2022年高中英语 unit1Festivals around the world 整单元详细教案 新人教版必修3

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2022年高中英语 unit1Festivals around the world 整单元详细教案 新人教版必修3_第1页
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2022年高中英语 unit1Festivals around the world 整单元详细教案 新人教版必修3_第3页
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2022年高中英语 unit1Festivals around the world 整单元详细教案 新人教版必修3授课课时:1教学目的:1. 了解节日和庆典的背景知识。2. 引发关于节日和庆典的讨论。3. 学习重点词汇的用法。教学重点:1. 学习重点词汇的用法。教学难点:1. 讨论有关节日和庆典的话题共同完成表格。教学步骤:STEP1:Warming-up1. What are festivals? (find the answer on the book.)2. Different countries have different festivals which have different purposes. For example, Chinese celebrate Mid- Autumn Festival in autumn for the beauty of the full moon, harvest and time with family and friends. On that day, Chinese give and eat mooncakes, watch the full moon with their family and friends.Important phrases: be meant to, celebrate important times of year, take place, Be meant to Mean V. 意思是,意味着V means victory.Mean dong sth 意味着 success means working hard.Mean (sb) to sth 打算或企图(让某人)做某事 what do you mean to do with it?I mean you to work as our spokesman.被动:be meant to do/be meant for 打算做。用,打算给与 The money is meant to buy a car. These rooms are meant for the childrens center.Adj. 卑鄙的,吝啬的Meaning N. 意思,含义Meaningful Adj. 富有意义的, MeaninglessMeanwhile Adv. 同时,期间Means N. 方式,工具,手段Times时代Take place 无被动,和happen的区别take the placeHarvest n. 收获, 收割, 收成, 成果, 后果We are all very busy because its the harvest timev. 收获, 收割The peasants are harvesting rice in the fieldSTEP2: Pre-reading.1. Could you fill in the form according to the above one?FestivalTime of year/dateWhat it celebrateWhat people doNational DayNational Day in China is on Octorber 1st. On that day people celebrate it for the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949. Chinese usually visit family or go to other parts of China, sometimes they to shopping to spend it.2. Look at the pictures and title of the passage below. Predict what will be discussed in the passage?Answer:1. The names of the festivals and celebrations in the world. 2. The times when the festivals take place. 3. What people celebrate. 4. what people do in the festivals. STEP3: Fast reading Para11. The 1st paragraph introduces two kinds of festivals. There are ancient festivals and todays festivals. Please listen to the 1st Para then find out the main idea of it. Make the differences between ancient festivals and todays festivals in Chinese.Important phrases: festivals and celebrations, ancient times, would celebrate the end of, harvest in autumn, hunter, starve, be difficult to do, origin, religious, seasonal.festivals and celebrationscelebrate V. 庆祝,庆贺in celebration of 为庆祝。 in honour of 为纪念。.或表示敬意 in memory of 为纪念。ancient times 古代 modern times 现代would celebrate the end ofthe end of, at the end of , by the end of,in the end 辨析(作业)?attheendof意为“在结束时、在的尽头”,可用以指时间或处所bytheendof意为“到末为止Intheend意为“最终、最后”与atlast或者finally同义填空:BytheendoflasttermwehadlearnedfiveEnglishsongs.OurschoolheldasportsmeetingattheendoflastyearAttheendofthisstreetyoullfindabookshopTheworldpopulationwillpasssixbillionbytheendofthetwentiethcentury.Intheendtheycaughtthethief.harvest in autumnn. 收获, 收割, 收成, 成果, 后果v. 收获, 收割We are all very busy because its the harvest timeHunter hunt forStarve V. 挨饿,饿死 They got lost in the desert and starved to death.Be starved of =long for=starve for 渴望,迫切需要 The motherless children are starved of love. are starving for love.Starve to death 饿死 move to tears 感动到哭 be difficult to doorigin, source 区别?origin多指 起源 出身source多指来源 发源之意 source of water 水源religiousadj. 