山东省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷二 形容词副词介词和介词短语

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山东省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷二 形容词副词介词和介词短语_第1页
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山东省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题升级训练卷二 形容词副词介词和介词短语_第3页
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2013年高考第二轮复习英语山东版专题升级训练二形容词、副词、介词和介词短语.单项填空1Though the man was badly hurt in the accident,he was still _ and could think clearly.AawakeBawareCconfused Dconscious2(2012山东烟台期末,34) Well get in touch with you as soon as tickets become_.Apresent BpreciousCavailable Dconvenient3(2012山东日照月考,33)How do you find Johnsons last party?Well,it couldnt have been _.I wont go to his party next time.Aany better Bany worse Cany worst Dany best4Did you enjoy yourself at the party?Yes.Ive never been to _ one before.Aa more excited Bthe most excitedCa more exciting Dthe most exciting5(2012山东淄博六中一模,28)Is it Jim who is driving the new car?Probably.I know he has recently bought a_ car.Ashiny black GermanBblack shiny GermanCshiny German blackDblack German shiny6(2011河南五校联谊二模,32)Do you still go jogging every morning?Yes,I cant think of a _ way to start a day.Abetter BbestCworse Dworst7The Expo site was _ from anywhere in the city of Shanghai within 90 minutes by buss,subway or special taxi.Aadoptable Bacceptable Cavailable Daccessible 8As we have known from the map of the world,this is _.Atwice as large an island as thatBtwice as larger as that islandCas twice large as that oneDtwice as a large island as that9(2011江西八校联考,27)Worried about the time_,Mary had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in Beijing.Aadequate Bavailable Cefficient Daccessible10Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun.Isnt it rather risky,_?Atoo BalsoCeither Dthough 11You cant attend the party tonight because it is stormy._,you still havent got over your high fever.ATherefore BHoweverCMoreover DOtherwise12The final score of the basketball match was 9394.We were only _ beaten.Anearly BslowlyCnarrowly Dlightly13(2012山东青岛期末,27)Guess what? One bullet struck my car,_ missing me yesterday!Lucky you! Come back to our motherland as soon as possible!Anarrowly BnearlyClightly Dslightly 14(2012山东青岛十九中期中,27)Do you really want to go out?It may rain._,I shall go out;I dont mind the rain.AAnyhow BOtherwiseCSomehow DTherefore15Now that you like the MP5 players very much,why dont you get one?Well.Id like to,but I cant afford _ MP5 player at present.Asuch expensive a Bthat expensive anCthat an expensive Da so expensive16Excuse me,would you mind answering a few questions?Well,I dont know.Im in rather a hurry _.Aseriously Bactually Cimmediately Danxiously17I did really well in the examination,Li Ke.I did _.I got full marks.Ano less Bnot lessCnot worse Dno worse18Tims house in NY is much smaller than ours,but its three times _ expensive.Avery BsoCtoo Das19Would you please tell me what time it is?Its five minutes to nine _ my watch.Aon BbyCat Din20(2012济南四模,5) _ hearing the news that Shenzhou was sent into space,we shouted _ joy.AAt;by BAt;withCOn;by DOn;with21What do you mean _ saying “The boy is overgrowing”?I mean that he is tall _ his age.Aas to;for Bby;forCabout;with Dby;of22Shanghai lies _ the east of China and Japan lies _ the east of China.Ain;to Bon;inCon;to Don;in23He suddenly saw Sue _ the room.He pushed his way _ the crowd of people to get to her.Aacross;across Bover;throughCover;into Dacross;through24(2012山东滨州一模,6) In China,Suzhou and Hangzhou,known _“paradises on the earth”,are known _ their beautiful scenery.Afor;as Bas;forCfor;to Das;as 25Most Chinese carmakers are years behind their western counterparts _ quality,technology and service.Ain terms of Bin need ofCin favor of Din praise of26(2012山东邹平四模,14)Diana has decided to marry Steven._ her parents strong objections?ADue to BThanks toCBeyond DDespite27(2012山东莱州一中二模,35) _ customer satisfaction,the policy cant be criticized.AIn spite of BInstead ofCRegardless of DIn terms of28Elizabeth has already achieved success _ her wildest dreams.Aat BbeyondCwithin Dupon29(2012济南三模,10) This special school accepts all disabled students,_ educational level and background.Aaccording to Bregardless ofCin addition to Din terms of30Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health.Aof;at Bby;in Cof;on Don;at.完形填空A young man was getting ready to graduate from college.For many months he had _1_ a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom,and _2_ his father could well _3_ it,he told him that was all he wanted.On the morning of his graduation day his father called him into his own study and told him how _4_ he was to have such a fine son.He handed his son a beautiful gift box._5_ but slightly disappointed,the young man _6_ the box and found a lovely book._7_,he raised his voice at his father and said,“_8_ all your money you give me a book?” and rushed out of the house _9_ the book in the study.He did not contact (联系)his father for a whole year _10_ one day he saw in the street an old man who looked like his father.He _11_ he had to go back home and see his father.When he arrived at his fathers house,he was told that his father had been in hospital for a week.The moment he was about to _12_ the hospital,he saw on the desk the _13_ new book,just as he had left it one _14_ ago.He opened it and began to _15_ the pages.Suddenly,a car key _16_ from an envelope taped behind the book.It had a tag (标签)with the dealers name,the _17_ dealer who had the sports car he had _18_.On the tag was the _19_ of his graduation,and the _20_ PAID IN FULL.1A.expected Benjoyed Cadmired Downed2A.finding Bproving Cdeciding Dknowing3A.afford Boffer Ckeep Dlike4A.encouraged BcomfortableCproud Dmoved5A.Nervous BSeriousCCareful DCurious6A.packed BopenedCpicked up Dput aside7A.Angrily BEagerlyCCalmly DAnxiously8A.At BFromCWith DTo9A.toating Bputting Cforgetting Dleaving10A.until Bas Cbefore Dunless11A.learned BrealizedCrecognized Dadmitted12A.get to Bsearch forCturn to Dleave for13A.much BstillChardly Dquite14A.year Bmonth Cweek Dday15A.clean BreadCturn Dcount16A.lost Bcame Cappeared Ddropped17A.old Bsame Cspecial Dnew18A.remembered BdesiredCfound Dmet19A.picture BplaceCdate Dsign20A.words BinformationCmessages Dcard参考答案. 1. 答案:D解析:awake意为“醒着的”;aware意为“知道的,意识到的”;confused意为“糊涂的,头脑不清的”;conscious意为“有意识的,神志清醒的”。根据could think clearly判断应选D项。2. 答案:C解析:present意为“现在的,到场的”;precious意为“珍贵的,宝贵的”;available意为“可得到的,可买到的”;convenient意为“方便的”。根据句意可知应选C项。 3. 答案:B解析:根据空后的“I wont go to his party next time.”可知说话人对这次聚会看法不好,所以应选B项,否定词与比较级连用表示最高级的意义,此处表示“再糟糕不过了,太糟糕了”。 4. 答案:C解析:本题考查两种分词形式的形容词的区别以及a 和the的区别。ing形式的形容词一般表示“令人”,ed形式的形容词一般表示“自身感到”,结合题意,可排除A、B项;其次,再由句意可知应选C项。 5. 答案:A解析:shiny为描绘性形容词,应放在最前面;black表示颜色,应在shiny之后;German表示国籍,应放在最后。 