山东省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷九 完形填空(一)

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山东省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷九 完形填空(一)_第1页
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2013年高考第二轮复习英语山东版专题升级训练九完形填空(一)AIt was a warm evening and David Fajgenbaum,the 18yearold freshman had just finished his first football practice at Georgetown University.He _1_ his parents,letting them know how well things were going._2_,in a soft voice,his father said,“Son,your mom has brain cancer.”“I went from being happier than Id ever been to total _3_,”says David.Rushing home,he _4_ he was dropping out of college to support his mother through her illness.But Anna Marie Fajgenbaum,just 52 years old,_5_ her son return to Georgetown.David threw himself into his studies and grew increasingly _6_,feeling he was the only person on campus with a _7_ parent.One October evening when David was home visiting,Anna Marie woke up _8_.She was anxious about David and his two sisters.“Mom,Im going to be _9_,”David assured her.“And Im going to help other kids cope with _10_.”A smile spread _11_ his mothers face.He _12_ a support group called Ailing Mothers and Fathersbased on his moms initials,AMF._13_ Anna Marie died later that month,David started hearing from friends whod never even known his mom was _14_.Some had gone through the same experience.He invited five students whod lost _15_ or friends to his apartment to talk.They _16_ to meet every other week and _17_ what they were going through.They participated in the Ironman 10K for cancer research,walked to battle ALS,and ran to _18_ lung cancer.Now the support group has 2000 _19_ on 23 campuses.“This organization,”says David,“is about one thing:being there for one another._20_ I see those initials,AMF,I see my mom.I know she would like that.”1A.calledBvisitedCamazed Dchallenged2A.Firstly BFinallyCSilently DGenerally3A.failure BembarrassmentCshock Dawareness4A.demanded BconcludedCpromised Dannounced5A.insisted BsuggestedCrecommended Dpreferred6A.annoyed BconfusedCisolated Dpressed7A.sick BcruelCstrict Dsingle8A.laughing BweepingClying Dwalking9A.crazy BupsetCcurious Dokay10A.loneliness BpanicCloss Dpuzzle11A.across BbeyondCin Dfrom12A.tried on Bdecided onCcarried on Dacted on13A.Although BUntilCSince DWhen14A.serious BanxiousCill Dawful15A.fathers BrelativesCmothers Dteachers16A.agreed BchoseCrefused Dstruggled17A.debate BshareCconsult Ddiscover18A.predict BsurviveCdefeat Dprevent19A.assistants BcandidatesCapplicants Dparticipants20A.By the time BEvery timeCNext time DThe first timeBIt was a cool October evening.Excitement and family members _1_ the hall.I was only a 7yearold girl,but I was the center of _2_.Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would _3_ all my hard work in a dance performance.Everything would be _4_ so I thought.I waited backstage all _5_ in my black tights with a golden belt.In a loud and clear voice,the master of ceremonies _6_ that my class was next.My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet,facing the _7_.All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box.It really was an _8_ move.I was concentrating so much on _9_ the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look _10_ I was going.I missed my partners box altogether and _11_.There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes.I could hear giggles(咯咯笑) coming from the audience,and I felt the _12_ rush to my face.I remembered my dance teacher had told us,“If you make a mistake,keep smiling so the audience will not _13_.”I did my best to follow her _14_ as I continued with the routine.When the curtain dropped,so did my _15_ for the evening.I _16_ bitterly,tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.I ran backstage,but no one could _17_ me down.Recently I realized I had been a _18_ that night.I was _19_,but I fought the urge to run off the stage._20_,I finished the routine with a smile on my face.Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance,I can laugh too.1A.filled BvisitedCattended Ddecorated2A.pressure BimpressionCdebate Dattention3A.take over Bshow offClook after Dgive up4A.reasonable BsuitableCobvious Dperfect5A.dressed up Bfolded upCcovered up Dmixed up6A.suggested BexplainedCannounced Dpredicted7A.music BaudienceCcurtain Dstage8A.easy BactiveCadventurous Dextra9A.containing BhidingCsharing Dkeeping10A.why BwhetherCwhere Dwhat11A.wandered BslippedCwaved Dskipped12A.blood BpleasureCpride Dtear13A.leave BcheerCbelieve Dnotice14A.gesture BexampleCadvice Dplan15A.doubts BhopesCvoice Dpatience16A.argued BshoutedCbegged Dsobbed17A.turn BcalmClet Dput18A.star BpioneerCloser Dfool19A.satisfied BmovedCembarrassed Dconfused20A.However BInsteadCIn total DIn returnCThink you cant be happy?Youll think again after reading this story.Barbara Ann Kipfer hated her feet.They were too big and she always seemed to _1_ over them when someone was _2_ usually a smart guy.Come to think of it,her teeth were too big,too.The other kids teased(取笑)her because of the way she _3_,and because she wanted to be a sportswriter some day.No matter what she did,she was teased for being “_4_”Thats _5_ she started writing down things that she liked in a notebook.“It was like a friend,and it _6_ me that there are good things,_7_ everything around me is unpleasant,”she says.She copied the list over and over,_8_ new things every day.One day,she decided to _9_ her list with some of the girls in her class,hoping they would think it was as much fun as she did.But _10_,they made her feel stupid again.