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国外对建筑专业的要求Overseas for building professional requirements目录(contents)v 法国(France)v日本(Japan)v德国(Germany)法国的建筑专业是什么样的呢?(what is kind of French architecture?)v建筑是一门既需要美学才华又需要科学素养的专业。在法国,共有20所公立建筑设计学院,为文化部直属学校,巴黎地区共有6所,其余分布在外省。建筑学院本科学制3年,硕士2年,全部免费教育。(Architecture is a need to have both aesthetic talent and the need to accomplishment of science in France,there are professional 20 public architecture design institute,directly under the ministry of culture,school for six Paris area,the rest in provincial construction of undergraduate education in distribution system 3 years,masters 2 years,all free education)本科段学习以基础课程为主:如绘画、美学、历史以及一些基础的建筑课程。此阶段学生淘汰率较高,一般达到百分之三十,但随年级的增高,淘汰率逐渐降低;硕士阶段以建筑和城市规划的理论、实践为主;在此期间,学生有着很大的自由度,根据个人喜好选择研究方向,如“环境”、“城市规划”和“土地规划“等。最后一年毕业时,需准备至少30页的论文,并通过论文答辩。Undergraduate course paragraph on the basic learning course:such as painting aesthetics history and some basic architecture program.This stage student attrition rate thirty percent higher,general,but over grade of increased gradually reduced attrition rate;Masters stage in the construction and urban planning of theory and practice for the Lord;During this period,they have a lot of freedom,choose according to individual be fond of research direction,such as the environment city planning and land planning etc.获得硕士文凭后,如果学生想获得从业资格,那就必须要继续学习1年,然后在答辩合格以后可以获得建筑师文凭HMONP.取得建筑师文凭,是每个建筑学学生的梦想,意味着他们经过了六年(至少六年)的学习,终于成为了国家注册建筑师,有权在欧盟国家内执业。For a masters degree,if students want to obtain qualifications,it will have to continue to learn 1 year,and then the defense eligible can get architect HMONP diploma.Get the diploma,is every architect for students of architecture dream,means they after six years(at least six years)of learning,and finally become the national registered architects,have the right to in the light法国建筑设计专业的文凭The French architectural design professional diploma法国建筑设计专业的文凭由两大体系提供:(The French architectural design professional diploma by two big system to provide)v一、是由文化与交流部主管的建筑设计学院:全法国共有二十所建筑设计学院(6所在巴黎大区,14所在外省)。他们的教学包括两个领域:One is by the culture and exchange department supervisors architectural design institute:all France there were twenty building design institute(6 in Paris,where 14 regional provincial).Their teaching include two fieldsv-建筑设计学(建筑设计理论与实践、城市规划理论与实践、建筑与城市史及理论、建筑设计表现);building design science(architecture theory and practice in the design of city planning theory and practice architecture and city history and theory construction design performance)-建筑设计知识(建筑科学与技术、艺术表达、艺术理论与艺术史、与建筑设计相关的人文与社会科学、城市规划与风景理论)。Architecture design knowledge(building science and technology art expression of art theory and art and architecture design of humanities and social science related to the urban planning and landscape theory).他们颁发的文凭有(They issued a diploma):-“政府认可建筑设计师文凭”为法国建筑设计专业最重要的文凭.government recognised building stylist diploma for French architectural design professional the most important degree.-“政府认可风景设计师文凭”课程government recognised the landscape architect diploma course二、是由大学建筑设计专业提供的高等教育国家文凭:DESS和DEA。这两种文凭,大学可以单独授予或与有资格的建筑设计学院联合颁发。专业注册费用:250欧元左右。it is the university architecture design of higher education countries provide professional diploma:DESS and DEA this two kinds of diploma,the university can be alone or with a qualified awarded architectural design institute jointly issued professional registration fee:around 250 euros.日本对建筑专业有哪些方面的要求(Japan to what aspects of the architectural requirements)在世界建筑发展大潮中,日本建筑无疑是令人瞩目的。作为经济、文化、科技三者结合的产物,日本当代建筑创造了建筑史上划时代的作品。日本的当代文学、美术、音乐似乎还没有日本当代建筑这样高的成就。In world architecture development flood tide,Japanese architecture is undoubtedly remarkable.As the economic culture and the combination of the three,contemporary Japanese architecture creating the building history landmark works of contemporary literature art music Japan does not yet seem to contemporary architecture of such a high Japan achievement.日本有着与众不同的强烈的传统文化,有着固有的独特的建筑观,同时又存在着对外来文化的包容和吸收。在创作方法上,日本存在着多种理论和流派,比如老一辈建筑家村野藤吾就始终和现代建筑保持着一定的距离;丹下健三则一直致力于日本的的现代建筑运动,使之逐渐在日本建筑界占统治地位;矶崎新使用的视觉语言。Japan has a distinctive strong traditional culture,has the inherent unique architecture view,and at the same time,there are foreign culture tolerance and absorption.In the creation of the methods,there are DuoZhong Japan theory and schools,such as the older generation architect CunYe cane I will always and modern architecture kept a distance;Under the three nutrilite Dan has been committed to the Japanese modern architecture movement,to gradually in Japan dominant architecture;Rocky proposal of new use visual language日本建筑士注册制度 v一级建筑士、二级建筑士或结构建筑士的考试,每年至少进行一次,一级建筑士考试由建设大臣主持,二级建筑士或木结构建筑士考试由都道府县知事主持。Level 1 and level 2 construction and building or structure building and the test,at least once a year,building and construction level exam presided over by the minister,level 2 buildings and timberwork building by the exam or all way FuXian prophetic chair.v一级建筑士、二级建筑士的考试,是考察其设计和工程监理方面的基础知识和基本技能。分为学科考试和设计制图考试两部分。学科考试合格者方能参加设计制图考试。