陕西省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷三 动词动词短语动词的时态和语态

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陕西省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷三 动词动词短语动词的时态和语态_第1页
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陕西省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷三 动词动词短语动词的时态和语态_第2页
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陕西省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷三 动词动词短语动词的时态和语态_第3页
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2013年高考第二轮复习英语陕西版专题升级训练三动词、动词短语、动词的时态和语态单项填空1(2012福建泉州质检)Is there any hope of saving his life?His injuries are extremely serious,but hes expected to _.Apull in Bpull throughCpull up Dpull over2Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house _ his personality.Aresembles BstrengthensCreflects Dshapes3(2012河北保定一模)I dont think Mr.Tylers lecture_ the students,for they appeared quite puzzled.Agot across to Bgot throughCturned to Dcaught up with4I cant find a single example where a government has successfully _ the growth of illegal trade.Akept BdefendedCincluded Dcontained5(2012陕西咸阳二模)Try to _ at least an hour every day for learning English.Aset off Bset outCset about Dset aside6(2012湖北八校联考)The US.government on Wednesday _ former Commerce Secretary Gary Faye Locke as ambassador to China,making him the first ChineseAmerican ever to take the post.Aaccumulated BreflectedCdistinguished Dconfirmed7World Expo 2010 Shanghai China,a grandscale global event,has _ the significant theme “Better City,Better Life”Aabandoned BadoptedCadvocated Dadapted8After arriving in New York,the Chinese college student found it rather hard to _ living on his own.Arely on Bbring upCdepend on Dadjust to9(2012江西八校联考)He was so diligent that he _ as a fresher in Qinghua university three years later.Abrought up Bended upCpicked up Dlooked up10Schools have rights to _ their own rules based on the general conditions of the students.Amake up Bput upCset out Dmake out11(2012福建厦门质检)Whats wrong with you?You look worried.Oh.I was wondering how I could_ my idea to the little children.Aget across Bshow offChold back Dwork out12The news of the newlyelected presidents coming to China for a visit was _ on the radio just now.Agiven away Bgiven inCgiven off Dgiven out13Youve been driving for hours.Shall I _?No,thats OK.I enjoy driving and I know you hate it,especially on the highway.Atake back Btake onCtake over Dtake up14(2012浙江绍兴调研)Do you _ to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?Absolutely not.I think it is just on the rise.Aappeal BopposeCsubscribe Drespond15No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone _ you wishing they were that high.Agetting rid of Bgetting along withClooking up to Dlooking down upon16Had she _ her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.Alooked up to Blived up toCkept up with Dcome up with17(2012济南一模)Time _.Its likely that well miss the deadline.Dont worry.We have already got through 80% of the job.Ais running out Bhas run outCis being running out Dhas been run out18(2011杭州高中全真)Im here almost half an hour.How come it _ you so long?Sorry,honey!I had to drive two blocks before I spotted a place to park the car.Atakes BtookChas taken Dhad taken19Why do you look so depressed?Im in pretty bad shape and I _ things.Ahave forgotten Bam forgettingChad been forgetting Dwas forgetting20It is very nice to meet you again.In fact,I _ you because we havent seen each other for ages.Adont recognize Bdidnt recognizeChavent recognized Dwont recognize21Nearly half a million immigrants,many of them Englishspeaking,_ in the country during the last quarter of the nineteenth century.Ahave arrived Bhad arrivedCarrived Dhave been arriving22(2012沈阳二中月考)My dictionary _,I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it.Ahas lost;dont find Bis missing;dont findChas lost;havent foundDis missing;havent found23(2012上海十三校联考)Why on earth didnt you answer the phone?Im terribly sorry,but the doorbell_,too,Ais ringing BrangCwas ringing Dwas about to ring24(2012西安铁一中四模)The driver could have survived,but he _ the seat belt.Ahad been fastening Bhadnt fastenedCwas fastening Ddidnt fasten25Ill be able to come to see your performance at 20:30 tomorrow.Im sorry,by then my performance _ and I _ reporters in the meeting room.Awill be ended;will meetBis to end;will meetCwill have ended;will be meetingDwill be ended;am going to meet26People _ less tolerant of smoking in public places these days.Abecome Bhave becomeCwill become Dare becoming27Are you still very busy?Yes,I_ the report for the manager and it wont take long.Ahave just finishedBam just finishingChad just finishedDam just going to finish28The manager _ the VIP at the airport but he was taken ill last night,so the vicemanager is going to instead.Ais to meet Bwas to meetChad met Dhas met 29All school buses in the northwestern provinces _ with satellite positioning devices next year.Awill be fitted BfittedChave been fitted Dare fitted30(2012北京重点中学预测卷)Lets discuss the question raised last night,shall we?There is no hurry for that.I _ for a conference.Aheaded Bwas headingCam heading Dhave headed阅读理解(2012河北邯郸一模,B)Want to know more about how World Food Programme helps women all over the world?Here is a quick look at the valuable things it has done.Investing(投资)In Bulls,Woman Begins To Escape From PovertyIn Shahinoors household there were days when she struggled to put even one meal on the family table.She and her husband are among Bangladeshs poorest:those with no land,no wealth and little hope of breaking out of hunger and poverty.But a new programme to unlock the entrepreneurial(创业的)spirit of Bangladeshi women has transformed her life.Food Aid Brings Fresh Water To Nepalese Village Kanukura,33,says that carrying water up the mountain slopes to her village used to be the hardest part of her day.Its a job that mainly fell to women in this part of Nepal,who faced a difficult and tiring climb when they needed water.But thats changed now,thanks to a new village tap,from which women like Kanukura can get clean drinking water whenever they need it.In Colombia,Food Assistance Is Part Of Response To Violence Against WomenIn Colombia,WFP assists many victims of sexual and genderbased violence,providing them with food assistance as they recover.As part of her work for WFP,Mariangela Bizzarri recently visited a town on Colombias Pacific coast to meet some of these women and to assess the effect of the violence they have experienced.She sent us this personal account of one day of meetings.Afghanistan DiaryDay SixOn the final day of Silkes trip to central Afghanistan,she meets three women,each of whom impresses her with their determination to improve their own lives,and those of their families and their community.One of them is thrilled at simply having a job in a government office.As a child the idea of working outside her home had seemed impossible.1Who lives in a place where water used to be difficult to get according to the passage?ASilke BKanukura CShahinoor DMariangela2We learn from the passage that women in Colombia _.Amay give birth to 5 childrenBcant go to school all their lifeChave to work in a government officeDare more likely to get harmed than men3Women in Bangladesh now become not so poor as they used to be by _.Araising bulls with the help of WFPBworking more hours in the fieldsCdoing parttime jobs in the eveningDreceiving money from the government4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThere are many victims of sexual violence in Nepal.BGetting clean drinking water is easier in Nepalese Villages.CThe social position of women in Afghanistan has greatly changed.DChildren in Colombia sometimes have only one meal a day.