6. 答案:A解析:该题暗含比较,把慢跑与其他锻炼方式进行比较,所以选A项。答句句意:“是的。我想不出更好的方式来开始一天的生活了。” 7. 答案:D解析:accessible“容易到达的,可进入的”。句意:“无论乘公共汽车、地铁或世博会专用出租车,从上海的任何地方在90分钟内都可以到达世博会。”adoptable“可采用的,可收养的”;acceptable“可接受的”;available“可用的,可获得的”。 8. 答案:A解析:B项as.as句型中使用了比较级larger,结构错误;倍数、分数、百分数在as.as句型中作状语时,应放在第一个as之前,C项词序错误;在as.as句型中如果有名词时,应该由第一个副词as作状语修饰形容词,然后由形容词作定语修饰名词,所以D项词序错误,故A项正确。 9. 答案:B解析:adequate意为“充足的,适当的,胜任的”;available意为“有效的,可利用的,空闲的”;efficient意为“有效率的,有能力的,生效的”;accessible意为“易接近的,可进入的”。根据句意判断应选B项,表示“担心可利用的时间”。 10. 答案:D解析:though用作副词,常放在句尾,意为“然而,可是”。第二句句意:可是不也很危险吗? 11. 答案:C解析:A项意为“因此,所以”;B项意为“然而,可是”;C项意为“此外,再说”;D项意为“否则,要不然的话”。根据句意应选C项,表示“再说你发烧还没好”。 12. 答案:C解析:nearly意为“几乎,差不多”;slowly意为“慢慢地”;narrowly意为“勉强地,以毫厘之差”;lightly意为“轻柔地,轻轻地”。根据句意应选C项,表示“我们以微弱差距败北”。 13. 答案:A解析:narrowly意为“狭窄地,勉强地”;nearly意为“几乎,差不多”;lightly意为“轻轻地,稍微地”;slightly意为“轻微地,稍微地”。根据句意判断应选A项,表示“险些击中我”。如果用B项,则表示“击中了”,与后面的Lucky you矛盾。 14. 答案:A解析:anyhow意为“无论如何,不管怎么说”;otherwise意为“否则,要不然的话”;somehow意为“以某种方式,不知怎么地”;therefore意为“因此,所以”。答句句意:天可能下雨。但无论如何我要出去,我不介意下雨。 15. 答案:B解析:that作副词用时,意思和用法与so 相同,所以当that和冠词、形容词一起放在名词前时,其结构应该是“that形容词不定冠词名词”。that expensive an MP5相当于so expensive an MP5或such an expensive MP5。16. 答案:B解析:seriously意为“严肃地,认真地”;actually意为“实际上”;immediately意为“立刻,马上”;anxiously意为“着急地,焦急地”。根据语境判断应选B项,表示“实际上我很忙”。 17. 答案:D解析:根据空后的I got full marks判断应选D项,此处是I did no worse than you的省略,表示“我做得并不比你差(两人做得都很好)”。 18. 答案:D解析:该题是three times as expensive as ours的省略,所以选D项。 19. 答案:B解析:此处应用by,表示“根据,按照”。 20. 答案:D解析:第一个空应用on,on doing sth.意为“一就”;第二个空应用with,表示shouted的原因。 21. 答案:B解析:by“靠,通过”;for“对于而言”。答句句意:“我的意思是对于他的年龄而言,他是比较高的。” 22. 答案:A解析:表示方位时,in表示在范围之内,on表示接壤,to表示方向,所以答案为A项。 23. 答案:D解析:句意:他突然看见苏穿过房间,他挤过人群向她走过去。across和 through分别表示从表面上和内部穿过;over表示“在上面”,与水平面垂直;into表示“进入”。 24. 答案:B解析:第一个空应用as表示“作为”;第二个空应用for表示原因。 25. 答案:A解析:句意:就质量、技术和服务而言,中国大多数汽车制造厂落后于西方数年。in terms of “在方面;就而言”。 26. 答案:D解析:A项意为“由于”;B项意为“多亏”;C项意为“超出范围”;D项意为“不管,不顾”。第二句句意:不顾她父母的强烈反对? 27. 答案:D解析:A项意为“尽管,虽然”;B项意为“代替,而不是”;C项意为“不管,不顾”;D项意为“在方面,就而言”。句意:就顾客满意度来说,这项政策不应受到批评。 28. 答案:B解析:句意为“伊丽莎白做梦也没想到会成功”。beyond表示“超过,超出”,其他词义不符。 29. 答案:B解析:according to意为“根据”;regardless of意为“不管,不顾”;in addition to意为“另外”;in terms of意为“就而言”。句意:这所特殊学校接收所有的残疾学生,不管他们的教育水平和背景如何。 30. 答案:C解析:be convinced of是固定短语,意思是“对确信”;effect常与介词on搭配,意思是“对的影响”。. 1. 答案:C解析:因为年轻人还没有跑车,车是在展厅,所以此处用admire表示“羡慕”最合文意。 2. 答案:D解析:从下文看出他父亲能够买得起这部车,所以选D项“知道”。 3. 答案:A解析:根据上文“knowing”和下文“he told him that was all he wanted”可知他爸爸买得起,所以选afford。offer意为“主动提供”,不合文意。 4. 答案:C解析:由下文a fine son可知,父亲为他而自豪、骄傲,所以选C项。 5. 答案:D解析:盒子里有什么东西从外面看不到,所以选D项,表示“好奇的”。6. 答案:B解析:因为东西在盒子里,他想看里边的东西,此处动作只能是打开。pack意为“捆,打包”pick up意为“捡起来,收拾,学会”;put aside意为“放到一边”。A、C、D三项均不合句意。 7. 答案:A解析:本来想要车,但打开盒子看到的却是一本书,结合后面的“he raised his voice at his father”可知此处应选A项,表示“生气地”。 8. 答案:C解析:年轻人知道父亲有钱,所以此处选C项,表示“有”。 9. 答案:D解析:从当时的情景看,年轻人要的不是书,所以生气地跑了,把书“留在了书房”,所以应用leaving作伴随状语。 10. 答案:A解析:根据上下文判断该句意为“一整年他都没有联系他父亲,直到某一天”,until符合句意。 11. 答案:B解析:大街上的老人看上去像他父亲,让他“意识到”该回家看看父亲了,所以选realized。 12. 答案:D解析:根据情景判断此时他正要到医院去,所以选leave for,表示“出发去某地”。 13. 答案:B解析:虽然离开家一整年了,但书还是new,所以选still表示“仍然,还”。 14. 答案:A解析:根据上文可知一年没有和父亲联系,所以选A项。 15. 答案:C解析:由后面的pages和里边掉下的车钥匙可以推断此处为“翻书页”的意思,所以选turn。16. 答案:D解析:根据翻书的情景可以判断,钥匙肯定会掉出来,所以选dropped。 17. 答案:B解析:此处表示正是销售他羡慕的跑车的那位经销商。 18. 答案:B解析:根据上下文判断,此处表示他父亲给他买的就是他“想要的”,所以选desired,表示“期望,想”。 19. 答案:C解析:根据上文“他毕业时他爸爸送给他盒子”和下文的“of his graduation”,可以推出是毕业的“日期”。 20. 答案:A解析:由下文的PAID IN FULL可知此处是写的字,所以选A项。


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