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流道與澆口設計系統Designing Runner and Gating Systems,T.H. Siauw,Castec Australia Pty. Ltd.,產品背景Product background,經過CSIRO的15年研發 Over 15 years R&D by CSIRO 在 MS-WINDOWS 環境下操作 Operate under MS-WINDOWS 由CASTEC作全球性行銷 Marketed worldwide by Castec Australia,模具設計的特性Die Design Features,機械特性: 模具分佈&各部界面 Mechanical features: die layout & parting face 流動特性: 流道&澆口 Fluid flow features: runner and gate 熱流特性: 冷卻&加熱 Thermal features: cooling & heating,模具設計電腦輔助工具Computer-Aided die design tools,機械性: Autocad, Unigraphics (Mechanical features: Autocad, Unigraphics) 流動特性: CASTFLOW Fluid flow features: CASTFLOW 熱流特性: CASTHERM Thermal features: CASTHERM,模具設計之整合Integrated Die Design,模具設計 Die Design,流道設計: CASTFLOW Runner Design,冷卻&加熱 Cooling/Heating CASTHERM,NC 加工 NC Machining,IGES,充填模式法 (Fill Pattern based approach),1.決定充填模式 Define fill pattern,2. 設計流道&澆口 Design runner & gate,充填模式達到? Fill pattern achieved?,3.分析 (Analyze),OK?,No,No,Yes,“充填模式” 是什么?What is fill pattern?,怎樣才是好的充填模式 ?What is a good fill pattern?,應避免鎂湯在模穴中旋轉形成旋渦而包夾空氣 Avoid metal swirling in cavity forming vortices which trap air,?,應避免两个金属流前面在摸穴中會合 Avoids metal fronts meeting in cavity,怎樣才是好的充填模式 ?What is a good fill pattern?,怎樣才是好的充填模式 ? What is a good fill pattern?,避免兩道或多道金屬流在模穴中會合而包夾空氣 Avoid two or more metal fronts meeting in cavity which trap air,包夾空氣 Air trap,哪一種流道形狀好 ? Which runner geometry?,扇形開口 Fan/Chisel Gate,錐形流道 Tapered runner,常見的錯誤觀念:浇口速度是一致的Common mistaken idea: Gate velocity is uniform,扇形流道 Fan/Chisel Gate,錐形流道 Tapered runner,扇形流道:浇口速度不一致Fan gate speed: Not uniform,扇形流道 Fan/Chisel Gate,不一致的澆口速度的結果Consequences of non uniform gate speed,扇形流道 Fan/Chisel Gate,高速會引起模具腐蝕或黏模 High speed causes Die erosion and/or soldering,低速會引起澆口堵塞 或冷模瑕疵 Low speed causes gate blockage and/or cold shut defects,扇形流是不被推薦的話!Fan gating system is not recommendable !,扇形流道 Fan/Chisel Gate,高速會引起模具腐蝕或黏模 High speed causes Die erosion and/or soldering,低速會引起澆口堵塞 或冷模瑕疵 Low speed causes gate blockage and/or cold shut defects,錐形流道:澆口速度一致Tapered Runner: Gate speed is uniform,錐形流道 Tapered runner,常見的錯誤: 金屬流動的方向是因為撞擊到模壁Common mistaken idea:The change in flow direction is caused by metal impinging the core,錐形流道 Tapered runner,流動方向之改變 change in flow direction,例如:金屬流動的方向没改变Example: metal jets out of gate do not change direction when they impinge the cavity walls,澆口速度向量,金屬流上与下,但方向大概一样。Metal flows up and down in an approximately the same direction as it first flows out of the gate,以模具設計者的角度而言錐形流道的重要性是: 1.) 流角The significance of tapered runner from die designers point of view are:1. Flow Angle,錐形流道 Tapered runner,流角 Flow angle,2.) 流角將構成充填區:2. Flow angle leads to Zone of fill:,錐形流道Tapered runner,非直接充填區 Ungated zone,直接充填區 Gated zone,雙錐形流道流道會有三個區The twin tapered runner results in three zone of fills,left zone,Right zone,中區 Centre zone,三角洲區 Delta gate,右區,左區,流道&澆口的形狀大小影響充填區域的分佈Runner & gate geometry affects zone of fills,left zone,Right zone,Centre zone,直接充填區 Gated zone,非直接充填區 Ungated zone,充填區域 = 充填模式Zone of fills = Cavity Fill Pattern,left zone,Right zone,Centre zone,直接充填區 Gated zone,非直接充填區 Ungated zone,模穴之充填模式可以定性的Cavity fill pattern is qualitative,錐形流道 Tapered runner,充填區域是可以定量的Zone of fill is Quantitative,锥形流道 Tapered runner,非直接充填區 Ungated zone,直接充填區 Gated zone,區域體積 Zone volume 與模面接觸之表面積Surface area in contact with die 最大充填距離Maximum flow distance,样板,左边区,右边区,中间区,Castflow 流道分析,CASTFLOW 流道是三位的,Bearing2.dmt,非直接充填區,steer.dmt,Handle.dmt,滑快,滑快,滑快,有问题做搞产品?. 用 CASTFLOW 流道与浇口的设计就没有问题,流向是 CASTFLOW 预言的,box-casting.dmt,phone.dmt,DOOR-knob.DMT,流向是 CASTFLOW预言的,door-handle.dmt,Castflow 流道 比较小,tap-handle.dmt,Castflow流道 比较小,以前的流道 比 CASTFLOW 流道,以前的流道,CASTFLOW 流道,很厚的产品,很小的产品,設計冷卻與加熱系統Designing cooling and heating system,T.H. Siauw,Castec Australia Pty. Ltd.,練習, 請依下面指示做?Exercise, Please do the following,畫出冷卻管 Draw the cooling circuit 標示出與分模面之距離 Show the distance from the parting face,問題在哪? The problem,?,?,?,?,需要幾個迴路, 在哪裡?How many and circuit layout? 距模面多遠? Cooling distance from die surface? 冷卻劑種類:水/油? Coolant type oil or Water? 冷卻劑流動條件? Coolant flow condition?,分什麼要分析?模溫的影響Why analyse?Die temperature affects,鑄件品質 Casting Quality 模具壽命 Die life 生產效率 Production rate,實驗:利用CASTHERM研究對下面兩項的影響:An experiment: use CASTHERM to study the effect of,水流率 water flow rate and 冷卻距離對模面溫度 cooling distance on die surface temperature,距离 distance,水流率&冷卻距離的效益Effect of water flow rate & cooling distance,distance,溫度Temperature,水流率Flow rate,模具冷卻&加熱設計的方法Die Cooling/Heating Design Procedures,大姆指法(經驗法) Rule of thumb - experience based Castherm法 CASTHERM procedure,CASTHERM方法CASTHERM Procedure,水管定位(Locate channel),計算溫度Calculate temperature,可接受(Acceptable ?),修改(Modify),開模(Build die),2D分析 -CASTHERM2D analysis - CASTHERM,為何不是3D?Why not 3D?,模具圖仍未做到3D 3D die drawings are not readily available 只能鑽直的孔 Drilled holes are straight 導熱區的概念引入已考慮3D:體積&表面積 Thermal zone concept takes into account 3D entities - volume & surface area 根據經驗:五個剖面就足夠 Experience suggests up to 5 die sections are sufficient,樣品1: 2D已足夠 Sample 1: 2D sections are sufficient,樣品1: 2D已足夠 Sample 2: 2D sections are sufficient,樣品1: 2D已足夠 Sample 3: Three 2D sections are sufficient,


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