贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(七) Unit2 The Olympic Games 新人教版必修2

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贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(七) Unit2 The Olympic Games 新人教版必修2_第1页
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贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(七) Unit2 The Olympic Games 新人教版必修2_第2页
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贵州省贵阳市2014高考英语一轮 课时作业(七) Unit2 The Olympic Games 新人教版必修2_第3页
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贵阳市2014高考英语(新人教版)一轮阅读训练(7)附答案课时作业(七)必修2Unit 2 The Olympic Games(限时:35分钟)完形填空Since my family were not going to be helpful about my taking a cooking job, I decided I 1 look for one all by myself and 2 them about it till Id get one. I had seen an agency advertised 3 a local paper, so 4 there was no one about to say “ Where are you going? ”, I rushed out of the house 5 it. I was widely 6 and was nervous as if I 7 on the stage. Finding the place quite easily, I tore up three flights of stairs, and swung breathlessly 8 a door which said “ Enter without knocking, if you 9 . ” The simple atmosphere of the office 10 me, and I sat carefully down on the edge of a chair. The woman at the desk 11 looked at me for a while through her 12 , and I was about to move my feet 13 I realized that she was questioning me in a low voice. I answered softly and I started to feel 14 helpless. She made 15 to me in a way that she wondered 16 I was looking for this sort of jobI felt even more helpless when she told me that it 17 difficult to get a job without 18 or reference. Then I heard her say, “ 19 , Ive got someone in the office at 20 moment who might suit. ” 1Awould Bought Cwanted Dliked 2Atold Bnot tell Cnot told Dnot to tell 3Aon Bat Cfor Din 4Aas soon as Bas to Cfar Das 5Asearch for Bin search of Cfinding Dlooked for 6Aexcited Bworried Cexciting Dworrying 7Awas going Bwere coming Cwas coming Dwere going 8Athrough Bby Cin Dto 9Apleased Bpleasant Cplease Dpleasure 10.Acalmed Bexcited Cmoved Dfrightened 11.Aopposite Bagainst Cback Dface 12.Aglass Bglasses Ceyes Deye 13.Awhile Bbefore Cafter Dwhen 14.Arather Bfairly Ctoo Dlittle 15.Ait Bthat Cknow Dit known 16.Ahow Bwhy Cwhether Dwhere 17.Awere Bshould be Cwould be Dwas 18.Aexperience Bexperiment Ctime Dmoney 19.AIn a fact BAs a matter of fact CAs to fact DAs a matter 20.Aa very Bvery a Cvery the Dthis very 答案与解析:1A 根据上句 were not going to be 可判断下句为过去将来时。故选 would 。 2B and 连接两个并列谓语,把助动词提前,故根据语意应是 not tell 。 3D 在报纸上应为 in 。 4A 时间状语从句,意思是没有一个人来得及问我,我就冲出去了。 5B 介词短语 in search of 在这里作目的状语。6A 根据上下文的语义语境,本句是作者描写当时自己的心情,又兴奋又紧张。 7D as if 后面接的虚拟语气。而动作将要发生,所以应是 were going 相当于 would go 8A 这里所要表达的意思是“穿过门”。 through 有穿门而过之意。 9C 此句所要表达的意思是 : “如果你愿意” 因此是条件状语从句,而条件状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时 故选 C 。 10A 本句意思是:办公室的简朴的气候使我镇静下来。 calm 此处是动词意为使我平 静下来 故排除了 B , C , D 三个答案。 11A 工作面试,当然是面对面坐着。 opposite 对面之意。 12B 本句意思是:透过眼镜看 13D 从语境及本句所要表达的意思可知 且 was about to do when 是一固定结构。 意思是 : 刚要干这时 14A 前句回答问题有气无力,作者从内心感到自己相当无助。 rather 修饰贬义形容词强调程度。15D 固定结构 make sth. known 意为把某事向某人公布。 16B 从上下句语境中可知,人家在问“为什么我想得到这种工作。” 17C 间接引语,得到这项工作将是很困难的。 18A 意思是说 : 没有经验很难得到这项工作。 19B as a matter of fact 相当于 in fact 。 20D At this very moment ,就在此时。 阅读理解AThe Kings School, Canterbury is an independent, coeducational secondary school. There are currently 791 pupils on the school roll(名单). The school has a long and distinguished history, and it is also one of the oldest charities in the country, providing scholarships to pupils and organizing a Charity of the Term.The curriculum(课程) at Kings is based on strong academic roots. It emphasizes and relies upon what is best in traditional independent school education: scholarly excellence supported by a caring and tutorial system, and a wideranging cocurricular programme. However, it is continually adapting and reacting to the changing demands of modern education: new subjects are added, new teaching techniques are adopted, and there is an increasing awareness of the need to provide programmes of study that match individual needs and skills.The curriculum is divided into three units: the Lower School(Year 9 ), an introductory year; the Middle School(Years 10 and 11 ), working to GCSEs; and the Sixth Form(Years 12 and 13), taking AS and A levels.Full details can be found in: Shell Guide and Handbook; Middle School Academic Guide 20092011; Middle School Academic Guide 20102012; Sixth Form Guide 20092011 and Sixth Form Guide 20102012.Formal and structured educational support, for those who need it, is available at all levels. The wellstocked library is open 7 days and 6 