宗教的, 虔诚的, 严谨的 religious man 虔诚的教徒seasonal.adj. 季节的, 季节性的, 周期性的 Overcoats are seasonal goods. 大衣是季节性商品Review: 现在完成时态 一般将来时的被动结构STEP4: Homework1. P3 prehending1 (做一个示范)2. P4 Learning about language1(解释题目)3. Copy important phrases and their Chinese meanings on the textbook, each twice.授课日期: 序号:3、4授课进度:正常教学课题:Unit1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Period2 .ReadingI授课课时:1教学目的:1. 学习文章前三段。2. 掌握前三段中的重点词汇。3. 培养快速阅读的能力。4. 理解难点句子的构成。教学重点:1. 快速阅读前三段内容回答相关问题。2. 学习重点词汇的用法。3. 理解难点句子的构成。教学难点:1. 学习并运用重点词汇。2. 理解难点句子的构成。教学步骤:STEP1:Check homework. (也可放到自修课校对,也可边分析课文边校对)1. Introduce the passage briefly:This reading briefly introduces the earliest kinds of festivals and why there are so many festivals. Afterwards, it introduces four different kinds of festivals that take place in most parts of the world.2. Check homeworkP3 prehending 1.Can you find out these four kinds of festivals in the passage, and introduce these names of festivals and countries.Translate these festivals into Chinese:盂兰盆节,亡灵节,万圣节 日本,墨西哥,一些西方国家端午节(龙舟节),哥伦布日,纪念莫汉达斯.甘地节 中国,美国,印度收获与感恩节, 中秋节 欧洲国家,中国和日本春节,复活节和相关节日,樱花节 中国,一些西方国家,日本STEP2: Review paragraph1.1. Listen to the radio about paragraph 1.Question:Why would people celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn?Answer: the ancient people did not understand scientific reasons weather change, birth and dead. They just relied on what they thought they could do to bring back the sun in winter, bring rain and ensure the crops.STEP3: Reading Paragraph2 Festivals of the Dead1. Questions before reading.Q1: What do you know about Halloween? What pictures have you seen?Answer: On November 1st,trick-or-treating(要恶作剧还是给礼物), wearing customs, pumpkin lights.In ancient times, people caved scared faces on the first fruit and lit from inside, later they were replaced by pumpkins which were both larger and much easier to carve.2. Listening and reading.Listen to the tape and then answer the following questions.Q1: What kinds of things are done to honor the dead?Q2: Why do you think we offer flowers to the dead?3. Difficult sentence: the 1st sentence. The 7th sentence.4. Important phrases in paragraph2: honour the dead, satisfy the ancestors, do harm, clean graves and light incense, in memory of, leadto, the dead, origin, in old beliefs, dress up, ask for, play a trick on sb.honour the deadhonour N.V.荣誉,给予荣誉a sense of honour 荣誉感in honour of 为纪念 we hold a celebration in honour of the founding of Peooles Republic of China.satisfy the ancestorssatisfy V. 满足 satisfy ones need 满足某人的需要be satisfied with 对。感到满意 I am satisfied with your task. satisfactory/satisfied Adj.令人满意的/感到满意 a satisfactory performance 令人满意的表演a satisfied smile 满意的微笑 a determined look 一个坚定的眼神do harm N/V.损害,伤害do harm to sb/sth 对某人、某事有伤害 do good to sb/sthdo sb a favour 给某人帮忙 do exercises 锻炼do harm than good 利大于弊clean graves and light incense 上坟扫墓和烧香in memory of 纪念(尤指死者)、缅怀memory n. 1.记忆力, 记性2.记忆中的事物, 回忆3.记忆系统; 记忆容量 Main memory 主存储器Memorial 纪念碑,纪念物lead 领导、带领leadto(道路)等通往 AllroadsleadtoRome. 引起(结果等)Theheavyrainledtoaflood. Hardworkleadstosuccess.Offer V. 提供、出价offer sb sth =offer sth to sb 相当与give The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.Offer/cost/spend区别?Offer sb some money for sth 为某物给某人出价Cost 花费,主语不是人Spend 主语是人 spend money on sth/ sb spend some time in doing sth.the dead 死者 the +adj.表示一类人in old beliefs 古老的信仰 belief 信心,信仰 religious beliefs 宗教信仰dress up 盛装打扮,打扮成 dress N. 