贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(十九) Unit4 Body language 新人教版必修4

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贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(十九) Unit4 Body language 新人教版必修4_第1页
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贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(十九) Unit4 Body language 新人教版必修4_第2页
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贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(十九) Unit4 Body language 新人教版必修4_第3页
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贵阳市2014高考英语(新人教版)一轮阅读训练(19)附答案课时作业(十九)必修4Unit 4 Body language(限时:35分钟)A Night with the HomelessEvery Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people in the city of Orlando. We wanted to see 1 it was like in the life of a homeless person. One special thing I like to 2 is, my family and I do not eat 3 we begin our journey so we know how it feels to be hungry. We all get together in the 4 and prepare the food. Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water. Sometimes my mom 5 a steaming hot delicious meal. We then 6 them all up to feed 30 or more people. Before my family and I get into the car we ask God for 7 in a family prayer. A lot of people 8 homeless people. Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people Some are really nice; 9 of them just had bad things happening to them. 10 when my family and I went out on the street we had to earn their 11 , because a lot of people are 12 to them for no good reason. But 13 they see us every week they 14 us. We even know some of their names. We all have to remember that these are people with 15 . Some of them shake our hands for giving them food. Some of them do really funny dances because they are happy. We have become really close 16 this man named Tony and his wife. They have all of their personal 17 in shopping carts. After 18 them several times he has told us a lot about his life. He graduated from Howard University. He 19 teach French and, Spanish. After we finished feeding the homeless, it makes me 20 what I have at home. I love feeding the homeless, and making a difference in someones life.1. A. whatB. howC. whetherD. why2. A. talkB. imagineC. mentionD. remind3. A. untilB. beforeC. whileD. as4. A. hallB. yardC. kitchenD. gate5. A. buysB. takesC. bringsD. prepares6. A. cookB. bagC. pressD. roast7. A. protectionB. possessionC. allowanceD. expectance8. A. loveB. misunderstandC. understandD. support9. A. someB. the otherC. othersD. the rest10. A. At last B. At leastC. At firstD. At once11. A. trustB. moneyC. dependenceD. care12. A. generousB. kindC. meanD. grateful13. A. in caseB. now thatC. for fearD. provided that14. A. rely onB. believe inC. talk withD. worry about15. A. love B. hateC. feelingsD. money16. A. toB. byC. ofD. with17. A. belongings B. clothesC. groceriesD. goods18. A. running intoB. coming acrossC. meeting withD. knocking into19. A. wouldB. usedtoC. needD. ought to20. A. dislikeB. realizeC. recognizeD. appreciate 【答案与解析】在奥兰多市,作者每个星期六晚上和家人到大街上去照顾无家可归的人。通过照顾那些无家可归的人,使得作者更感激自己所拥有的生活。1.A考查连词的辨析。我们想看看无家可归的人的生活是怎样的。在be like/seem like/look like句式中,用what提问,表示“是/似乎/看起来怎样”。2.C 考查动词的辨析。我想提的一个特殊的事是。mention用作及物动词,表示“说起,提到”。A项talk是不及物动词;D项remind的宾语是人;B项imagine表示“想象”,和句意不符。3.B 考查连词的辨析。为了体验饥饿的感觉,我和我的家人在动身之前,不吃东西。not before侧重在从句的动作之前,主句动作不发生。而not until则注重“直到才”,是一种临界状态。4. C考查名词的辨析。我们聚在厨房准备食物。因为准备食物,所以厨房是最合适的地方。5.D 考查动词的辨析。有时,妈妈会准备了一顿热腾腾的饭。由上文的prepare the food,可以推测出母亲准备饭。6.B 考查动词的辨析。然后,我们包起够30人以上吃的食品。bag用作动词,相当于pack,表示“把装入袋中”。cook烧菜;press按,压;roast烤,烘焙。7.A 考查名词的辨析。我和家人上车之前,我们祷告得到保护上帝。句中的prayer表示“祷告,祷文”,作者向上帝祷告,则是祈求上帝的保护。protection保护;possession占有;allowance津贴,允许;expectance期待。8.B 考查动词的辨析。很多人不理解那些无家可归的人。下文的Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people暗示着人们往往不能正确的理解这些无家可归的人。misunderstand误解,误会。9.A 考查代词的辨析。他们当中有些人刚刚发生了不幸的事。该空与上文的Some are really nice形成了并列关系,是没有范围的列举。10.C 考查介词短语的辨析。起初,当我的家人和我去街上,想法赢得他们的信任了。下文的But 13 they see us every week they 14 us.说明了刚刚开始时,那些无家可归的人对作者不是很相信。11.A 考查名词的辨析。下文的But 13 they see us every week they 14 us.说明了答案。12.C 考查形容词的辨析。因为很多人无缘无故的对他们很刻薄。because用于解释上文的we had to earn their trust的原因。be mean to sb. 表示“对刻薄”;be generous to sb. 对某人宽宏大量的;be kind to sb. 对某人友好的;be grateful to sb. 对某人很感激。13.B 考查连词的辨析。 然而既然他们每个星期看到我们,他们现在信任我们了。now that用作连词,表示“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句。