evenings per week. ICT facilities (including the Internet) are available for all and the whole school(studies within the houses as well as classrooms) is extensively networked.Pupils are offered extensive career advice throughout their time at Kings. Almost all go to university, either immediately or following a GAP year. The most popular university destinations are Cambridge, Bristol, Nottingham, Durham, Leeds, Oxford, Edinburgh, Manchester, and University College, London.Director of Studies: Geoff Cocksworth: grc kingsschool.co.ukExaminations Officer: Elaine McDowell: eam kingsschool. co. uk.Click here for more information.16The best title of the passage might be _AThe Kings SchoolBThe Curriculum in BritainCNew Teaching TechniquesDBritish Education System17Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe Kings School, Canterbury is a famous high school in Britain.BThe curriculum at Kings is best in traditional and modern education.CAll pupils of the school go to university immediately after they graduate.DPupils dormitories as well as classrooms are provided with network.18The following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that_Athe Kings School focuses on pupils individual developmentBpupils in the Kings School who pass GCSEs will go to universityCpupils in the Kings School have an easy access to the school libraryDpupils in the Kings School receive good education19The passage is probably taken from a _Ahandbook BwebsiteCmagazine DnewspaperBThe average temperature around the world is rising. People living in the US Midwest might find a fact hard to believe, though. The scientists suggest that the change in the Midwest climate may have happened because of farming.The first study was led by David Changnon, a climatologist(气候学家) at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.Changnon and his team studied temperature records from the sites in the Midwest. They found that since 1970, the average temperature in the region during July and August has gone downby up to one degree Fahrenheit(华氏度)from what it was during the years between 1930 and 1969. Their investigation also showed that the average rainfall in those states during those two months has increased. Between 1970 and 2009, about 0.33 inch more rain fell than between 1930 and 1969.These_changes may be connected by humidity(湿度), Changnon says. Humidity is the measure of how much moisture is in the air. Humid air, which contains a lot of moisture,takes longer to heat up than dry air, Changnon notes. And humid air often releases its moisture through rainfall.So where did the extra moisture in the air come from?Changnon points to farms in the region. As plants grow, they pull moisture from the ground and release it into the air. And among plants, soybeans (大豆) and corn plants release a lot of moisture. Midwestern farms now plant more soybeans and corn than in the past, with 97 percent of farmland today planted with these two crops. In the 1930s, corn and soybeans covered only about 57 percent, Changnon says. He also notes that the plants are planted closer together now than they used to be, so there are more plants per acre than in the past.The second study, like Changnons, also found an increase in rainfall in the same area. But it points to another possible source for the increased moisture. Alan Robock at Rutgers University was part of the team that produced the second study and presented the groups findings. The team found that irrigation practices in the Great Plains have changed over the years. The researchers studied a vast area in the region. They found that in 1930, farmers in that region irrigated only about 1.8 million acres of farmland. In 1980, however, farmers irrigated nearly 15 million acres. Plants use the water and then release it into the air.These results by Changnon and Robock and their colleagues are the first step toward understanding a change in the weather.20What does the underlined term “These changes” refer to?ALower temperatures and more rainfall.BHigher temperatures and higher humidity.CMaking a record both in the past and now.DThe two periods of the 40year investigation.21Which of the following could be the possible sources for the increased moisture in the US Midwest?AScientists research and farmers attention.BLess farmland and more plants.CMore plants and irrigation practices.DNatural reservoirs and underground rivers.22The studies show that in Americas Midwest,_Athe average temperature is getting higher and higherBmore and more farmland has been desertedCthe amount of rain is closely related to the temperatureDsummers are now cooler and wetter than they were in years past23According to the passage, irrigating more and more plants means _Amaking more space for farms and buildingsBmaking more and more water into the air, and thus causing more rainCmore farms depending on watersaving systemsDusing plants to change the climate.