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课 程 名 称 ,授课老师:*,2015安徽教师统一招聘考试培训课程,英语学科专业知识,小学英语学科专业知识,小学英语学科专业知识包括小学英语语法知识、小学英语语言技能和英美概况及英美文学。,English,语法知识, 语音 语法 句法,语言技能,英美概况及文学, 完形填空 阅读理解 翻译 写作, 英美概况 英美文学,语音知识 26个英文字母的发音 48个英语国际音标 英语共有48个音素,其中元音有20个,辅音有28个。,小学英语语法知识,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素: 1. 含元音音素 ei Aa Hh Jj Kk 2. 含元音音素 i: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz 3. 含元音音素 e Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx 4. 含元音音素 ju: Qq Uu Ww 5. 含元音音素 ai Ii Yy,怎样根据音标拼读英语单词? 下面口诀教你怎样根据音标拼读单词。 “从前往后拼, 首先读元音。 辅音轻,元音重, 两者结合猛一碰。 拼过一节(音节),再一节, 看准重音连起来。” 例如: desk desk worker wk,什么是开音节? 闭音节? 开音节: a.以元音字母结尾的重读音节叫绝对开音节。 例如: hi, me, no等。 b.包含一个元音字母,而以辅音字母(r除外)结尾的重读音节,后面有一个不发音的字母e,这样的音节叫相对开音节。 例如:like, these, note等。 闭音节: 包含一个元音字母,而以辅音字母(r除外)结尾的重读音节,这样的音节叫 闭音节。 例如:hit, map, desk 等。,热点练习: 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 1. A.key B. wait C. they D. way 2. A. apple B. map C. label D. bag 3. A. three B. they C. mouth D. youth 4. A. what B. where C. which D. whose 5. A. shut B. cut C. use D. funny,二. 常用词类 名词 (可数名词、不可数名词;单、复数形式;名词所有格) 冠词 (定冠词、不定冠词) 代词 (代词的分类和用法) 数词 (数词的分类和用法) 介词 (介词短语及用法) 连词 (从属连词、并列连词) 形容词和副词 动词 (动词的分类、用法、时态等),小学英语语法知识,名词,一 名词复数的规则变化,二 名词复数的不规则变化 fish-fish sheep-sheep deer-deer child-children foot-feet tooth-teeth man-men womanwomen mouse-mice 三 名词所有格 词尾加 “ s” 例如: the cats tail the mens room 如果两个名词并列,要注意:Toms and Lucys room (分别有) Tom and Lucys room (共有) 复合名词或短语, 则在最后一个词的词尾加“ s” 例如:a month or twos holiday,名词,一 常用介词的用法 表示时间 (1)at+加时间点; in强调时间段 (2)during+时间段,表示在期间; 而by+时间点,表示到为止. (3)表示在一段时间之后时,in+时间段,用于将来时;after+时间段,用于过去时 (4)表示延缓的一段时间,用for+时间段;表示动作起始时间,用since+过去的时间点 (5)表示直到用until+时间点 表示地点 (1)at表示在范围较小的地方; in表示范围较大的地方 (2)在与方位词连用时,on强调接邻; in表示在内部; to表示在外部 例如: Japan lies to the east of China. (3)across+表面 表示:横过; through+空间 表示 穿过;over表示从上面越过 3.表示方式手段等 with+手段 by+交通工具 in+语言 4.表示其他 in+颜色 in red on+电器 on TV between用于两者 among用于三者或三者以上 except表示:排除掉某人或某物,不包含; besides则表示“除了还” over, under表示垂直的上下关系, above, below仅表示“高于”或“低于”,不表示垂直。,介词,二 介词的固定搭配 在英语中,固定搭配的介词词组和短语介词很多,平时需要加强记忆。 act as 担任 act for 代理 apply to 应用于,适合于 apply for申请 belong to 属于 belong with 应归于(类别) compare with 跟相比较 compare to把比作 correspond with与通信;适合 correspond to 相当于 deal in 做生意,经营 deal with 对付,处理 agree with 同意某人 break into闯入 bring up教育,培养 be keen on热衷于 be proud of 对感到骄傲 be aware of意识到 depend on依靠 be interested in对感兴趣 by turns轮流 look forward to盼望,介词,动词的分类 二 动词的时态,1.状态系动词:be seem 2.表像系动词:look appear 3.感官系动词:feel smell sound taste 4.持续系动词:keep remain continue 5.变化系动词:become grow turn fall 6.终止系动词:prove turn out,系动词,助动词 do have shall will ,情态动词 can could must may might shall should will would,1.及物动词是后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词(vt)后面可以直接跟宾语 不及物动词是本身意义完整后面不需跟宾语的实义动词(vi)后面若跟宾语必须加上介词 2.使役动词 表示“使、令、让、叫”等意义的动词。如:make have let keep 3.表示动作、状态等意义的动词 如:wear study advise 4.非谓语动词 如:不定式 动名词 现在分词 过去分词,实意 动词,动词,英语中有些动词既可用不定式也可用动名词作宾语,但二者意义上有差别。 牢记下列不定式与动名词的差别吧! 1. remember to do sth. / remember doing sth. (前者是提醒记得去做某事,这个动作在说话的时候还没做 ;后者是记得已做过某事,说话的时候动作已完成。) 例: Remember to close the door, please. 记着关门。 I remember closing the door.我记得我关了门了。 2. forget to do sth. / forget doing sth. (前者是忘记去做某事,事情还没发生;后者是忘记做过某事 ,事情已经发生过了。) 例: I forget to do my homework. 我忘记做家庭作业了。 I forget doing my homework.我忘记做过家庭作业这件事情了。 3. regret to do sth. / regret doing sth. (前者是很遗憾地抱歉地做某事,事情还没有做;后者是后悔做了某事 。) 例:I regret to tell you that you cant pass the examination. I regret cheating. Please forgive me. 4. stop to do sth. / stop doing sth. (前者是停下来去做另一件事;后者是停止正在做的事。) 例:Every half an hour my uncle would stop to have a smoke. As soon as Bob saw me, he stopped talking to his girlfriend. 5. try to do sth. / try doing sth. (前者是努力做某事;后者是试一试做某事) 例:I have tried to make friends with him. If no one answers the front door, try knocking at the back door. mean to do sth. 打算做某事 / mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 go on to do sth. 接着做另一件不同的事 / go on doing sth.继续把同一件事做下去,三. 句法知识 句子成分 句子的基本结构 句子的种类 重点句型 从句 被动语态 虚拟语气 主谓一致,小学英语语法知识,一 句子成分 主语 谓语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 同位语 二 句子的基本结构 主语+不及物动词 The sun is shing. 