Level 1 and level 2 construction and building of examinations,is its design and project supervision investigation foundation knowledge and basic skills into subject test and design drawing test two parts subject to pass the exam can design drawing the exam.v学科考试合格者、设计制图不合格时,在以后的2年中可以免除学科考试。一级建筑士的学科考试分为四个部分即第一部分包括建筑设计、环境工程、建筑设备;第二部分包括建筑法规;第三部分包括结构力学、各种建筑结构、建筑材料;第四部分包括建筑施工、建筑预算。二级建筑士的学科考试有设计、法规、结构、施工四个方面。Subject given all design drawings unqualified,in the later two years should be exempt from discipline construction and test of the test subjects level is divided into four parts namely the first part includes building design environment engineering construction equipment;The second part includes building regulations;The third part includes structure mechanics of building structure construction materials;The fourth film.日本土木设计技术者资格制度包括两种制度即:技术士制度和RCCM制度。Japan civil design technology qualification system including the two system namely:technology and system and RCCM system.对建筑师工程师资格的确认,重视其学历教育,但更注重其实践经验。日本是发达国家,其国民的教育素质也很高。尽管如此,日本对建筑师、工程师资格的确认。重视学历教育,但更注重其实践经验。例如:建设大臣确认与一级建筑士考试资格条例同等的知识和技能的人员,可以参加一级建筑士考试;没有学历,有7年以上实践经验者,可以参加二级建筑士考试;没有学历,有7年以上实践经验者,可以参加技术士考试。For architects engineer qualification confirmation,pay attention to its degree education,but pay more attention to the practice experience.Japan is a developed country,the national education quality is very high also still,Japan for architects engineer qualification confirmation attention degree education,but pay more attention to the practice experience.For example:construction minister confirmed and level 1 architecture and test qualifications act the same level of knowledge and skills of the staff,may participate in the building and the level exam;No degree,with seven years of practice experience,may participate in the building and the second test;No degree,with seven years of practice experience,can participate in technology and test.德国的建筑专业German architecturev德国的大学和应用技术大学都开设建筑学专业。对于德国学生的录取条件是中学毕业考成绩在1.9分-2.6分之间。Germanys university and application technology in universities in the German architecture speciality students admitted to the condition is high school graduation examination results in 1.9 points to 2.6 points in between.v综合性大学和艺术学院的专业设置。Comprehensive university school of the arts and professional setting 标准学习年限:9至10个学期 实习:进入大学学习之前,或在大学学习过程中参加实习,为期3至6个月,在建筑业或者与建筑相关的行业和建筑办(规划办公室)的实习时间各占一半。Standard learning age:9 to 10 term practice:before enter university study,or in the university in the process of learning in practice,for three to six months,and in construction or building related industry and building do(planning office)each half of the practice time基础阶段学习:讲授课、练习课和实验课Basic study stage:speak teaching practice and experiment.包括以下主修课程:画法几何学、建筑测绘和测量学、绘画和设计、建筑设计和规划基础、楼房建筑学、建筑物学、建筑化学、建筑材料学、建筑成本规划、电子数据处理在建筑业中的应用、建筑和艺术史、建筑物技术装备、建筑法和城市规划。Including the following the majors:drawing surveying and mapping and measuring learn geometry construction drawing and design architecture design and planning to study architecture building architecture building foundation chemical building material science building cost planning the electronic data processing in the application architecture and art history construction technical equipment and building construction of city planning.专业阶段学习:通过完成较大的设计和学习论文深入学习所有课程,尤其是建筑设计和规划课程,并学习掌握经济、社会和法学的基础知识。诸如生存环境规划和自然风景区规划之类的提高课程也变得越来越重要。Professional study stage:through the complete design and study of the larger paper into learning all courses,particularly architectural design and plan curriculum,and learn the foundation of economic society and law knowledge such as living environment planning and natural scenic spots such as improving course of planning is also becoming more important.在城镇建设专业学习中非常重要的课程有:建筑史,生态学基础,规划学,地方市政规划,地方/区域生存环境规划,文物保护,交通学和法学。毕业:硕士考试In the urban construction in major study very important course has:architecture,ecology foundation,planning to learn,the local municipal planning,local/regional environment planning,protection of cultural relics,communication and law.Graduation:masters exam应用科学大学和综合性大学的专业设置The applied science university and the university of comprehensive professional setting.标准学习年限:8个学期,其中包括一或两个学期的实习,学习6个学期后考试合格可获学士学位学位。Standard learning age:eight semesters,including one or two semesters of practice,study six semester exam qualified after can be awarded bachelors degree degree基础阶段学习:画法几何学,绘画和设计,静力学和材料力学,建筑设计和规划,建筑材料学和建筑物理学,支承结构学和技术性改建。Basic study stage:geometry drawing,painting and design,the statics and material mechanics,architectural design and planning,architectural material science and building physics,supporting JieGouXue and technical reconstruction.专业阶段学习:普遍的拓宽和深化。重点为:高层建筑/工业建筑,城镇建设,设计,建筑企业,建筑及建筑规划等。Professional study stage:common broaden and deepen the key for high-rise building/industrial architecture,urban construction,the design,the construction enterprise,building and construction planning etcv毕业:硕士考试,学士学位。Graduation:masters test,a bachelors degree


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