Oxford English 5A

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Oxford English 5AModule 1 Unit 3My birthday 周 丹2019.5.5沪教版英语教材5AModule 1 Unit 3 My birthday (第一课时教学设计)教学内容: Oxford English 5A Module 1 Unit 3 My birthday 教学目标:知识与能力目标 Using nouns to reger to dates. e.g. first、second Asking Wh- questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person and using prepositions to indicate time.e.g. Whens your birthday? My birthdays on the of 过程与方法目标 Can use ordinal numerals freely. Can ask When questions to ask peoples birthday.情感态度价值观 Enable the students to understand what is love. Make the students to present love to their family .教材及学情分析:Oxford English 5A Module 1 Unit 3 A birthday party是在以前基数词和What time do you? 句型学习的基础上进一步的延伸。在基数词学习的基础上,要求学生学习序数词131。本课的句型对于五年级的学生来说较为简单,但表达时所涉及的内容即日期的表达方式却是相当有难度。12个月份加上序数词的表达,介词的运用,将这些内容正确组合并流利表达,对学生来说有一定的难度。本单元的教学主题是我、家庭和朋友,因而在教学的过程中我将通过生日、礼物,有机渗透“爱”的教育。教学重难点:1、the new words2、to express the date of their birthday correctly设计理念及教学方法: 呈现基数词与序数词对比表,让学生自主发现并总结基数词与序数词的关系。 Chant运用帮助学生有效掌握序数词的记忆规律,提高课堂教学效率。 听、说、读、写有效结合,全面提高学生的英语综合运用能力。 通过birthday,有机渗透爱的教育。教学准备: PPT and some cards教学过程设计:Pre-task preparation:StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose1.Greetings.2. Sing a song.3. Free talk.1.Greetings.2. Sing a song :Happy birthday!3. Questions and answers.Guess the teachers name.Ss sing together for Peters birthday.Ss answer.从英语歌曲入手,展现与本课相关的信息,起到生动、直观的作用,直接切入主题,关注孩子们的情感,加强了教师与学生之间的沟通、交流。有关月份的对话不但复习了这十二个单词,并为新课序数词的教授做好了铺垫。While-task Procedures:StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose1.Review the months of a year.2 Elict the drill: My birthdays in _.(月份)3. To elicit the ordinal numeral .4.Explaine the ordinal numeral and the cardinal numeral simply.5.Look and find.6. Read the chant.7.Do you know?8.Practise the drills.Show a calendar. Lead them to read.Let Ss introduce their birthday.Show a big calendar, circle the date of the teachers birthday.Show the diffenences.Show them a table of the ordinal numbers and the cardinal numbers.Sum up.Show the chant.Show the exercises.Let Ss make the Wishing Card and do the group work Read the 12 months of a year.Ss introduce their birthdaySs watch and listen.Ss watch and read.Ss watch and sum up. Then report.Ss read together.Ss have a race.Make the wishing cards, then read it and put it in the wishing.S1: Whens your birthday? S2: My birthday is on the _ of _. I want _.S1 reads their . Ss listen and stand up and say:Im对十二个月份的巩固,让学生对日历有了一个整体认识,也为新课生日的表达打下坚实的基础。让学生操练生日用月份表达的句型。课件呈现语法要点,帮助学生快速掌握基数词与序数词意思上的区别。让学生自主学习,发现基数词与序数词在拼写上的不同,尤其是规则变化与不规则变化,帮助学生记忆单词。Chant的运用,帮助学生利用这一生动又富有乐感的形式更牢固的掌握序数词的学习,也鼓励学生自己创编感兴趣的歌谣。这种竞赛性的互动使学生产生了一种积极的心理体验,并迅速转化为一种求知欲望,唤起他们进行探索、创造学习的激情,避免了单纯传授序数词的枯燥乏味。小组活动“制作心愿卡”的任务,吸引学生通过想象、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。而心愿树的设置也充分把握住学生的喜好,使课堂达到高潮。Post-task activities:StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose1.Play a game : Whens his/her birthday?2.About the birthday.3.Enjoy and read the poem.Give them some information about their birthday.Free talk with the Ss.Show some pictures and lead them to read the poem.Read then give the answers.Answer the teachers questions.Watch and read.将节日引入其中,为语言知识的拓展提供了多角度的平台,有利于开拓学生的视野与知识面及知识的整合,锻炼学生的思维及综合运用能力。同时对本节课的教学效果进行检测。自由谈话由生日引入亲人对自己的爱,如何表达对亲人的爱。情感升华Homework:1.Do a survey: Whens your fathers/mothers/grandfathers/grandmothers birthday?2. Choose one and write down what do you want to do for her/him on that day.Blackboard Design:My birthday


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