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7bUnit7 Ability测试卷及答案I.词汇 A用所给词适当形式填空。(10分)1. He can _ (swim) very well. 2Its polite to give your _(sit) to others on buses.3Last year I _(can not) ride a bike. But now I can.4Fire can be_(danger) if were not careful about it.5Suddenly I heard someone_(shout) for help.6 I _ (catch) a very bad cold last week. 7He was _(happy) because he got 58 points in the exam. 8Theres no time_(open) it.9Children, _(not be) late next time.10Sandy is a member of the_(swim) Club.B词组互译(10分)1He is a _ (细心的)boy. 2. The firemen rushed into the house _ (救) that little baby. 3. Dont (抽烟) here, please. 4. There are many (参观者) in our city in summer. 5 He (读) a book about Lu Xun yesterday. 6. Be careful with (火柴), please.7.Is he good at _(跑步)? Yes, he is. 8.There are five family _ (成员) in my family. 9. I would like _ (推荐) him for first class honours. (优等)10.She is (倒) hot water into the thermos.(热水瓶) III单项选择(15分) 1.The old man doesnt have any child. He lives . A. along B. alone C. himself D. by 2.Daniel often me with my Maths. He is a boy. A. helps, help B. helpful , helpful C. help, helps D. helps, helpful 3.Dont pour water_ his jacket. A. overB. inC. throughD. above4.I am looking forward _ you soon. A. seeingB. to seeingC. to seeD. meeting5 -May I play computer games now ? -No, you_. You _ finish your homework first. A. cant, mustB. neednt, may C. mustnt, canD. may not, may6. When there is a fire, we can _ with a blanket. A. put off itB. put it out C. put out itD. put it off7.This story _ interesting. A. listensB. soundsC. hearsD. looks like8.I saw some girls _ volleyball when I passed the playground. A. playedB. playC. to playD. playing9. The girl _ read a newspaper when she was five years old.A.can B.could C.may D.might10. There is_girl singing under a big three. A.a 8-year-oldB. an 8-years-old C. a 8-years-oldD. an 8-year-old11. nice information ! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 12. _you help me to look after my dog when I am not at home. A.CouldB. MayC. MightD. Must13.The fire burned Wang Fangs neck . She was in hospital. A. a B. the C. / D. an 14.-Oh, Im too tired. -Why not_? A.to stop to workB. stop to have a rest C.stop having a restD. to stop to have a rest15.The pair of trousers _ them 30 dollars.A. costs B. takes C. costed D. TooIV. 同义句转换(10分)1. We can stop a fire with a blanket . We _ _ to stop a fire with a blanket2.What beautiful flowers they are!_ _the flowers are!3. Daniel gets letters from his friends. Daniel often _ _ his friends.4. Liu Xiang is good at running. Liu Xing _ _ in running.5. Can you send me the postcard? Can you _ the postcard_ me?V、完成句子(10)1. 昨天我付了十元钱买了那本书。I _ ten yuan _ the book. .2. 桑迪应该使他都长头发远离火。Sandy should _ her long hair _ fire.3. 我会查出来是谁没有关门的。 I will _ _ who didnt close the door.4孙先生他不能出门,因为他腿受伤了。 Mr Sun couldnt go out _ he _ his leg.5去年他会骑车吗? 不会,但他现在会了。_he ride a bicycle last year? No, he couldnt,But now he .VI完型填空(10分)Mr. Reece worked on a farm. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows. Every day they worked hard 1 morning till night. One day, Mr. Reece 2 his wife. “Lets go to Portsmouth next Sunday . We can 3 a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.”His wife was very happy when she 4 this, because they always ate a lot, and she didnt 5 cooking three times a day.They went to Portsmouth by plane and walked about 6 an hour. Then, when it was twelve oclock , they wanted to 7 . They looked around restaurants, they 8 a notice. It reads “Lunch: 12:30 to 2:30 . 1. 5 pounds.”“Well, thats 9 . ” Mrs. Reece said, “we eat for two hours for 1. 5 pounds here ! This is 10 for us.”( )1. A. onB. inC. fromD. at( )2. A. said toB. spokeC. askedD. told to ( )3. A. buyB. have C. smellD. cook( )4. A. listenedB. heardC. heard ofD. hard from( )5. A. loveB. wantC. wishD. think( )6. A. inB. atC. byD. for( )7. A. go homeB. take a busC. have lunchD. have a seat( )8. A. looked forB. watchedC. heardD. saw( )9. A. greatB. badC. wellD. terrible( )10. A. the shopB. the placeC. the thingD. the newsVII阅读理解(15分)(A)晚上的太空星星闪烁,令人浮想联翩!请品读以下短文,判断文后句子的正(T)误(F)。