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.高频单词思忆 1.Jack o his difficulties to graduate with a first-class degree. 2.Have you seen any films d by Feng Xiaogang? 3.The v plains of the country spread for hundreds of miles. 4.She is an o scientist,for she has made great contributions to her country.,基础落实,Unit 3 A taste of English humour,vercame,irected,ast,utstanding,5.I live in Sichuan which is a m province. 6.He was so hungry that he could swallow a whole chicken at a _ (一口). 7.He often _(低语) to others instead of speaking it out. 8.We should never _(满足) ourselves with what we have learned. 9.Shes _(幸运的) enough to have very good health. 10.The news that Shenzhou returned successfully spread quickly _ (遍 及) China.,ountainous,mouthful,whispers,content,fortunate/lucky,throughout,.重点短语再现 1._ 挑出;辨别出 2._ 穷的;缺少的 3._ 对满足 4._ 直到现在 5._破门而入 6._ 引起 7._ 偶遇 8._ 对评价高 9._ 分发;耗尽 10._ 取笑,pick out,badly off,be/feel content with,up to now,break into,bring about,come across,think highly of,give out,make fun of,.典型句式运用 1.As Victor Hugo once said,“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.维克多雨 果曾经说过:“笑容如同太阳,能驱走人们脸上冬 日的严寒。”关于这一点,直到今天也没有人能比 查理卓别林做得更好。 _引导定语从句,代替后面句子的内 容;_引导的定语从句修饰the sun。 as引导 从句,在从句中作主语或宾语, 可代替主句的内容,可以放在主句之前或主句之后, 一般用逗号隔开。,考点提炼,as,that,非限制性定语,2.Unfortunately his father died,leaving the family even worse off,so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.不幸的是他的父亲去世了,整个家庭 状况更糟了,所以查理在童年时期就要照顾生病的 母亲和年幼的弟弟。 是一个结果状语,表示自然的结果。leave+宾语+ 宾补,意为“ ”。,考点提炼,leaving the family even worse off,使处于某种状态,3.The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!(卓别林的)这场表演 是那么有说服力,以致于你会认为这顿饭是他所 吃过的最美味的一餐! 该句式的that从句中通常用_时 态,在描述过去的事情时,有时用一般过去时。 当主句为将来时态时,从句的谓语动词要用_ _。,考点提炼,完成,现在完,成时,重点单词 1.content .so they could feel more _ with their lives.(回归课本P18) 观察思考 We were content with the result. 我们对这个结果感到很满意。 She is content to stay home looking after the children. 待在家里照顾孩子,她感到很满意。,导练互动,content,He contented himself with one piece of cake. 他吃了一块蛋糕,非常满足。 Her poetry has a good deal of political content.她的诗歌包含有大量的政治内容。 归纳总结 content _ _。 注意 content作形容词,通常作表语、后置定语或 状语;作前置定语时要用contented,如a contented expression满足的表情;在充当表语表示“非常满意” 时用be well content而不能用be very content。 be content to do sth.(=be willing/ready to do sth.)乐意做某事;满足于做某事,adj.满足的;满意的;vt.使满足;n.内容;,目录;容量,be content with sth.(=be satisfied/pleased with sth.)对某事满意/满足 content oneself with sth.满足于;对感 到满意 to ones hearts content心满意足地;尽情地 即学即用 (1)母亲似乎非常满足于现在乡下的宁静生活。 Mum seems _ her present quiet life in the country. (2)我一个人在家的时候他总是愿意陪伴着我。 He _ me company when I am alone at home.,well content with,is always content to keep,2.entertain No one was ever bored watching himhis subtle acting made everything _. (回归课本P18) 观察思考 He entertained friends at dinner. 他招待朋友们吃饭。 We were all entertained by his tricks. 我们都对他的戏法感兴趣。 归纳总结 entertain _。 entertaining adj.愉快的;有趣的,entertaining,v.款待,招待;使快乐,entertainment n.娱乐活动 entertain sb.(to sth.)宴客;招待,款待某人(尤 指在自己家中) entertain sb.(with sth.)(用)使某人快乐 即学即用 (1)他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个 小时。 He _ for hours his stories and jokes. (2)昨晚鲍勃和利兹设宴招待了我们。 Bob and Liz _ last night.,entertained us,entertained us to dinner,with,3.astonish You may find it _ that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak .(回归课本P18) 观察思考 That he passed the English test astonished everyone. 他通过了英语考试使每个人都感到惊奇万分。 They were all astonished to hear China won 51 gold medals in the Beijing Olympics. 