连衣裙、衣服be dressed in+名词(f服装) they were dressed in their best clothes.Dress in +衣服的颜色 She always dresses in red.Dress oneself 自己穿衣服dress,put on ,wear,in 在英语里穿衣服的意思中,他们具体的区别是什么?put on 表示“穿上,戴上”,为动态,强调动作in 也表示“穿着”,为静态 Look at the man! He is in rags!看看那个人!他穿着一身破衣服。wear表示“穿着、戴着”,为静态,但是是动词,佩戴首饰,留长发,留胡子she wears a red clothes today= she is in redask for请求得到,请求见到 Heaskedforaglassofwater. Hasanyoneaskedformeattheoffice? play a trick on sb 对某人恶作剧,捉弄。STEP3: Reading Paragraph3 Festivals to Honour People1. Questions before reading.Q1: What festivals or celebrations can you think of that honour famous people or important events in China?2. Difficult sentence: the last sentence.3. Important phrases in paragraph3: the famous ancient poet, the arrival of, in the New World, gain, independence, the famous ancient poet 著名的古代诗人the arrival ofarrival N. 到达,到达的人They went out to wele the new arrivals. 他们走出去欢迎新来的人。We waited for the arrival of our guests. 我们等着客人的到来。in the New World 新大陆gain 获得取得 付出很大努力后的获取 No pain no gain.independence 独立N.dependence/dependent/independentSTEP4: Homework1. Copy important phrases and their Chinese meanings on the textbook, each twice.2. Preview next two paragraphs.3. Prepare to have a dictation about important phrases of the former 3paragraphs.授课日期: 序号:5授课进度:正常教学课题:Unit1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Period3 .ReadingII授课课时:1教学目的:5. 学习文章后三段。6. 掌握前三段中的重点词汇。7. 培养快速阅读的能力。8. 理解难点句子的构成。教学重点:4. 快速阅读后三段内容回答相关问题。5. 学习重点词汇的用法。6. 理解难点句子的构成。教学难点:3. 学习并运用重点词汇。4. 理解难点句子的构成。教学步骤:STEP1:Have a dictation.随意选择以下内容。festivals and celebrations, ancient times, would celebrate the end of, harvest in autumn, hunter, starve, be difficult to do, origin, religious, seasonal, honour the dead, satisfy the ancestors, do harm, clean graves and light incense, in memory of, leadto, the dead, origin, in old beliefs, dress up, ask for, play a trick on sb, the famous ancient poet, the arrival of, in the New World, gain, independenceSTEP3: Reading Paragraph4 Harvest Festivals1. Questions before reading.Q1: Do you know of any harvest celebrations in China?2. Something about Thanksgiving Day.Thanksgiving Day was first celebrated in 1621by English. Then George Washington set Thursday, November 26, 1789, as the First National Thanksgiving. Turkey, corn, pumpkins and cranberry sauce are symbols which represent the first Thanksgiving. In the fact, the Day represents the harvest and the fall season, but not love to parents as Chinese thought.3. Difficult sentence: the last sentence. 为什么要用when作为引导词?非限制性定语从句4. Important phrases in paragraph4: be grateful, gather, the agricultural work, decoratewith, town hall, get together to have meals, win awards for their farm produce, admire the moonbe grateful 感激gather 收集,聚集 gather/collect辨析?gather作“收集”“聚集”讲时用法广泛,可指把人集中起来,也可指把分散的东西或抽象的东西(如信息、力量)聚集起来。collect作“收集”“采集”讲时,着重于计划性和选择性的含义。the agricultural workagriculture/agricultural反义:industry/industrialdecoratewith The great hall was decorated with flowers.town hall 市政厅get together to have meals 聚在一起吃饭win awards for their farm produce 因为他们的农产品获奖award V./N. 奖品,授予 They awarded her a medal for her honesty.Award/reward 区别? Reward V. 给与报酬,奖赏 the first award 一等奖 Reward 报酬,回报admire the moon 赏月admire V.赞赏,羡慕 admire sb for sth. 因某事钦佩某人 admiration N. STEP3: Reading Paragraph5 Spring Festivals1. Questions before reading.Q: Almost every country has their own spring festival on different day. Why are spring festivals so popular around the world?