in case= for fear(that) =provided that表示“如果,万一,假如”,引导条件状语从句。14.B 考查动词短语的辨析。由上文的we had to earn their 11 ,可以知道,作者和家人经过努力,赢得了他们的信任。believe in sb.=trust sb. 表示“相信,信任某人”。15.C 考查动词的辨析。我们一定要记住,这些无家可归的人是有感情的。下文的shake our hands, do really funny dances等行为,则表明这些人用握手、跳舞等方式表达自己的感情,故此说这些人也是有感情的。feelings表示“feelings”。16.A 考查介词的辨析。我们和一个名为托尼的人和他的妻子走得很近。become/be close to sb. 是固定短语,意为“与某人关系密切”。17.A 考查名词的辨析。在购物车上他们装着所有的财物。因为它们是无家可归的人,所以他们的财产都放在车上。belongings意为“财产,所有物”; groceries食品杂货;goods货物,商品。18.C 考查动词短语的辨析。与他们见过几次之后,他给我讲了很多他的生活。meet with sb. 表示“与某人会晤”,meet with sth.遭遇某事;A、B、D项则表示“与某人偶遇”。19.B 考查情态动词的辨析。他过去曾经教过法语和西班牙语。因为他现在无家可归,所以可知他现在不教法语、西班牙语。used to表示“过去常常做某事,但现在不”。20.D 考查动词的辨析。帮助这些无家可归的人,是我更感激自己所拥有的东西。appreciate表示“感激,感谢”;dislike不喜欢,厌恶;realize实现,意识;recognize认出。 .阅读理解AUS researchers have found traces of an ancient lake on Mars recently, increasing hopes of discovering evidence that billions of years ago the red planet hosted life.The lake, which dates back some 3.4 billion years, appears to have covered as much as 80 square miles and was up to 1,500 feet deep, said the team from the University of Colorado.“This is the first clear evidence of shorelines on the surface of Mars,” said Boulders research associate, Gaetano Di Achille, in a study published in the latest edition of Geophysical Research Letters.“The identification of the shorelines and accompanying geological evidence allows us to calculate the size and volume of the lake, which appears to have formed about 3.4 billion years ago.”Analysis of the images has shown the water carved out the canyon(溪谷) in which it was found, which then opened out into a valley depositing(使淤积) sediment(沉积物) which formed a delta(三角洲)“Finding shorelines is a great discovery to us”, said assistant professor Brian Hynek, adding it showed the lake existed at a time when Mars was thought to have been cold and dry.Scientists believe the oldest surfaces on Mars formed during the wet and warm era known as the Noachan epoch, about 4.1 billion to 3.7 billion years ago.The newly discovered lake is believed to date from the Hesperian era and postdates the end of the warm and wet period on Mars by 300 million years, according to the study.Scientists believe deltas next to the lake may well hold secrets about past life on Mars as such places on Earth have become the natural deposits of organic carbon and other markers of life.16The size of the lake found on Mars is _A80 square miles B1,500 square milesC3.4 billion square miles D300 million square miles17When the lake existed, the weather on Mars was _Ahot and wet Bwet and warmCcold and dry Dcold and wet18Why do scientists think deltas near the lake may hold secrets about past life on Mars?ABecause similar places on Earth have become natural deposits of markers of life.BBecause someone has put secrets about past life on Mars there.CBecause past life has been found in other deltas on Mars.DBecause some people are said to have already seen life marks there.19Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThe Noachan epoch was a wet and warm era.BThe lake might have existed 3.4 billion years.CThe discovery cant fully prove that the Mars once hosted life.DThe lake traces prove that there exists life on Mars now.BYawning is so contagious(具有传染性的) that chimpanzees can “catch” it from cartoons, according to research.Scientists from Emory University in Atlanta,US, have discovered that a cartoon of a yawning chimp will stimulate(刺激) real chimps to yawn. They describe in the Royal Society journal,Proceedings B,how this could assist in the future study of empathy(同感,共鸣)The work could also help explain if and how computer games might cause children to imitate what they see on screen.Previous studies have already shown contagious yawning in chimpanzeesstimulated by videorecorded footage of yawns.“We wanted to expand on that,” explained Matthew Campbell,a researcher from Emory Universitys Yerkes National Primate Research Center and lead author of the study.“Were interested in using cartoons for presenting stimuli to animals, because we can control all the features of what we show them,” he continued.Although Dr Campbell doesnt think the chimps were “fooled” by the cartoons into thinking they were looking at real chimps, he explained that there was evidence that chimpanzees “process animated(动画的) faces the same way they process photographs of faces”He said, “Its not a real chimpanzee,but it kind of looks like a chimpanzee, and theyre responding to that.”He and his team, including Devyn Carter who designed the cartoons, showed the animals the yawning sequences.