听到中国在北京奥运会上获得51枚金牌,他们全都 很惊讶。,astonishing,归纳总结 astonish _。 (1)astonish sb.with/by sth.用某事使某人惊讶 be astonished at/by sth.对某事感到惊讶 be astonished to do sth.惊讶地做某事 (2)astonished adj.感到吃惊的 astonishment n.惊讶 astonishing adj.令人吃惊的 (3)to ones astonishment使某人惊讶的是 in astonishment吃惊地,vt.使惊讶;使震惊,即学即用 (1)令人感到惊讶的是他们今天晚上没有去教堂做 礼拜。 It _ that they didnt go to church tonight. (2)当我听到那所医院被焚毁时,我大为惊讶。 I _ when I heard the hospital had burnt down.,was quite astonishing,was astonished,4.convince The acting is so _ that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!(回归课本P18) 观察思考 Youll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. 你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。 Ive been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。 归纳总结 convince _。 convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事,convincing,vt.使信服;说服,convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事 convince sb.that使某人相信 persuade/talk/argue sb.to do sth. 说服某人做某事 convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的 即学即用 Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health. A.of;at B.by;in C.of;on D.on;at 解析 be convinced of sth.坚信;the effect on sth.对于的影响;由此搭配形式可知C项正确。,C,5.direct Charlie Chaplin wrote,_ and produced the films he starred in.(回归课本P18) 观察思考 Who directed the new Indian film? 谁导演的这部新的印度影片? He directed the students to answer. 他指导学生回答。 The driver directed us to the airport. 司机给我们指引去机场的路。,directed,归纳总结 direct _。 (1)direct sb.to do sth.指示(令)某人做某事 direct+that从句(谓语动词用虚拟语气) direct sb.to a place告诉某人去某地 (2)in the direction of.朝方向 under the direction of.在指导下 in all directions (=in every direction) 朝四面八方 (3)directly adv.直接地,也可作连词,引导时间 状语从句,意为“一就”。,vt. bring out取出来,使出现;call out大声喊叫。根据题意 D项正确。,D,8.cut off Then he _ the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.(回归课 本P18) 观察思考 She is going to cut off her long hair. 她打算剪掉长发。 They cut off the gas supply. 他们停止了煤气供应。 He cut himself off from all human contact. 他断绝了与所有人的联系。,cuts off,归纳总结 cut off意为:_ _。 cut across走捷径;走近路 cut back剪枝;缩小;削减 cut down砍倒;砍伤;砍死;削减,缩减 cut in插嘴 cut out剪除;切掉;割掉;删掉,省掉 cut up切碎 cut open切开 cut short切短,剪短 cut through凿穿,剪掉,切掉;停止,中断;使与,外界隔绝,即学即用 (1)当城市被与外界隔离时,大家都知道失败已成 定局。 When the city _ from the outside world,everyone knew that the total defeat was certain. (2)如果石油供应被切断的话,该国的经济就会崩溃。 The countrys economy would collapse if oil supplies _.,was cut off,were cut off,9.badly off Unfortunately his father died,leaving the family even _.(回归课本P18) 观察思考 Mr.Brown has had both legs broken by the fall of a tree and he is badly off. 树倒了,把布朗先生的双腿压断了,他真不幸。 The school was then badly off for teachers. 当时学校缺老师。,worse off,归纳总结 badly off意为:_。 be worse off情况更糟,恶化 be badly off境况不好;拮据;贫穷 be well off境况很好;富裕 be better off境况(尤指经济境况)较好 go from bad to worse (指不如意的境况等)越来越坏,每况愈下 be none the worse (for sth.) 没有受到(的)不良影响,贫困的;境况不好的;缺少的,put sb.to the worse打败某人 worse and worse越来越坏,每况愈下 for better or (for) worse不论好坏;不管怎么样 即学即用 (1)当时我们的初级中学缺少教师。 Our junior middle school was then _ for teachers. (2)这条新法规可使家庭经济宽裕一些。 Families will _ under the new law.,badly off,be better off,10.Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.查理 首先挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意大利面条一样。 典例体验 He behaves _ he owned the place. 他的所作所为好像他是这个地方的主人。 He talks _ he knew where she is. 他说话的样子好像知道她在哪里似的。 He talks about Rome _ he had been there himself. 他谈论起罗马就好像他去过那里似的。,as if,as though,as though,归纳总结 _是as if引导的方式状 语从句,从句中用了_,表示与现在事实相反 的情况。