(find one sentence in the book to answer this question.)Answer: the 1st sentence of the paragraph.2. Introduce Easter briefly.There are several festivals in this paragraph, one of them is Easter. Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as a religious holiday. It represents Christs return form the dead after three days of his death. There are Easter eggs which originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring.3. Difficult sentence: the 1st sentence Some Western countries havein February Easter is an importantaround the world. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, lookspink snow.4.Important phrases in paragraph5: energetic, look forward to, the end of, the ing of, lucky money in red paper, dragon dances and carnivals, the Lunar New Year, parade, day and night, colourful clothing, an important religious and social festival for Christians around world, cherry tree flowers, as thoughEnergetic Adj. 精力旺盛的, 有力的, 能量的 an energetic childEnergy N. 活力, 精力, 能源look forward to doing 盼望,期盼 We are looking forward to your party on Saturday.易错题:Through the window, he looked forward to see what was happening.此句中,look forward是向前看,后面的动词不定式短语to see是目的状语。Look out 小心 Look after look around look down upon看不起 look up 向上看,查询the end of, the ing oflucky money in red paper 压岁钱在红包里dragon dances and carnivals 舞龙和狂欢the Lunar New Year 春节 lunar Adj. 月亮的, 阴历的,Parade n. 游行, 检阅, 游行地vi. 参加游行, 阅兵,day and nightcolourful clothing n. (总称)衣服,an important religious and social festival for Christians around worldCherry Blossom Festival 樱花节 cherry n. 樱桃(树), 樱桃色cherry tree flowers 樱桃树as though=as if 好像,仿佛even if=even though 即使,虽然,纵然 He walks as if he is drunk.STEP3: Reading Paragraph6 Summary1. Read the paragraph altogether after teacher.2. Important phrases: have fun with each other, be proud of, customs, for a little while.have fun with each othermake fun of 开。的玩笑 Dont make fun of the poor boy.be proud of 以。为自豪be proud about 为。而洋洋得意custom n. 常表示“一种风俗”,也可统称“风俗”。(复)customs: 海关, 关税 customs officer 海关工作人员for a little while 一小会3. Questions after reading.Q1: Why do people around the world love festivals? (Prepare 1 minuet. Please close the book to answer this question. Students can use phrases in the last paragraph.)STEP4: Homework1. Copy important phrases and their Chinese meanings on the textbook, each twice.2. Prepare to have a dictation about important phrases of the last 3paragraphs.3. prehending2.4. Learning about language 2.5. Give Ss the answer of Learning about language3. Ask Ss to translate into Chinese.授课日期: 序号:7.8授课进度:正常教学课题:Unit1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Period4 .ReadingIII授课课时:1教学目的:1. 学习文章a sad love story2. 掌握文中的重点词汇3. 快速阅读文章并且回答相关问题,培养快速阅读的能力教学重点:1. 培养快速阅读能力2. 学习重点词汇的用法教学难点:1. 快读文章并回答问题教学步骤:STEP1:Review.1. Have a dictation.随意选择以下内容。be grateful, gather, the agricultural work, decoratewith, town hall, get together to have meals, win awards for their farm produce, energetic, look forward to, the end of, the ing of, lucky money in red paper, dragon dances and carnivals, the Lunar New Year, parade, day and night, colourful clothing, an important religious and social festival for Christians around world, cherry tree flowers, as though, have fun with each other, be proud of, customs, for a little while.1. Check homework. prehending2. Learning about language 2.Give Ss the answer of Learning about language3. STEP1:Reading A Sad Love Story1. Introduce briefly.This passage introduces lovers festivals-Qiqiao Festival and Valentines Day.2. Questions before reading.Q1: What do you know about Qiqiao Festival and