主语+及物动词+宾语 Who knows the answer. 主语+系动词+表语 The food smells good. 主语+双宾动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 She ordered herself a new dress. 主语+宾补动词+宾语+宾语补语 They painted the door green. 三 句子种类 陈述句 2.疑问句 祈使句 3.感叹句 简单句 4.并列句 5.复合句 疑问句:一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句和反义疑问句 反义疑问句又叫附加疑问句,是指当提问的人对前面所叙述的事实不敢肯定,而需要向对方加以证实时所提出的问句。其结构为:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简单的问句。,反义疑问句要注意的几个知识点: 陈述部分的主语是I ,疑问部分要用arent I I am your teacher, arent I? 2. 若陈述部分含有动词have, 则要区分它的意思。 若表示“所有”,反义疑问句可以用have.若表示“吃、玩”等意思,则用do. 例如: He has a lot of money, hasnt he? He has dinner at 6 oclock, doesnt he? 3. 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may+主语。 4. 含有ought to的反义疑问句,疑问部分要用shouldnt / oughtnt. 例如:He ough t to know what to do, shouldnt he? 5.Lets 开头的祈使句,后用shall we? Let us 开头的,后用will you? 6. 省去主语的祈使句后用 will you? 7. 当陈述部分含有情态动词must 时,分为两种情况: 若must表示“必须”,则附加部分可用mustnt. 若must表示“推测”,则应根据推测的内容而定。 例如:You must leave at once, mustnt you ? He must be there now, isnt he? 8. 如果陈述句中含有否定副词 never, hardly, little, seldom,nothing 等,那么附加问句只能用肯定。 例如:They hardly write to each other, do they? There is nothing on the table, is there?,四 从句 定语从句:在句中作定语,修饰一个名词或代词。被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系代词或关系副词引出。 关系代词有: who, whom,whose, that, which 等。 关系副词有:when,where,why 等。 关系代词that的用法 下列情况只能用that 作为关系代词: 在there be句型中,只用that,不用which 不定代词anything,nothing,few等作先行词是,只用that,不用which 先行词有the only, very 修饰时,只用that,不用which 先行词有序数词,数词,形容词最高级时,只用that 先行词既有人又有物时,只用that 前面已有which,who时 先行词在作表语时。如:Tina is not the girl that she was. 真题再现 I hope that the little_ I have been able to do does good to them all. A. which B. what C. that D.when 2. The English language teaching business will become the victim of its own success, _ may be astonishing to you. A. which B. that C. what D. as,状语从句,五 被动语态 各种时态的被动语态举例: 1.一般现在时去 English is spoken by lots of people in the world. 2.一般过去时 My bike was stolen. 3.一般将来时 A speech will be given this afternoon. 4.现在进行时 The problem is being discussed now. 5.过去进行时 The bike was being repaired at this time yesterday. 6.现在完成时 Two hundred trees have been plantes by now. 7.过去完成时 They said they had been invited to the party. 有些单词如:happen, cost, have, suit等没有被动语态,其主动形式表示被动之意。 例如:An accident happened yesterday.,六 虚拟语气 if 条件句, If I were you, I would apply for the job. If I had taken you advice, I wouldnt have made such a miatake. If it rained tomorrow, I should stay at home.,2. 介词或介词短语代替if 条件句表示的虚拟语气, But for your help, I could sit here and prepare for my exam. Thanks to the policemans help, the lady would have had her purse. Without the sun and water, nothing would live.,3.as if 或as though + 方式状语从句 He speaks as if he were the manager. He talks as if he had been on the spot. The situation seems as if it would be out of control. 4.wish + 宾语从句 I wish I were as strong as you. I wish I had not failed the exam. I wish I would become a pilot when I grow up. 5.would rather + 宾语从句 Id rather you were here now. Wed rather you went there tomorrow. Id rather you had seen the film yesterday.,真题解析 There are three _ assistants in that _ shop. woman; shoe B. woman ; shoes C. women ; shoes D. women ; shoe 2. The book called Harry Potter mustnt _ from the library. be taken away B. take away C. taken away D. are taken away 3. Before we started out, wed better _ the time of the next train in the timetable. look after B. look up C. look for D. to look for 4. -How long have you been an actor?-_ 1996, when I graduated from college. After B. In C. Since D. From 5. Tom _ already _ in this school for two years. are ;studying B. will; study C. was; studying D. has; studied 6. It was the second time he _ to me. I would never trust him again. lied B. was lying C. has lied D. had lied 7. If I had taken your advice, I _ a teacher in primary school now. would be B. would have been C. will be D. am 8. _ the road round to the right and you will find his house. A. Follow B. Following C. To follow D. Followed,Thanks for listening!,Try your best and be successful !,谢谢大家!,相关视频与文件可在官网下载,百度搜索师出教育学院,进入即可下载。,


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