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,welcome to my class,目前,对帮助或救助他人现象在社会上引起了很多争议,有些人表示赞同,有些人表示反对。请你结合下表,以“Should we help people in need?”为题目,写一篇英语短文来介绍这一现象并给出自己的看法。,注意:1,对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥;2,词数120左右,开头已经写好,不计入总数;3,参考词汇: 美德 virtue At present, in our society, there is a heated discussion on whether we should help people in need.,书面表达如何写?,五个步骤:,1、审题(文字信息,图画信息),题材,人称,时态,要点,2、以词及点:用一两个单词或短语写出每句话的细节要点。,3、连词成句。,4、连句成文(借助过渡词)。,5、检查修改,规范抄写。,表达赞同的观点: 1, Some people think that. 2, Some of people hold the view that. 3, Some are in favor of the idea that. 4, Some of them hold the opinion that 5, People who are for the idea think that. 6, Some people believe that 7, Many people agree that. 8, Other people agree to .,表达反对的观点: 1, However, some of them hold a different view. 2, Some of them hold opposite opinions. 3, Others argue that 4, However, some are against the idea. 5, However, some people dont think so. 6, Other people think differently. They hold the view that.,表达个人观点: 1, In my opinion/eyes, . 2, In my point of view, . 3, Personally , . 4, As far as I am concerned, . 5, In my opinion, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. 6, In my opinion, everything has its strengths and weakness. 7, Each coin has two sides. Personally speaking,.,过渡性词汇: and, besides, first (firstly), second (secondly), then, finally, as well as,besides ,also, in addition, moreover,meanwhile, at the same time, whats worse , for one thing, for another, whats more . . .,key words:,virtue life encourage society no need/ not necessary/unnecessary get hurt fall into trouble laugh at,1、As a result, the plan was a failure.,The plan turned out to be a failure.,2、She cant correctly pronounce the word.,She has trouble in pronouncing the word.,3、People suggest that the conference be put off.,It is suggested that the conference be put off.,Which one should be better?(对比),4、Li Ming and I went to Beijing Zoo. There were many people in the zoo. Most of them were children. In the zoo, we saw elephants. We saw bears. We saw lions. At 12 oclock, we went back home. We had a wonderful day today. We felt tired. We felt happy.,Li Ming and I went to Beijing Zoo. There were many people in the zoo, most of whom were children. In the zoo, we saw many kinds of animals, such as elephants, bears and lions. At 12 oclock, we went back home. What a wonderful day we had today. Although we were tired,we felt very happy.,At present, in our society, there is a heated discussion on whether we should help people in need. Different people have different ideas. Some think that helping people in need is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese people, which should be encouraged among young men. Besides, sometimes when we help others, we can save their lives. As we all know, nothing is more important than life. The more kind men, the more beautiful our society.,However, other people hold different opinions about this. They think that there is no need to help others because the people who are in trouble are not their relatives or friends. Whats worse, it is very likely that they may get hurt or lose their lives. Meanwhile, this action may make them fall into trouble and they can be laughed at. In my point of view, no mater who and where we are, we should help each other. Because it is our duty.,1、注意选词 2、多用短句,慎用长句 3、巧用过渡词 4、注意使用“变通表达法” 5、熟练运用书写技巧,小 结,the sound of my heart:,In the Information Age, men need more care and love, but not only money.,Thank you for your listening.,


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