻, 严寒; 冰点以下的温度, 霜, 结霜 a heavy hard, severe frost 酷寒 ten degrees of frost 冰点下10度frostbite vt. 使冻伤 n.冻疮 frostbitten adj. 生冻疮的,受霜害的frostbound adj. 冰冻的, 不热情的,冰冻的(土地) frosting n.霜状白糖, 玻璃粉, 无光泽面chocolate frosting 撒巧克力糖粉; frosting of paint 涂料的起霜(现象)frosty adj.霜冻的, 下霜的,冷淡的, 无情的 (须、发等)白的、灰白的; 喻老的 a cold frosty day, frosty looks , the frosty years of life froth 泡沫,hang out: 1)(slang) live, lodge; 2) display hang about: /around: doing nothing definite 闲荡 hang together: support one another 团结一致; 和谐一致 If we all , our plan will succeed. Their accounts of what happened dont .(are inconsistent) hang-up n. difficulty hangar: 飞机库;(停放飞机的)棚场 hanger:衣架;挂衣钩 dress hanger /clothes hanger /coat hanger hangnail:肉刺,possible/workable/practicable/feasible/ viable These adjectives signify” capable of occurring or of being done”.,possible indicates that something may happen, exist, be true, or be realizable:表示某件事可能发生、存在、成为真实或成为可实现的: workable is used of something that can be put into effective operation: 形容可有效实行的事物: Assuming that the scheme is workable, how will you begin to implement it? 假设这个计划是可行的,你将怎样开始实现它呢? practicable Something being effected, done, or put into practice:形容能够被影响、完成或执行的事: As soon as it was practicable, he would wind up his business. 一旦可行,他也将结束他的生意,feasible refers to what can be accomplished, brought about, or carried out: 指能够完成、实施或执行的 Making cars by hand is possible but not economically feasible. viable: Something viable is both practicable and workable; the term often implies capacity for continuing effectiveness or success 指既可行又能有效实行的; 这个词经常表示延续有效性或成功的能力: How viable are the ancient legends as vehicles for modern literary themes? 将古代传说作为表达现代文学主题的工具,这样的可行性有多少呢?,squeaky: adj.-ier, -iest 吱吱作响的;轧轧响的,squeak n. a short high-pitched noise a narrow close, near, tight squeak 九死一生的脱险; 非常勉强的成功 squeak by through 勉强通过; 险胜 queal vt.用又长又尖的声音说发出, 表示 俚揭露; 揭发 make sb. squeal 使某人尖叫 俚勒索敲诈某人钱财 squeal on sb. 俚告发某人 squeal with sth. 因某事而尖叫 squawk vi.(鸟类)咯咯地叫,大声抱怨 queaky adj.,detour vt. 好奇的 inquisition n. 调查;审讯 inquest n.【律】审讯问, 查询, 调查; 验尸, 陪审团; 验尸团 inquisitor 调查者; 审问者, 检察官 inquiry n. 询问, 打听; 质询 enquiry = n. inquiry Thank you for your enquiry / enquiries about my health. 谢谢你问候我的健康情况。,investigation probe research inquest examination inquiry 都含“调查”、“研究”、“探索”的意思 investigation 指“详尽的, 通常是正式的或官方的调查, 以弄清事实的真相”, the investigation of a crime调查罪行 probe 系新闻用语, 指“广泛而彻底的调查”, 如: mount a massive probe of sb.s death 广泛调查某人之死。 research 指“科学家或学者为了发现新的事实或获得新信息而作从原始资料开始进行坚韧不拔的调查或研究”, 如: He made a research into the cause of cancer.他对癌症病因进行了研究。 inquest 指“法律调查”, 如: a 2-year inquest into the case对该案进行历时两年的调查。 examination 强调“详细观察或检验某人或某事以求了解其真实情况”, He had a physical examination.他进行了一次体检。 inquiry 强调“以询问方式进行调查”, 如: Counselors began an inquiry into industrial needs.顾问们开始调查工业方面的需要。,in sheer disbelief,sheer adj. 纯粹的, 全然的, 真正的,透明的; 极薄的,险峻的; 垂直的 by sheer chance 纯属偶然地 a sheer impossibility 绝对不可能 a sheer cliff sheer nonsense ladies sheer stockings,strengthen the bond,bond n. 债券;公债;证券 4.5% National Savings bonds 年利四分五厘的国家储蓄券 契约;合同;票据 enter into a bond订契约 联结 bonds of friendship友邦 粘合 This new glue makes a firmer bond.新胶水粘得牢。,get the nerve to do=encourage sb. to do sth.,nerve: n. 神经, 精力, 活力; 胆量, 勇气; 核心, 主要部分 lose ones nerve 失去勇气 have the nerve to do sth. 有勇气做某事 Set phrase: get on sb.s nerves 使人心烦不安;使人心神不定 strain every nerve 竭尽全力 be all nerves/ones nerves are on edge. 神经紧张, 高度不安 have a nerve 口大胆; 放肆; 厚颜无耻 have the nerve for to do sth. 有胆量做某事 厚脸皮做某事,Key phrases in this unit,in sheer disbelief strengthen the bond capture ones heart in anticipation of get the nerve to do,Grammar Points,Inversion,谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。 从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。 前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语这前。 引起倒装的情况多种多样,倒装的表现形式大体有下列几种: 1在疑问句中 例1:How are you getting along with your work? 例2:Is this report written in detail? 注:如疑问词作主语或者作定语修饰主语时,不发生倒装,2在there be 及其类似结构中 例1:There are forty students in our class. 例2:There seem to be still some elements undiscovered yet. 例3:There stands a bridge across the river. 3在表示祝愿的句子中 例1:Long live the Peoples Republic of China! 例2:May you succeed! 例3:Dog-tired though they were, they continued to march on.,4在省略if 的虚拟语气条件状语从句中 这类句子中有were, had, should等词时,把were, had或should置于句首。 例1:Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world. 例2:Had you been more careful, such spelling mistakes might have been avoided. 5在so, nor, neither或no more开头的句子中 此类句子通常表示前面一句话中的谓语所说明的情况,也适用于另一句中的主语。例如: 1)This problem is not difficult and neither is that one. 2)Coal is under the ground in some places, and so is oil.,6在以具有否定意义的副词、连词及词组开头的句子中 这些词和词组通常有:rarely, never, scarcely, no sooner, little, few, hardly, seldom, at no time, in no way, on no account, nowhere, nobody, not only等。