“We also had the cartoons doing other movements with their mouths that the chimps often do,” he said.“The chimps showed a lot more yawning during the yawn video than when the control videos were playing.”He told BBC News that the only way he and his colleagues could explain the “very strong difference” they saw was that seeing the yawns was making the animals yawn.20According to the passage, the scientists have found that _Ayawning is a contagious facial expression among chimpsBchimps will imitate a cartoon chimp who is yawningCchimps are able to understand cartoons very wellDchimps like watching cartoons very much21According to the passage we can learn that _Ayawning on both cartoon videos and pictures can make chimps yawnBDevyn Carter led the study about contagious yawningCchildren will also be stimulated to yawn by the videos of chimpsDpeople can control all the features of animals through cartoons22By studying the action of chimps, the scientists hope to _Ateach them more body language of human beingsBlearn how chimps use their brains to studyCcontrol the actions and behaviors of animalsDcreate more charming cartoon characters23The passage is mainly talking about _Aa serious research about chimps body languageBthose contagious gestures of animalsCwhy children imitate what they see on TVDa study about chimps ability of imitating.短文填词Each time we receive help from others, we say “Thank you”. We may say it many times a day. It seems that “Thank you” is very popular 24.a_ us Chinese students. 25.B_ is it as popular in the UK? The answer is “no”. According to a 26._ ( 最近的)study in The Daily Telegraph, “Thank you” is only the 20th most popular way of 27._ (表达) thanks in the UK. The study 28.s_ that British people tend to say “Cheers” instead. For example, when friends invite 29._ other for a drink after a basketball 30._, a “Cheers” may be the best way to say “thanks”. “Cheers” also means “ganbei” in Chinese. You may often hear the word 31.s_ between two good friends. Of 32._, there are some formal ways to say “thanks” in the UK. For example, when a stranger is especially 33._ (有帮助的), they may say “brilliant” or “much appreciated”参考答案课时作业(十九).A本文记述了美国科学家对火星的探索情况。16A细节理解题。根据第二段可知答案为A项。17C细节理解题。根据第六段中it showed the lake existed at a time when Mars was thought to have been cold and dry.可知答案为C。18A细节理解题。由原文最后一句可直接得出答案。19D推理判断题。由第一段内容可知火星上湖岸线的发现只是增加了人们发现亿万年前火星上曾经存在生命证据的可能性,但并不能推出火星上现在有生命。B研究表明,黑猩猩会模仿动画片中黑猩猩的打呵欠动作,如果能充分利用黑猩猩的这种模仿能力,人类对动物行为的控制将取得重大突破。20B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知黑猩猩看到动画片中打呵欠的黑猩猩时,会进行模仿。21A细节理解题。根据第五段后半部分中的内容可知无论是动画片中还是图片中的打呵欠动作都可以让黑猩猩打呵欠。22C推理判断题。黑猩猩看到动画片中打呵欠的黑猩猩后会进行模仿,第四段的后半部分提到科学家可以控制所有的播放内容,由此可推断科学家希望通过研究黑猩猩的模仿行为来控制动物的行为和举止。23D主旨大意题。本文是一篇研究报道,第一段是文章的中心段,根据该段内容可知文章是关于黑猩猩模仿能力的一项研究。.24.among25.But26.recent27.expressing28shows29.each30.game/match31.spoken/said32course33.helpful 课后阅读-The power of the press 新闻报道的威力In democratic countries any efforts to restrict the freedom of the Press are rightly condemned. However, this freedom can easily be abused. Stories about people often attract far more public attention than political events. Though we may enjoy reading about the lives of others, it is extremely doubtful whether we would equally enjoy reading about ourselves. Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives. Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but can even overthrow a government. The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23, 000 inhabitants in South Dakota. As the parents had five children, life was a perpetual struggle against poverty. They were expecting their sixth child and were faced with even more pressing economic problems. If they had only had one more child, the fact would have passed unnoticed. They would have continued to struggle against economic odds and would have lived in obscurity. But they suddenly became the parents of quintuplets, four girls and a boy, an event which radically changed their lives. The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers. The rise to fame was swift. Television cameras and newspapers carried the news