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中国邮政速递物流公司,China Postal Express 2007年EMS业务年收入突破3亿件;,China Post Logistics Co. Ltd was founded 中邮物流有限责任公司成立 CPG and CNPUBG set up Xinhua distribution group 中国邮政和中国出版集团合作成立了新华发行集团。,Provide transportation and delivery service in 18 provinces, the VMI service for Dell by 2004. 2004年,与戴尔公司实现中国18省的国内运输及VMI仓库业务合作;,Start strategy cooperation with Geely.2005年,与吉利公司实现战略合作,Shanghai-Osaka and Beijing-Seoul airlines were opened 上海-大阪和北京-首尔航线开通,China Post Logistics (Hong Kong) International Co., Ltd was founded 中邮物流(香港)国际有限公司成立,为摩托罗拉公司提供物流服务;,start regional strategy cooperation with the other partner in worldwide.与其他合作伙伴开展全球区域战略合作;,2000,Launch Kahala commitment service by July. 2005, services cover 12 countries, such as USA, Japan, and provide Next day delivery, prompt delivery service in some countries. 05年7月正式启动卡哈拉承诺服务,目前服务覆盖美国、日本等12个国家,并提供部分国家的次日递、限时配送等时限承诺服务。,China Postal Express 8大集散中心; 31 provincial distribution centers. 31个省级分拨中心. 4000 logistics dedicated vehicles; 4000多辆物流配送车辆; 15000 logistics delivery stuffs. 15000名物流配送人员. Covering more than 300 cities and 2000 counties.配送范围覆盖全国300多个城市和2000多个县. Lead time:24-72 hours .时限:24-72 小时,Transportation Networks 运输网络,Self-owned Road Transportation 自有陆运网络,Transportation Network 运输网络,China Kazakhstan 中哈,China - Thailand 中泰,China - Vietnam 中越,Mainland China - Hong Kong 中港,Beijing Seoul 北京 首尔,Shanghai Osaka 上海 大阪,International Transportation Network 国际运输网络,With 9 sea freight forwarding agents in Tianjin, Yantai, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen, and 10 air freight forwarding agents in Beijing, Yantai, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming, we can offer worldwide sea and air freight forwarding services. 在天津、烟台、青岛、连云港、上海、宁波、厦门、广州、深圳个港口设有货运代理操作机构,在北京、天津、烟台、上海、杭州、南京、厦门、深圳、深圳、昆明10个空港口岸设有现场操作团队,可提供客户通达全球的国际海空运进出口代理服务。,Hong Kong subsidiary香港分公司,services including 服务范围: local warehousing本地仓储 Local delivery 港岛配送 Delivery in Marco澳门配送 Customs brokerage报关 Freight forwarding货运代理,服务公司MOTO;DELL;其他,Warehouse Network 仓储资源,52 logistics centers with 720,000 sqm. in 52 cities are in plan 52个城市将修建72万平米场地的物流中心,100 logistics centers with 460,000 in 100 major cities are available 100个城市已经拥有46万平米场地的物流中心。,2010,2009,Warehouse Network 仓储资源,TAPA certificate (for high-Tech industry) in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Fujian. TAPA认证:北京、上海、天津、浙江、福建等地通过认证。 GSP Certificate (for Pharmaceutical Industry)in Zhejiang, Ningxia. GSP认证:医药行业的资格认证,浙江、宁夏等地通过认证。,Warehouse Accreditation 仓库认证,Warehousing 货到付款 POL (payment on line);网上支付,Cash Flow 资金流,Physical Flow 实物流,Thanks !,


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