Sometimes when the sun goes down, we can see another light in the sky. Its smaller than the sun, and not so bright. It is the moon. We can also see many little stars. Theyre very bright at night.You cant count the stars. Therere too many of them. Theyre too far away. Thats why they look so small . Every star is like our sun. It has its own light.The moon has no light of its own. The sun makes it bright. Then it can shine. Do you know that the moon changes its shape ? Watch it for a few nights. It may look round. Its the full moon. Then it may look smaller and smaller night after night. Soon it will be a half-moon. At last, it will be only a curve (弯月) . After this comes the new moon. It will grow bigger until its full again.( )1. The moon looks smaller than the sun.( )2. The stars look small because theyre very bright.( )3. You cant know how many stars there are in the sky.( )4. The moon shines because it has its own light.( )5. If you watch a full moon for a few nights , the moon will get a little bigger.(B)作为学生时时刻刻都想在考试中获胜,读了以下短文,对你一定会有所启发。 A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar (语法). Try to read stories in English. Speak in English whenever you can. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper, try to understand the exact (确切的)meaning of each question. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any, and be sure that you have not missed anything out.( )6. How can we do well in exams ? A. We should work hard every day in the year. B. We should go to bed early a few days before an exam. C. We should read over the answers before we hand in our papers. D. We should do A,B,C( )7. Learning rules of grammar _ to pass an exam. A. is enough B. is not enough C. is not impossible D. is no use( )8. Speak in English whenever you can. It is _ to your English study. A. helpful B. impossible C .wonderful D. foolish( )9. Make sure that you _ before you hand in your paper. A. remember rules of grammar B. have thought over and over again C. have answered all the questions D. have read stories in English( )10. In the sentence “Do not stay up late at night studying”, the expression “stay up” means _. A. 逗留 B. 呆坐 C. 熬夜 D. 停止(C)Who doesnt love sitting beside a fire on a cold winter night? Fire is one of mans greatest friends, but also one of his greatest enemies. Many big fires are caused by carelessness. A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window can start a fire. Sometimes, A fire can start on its own. Dry hay can begin burning by itself.Fires have destroyed whole cities. In the 17th century, a small fire which began in a bakers shop burnt down nearly every building in London. Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon. This fire went on burning for seven days. Even today, though there are modern firefighting methods, fire destroys a lot each year both in the city and the country.( )11. Many big fires are caused by_. A. lighted cigaretteB. war C. dry hayD. all of the above( )12. What can start burning by carelessness? A. Lighted cigaretteB. Grass. C. A war.D. A shop.( )313. Which of the following is wrong? A. A small fire burnt down the whole city of London more than three hundred years ago. B. A fire cant start by itself. C. When people sit beside a fire to keep themselves warm on a cold winter night, fire is a good friend. D. Fires often break out even today both in the city and in the country.( )14. People couldnt put out the fire in London soon in the 17th century because_. A. they were not carefulB. the fire was too big C. they had no modern firefighting methods D. the fire began in a bakers shop( )15. What is the best title for this passage? A. Fire and carelessness B. Fire destroyed cities C. Fire-friend and enemy D. Fire and warVIII书面表达(15分) 根据所给汉语提示,用英文写一段话,不少于70词:你校正在举办一个评选“最乐于助人学生奖”你班想推荐阳阳同学,假设你是一班之长,请你执笔写一封推荐信,好吗?(请写清楚:年龄、姓名、出生年月、助人为乐的一些事例。)参考答案I词汇(20分)A用所给词适当形式填空(10分)1.swim 2. seats 3. couldnt 4. dangerous 5. shouting 6. caught7. unhappy 8. to open 9. dont be 10. swimming B.根据汉语和句意填写单词。(10分)1. careful 2.to save 3. smoke 4. visitors 5.read 6.matches 7.running 8.members 9.to recommend 10.pouringII.语音,写出下列单词画线部分的音标(5分)1. /i:/ 2. /ei/ 3. /ai/ 4. / / 5. /ei/III单项选择(15分) 1-5 BDABA 6-10 BBDBD 11-15 AACBAIV同义句转换(10分)1. are able 2. How beautiful 3. hears from4.does well 5.send toV完成句子(10分)1. paid, for 2.keep, from 3.find out 4.because, hurt 5.Could, canVI完型填空(10分)1-5 CABBA 6-10DCDABVII阅读理解(15分)1-5TFTFF 6-10DBACC 11-15DABBC VIII书面表达(15分)


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