as if的意思是“_”,与_ 相同。用在look,seem,smell,taste,sound等系动词 后面,引导表语从句;也可用在行为动词之后, 引 导方式状语从句。无论是何种从句,当其所表示的情 况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用陈述语气;当 其所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观的想像或夸大性 的比喻时,通常用虚拟语气。其动词时态的判断标准 如下:,as if they were spaghetti,虚拟语气,好像,仿佛,as though,注意 as if引导方式状语从句时可用省略形式,后 面接名词、形容词、副词和介词短语,也可跟分词或 不定式。,即学即用 (1)他感到仿佛他要对发生的一切负责。 He felt as if he _ what had happened. (2)那棵树看上去好像很久没有人给浇水了。 The tree looked as if it _ _ for a long time.,were responsible for,hadnt been,watered,1.利用合成法,品句填词 (1)The boy walked around the house in bare ,leaving muddy on the floor.(foot) (2)The police found his address was at the top of the letter and his were also found on the envelope.(print),feet,footprints,printed,fingerprints,品味构词,串联扩展,football,步行桥,脚步声,foothill,立足处,男仆,footnote,步伐/策略,2.利用派生法,品句选词 In the corner of the supermarket stand two advanced . A.piano B.pianos C.pianoes,B,串联扩展 背诵以-o结尾的名词复数,【例1】Try on this red skirt;you will look great _ it. (重庆高考) A.on B.by C.in D.for 解析 句意为:试试这条红裙子,你穿肯定很漂 亮。如选A,应改为:The skirt looks great on you.。by在旁边;for为了,均不合题意。 课文原文 He brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years _ between.,考题回扣,C,in,【例2】The population of Jiangsu _ to more than twice what it was in 1949.The figure is now approaching 74 million. (江苏高考) A.has grown B.have grown C.grew D.are growing 解析 本句中谈论的人口的增长是从1949年一直 到现在的人口的增长,所以应该用现在完成时态。 又因为population作主语时谓语动词应该用单数, 所以此题选A。 课文原文 .,and up to now nobody _ able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.,A,has been,【例3】John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather _ with them to school. (北京高考) A.took B.had taken C.were taking D.would take 解析 定语从句his father and grandfather with them to school中的动词take动作发 生在was given之前,故应用过去完成时态。 课文原文 By his teens,Charlie ,through his humour,_ one of the most popular child actors in England.,B,become,had,【例4】In April,2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,_ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. (福建高考) A.marking B.marked C.having marked D.being marked 解析 此处为现在分词短语作状语。 课文原文 Unfortunately his father died,_ _ worse off,.,A,leaving the,family even,.品句填词 1.Its wrong for the visitors to be c to the animals in the zoo. 2.It seems that he is quite c with what he has got. 3.We were all a at the surprising news he told us just now. 4.Its hard to imagine that such a millionaire wears a w coat.,自主检测,ruel,ontent,stonished,orn-out,5.Many of us know the famous saying “F is the mother of success.” 6.With the boy leading the way,we had no d in finding his house. 7.I was f to catch the train at the last minute. 8.He was caught in a s when he was travelling in the mountains. 9.She starred in the film d by Zhang Yimou. 10.His hometown is in a m area, which is surrounded by a lot of mountains.,ailure,ifficulty,ortunate,nowstorm,irected,ountainous,.短语运用 be content with,badly off,wear out,cut off,have difficulty in,pick out,in search of,set in 1.With the electricity _,all the machines had to stop working. 2.Last month I went to visit my old friend and found his living condition was _ _ than mine. 3.We _ after working in the fields the whole day long.,cut off,worse,off,were worn out,4.Do you _ learning English? 5.I managed to finish the work alone and _ _ myself. 6.He went _ a doctor for his sick wife. 7.This movie _ Shanghai in the 1920s, describing the changes of a rich family. 