2022年高中英语选修9教案:U4 Grammar and usage 5-9

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2022年高中英语选修9教案:U4 Grammar and usage 5-9单元:Unit 4 Behind beliefs板块:Grammar and usage 1Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以复习和归纳为主的语法教学课。努力遵循认知规律,让学生在体验到真实的语言材料之后来进行发现归纳应用的实践。其次,兼顾“知、情、意”即在语法教学中要有:知语法知识、学习方法的学习;情学生在学习中的成功体验,教师在教学中和学生的情感互动;意人文精神和人生意义的体悟与提升。Teaching aims: After learning“Analysis of plicated sentences”, the students will be able to understand the basic structure of simple sentences, pound sentences, plex sentences and plex-pound sentences. And they will be able to bine simple sentences into plicated ones and develop their reading skills on analyzing plicated sentences.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Members of sentences1. What makes a sentence? PPT4Generally, sentences are made up of two main parts: subject and predict.Subject is what the sentence is about.Predicate tells us something about the subject and always include a verb.Explanation明确句子的基本成分:主语和谓语。2. Identify the subjects and the predicates of the following sentences. PPT51) We will have an exam next week. S P2) The hunter got lost in the jungle. S P3) Another idiom using the animal, kill the fatted calf, means to have a large celebration. S PExplanation学生练习划分句子的主谓。3. Members of sentences PPT6To be specific, the members of sentences include S(subject 主语), P(predicate or predicate verb 谓语或谓语动词),O(object 宾语),C(plement 补语),A(attribute 定语),A(adverbial 状语), A(appositive 同位语)。Explanation呈现句子基本成分,为下一步简单句5种基本句型的划分及复合句分析做好准备。Step 2 Simple sentences1. Study the following six sentences and find out how many subject and predicate each sentence has. PPT7 1) The guest has just arrived. 2) Mr. Black is English. 3) Mr. Black is a doctor. 4) She picked a flower. 5) The teacher taught us a new song. 6) Parents should encourage their children to get close to nature. (Answer: Each sentence contains one subject and one predicate)If a sentence contains one subject and one predicate, it is called a simple sentence.2. structure of the simple sentence: subject + predicate PPT8Explanation呈现简单句例句,让学生明确简单句的概念。3. Use the terms of members of sentences mentioned above to identify the sentence patterns. (Teacher will do the first two to make sure the Ss understand how to analyze the rest.) PPT91) The guest has just arrived. SV2) Mr. Black is English. SVC3) Mr. Black is a doctor. SVC4) She picked a flower. SVO5) The teacher taught us a new song. SVOO6) Parents should encourage their children to get close to nature. SVOCExplanation让学生复习5种简单句基本句型。4. Put the following words into sentences according to the sentence pattern required in the brackets. PPT10 1) turned trees green. (SVC)2) the car in the end stopped (SV)3) the left the open visitor gate (SVOC)4) he is looking for his glasses (SVO) PPT115) my birthday me friend a present gave (SVOO)Keys:1) Trees turned green.2) The car stopped in the end.3) The visitor left the gate open.4) He is looking for his glasses.5) My friend gave me a birthday present.Step 3 pound sentences1. Study the following 7 sentences and find out how they are different from simple sentences.PPT121) Studying idioms can help improve your prehension, and by learning enough important idioms, you can develop a high level of petence in your munication skills.2) The Internet is considered by many to be a source of information, and it is also thought of as a means of entertainment, but some people regard it as a monster. 3) Take a map with you, and you will find your way easily.4) Take a map with you, or youll get lost. 播放幻灯片135) Nobody answered the door, so I left.6) Some people have everything while others have none.7) Not only did he believe the story but also he persuaded others to believe it.(The students may answer: There are more than one simple sentences in each sentence. There is a word such as and between the two sentences.)Teacher can tell Ss: If two simple sentences are bined together with words like “and”, “but” etc., they form a pound sentence. The linking words are called “coordinators”. The simple sentences are then called “clauses”. Each clause can stand on its own.(如果两个简单句由“and”, “but”等词连接在一起,它们就构成了并列句。这些连接词被称为“连词”。这些简单句就被称为“从句”。每个从句都能独立存在。)