参考答案 1. 答案:B解析:pull in“(火车)进站,停车,拘留”;pull through“恢复健康,精神状况转好,情绪转好”;pull up“(使)停下,拔起”;pull over“路边停车”。根据句意可知,这里在谈论“他”的健康问题,所以答案为B项。2. 答案:C解析:考查动词辨析。句意:正如一个人穿的衣服、吃的食物和花时间待在一起的朋友一样,一个人的房子也反映出其个性品质。resemble“像类似于”;strengthen“加强,巩固”;reflect“表达,反映”;shape“对(某人或某事物)有重大影响,决定(某事物)的性质,塑造”。3. 答案:A解析:A项“被理解”;B项“通过,到达,做完,度过,接通电话”;C项“转向,求助于”;D项“赶上,跟上”。根据句中for引导的原因状语从句可知,学生们看起来很迷惑,所以推断他们没能明白泰勒先生的讲话,答案为A项。4. 答案:D解析:句意:我找不到任何一个政府成功阻止非法交易增长的例子。A项“保持,保留,继续,贮藏,遵守,保守(秘密)”;B项“抵御,保卫”;C项“包括”;D项“容纳,包含,抑制,克制”。根据句意可知D项符合。5. 答案:D解析:句意:试着每天抽出至少一小时来学习英语。set off“出发”;set out“动身,开始”;set about“着手,开始做”;set aside“留出”。6. 答案:D解析:句意:美国政府在周三批准前商务部长骆家辉为驻华大使,成为首位担任此职位的美籍华人。A项“积累,积聚”;B项“反射,反映,反省”;C项“区别,辨认,使显著”;D项“证实,批准,确定”。根据句意可知D项符合。7. 答案:B解析:abandon意为“遗弃,抛弃”;adopt意为“采纳,采用”;advocate意为“拥护,主张”;adapt意为“使适应,改编”。根据句意判断应选B项,表示2010年上海世博会采用了意义深刻的主题:“城市,让生活更美好”。8. 答案:D解析:A项“依赖,依靠”;B项“养育,提到,呕吐”;C项“依靠,取决于”;D项“适应,调整”。根据句意可知,这位中国大学生发现自己很难适应独自生活的方式,所以答案为D项。9. 答案:B解析:A项“养育,提到,呕吐”;B项“结束,最终”;C项“捡起,买到便宜货,接人,偶然结识,学会,振作精神”;D项“查阅,好转,仰视”。根据句意可知,他很勤奋,最终三年后他成了清华大学的学生,答案为B项。10. 答案:A解析:make up意为“编造,补充,组成”;put up意为“张贴,支起,举起”;set out意为“陈述,阐明,动身”;make out意为“辨别,理解”。此处应选A项表示“制定他们自己的规定”。11. 答案:A解析:get across to sb.“使某事被某人理解”;show off“炫耀,卖弄”;hold back“阻碍,退缩,隐藏,克制,隐瞒”;work out“做出,解决,设计出,计算出,锻炼”。根据句意可知应该选择A项,意思是“让孩子们听懂自己的想法”。12. 答案:D解析:give away意为“赠送,颁发,泄露”;give in意为“屈服,让步”;give off意为“发出,放出”;give out意为“发出,宣布,公布”。根据句意和语境判断应选D项,表示“刚才电台宣布”。13. 答案:C解析:take back意为“收回”;take on意为“呈现”;take over意为“接管,接任”;take up意为“占用,承担”。根据句意判断应选C项,表示“要我替替你吗?”。14. 答案:C解析:句意:你赞成他关于经济形势的悲观看法吗?当然不。我认为现在的经济形势呈上升趋势。appeal “呼吁,有吸引力,求助,诉请”;oppose “反对,对抗,使对立”;subscribe “订阅,签名,支持,捐赠,同意”;respond “回答,响应,反应,反应灵敏,反响”。根据句意可知C项正确。15. 答案:C解析:get rid of “摆脱,除去”;get along with “进展,相处”;look up to “尊敬,仰望”;look down upon “蔑视,瞧不起”。根据句意判断答案为C项。句意:不管你认为自己有多么卑微,总会有人仰慕你,向你看齐。16. 答案:B解析:句意:如果她能履行诺言的话,她就能上耶鲁大学了。look up to “抬头看(某人或某物),尊重/敬仰(某人)”;live up to “实行,履行”;keep up with “跟上,不落人之后”;come up with “提出,想出”。17. 答案:A解析:time is running out意为“时间快用完了”,是现在进行时表示将来。run out是不及物短语动词,不能用于被动语态。18. 答案:B解析:How come.?意为“怎么会?”。从语境看出,对方已经来到,所以用一般过去时表示“怎么会花了你这么长时间”。19. 答案:B解析:现在进行时可以表示感情色彩。题中使说话人感觉郁闷的是自己体型较差,而且经常忘事情,所以用现在进行时符合题意。20.答案:B解析:根据句中“because we havent seen each other for ages”可知,由于双方长时间没见面,所以导致刚才见面时说话人没有认出对方,这应该是过去的事情,所以应该用一般过去时,答案为B项。21. 答案:C解析:根据句中的时间状语during the last quarter of the nineteenth century “19世纪的最后二十五年间”可知,这里需要用过去式表示过去特定的动作,所以答案为C项。22. 答案:D解析:表示物体失踪不见的状态经常用be lost/missing/gone,这样就排除了A项和C项;说话人虽然在寻找,但是到目前为止也没有找到,所以第二空应该用现在完成时,答案为D项。23. 答案:C解析:根据句意可知,之所以回答者没有回电话是因为当时门铃一直在响,所以应该用过去进行时,答案为C项。24. 答案:D解析:句意:司机本可以幸存下来的,但他没系安全带。“没系安全带”是事实,发生在过去。25. 答案:C解析:by then表示“到那时为止”,应与完成时连用,所以第一个空应用will have ended;第二个空用将来进行时表示“那时将会在做某事”。26. 答案:D解析:根据时间状语“these days”可知,此处表示最近一段时间的状况,所以用现在进行时,答案为D项。27. 答案:B解析:现在进行时可以表示预定的计划或即将发生的动作。根据答语中的后半句可知,即将完成报告,所以用现在进行时表示将来的行为,答案为B项。28. 答案:B解析:句意:经理本打算去机场和贵宾见面,但是昨天生病了,所以副经理代替经理去了机场。将来的行为可以用“beto do”的形式来表示,且为过去时,所以答案为B项。29. 答案:A解析:根据时间状语next year可知,这里需要用将来时,答案为A项。句意:所有西北省市的校车来年都要安装卫星定位装置。30. 答案:C解析:根据答语中的There is no hurry for that.可知,回答者暂时不能讨论昨晚的问题,而是另有安排去开会。所以要用将来时,即用现在进行时表示将来,答案为C项。1. 答案:B解析:根据第二部分内容可知,Kanukura所在的村落过去取水困难。2. 答案:D解析:根据第三部分内容可知,Mariangela Bizzarri所在的WFP(世界粮食计划署)一直致力于帮助南美洲哥伦比亚的妇女解决和摆脱性暴力和基于性别的暴力所带来的影响。由此可知D项正确。3. 答案:A解析:根据第一部分内容可知,孟加拉国的妇女们在世界粮食计划署的帮助之下通过养牛逐渐摆脱了贫困,答案为A项。4. 答案:C解析:根据最后一部分中“One of them is thrilled at simply having a job in a government office.As a child the idea of working outside her home had seemed impossible.”可知,其中一个妇女仅仅在一个政府机关工作就已经很兴奋了,而在过去对于像她这样的孩子来说在外面工作看起来是不可能的事情。由此判断阿富汗妇女的社会地位应有了改善,答案为C项。


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