Valentines Day?3. Important phrases: be hear-broken, turn up, keep ones word, look forward to doing, hold ones breath, drown ones sadness, It is obvious that, wipe, the weaving girl, the herd boy, the Goddess of Heaven, the Milky Way, the couple, Magpies, on eh seventh day of the seventh lunar month, weep, announcer, As Li Fang set off for home, remindof, on ones way home, for a long time, forgive.be heart-brokenturn up 出现turn out 结果是 take turns 依次 by turns 轮流 turn to 翻到、求助turn over 翻过来 turn into 变成是 turn有时候可以理解为beekeep ones word=keep her promisein a word 总而言之 in other words 换句话说 have a word with sb 和某人说话 have words with sb和某人吵架look forward to doinghold ones breath 屏住呼吸out of breath 上气不接下气 take a deep breath 深呼吸drown ones sadness drown=try to forget ones trouble or to get rid of sadness by drinking wine or something else.It is obvious thatWipethe weaving girlthe herd boythe Goddess of Heaventhe Milky Waythe couple =wife and husbanda couple of 一双、一对,若干,几个 a couple of players a couple of ticketsMagpieson eh seventh day of the seventh lunar monthweepannouncerAs Li Fang set off for homeSet off/out 出发,动身到某地,后用for,不用toFor表示预定的目的地 Set up 建立,设立,树立 setfree 释放(某人) set eye on sb/sth 看见某人、某物Seton fire 使燃烧,放火烧Remind sb of sth 使某人回忆起过去的事情,提醒某人注意未来的事情remind sb to do sth提醒某人去做某事,是某人想起去做某事 it reminds me of what a woman once said of him. Remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.on ones way homefor a long timethrown away throwthrow at 瞄准后投掷throw to 投向目标 区别shoot at/to?forgive.3. Listen and reading the passage quickly and then answer the following questions.Q1: What gifts ddi Li Fang give Hu Jin on Valentines Day?Q2: Why did Li Fang drown his sadness in coffee?Q3: Did the coffee shop manager wele Li Fang? What did the manager do to show his feeling?Q4: Who is Zhinu? Who is Niulang?Q5: Why cant Niulang follow Zhinu to Heaven?Q6: When and how can Niulang and Zhinu meet?Q7: Why did Li Fang throw flowers and chocolates away?Q8: Why didnt Hu Jin show up on time on the Valentines Day?Q9: How many festivals does the passage mention? 2 or 3?Q10: Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?STEP2:Homework1. 准备单词听写2. workbook P42 1.2.3. 机动作业 workbook P44 reading task授课日期: 序号:9授课进度:正常教学课题:Unit1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Period5 Useful structures授课课时:1教学目的:1. 学习情态动词的使用教学重点:1. 正确使用情态动词:can/could; may/might; will/would; shall/should; must;cant教学难点:2. 正确区分以上情态动词教学步骤:STEP1:Review.1. 听写Unit1单词2. check homework workbook P42 1.2. (可放自修课校对)STEP2: Modal verbs1. Permission N. 允许,准许,同意Permit/allow sb to do sthPermit/allow doing sth3. P5Discovering useful structures4. can / be able to 都表示能力 be able to 可以用于多种时态, 可经过努力才能够。 I can swim. I am able to swim. 各种时态转换。 May/might 表示许可,表示请求许可时,may 常常可以和can/could互换 Can/could/may I use your pen? May 表示可能性比might语气更加强烈。 Must/ have to 必须 Must 表示主观看法 Have to 表示客观需要,不得不,只得,只好,口语中常常用have got to Shall/should Shall用于第一人称表示征求对方的意见。 Shall 用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。 Shall we start? 能。 Shall 用于第二、第三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警示、允诺或者威胁。 会。 You shall be punished. Should 表示劝告、建议、命令,同义词:ought to在疑问句中常用should.Should have done 应该做某事而实际却没有做 Will/would 请求、建议 往往用于第二人称。 Would you pass me the book?STEP3: Idioms1. 生于忧患,死于安乐.2. 树死先从叶子黄3. 宁愿创新,不愿陈腐.4. 未雨绸缪5. 傻瓜总会发现有比他更傻的人在赞美他6. 信仰是生活的向导7. 别人的成就/收获怎么看都比自己的好, 但自己的孩子怎么看都比别的孩子好8. 天下没有不散的宴席9. 戏法人人会变,各有巧妙不同10. 输得起,才能赢;只想赢,就会输。STEP3: Homework1. P42 2.2. review to prepare to have a dictation.


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