Explanation观察一组句子,引导学生得出并列句的概念2. The structure of pound sentence: Coordinate Clause1 + and/but/or/+Coordinate Clause 2 PPT143. Practicebine the two simple sentences into a pound sentence with the coordinator in the brackets. PPT151) Pure salt will not lose its flavour. Impure salt will lose its flavour. (but) 2) Idioms are an important part of language. They are used in everything from literature to films and newspapers. (and)3) Would you like to hand in another paper? Shall I give you an F? (or)4) The day breaks. The birds are singing. (for) PPT165) He studied hard. He got high marks. (thus)6) Think it over. You will find a way out. (and)7) This problem is very important. It is difficult to solve.( Not only but also)Keys:1) Pure salt will not lose its flavour but impure salt will (lose its flavour).2) Idioms are an important part of language and they are used in everything from literature to films and newspapers.3) Would you like to hand in another paper or shall I give you an F?4) The day breaks, for the birds are singing.5) He studied hard, thus, he got high marks.6) Think it over and you will find a way out.7) Not only is this problem very important but also it is difficult to solve.Explanation并列句运用:让学生把两个简单句连成一个并列句。Step 4 plex sentences1. pare the following two sentences and tell the structures of them. PPT171) An idiom is a group of words or an expression and the meaning of the expression often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it. 2) An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.(The Ss may list the structure of the first one: subject + predicate + and + subject + predicate.As to the second sentence, the Ss may have difficulty.)Teacher can help the Ss to find that “whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it” serves as an attribute of the word expression.Look at more examples: PPT181) Unless you recognize when an idiom is being used, it is easy to misunderstand what you read or hear spoken. (Underlined part serves as the adverbial.)2) There are lots of examples of idioms where animals are used to create an image.(Underlined part serves as the attribute.)3) This means that since the Bible was translated into English centuries ago, many Hebrew or Greek idioms have bee part of the English language.(Underlined part serves as the object.)4) An idiom is a bination of words, whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking separately at the meanings of the words that make it up (Underlined part serves as the attribute.)A sentence used as the subject, object, attribute, adverbial or appositive of another sentence (main clause) is called a subordinate clause. A plex sentence is made up of a main clause and one or more subordinate clause. They are linked by subordinators such as because, when, where, if, since, that, unless, whereas, whose, while, although, etc. The plex sentence structure: main clause +subordinate clause PPT20(一个句子充当另一个句子的组成部分,如主语、宾语、定语、状语、同位语等,这样结构的句子叫主从复合句。充当某一成分的叫从句subordinate clause,带有从句的句子叫主句main clause。主句和从句由从属连词subordinator连接。)Explanation复合句概念2. Activity: Find plex sentences from the text. PPT21 Divide the students into groups of four and hold a petition to see which group can find the most plex sentences in 2 minutes. (The group can divide the text into 4 parts and each member search in one part to speed up.)Explanation复合句辨认:找出课文中的复合句Step 5 plex-pound sentences1. Study the following sentence and try to work out its structure. PPT22We have tried to train the young people who were hired last month, subordinationbut they are not doing their best to learn. coordinationSometimes we have plex-pound sentences. This happens when coordination and subordination occur in the same sentence.The plex-pound sentence: the simple sentence + and/but/or + the plex sentence PPT23Explanation并列复合句概念Step 6 Consolidation1. Revise the general structure of sentences: PPT24the simple sentence: subject + predicatethe pound sentence: coordinate clause +and/but/or + coordinate clause the plex sentence: main clause +subordinate clausethe plex-pound sentence: the simple sentence +and/but/or +the plex sentenceExplanation总结归纳,长难句的结构2. Ask Ss to do Exercise A on P57 individually. And then check answers. PPT25Explanation通过练习A,综合练习长难句的判断3. Ask Ss to do Exercise B on P57. Check answers. PPT26, 27Explanation通过练习B,综合练习复合句运用。Step 7 HomeworkWorkbook P128 Exercises C1, C2 PPT28


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