“They laughed at me,” she remembers,“I was ashamed,and I _11_ doing it.”Here comes the _12_ part.When she was in 10th grade,Kipfer found her old notebook and decided to _13_ where she left off.“It was like a diary,like a photograph of my life,” she says.She started writing to publishers,asking them if theyd be interested in printing her list as a book.She kept writing to one company _14_,because she liked the types of books it printed.“He kept saying,Its just a list,what am I supposed to do with it?” “Youre not _15_ to do anything with it.Its _16_ supposed to remind people of something they did that was really _17_.”Finally,the publisher _18_ to turn Kipfers list into a book,which sold more than 1 million copies!14,000 Things to Be Happy About even _19_ it to be New York Times Best Sellers List._20_ being a bestselling author,Kipfer also went to realize her dream of becoming a sports editor at the Chicago Tribune.1A.jump BfallCturn Dpush 2A.nearby BaroundCwatching Dlaughing 3A.dressed BlivedCthought Dlooked 4A.silly BspecialCdifferent Dshy5A.how BwhenCbecause Dwhere 6A.reminded BtoldCpersuaded Dhelped 7A.because BbutCunless Deven though8A.adding BfindingCmaking Dgiving 9A.talk BdiscussCshare Dwrite 10A.then BnaturallyCfurther Dinstead 11A.continued BstoppedCenjoyed Dhated12A.cool BimportantCdifficult Dfunny 13A.find out Bpick upCthink of Dgive up14A.in general Bat firstCin particular Dat last 15A.made BgoingCadvised Dsupposed 16A.often BjustCalso Dalways 17A.excellent BsuccessfulCfun Dtrue 18A.hoped BagreedCrefused Dconsidered19A.made BpushedCimproved Dhelped 20A.Without BInstead ofCWhile DBesides参考答案A1. 答案:A解析:根据下文的“Rushing home”可知当时戴维不在家,故选择call(打电话)。visit“拜访”;amaze“使惊讶”;challenge“挑战”。2. 答案:B解析:根据上下文可知,戴维给爸妈打电话报告他的情况,爸爸最后才告诉他妈妈得了癌症。firstly“首先”;finally“最后”;silently“安静地”;generally“大体地”。 3. 答案:C解析:根据句意可知戴维知道这个消息之后很震惊。failure“失败”;embarrassment“尴尬”;shock“震惊”;awareness“意识”。 4. 答案:D解析:根据上下文可知,戴维回到家后宣布他打算退学,可妈妈不同意。announce意为“宣布”,符合句意。 5. 答案:A解析:根据句意:妈妈坚持让儿子回乔治敦,故选择insisted,常用结构:insistsb.(should)do。suggest“建议”;recommend“推荐”;prefer“宁可”。 6. 答案:C解析:根据上下文,戴维埋头苦学,感到自己是学校里唯一一个家长生病的学生,所以变得越来越孤立,故选择C项isolated(孤立的)。annoyed“生气的”;confused“困惑的”;press“压,压迫”。 7. 答案:A解析:根据上文可知,戴维的妈妈生病了,因此选择sick(生病的)。cruel“残忍的”;strict“严厉的”;single“单身的”。 8. 答案:B解析:根据上下文,妈妈担心自己的儿女,所以哭泣,故选择B项。weep“哭泣”。 9. 答案:D解析:戴维为了安慰妈妈,对妈妈说他会很好的,因此选择okay。crazy“疯狂的”;upset“沮丧的”;curious“好奇的”。 10. 答案:C解析:根据全文可知,戴维要帮助的是失去亲人或朋友的孩子,故选择C项。loss“损失,丧失”。loneliness“孤独”;panic“恐慌”;puzzle“困惑”。 11. 答案:A解析:句意:笑容在他妈妈脸上展开。across“(在平面上)穿过”;beyond“超出(范围)”。故选择A项。 12. 答案:B解析:根据上下文可知,他决定成立一个团队。try on“试穿,试用”;decide on“决定”;carry on“继续”;act on“作用于”。