8.She was _ from dozens of applicants for the job.,have difficulty in,was,content with,in search of,is set in,picked out,.单项填空 1.You _ have completed the article.The deadline is last Friday. Sorry.Ive been busy these days. A.should B.mustnt C.must D.shouldnt 解析 考查情态动词的运用。从题意知是“本应 该完成而没有完成”,故用should have done结构。,A,2.Can you believe that _ in a rich country there should be _ many poor people? A.such;such B.such;so C.so;so D.so;such 解析 such修饰名词,so修饰形容词或副词,但在 名词前如果有数量词如much,many,little,few等 修饰时,则用so。,B,3.Not that Im unwilling to go with you,_ Im busy now. A.because B.but C.but that D.however 解析 句意为:不是我不愿意和你去,而是我现 在太忙。(It is) not that.but that.相当 于( It is) not because.but because.意为 “不是因为而是因为”。,C,4.Two middle-aged passengers fell into the lake._,neither of them could swim. A.In fact B.Luckily C.Unfortunately D.Naturally 解析 句意为:两个中年乘客落入了湖中。不幸的 是,他们都不会游泳。,C,5._ by the heavy snowfalls,Chenzhou,a city in South China,was cut off from the outside, _ water and electricity shortage. A.Having struck;facing B.Having struck;faced C.Struck;facing D.Struck;faced 解析 考查非谓语动词。郴州市受到了暴雪袭击, 因此strike应该用被动形式struck,同时它还面 临水电短缺,face这里是“面临;面对”,在本句 中与主语是主动关系,应该用facing作伴随状语。,C,6.Good friends as we are,I still find her difficult to understand _. A.at times B.at a time C.at one time D.at the time 解析 句意为:尽管我们是好朋友,我有时仍然很 难理解她。这里表达的是偶然的情况,所以选at times,意为“有时候”。at a time每次;逐一; 依次;at one time同时;曾经;at the time在那时。,A,7.To work from home,which one could hardly imagine,has been made _ with the development of computer technology. A.possible B.it possible C.possibly D.to be possible 解析 本题考查句式和词性辨析。本题possible 作主语补足语。原句式为:The development of computer technology has made it possible to work from home。由于有形式宾语it和真正宾语 to work from home,所以将其改为被动语态有两 种方式:It has been made possible to work,from home with the development of computer technology./To work from home has been made possible with the development of computer technology.。 答案 A 8.He often listens to music in his spare time to _ himself. A.entertain B.encourage C.educate D.edit 解析 考查动词辨析。句意为:在闲暇时间他经常 听音乐放松自己。entertain娱乐;使欢乐。,A,9.Im sorry you dont like the skirt,_ because he bought it _ for you. A.specially;specially B.especially;specially C.particularly;especially D.specially;especially 解析 本题的关键是判断specially的意思。 specially专门地。句意为:我很抱歉你不喜欢这 裙子,特别是因为这是他专门为你买的。,B,10.How unhappy your room-mate looks! Yes,but hes not willing to tell me what it is _ is troubling him. A.what B.which C.as D.that 解析 答句中含有一个宾语从句,该从句使用强调 句型,故用that。,D,11.The child was so unique.Though he was lost in the crowd,I easily _ him _. A.picked;up B.picked;out C.made;out D.helped;out 解析 考查动词词组辨析。pick up捡起,拾起; pick out挑出;辨认出;make out弄清楚;help out帮某人渡过难关。,B,12.How are the things in your village? Modern farming methods have been brought in and the villagers are _ now than before. A.well off B.better off C.badly off D.worse off 解析 根据前面的“引进了现代化的耕作方法” 和连词than来判断,村民的生活比以前“更富裕 了”,所以用well off的比较级better off。 worse off是badly off的比较级。,B,13.It is not rare in _ that people in fifties were going to university for further education. A.1990s;their B.the 1990s;/ C.1990s;/ D.the 1990s;their 解析 表示“20世纪90年代”应用in the 1990s; “在某人50多岁的时候”应用in ones fifties。,D,14.The manager has got a good business _ so the company is doing well. A.idea B.sense C.thought D.thinking 解析 sense:a power to understand and make judgements about sth.辨别力;判断力,又如: a sense of direction方向感。句意为:这位经理 有很强的经商意识,因此公司经营良好。,B,


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