短文填词There are many inspiring stories about the Olympic Games. In 1968, a Kenyan athlete 24.n_ Kip Keino competed in the 15,000 meters running race. At that time, he was very ill and 25._ great pain. Although he had reached the standard for the final of the race, he decided at first 26._ to take part. However, just before the race was going to start, he changed his 27._. He ran from his room and 28.a_ at the race track a few minutes before the race was about to begin. 29._ (令人惊讶地), he won the race, finishing well ahead of everyone else and showing what 30._ (真正的) courage and perseverance can achieve. It was no 31.w_ that he became the only Kenyan sportsman ever to appear on the 32.c_ of the world famous sports magazine Sports Illustrated and he was 33.a_ by people all over the world.参考答案课时作业(七).A本文是对一所学校的介绍,包括学校概况、课程设置、教学设施、毕业生去向以及联系方式等。16A主旨大意题。文章第一段的第一句是本文的主题句,所以本文的中心话题是介绍这所学校。17C细节理解题。根据第六段第二句“Almost all go to university,either immediately or following a GAP year.”可知并非所有的学生毕业后立即去上大学。18B推理判断题。根据第三段中的内容可知学生通过GCSEs后,需要进入下一阶段(the Sixth Form)的学习,并不能马上去上大学。19B推理判断题。文章最后的“Click here for more information.”意思是“点击此处获取更多信息”,由此可知本文出自一个“网站”。B这是一篇科普类说明文。全球变暖是一个不争的事实,然而在美国中西部地区人们却感受不到这种变化,这是为什么呢?20A代词指代题。上文中提到1970年以来,七月和八月的平均温度比1930年到1969年这段时间下降了1华氏度,而平均降雨量增加了0.33英寸。由此可知“These changes”指的是:温度降低,降雨量增多。21C细节理解题。根据第三段内容和第四段中的第二、四句话和最后一句可知空气湿度增加的原因是C项。22D推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,近四十年美国中西部地区七月和八月的平均气温比前四十年的平均气温要低1华氏度,而降雨量多0.33英寸。由此可知D项正确。23B细节理解题。根据第四段中的Plants use the water and then release it into the air.可知,植物吸收灌溉的水,然后再将水释放到空气中,从而形成降雨。 .24.named25.in26.not27.mind28.arrived29Surprisingly30.true31.wonder32.cover33appreciated A good face is a letter of recommendation Some people say beauty is just a skin deep. I dont quite agree with them. Good appearance often makes a big difference in social communication, competition, finding jobs and so on. Not only can good appearance help you become more confident, but also it helps you be impressed. If you want to get a good job,the first sight is important. Physical beauty is probable to draw much attention. However,we have to face this problem. We have no right to choose our appearance. When necessary,we can make up ourselves. If you think doing this is a good way to improve your confidence,just do what you really want to regardless others opinion. It is worth all the money and time. Facing a variety of social pressures,we young people should build confidence. Confidence is the key to success. In a word,you may not be the most beautiful one,but you can be the most attractive one;you may not the best one,but you can be the most confident one. Show yourself and chances will kiss you in time. 【点评】 爱美之心人皆有之。我们追求美,创造美,一副好脸孔就是一封介绍信,作者围绕这一主题进行阐述。在现代社会里,美丽的外表在社交、竞争、求职等方面有着不可低估的作用。作者立意大胆,构思巧妙,很有个性。文章叙述清楚,层次分明,过渡自然。在语言表达上,运用倒装句、排比句等句式,增强了文章的感染力。 文中语言错误有两处: probable改为likely。probable不能用某人或某物作主语,常用it作形式主语,构成it is probable for sb. to do sth.结构。 regardless之后加of。regardless of是复合介词,意为“不理会、不顾”。*结束 阅读理解AIt might seem hard to imagine that a bad tooth could be deadly.But doctors in the Washington area say a twelveyearold boy died last month of a tooth infection that spread to his brain.They say it might have been prevented if the boy had received the dental care he needed.Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental care should start at birth.They say breast milk is the best food for the healthy development of teeth.Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth.When babys teeth begin to appear,you can clean them with a wet toothbrush.Dentists say it is important to find soft toothbrushes made especially for babies,and use them very gently.The use of fluoride (氟化物) to protect teeth is common in many parts of the world.This natural element is often added to drinking water supplies.The fluoride mixes with enamel(釉质),the hard surface on teeth,to help prevent holes,or cavities from forming.But the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry points out that young children often swallow toothpaste when they brush their teeth.The group notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems.So young children should be carefully supervised when they brush their teeth.And only a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste,the size of a green pea,should be used.Parents often wonder