故选择B项。 13. 答案:D解析:联系上下文可知,当安娜去世之后,戴维开始收到很多朋友的来信。although“尽管”,引导让步状语从句;until“直到”,不符合句意;since“自从”,引导的从句为一般过去时,主句通常为现在完成时;when“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句,故选择D项。 14. 答案:C解析:根据上下文,可以得知戴维的妈妈患病,而戴维的很多朋友都不知道,故选择C项ill。serious“严重的”;anxious“焦虑的”;awful“可怕的”。 15. 答案:B解析:句意:戴维邀请了5个失去亲人或朋友的学生到他的住处聊天。根据全文可以看出,失去老师与文章主要内容不符,故排除;戴维并没有针对失去父亲或母亲的学生,因此排除A项和C项,故选择B项relatives(亲人)。16. 答案:A解析:他们约定好每隔一周见一次。agree“同意”;choose“选择”,根据语境没有需要选择的对象,故排除B项;refuse“拒绝”;struggle“斗争,挣扎”。 17. 答案:B解析:根据上下文,戴维成立这个组织的目的就是帮助失去亲友的学生,抚平他们的创伤,让他们在这个团体中可以互相倾诉、分享他们的经历,因此选择B项share。debate“辩论”;consult“咨询”;discover“发现”。 18. 答案:C解析:根据上下文可以看出,他们成立组织是为了互相帮助并且与疾病作斗争,因此选择C项defeat(击败)。 19. 答案:D解析:根据上下文和句意可以看出,这个组织现在已经有2000个参与者了。assistant“助手”;candidate“候选人”;applicant“申请人”;participant“参与者”。故选择D项。 20. 答案:B解析:句意:每次我看到那几个大写字母“AMF”的时候,我就看到了我妈妈。by the time“到为止”;every time“每次,每当”;next time“下次”;the first time“第一次”。根据句意选择B项。 B1. 答案:A解析:fill“使充满,装满”;visit“参观,访问”;attend“参加”;decorate“装饰”。由下文可知作者所经历的事情发生在一次学校的舞蹈表演上。孩子们的家人都来看孩子们的舞蹈表演。由第一段所描述的内容来看,作者对此很期待。所以在这个大厅里,气氛热烈,家长们也都来了。故只有A项最符合语境。 2. 答案:D解析:pressure“压力”;impression“印象”;debate“辩论”;attention“关注,注意”。句意:“我”是一个只有七岁的小女孩,但是“我”是大家关注的中心。作者在此要表达的意思就是:她虽然年纪小,但却是舞蹈表演的核心队员,这让她感到很自豪。由语境可知,D项最恰当。 3. 答案:B解析:take over“接管”;show off“卖弄,炫耀,表现”;look after“照顾”;give up“放弃”。句意:最后,经过多周的准备之后,在这次舞蹈表演中“我”将会把“我”辛苦的锻炼表现出来。故只有B项最合适。 4. 答案:D解析:reasonable“合情合理的”;suitable“合适的,适当的”;obvious“显而易见的”;perfect“完美的,最好的”。由常识可知,准备充分了,当然会认为一切都会非常完美。故D项符合语境。 5. 答案:A解析:dress up“打扮,穿上盛装,打扮得很漂亮”;fold up“垮台,放弃”;cover up“掩盖,盖住”; mix up“拌和,调和”。句意:“我”在后台等待,穿着黑色的带有金色腰带的紧身衣。由in my black tights with a golden belt可知,这是为了表演特意穿上的,是为了让自己打扮得更漂亮,所以只有dress up符合文意。 6. 答案:C解析:suggest“建议”;explain“解释”;announce“宣布”;predict“预言,预知”。由常识可知,节目的表演顺序要由主持人来宣布。 7. 答案:B解析:music“音乐”;audience“观众”;curtain“幕,窗帘”;stage“舞台”。由常识可知,演员表演节目要面对观众。 8. 答案:A解析:easy“容易的”;active“活跃的,积极的”;adventurous“大胆的,爱冒险的”;extra“额外的”。由下文“我”的注意力集中在面带微笑和挺胸抬头上,证明这种脚步的移动很简单,很容易。 9. 答案:D解析:contain“容纳,包含”;hide“隐藏,隐瞒”;share“分享”;keep“保持”。由常识可知,表演者要让自己始终面带微笑。 10. 答案:C解析:why“为什么”;whether“是否”;where“在的地方,在哪里”;what“什么”。由下文的“I missed my partners box.”可知,此处是指“我”没有注意到“我”走到哪里了。故C项符合语境。11. 答案:B解析:wander“徘徊”;slip“滑过,滑倒”;wave“挥手,摇动”;skip“跳过”。根据下文的内容描述以及最后一段的最后一句“Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance,I can laugh too.”可知,此处B项最符合语境。 12. 答案:A解析:blood“血液”;pleasure“快乐,娱乐”;pride“自豪,骄傲”;tear“眼泪”。由常识可知,“我”在表演时从箱子上滑了下来,观众又咯咯地笑起来,“我”肯定会感到很尴尬,所以应该是血液上涌,“我”的脸红了。故A项符合语境。 13. 答案:D解析:leave“离开”;cheer“欢呼,为加油”;believe“相信,认为”;notice“引起注意,注意到”。句意:“我”记起了舞蹈老师告诉“我们”的话。“如果你出了错,那么保持微笑吧。因为这样观众不会注意到你出了错”。由句意可知,D项正确。 14. 答案:C解析:gesture“姿态,手势”;example“例子,榜样”;advice“建议”;plan“计划”。由上下文可知,“我”尽力遵循她的建议。follow ones advice“遵循某人的建议”,固定短语。 15. 答案:B解析:doubt“怀疑”;hope“希望”;voice“声音,嗓音”;patience“耐心”。