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12345678,910 111213141516,17181920 21222324,2526272829 30,Assemble Fit together Officially accept a plan Come together Make sth. Seem larger,BACK,2. approve of 同意 反对 中立,BACK,3. Can you think out three words which begin with “co-”?,BACK,co-founder co-worker co-win co-exist co-operate,4. Two meanings of “dedicate” A. 为(建筑等)举行落成仪式 B. 奉献,BACK,5. 他为教育事业奉献自己的一生。,BACK,He dedicates all his life to teaching.,6. The restaurant has earned a _ for being honest. reputation fame,BACK,7. 他因为杰出的军事能力在学校很快成名。(rise to fame),BACK,He rose to fame for his outstanding military ability.,8. The noun form of “evolve”,BACK,Evolution 进化,9. This mobile phone is _ used in our university.,BACK,universally,10. 室内装饰 室外装饰,BACK,interior decoration exterior decoration,10 different kinds of laughter,11. liberate 解放 自由 民主 束缚,BACK,12. This is a _. picture photo portrait wallpaper,BACK,13. Spell the word t r _ g e _ y,BACK,a,d,悲剧,an apple of love 爱情之果 丘比特之箭 西红柿 柿子,BACK,15. black stranger 怪异的人 完美陌生人 完全陌生的人 愤怒的人,BACK,16. How to say “殖民地”?,BACK,colony,17. Do “grave” and “solemn” have the same meaning?,BACK,Yes. 严肃的,庄重的,18. pose for (猜猜其意思) 海报;招贴画 摆姿势 后面的,BACK,19. Think out three words with “en”.,BACK,endanger soften enlighten enlist widen enable,attached,You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when sky are grey. You never know dear, how much I love you. So please dont take my sunshine away.,20.Sing the song.,BACK,曾经的日子闪亮又明媚 你我一起分享了青春的美味 曾经的日子伤感又苦涩 你我一起承受了身心的疲惫 曾经的浪漫让你我几度沉醉 曾经的沧桑让你我不再纯粹 分手时我不知你的去处 也没有说我和你 何时再相会 风去花谢 风来花开 曾经的日子 只是在沉睡 风去花谢风来花开重逢的日子 总是不期 而会 来吧 兄弟 干杯 是水一起趟 是火一起闯 生也相依 死也相随 相依相随 凯旋的日子不醉不归,21. go ahead 继续;开始 去个头,BACK,22. 天才是1%的灵感加99%的汗水。,BACK,Genius is 1% inspiration plus 99% perspiration.,23. _ of the Peoples Heroes,BACK,Monument,24. _ v. independent adj. _ n.,BACK,depend,independence,25. interpretation 阐释;说明 人际关系 插嘴,插入,BACK,26. inspect 尊重 分别,各自 检查,视察,BACK,27. 吸引某人的注意力 (2 ways),BACK,capture ones attention draw ones attention,28. 眼不见,心不烦。,BACK,Out of sight, out of mind.,29. 百说不如一干。 Practice makes perfect. Actions speak louder than words. Just do it. Words speak louder than actions.,BACK,Can you dub this?,Can you dub this?,BACK,


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