to everyone in the country. Newspapers and magazines offered the family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories and photographs. Gifts poured in not only from unknown people, but from baby food and soap manufacturers who wished to advertise their products. The old farmhouse the family lived in was to be replaced by a new 500, 000 home. Reporters kept pressing for interviews so lawyers had to be employed to act as spokesmen for the family at press conferences. While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery, their parents were paying the price for fame. It would never again be possible for them to lead normal lives. They had become the victims of commercialization, for their names had acquired a market value. Instead of being five new family members, these children had immediately become a commodity. 在民主国家里,任何限制新闻自由的企图都理所当然地受到谴责。然而,这种自由很容易被滥用。常人轶事往往比政治事件更能引起公众注意。我们都喜欢看关于别人生活的报道,但是否同样喜欢看关于自己生活的报道,就很难说了。记者按事实至上的论点行事,发表有关别人私生活的细节,有时会给当事人造成极大的痛苦。新闻具有巨大的威力。它们不仅可以给寻常人家的生活带来重大的变化,甚至还能推翻一个政府。下面这户穷人一夜之间出名发财的故事戏剧性地说明了新闻报道的威力。这户人家住在南达科他州一个人口为23,000的小镇上,镇名为阿拜丁。家里已有5个孩子,全家人常年在贫困中挣扎。第6个孩子即将问世,他们面临着更为严峻的经济问题。如果他们只是添了1个孩子,这件事本来就不会引起任何人的注意。这家人会继续为克服经济上的拮据而奋斗,并默默无闻地活下去。但是他们出人意料地生了个五胞胎,4女1男。这事使他们的生活发生了根本的变化。五胞胎降生第二天,一架飞机飞抵阿拜丁,随机带来60名记者与摄影师。这一家迅速出了名。电视摄像机和报纸把消息传送到全国。报纸、杂志出高价向他们购买文字、图片的独家报道权。不但素昧平生的人寄来了大量的礼物,而且婴儿食品、婴儿肥皂制造厂商为了替自己产品做广告也寄来了大量的礼物。这家人住的旧农舍将由一座价值50万美元的新住宅所取代。由于记者纷纷要求会见,他们不得不请了律师充当他们家的发言人举行记者招待会。眼下,五胞胎还静静地躺在医院婴儿室的氧气帐里,他们的父母却为这名声付出了代价,他们再也无法过正常的生活。他们成了商业化的受害者,因为他们的名字具有了市场价值。这些孩子立即成了商品,而不是5个新的家庭成员。*结束 阅读理解Helen Thayer,one of the greatest explorers of the 20th century,loves challenges.She says,“I like to see whats on the other side of the hill.” She has gone almost everywhere to do that.In 1988,at the age of 50,she became the first woman to travel alone to the North Pole.She pulled her own sled(雪橇) piled with 160 pounds of supplies,and during her trip no one brought her fresh supplies.Accompanied(陪伴) only by her dog Charlie,she survived cold weather and meetings with polar bears.In fact,Charlie saved her life when one of them attacked her.Near the end of her trip,a forceful wind blew away the majority of her supplies.The last week of the trip,she survived on a handful of nuts and a little water each day.Helen goes to challenging places not only for adventure,but also for education.Before her Arctic journey,she started a website called Adventure Classroom.On the site,she shares her adventures in order to motivate(激发) students.She explains,“although kids often see the world in a negative way,without hope for their future,we work to inspire them to set goals,plan for success and never give up.”Helen grew up in New Zealand.Her parents were athletes and mountain climbers.Following her parents example,she climbed her first mountain at 9.Later,she climbed the highest mountains in North and South America,the former USSR and New Zealand.In 1996,she took on another challengethe Sahara Desert.She and her husband,Bill,walked 2,400 miles across it!In 2001,she and Bill traveled on foot from west to east through the Gobi Desert in Mongolia.They hope to travel in mainland China into Sichuan and Tibet to study pandas this year.Helen plans to continue taking trips.Shell use her explorations,writing,photography and environmental work to create programs for her Adventure Classroom website.She wants to inspire her students never to stop facing challenges!36We learn from Paragraph 2 that_.AHelen Thayer is the first person to reach the North PoleBHelen Thayer ate nothing during the last week of her tripCHelen Thayer traveled to the North Pole together with her husbandDCharlie prevented Helen being attacked by polar bears37Why does Helen travel to different places worldwide?AFor fun.BFor education.CFor money.DFor fame.38Why did Helen pick up mountain climbing as a child?AShe was eager to go on with her adventures.BShe dreamed of visiting strange land.CHer parents instructed her to do so.DHer parents had great influence on her.39Which of the following places has Helen not visited yet?AThe North Pole.BThe Sahara Desert.CThe Gobi Desert.DSichuan and Tibet.40Which is the best title for the text?AThe Woman Who Loves AdventureBA Famous WomanCA Woman Mountain ClimberDThe Owner of Adventure Classroom36.D 37.B 38.D 39.D 40.A


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