what effects sucking a thumb or sucking on a pacifier might have on their babys teeth.Dental experts generally agree that this is fine early in life.The American Academy of Family Physicians says most kids stop sucking their thumbs by the age of four.If it continues,the group advises parents to talk to their childs dentist or doctor.It could influence the correct development of permanent teeth.16The boy with a bad tooth died because_.Ahis tooth disease was very deadlyBthe doctor refused to treat him properlyChe didnt receive timely treatmentDsomething was wrong with his brain17All the following statements are good to teeth except that _.Achildren live on breast milk every dayBchildren begin to brush their teeth when they are old enoughCchildren use fluoride toothpaste to brush their teethDchildren form the habit of sucking their thumbs18The underlined word “supervised” in the fifth paragraph means “_”Awatched and directedBtaught and helpedCpraised and advisedDled and pointed out19Which one of the followings is NOT true according to this passage?ADental care should be given to babies as soon as they are born.BSpecial toothbrushes should be used for babies.CBreast milk and fluoride are helpful to protect baby teeth.DDental experts suggest stopping babies sucking their thumbs.20The best title of this passage is _.AThe reason of a twelveyearold boys deathBBaby teeth should be cared for from birthCBreast milk and fluoride are importantDHow to help young children form good habitsBRoberto Clemente was one of the most honored baseball players in history.Many players are known for their skills or the records they broke.But Roberto was loved not only for his ability in sports,but also for the kind of person that he was.Roberto was born in 1934 in Carolina,Puerto Rico,whose family struggled financially.As a young boy,he helped his father,who worked on a sugar farm and also managed a store that sold food.In school,Roberto was an excellent runner.But more than anything,he loved playing baseball.Puerto Ricos warm island climate made it easy for the young boy to play baseball all year.But he was good at throwing balls to a great distance.While in high school,Roberto played baseball for the Santurce Crabbers in the Puerto Ricos Winter League.At 18,Roberto was already hitting a baseball better than many professional players in the United States.This ability was recognized the following year.An official from the Brooklyn Dodgers team in New York City came to Puerto Rico looking for new young players.The official,Al Campanis,was pleased with Robertos skills.He offered to give him a 10,000 dollar gift to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers.But Roberto was unable to join the major league team because he was still in high school.The young baseball player told Mr.Campanis that he would join the Brooklyn team as soon as he finished school.So Roberto joined the Brooklyn Dodgers after finishing high school.But Roberto began playing for the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1955.Roberto stood out among the other players in his team.The Pittsburgh Pirates did not do well the first few years when Roberto played in the team.But in 1960,everything changed.That year,he played in the first of his 12 AllStar games.Every year,the best players from the National and American leagues compete in an AllStar game.That same year,Roberto helped his team beat the New York Yankees to win the World Seriesthe national baseball championship.Roberto died on December 31,1972,in a plane crash while attempting to deliver aid to earthquake victims in Nicaragua.21Roberto Clemente was highly honored because_.Aof his intelligenceBhe had no competitorsChe was kind and generousDof his personality and skills22What do we know about Roberto according to the text?ARoberto was not helpful.BHis family lived a happy life.CHis father worked very hard.DRoberto had no interest in sports.23Why did Mr.Campanis offer Roberto a 10,000 dollar gift?AHe was impressed by Robertos ability.BHe wanted to make friends with Roberto.CRoberto played better than professional players.DHe invited Roberto to quit school and play for his team.24Thanks to Roberto,the Pittsburgh Pirates_.Adefeated other 12 AllStar teamsBwas better widely known worldwideCwon the national baseball championshipDbeat the New York Yankees for the first time25What would be the best title for the text?ARoberto ClementeBA Famous Black Baseball PlayerCHe Played 12 AllStar GamesDThe Pittsburgh Pirates Memory16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.A


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