例如: 1)Visit our stores. Nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains. 2)Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang. 3)Not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it. 4)Little did we think his speech had made so deep an impression on his audience.,7在强调表语时 例1:Worst of all were the humiliations. 例2:Such is the case. 8在强调宾语时 例1:Still greater contributions should we make to our socialist construction. 例2:Useful chemical fertilizer can we make from the waste liquid. 注:当前置宾语由“not a +名词”或者“not a single +名词”构成时,也会引起倒装。例如: Alice had a terrible time touring that country. Not a day did she spend without having some unpleasantness with waiters in the hotel.,9在强调状语时 (1)当句首状语为方位词或拟声词,谓语动词为go, come等表示位置转移的动词时句子须倒装。例如: 1)Up went the plane. 2)In came the chairman and the meeting began. 注:如果主语是代词则不发生倒装。例如: 1)Out they rushed! 2)Lower and lower he bent. (2) 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子须倒装。例如: 1)Round the corner walked a large policeman. 2)Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man.,(3)当句首状语由“only +副词”,“only +介词词组”,“only +状语从句”构成时,句子须倒装。例如: 1)Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. 2)Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end. (4)当句首状语为here, there, now, then等时,句子须倒装,主语是代词时,句子不用倒装。例如: 1)Here is a ticket for you. 2)Now comes your turn. 3)Here he comes.,(5)以关联词so (that)开头的句子中,句子须倒装。例如: 1)So small was the mark that I could hardly see it. 2)So quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus. 3)So much does he worry about his financial position that he cant sleep at night. 注:在该结构中,“so +形容词”是表语的前置;“so +副词”是状语的前置。,10在直接引语之后 在叙事性书面语中,直接引语后常跟asked Mary, answered John, said the old lady, grunted Peter之类的词语。在这些词语中,动词常的主语之前,主语是代词时,不用倒装。例如: 1)“What do you mean?” asked Henry. 2)“What do you mean?” he asked.,11. often, many a time等表示频度的状语置于句首时 Often did they think of going there, but they never had a chance. 12在as, though引导的让步状语从句中 在as, though引导的让步状语从句中,一般将形容词、副词或名词等置于句首。例如: 1)Small as the atom is, we can smash it. 2)Big as the workpiece is, it is turned out with,Cultural Notes,Raising the question Are animals intelligent? The phrase animal intelligence may introduce a discussion about whether it is meaningful to speak of animals as intelligent at all, or whether animal behavior should instead be thought of as a series of unthinking mechanical responses to stimuli that originate in the animals internal or external environments, with only humans being capable of conscious thought and flexible responding.,This debate is now largely obsolete. On one hand, it has been superseded by a more empirically-driven discussion about whether the research program of animal cognition, which assumes that animals have cognitive processes similar to those of humans, is or is not successful. On the other hand, it has been made obsolete by any of a number of more modern approaches to human intelligence.,Cultural Notes,Why do we study animals to learn about their intelligence? The main purpose of animal intelligence study is to learn about the origins of humans unique intelligence by studying the mental processes of lower species. In order to understand how humans became smart we need to understand the processes of association and learning in other animals and how they may have led to our development of art, religion or mathematics.,From the study of animal behavior, knowledge can be gained about the events that constitute a learning experience. The knowledge can be applied to other areas of learning and experience in relation to intelligence. Also, we can distinguish animal learning processes from human. For example, the way in which a task is presented to a subject may elicit a different response indicating a different kind of intelligence. Finally, we can study learning processes without the use of mans ability to communicate with an elaborate symbol system or language.,Gorilla largest of the great apes and one of the closest living relatives of the human species. Like chimpanzees, orangutans, and other great apes, gorillas are members of the primate order. Monkeys and humans also belong to this order. Until recently, accounts of the gorilla have portrayed a ferocious, powerful beast prone to attacking people.,Cultural Notes,Such descriptions proliferated in various media, a prime example being the American motion-picture classic King Kong (1933). Only after 1960 did evidence emerge, from the field studies of American zoologists George B. Schaller and Dian Fossey, that the gorilla is a relatively gentle vegetarian who attacks only if directly threatened.,


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