根据第一段的“I was only a 7yearold girl,but I was the center of attention.Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would show off all my hard work in a dance performance.”以及“Everything would be perfectso I thought.”可推断出,“我”对这次表演充满了希望。但是由于“我”从箱子上滑了下来,所以当谢幕的时候,“我”所有的希望也随之破灭了。故只有B项符合语境。16. 答案:D解析:argue“争论,辩论”;shout“喊叫”;beg“乞求”;sob“呜咽,啜泣”。由下文的“tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face”可知,此处sob符合语境。 17. 答案:B解析:turn down“减小,关小,拒绝”;calm down“平静下来,镇静下来”;let down“使失望,辜负”;put down“放下,写下”。“我”哭着跑向后台,情绪很激动,没人能够让“我”平静下来。故B项符合文意。 18. 答案:A解析:star“星星,明星”;pioneer“先锋”;loser“失败者,遗失者”;fool“傻子”。下文说,虽然“我”从箱子上滑了下来,但是“我”并没有跑下台,而是坚持面带微笑表演完节目,所以在这之后我才意识到自己是那晚的明星。 19. 答案:C解析:satisfied“满意的”;moved“感动的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”;confused“困惑的”。由常识可知,在表演的时候从箱子上掉下来,当然感到尴尬了。所以C项符合文意。 20. 答案:B解析:however“然而,可是,无论如何”;instead“反而,代替”;in total“总计”;in return“作为回报”。句意:我很尴尬,但是我克服了跑下台的想法,而留在了台上,面带微笑结束了我们的整套舞蹈动作。由上下文可知,此处B项最符合语境。 C1. 答案:B解析:fall over意为“摔倒在,被绊倒”,从前面她的脚太大可知应选B项。jump over意为“跳跃”;turn over意为“翻转”;push一般不与 over搭配。 2. 答案:C解析:根据句意判断应选C项表示“在别人,通常是一个帅小伙的注视下,她往往因为不自在而摔倒”。watch意为“注视,留意”,符合题意。根据常识可排除“大笑(laugh)”,人们看到长相丑的人不可能“大笑”,而是好奇地“注视”。 3. 答案:D解析:人们嘲笑的是她的长相,所以选D项。the way后跟的是定语从句,省略了引导词in which/that。从前文她长相难看这一点可排除其他选项。 4. 答案:C解析:人们嘲笑她,不仅因为她长相“不一样(different)”,而且因为她想法“不一样”。special意为“独特的”,不一定指缺点;从后文可知,她并不“愚蠢(silly)”,因此不选A项;D项太片面。 5. 答案:B解析:when引导表语从句说明事情发生的时间。此处不表示事情发生的原因、方式或地点,根据下文的提示可排除其他选项。 6. 答案:A解析:日记只能是“提醒(remind)”她生活中还有好的一方面。remind sb.that.意为“提醒某人某事”。B、C两项的主语的一般是人;help后面不跟从句。 7. 答案:D解析:作者此处强调的是日记的作用,even though引导让步状语从句,意为“即使”,符合此处的逻辑关系。本题干扰性最大的是but,如果用even though作者想强调的是前者,生活中还有美好的东西;如果用but,作者强调的是后者“一切都不令人愉快”。 8. 答案:A解析:因为是写日记,所以每天都“添加(add)”一些新的东西。从“写日记”这个角度可排除其他选项。 9. 答案:C解析:她想让同学们了解她日记的内容,因此此处指“分享(share)”。日记是让别人看,而不是跟别人“讨论(discuss)”。 10. 答案:D解析:从后面她又受到同学的嘲笑看,此处应是转折关系,表示“没有怎么样,而是”。其他选项不合逻辑。11. 答案:B解析:从前面她感到羞愧以及连词and可知,她“停止”了写作。 12. 答案:A解析:cool意为“酷的”,此处是文章的转折,后文叙述的是她最终获得了成功。此处作者强调的不是“重要”,不能说前面的部分不重要,后面的部分重要。其他两个选项不合题意。 13. 答案:B解析:pick up意为“重新干,继续”,从前面她一度停止写作可知应选B项。find out意为“弄清事情的真相”;think of意为“想出,想起”;give up意为“放弃”,都不符合题意。 14. 答案:C解析:in particular意为“尤其,特别”,此处指她专门向一家公司投稿。in general意为“总的说来”,用于对事物的评价;at first意为“起初”,含有后来不这样做的意思;at last意为“最后”,说明的是最终的结果。 15. 答案:D解析:be supposed to do此处表示“应该”;be made to do意为“被迫做”;be advised to do意为“被建议做”。 16. 答案:B解析:此处强调日记的作用“仅仅(just)”是提醒人们他们所做的事情有意义。此处强调日记的作用或目的就“一个”,由此可排除其他选项。 17. 答案:C解析:fun此处意为“有趣,有意义”。“优秀的,好极了的(excellent)”、“成功的(successful)”和“真的(true)”都不是作者强调的中心。 18. 答案:B解析:从前面的Finally看,此处指出版商最终“同意(agree)”给她出版。refuse和hope不合题意;consider后面不接不定式形式。 19. 答案:A解析:make it是固定短语,意为“成功;干成”。此处指她的书上了最畅销书的排行榜。 20. 答案:D解析:besides为介词,意为“除之外,还”。本句是说她不仅出版了畅销书,而且还实现了自己当体育编辑的梦想。此处说明的是另一方面的情况,由此可排除其他选项。


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