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看不见的往前来,I cant stand it! 我不能忍受它。 stand 忍受 经受 Stand sbsth,stand doing sth I cant stand waiting here all the time.我不能忍受一直在这等着。,Granny cant _the terrible air here.She wants to go back to the countryside.,点拨: 从她要回乡下知,她无法忍受这里的空气。 故应填stand,Instead,making a meal is enough. 算了,做一顿饭就够了。 instead 代替 改换 而不是 一般位于句末或句首,作状语,不能位于祈使句前面。,I dont like beer,give me Coke instead. 我不喜欢啤酒,给我可乐好了。 Instead of 代替 I have to finish my homework instead of going out. 我必须完成作业而不能外出。,If Bill has no time to go with you,take me_ A too B also C instead D neither,从句理解为如果比尔没时间去,就带上我吧。 代替要用instead.,a 6-year-old boy=a boy of 6 years old. 前句为 数词,year,old三词合一,中间必须有连字符,year用单数。后句为介词短语后置作定语,其中 数词,year,old中间不再有连字符,year用复数形势。,There were four men,two women and a little_boy A two years old B two year old C two-year-old D two-years-old,Two-year-old中间用单数。 本句从结构上看只有C,The population of China is largebig 中国人口众多。 population 意为人口,population作主语,动词用单数。 The population of Australia is smaller than that of China. 表示部分人口时视为复数。,One third of the population of this countir are farmers. 这个国家的三分之一人口是农民。 可以用large或small来修饰.但不可以用many或much. 表示某地有多少人口,havehas a population of the population of is The city has a population of 123. The population of the city is 123. 这座城市有123人。 问某地的人口时用what不用how muchmany.,_is the population of shandong province. A how much B which C what D why,问人口要用what 因此选C,Neither作代词时表示两个都不略作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 Neither of ideas is good. 两个主意都不好。 作形容词表示两者之中没有任何一个。所修饰的名词用单数。 I like neither subject.,作连词时表示也不 He cant speak Japanese, Neither can I。 他不会说日语,我也不会。 Neither nor 遵循临近原则。 Neither he nor I am a god. 他和我都不是上帝。,Do you like the pop star Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liou Dehua? _,I am not their fan. A Both B Neither C Either D All,答句意为:都不,我不是他们的粉丝。Both两者都 either 或者或者 neither两者都不。故选B,across,pass,through Across表示某一范围表面的动作,强调横穿过去。 Be careful while walking the street. 过马路的时候一定要小心。,pass 强调从旁边通过。 I found her lost pen when I walked past her. 当我从她身边经过时,我发现了她丢失的钢笔。,through 表示在某一范围内部进行的某一动作。 Loook! The students are walking through the school gate. 看,学生们正在走进校门。,Go _(横穿)the bridge. Youll find the library on the left.,Go后面要接介词across,而不能接动词cross。,Paycosttakespend She _two hours (in) cleaning the house yesterday. I _ten $ for the new bag. The pen _me two $. It _them three weeks to look for missing kid.,1spend sb spend +$+ (in) doing +sth 2paid sb pay +$+ for sth 此句为过去时,所以用paid 3cost sth cost sb +$ 4took It tooktakes sb +时间段+to do sth.,tooto enoughto The box is _heavy for me _carry. We have _ money _ buy a new TV set. He is tall reach the apple.,1too to 那个箱子对我来说太重以至于我没法搬动它。 2enough to 我们有足够的钱去买一个电视机。 3enough to 他足够高去拿到那个苹果。,have been in have been to have been gone Father has _ Japan twice. He _Japan for two years. Where is Tom? He _Japan.,1have been to 爸爸去日本两次了。 2has been in 他在日本呆了两年。 3has gone to 汤姆呢? 他已经去日本了。,discoverinventlook forfindfind out They _an oil field. I have _my lost pen for a long time. At least I _ is under the desk,Please _ his exact address. She cant _her child. Edison _ many useful things.,discover意为发现,发觉一件已经存在却不为人知的事物。 invent 意为发明,即创造出一件原来没有的东西。 look for 意为寻找,通常指过程和动作。 find 意为发现,找到,指结果。,find out 只经过观察,调查把事物查出来,搞清楚弄明白真相。 答案: 1 discover 2 looked for found 3 find out 4 find 5 invented the end,


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