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.2010年6月英语四级作文真题及范文Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写2. 出现这种现象的原因3. 我认为(措施)Nowadays fewer and fewer students pay attention to their word-spelling. According to a recent survey, there is a dramatic increase in the number of students who can only imitate the pronunciation of a word but be incapable of spelling it. In this essay I will discuss the factors of this phenomenon and offer my own view on it。There are a number of factors can be accountable for this situation. One of the most common factors is that fewer and fewer students need to write English essays. Besides, the goal of most students to learn English is to speak it and pass the examination which means they just need to select the similar words according to the listening materials and passages. Perhaps the most contributing factor is the wide use of electronic devices such as e-dictionaries and computers and students no longer need to correct the words by themselves。As far as Im concerned, I firmly argue that we need to attach great importance to word-spelling. To the students, they should write English as much as they can. Meanwhile, to the teachers, the dictations should be reinforced in the class。文章按照directions分为三段即可作文标题中的due为形容词“应给予的”,考生在写作时切勿将其与due to介词词组搞混。第一段开头喜欢使用句型more and more people attach great importance的同学需要注意这次的话题是“越来越多的学生不重视”,所以应把more and more改为fewer and fewer。此次作文整体话题及构架并不难,估计广大考生在这次的作文中不会有太大失分!对于10 12的四级写作话题趋势,希望考生可以关注校园类高频词汇,文章模板还是以解释型议论文为主。2009年12月大学英语四级考试试题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Creating a Green Campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1. 建设绿色校园很重要2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境3. 为了建设绿色校园,我们应该Creating a Green CampusIn recent years, extravagance and waste have become increasingly serious in some of the university campus. We can see that papers, bottles and cans are thrown away after use; food is wasted just because of its poor taste; clothes are discarded simply owing to their old fashion. As a consequence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on creating a green campus.There are at least two criteria to distinguish what is green campus. On the one hand, natural resources must be conserved and made full use of, for example, we, as college students, should take the wise use of papers and second-hand textbooks into account. On the other hand, education to build up thrift habits must be promoted by relevant departments and professionals at various levels.Accordingly, it is necessary for us to take effective steps. For one thing, university authorities should respond with the demand for more rigid conservation of our natural resources, such as water, electricity, and so on. For another, we should enhance the awareness of college students that creating a green campus is of utmost significance to both our society and ourselves.09 6月20日Free admission to museums越来越多的博物馆免费开放的目的是什么?也会带来一些问题你的看法Nowadays, an increasing number of museums are open to the public with free admission. The reason for it lies in the fact that the government has been attaching great importance to provide more opportunities for citizens to explore and get access to the knowledge world.However, the opener attitude of museums may also bring some problems. For one thing, with more visitors, there is possibility that displays of the museums can get damaged more easily. For another, it becomes a huge economic burden for museums to run as usual without any profits from the visitors.As far as I am concerned, I am absolutely in favor of this practice. First and foremost, not worrying about the admission fees, ordinary people are allowed to enter the museums to enjoy the displays freely. Moreover, kids and teenagers can learn about knowledge in various domains in a more vivid and interactive way in the museums out of the classroom2008年12月四级写作范文Limiting The Use of Disposable Plastic Bags1.一次性塑料袋曾被广泛的使用2.造成的问题3.限制使用的意义Disposable plastic bags were once widely used in China. When we went shopping at supermarkets and departments stores, shopping assistants often provided free plastic bags for our convenience. For a while, life without them seemed unimaginable for most of us.However, disposable plastic bags do bring severe damage to our environment. Costumers usually threw them away after use, and because they are thin and hard to decompose, these plastic products will exist for a long time. This is an immediate threat to our earth and water. Nowadays, the government has passed relevant regulations for limiting the use of disposable plastic bags: they are not free any more. In some shopping places, in order to invoke the public awareness of environmental protection, plastic bags are offered in a much higher price. As a result, people are changing their behavior: paper and clothing bags that vanished for a long time come back to our daily life. It is true that by limiting its usage, everyone in this society contributes some effort to the improvement of the environment.2008年6月21日英语四级考试作文真题及范文作文题目:Recreational activities提纲:1、娱乐活动多种多样2、娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性3、作为大学生我的看法Recreational activityIn peoples daily life, there are various recreational activities apart from studying or working ranging from Karaoke or dancing to computer games or sports games.Such activities are beneficial as well as harmful to us if undertaken inappropriately. On one hand, recreational activities can help us to not only build our body and mind but also improve our communication and understanding with friends because most of these activities are done with others. On the other hand, if we spend too much time on singing, dancing or other games, we might fail to concentrate on our duties such as studying our working, which in turn may lead to further consequences.As far as Im concerned, recreational activities should be done within a certain limit so that we can keep a proper balance between recreation and studying or working life.2007年12月四级作文真题及范文1、各大学开设了各种各样的选修课2、学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课3、以你自己为例范文一Nowadays, there usually exists a wide selection of electives for college students to choose from. However, students have quite different plans for their future so they always end up learning courses based on their own ideas.Some students may choose to learn a certain course in order to obtain an extra certificate for their job hunting after graduation. Because they assume that some more knowledge could ensure more chances of winning in finding a good job. Others may have their choice made just for fun. They tend to hold the idea that college life could be more colorful if they could widen their knowledge through elective courses.As far as Im concerned, Im inclined to choose electives based on both the value of the courses and the interest of my own.范文二Nowadays many college students prefer to have electives in their spare time because the courses can offer a variety of skills and abundant knowledge apart from what they learn in the daily courses. There are many factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects.To start with, many students want to get another degree besides their own, so that they can have more competence when they seek a job. Furthermore, as for me, I dont care about degree or job, and I just want to obtain some necessary skills to make my college life worthwhile. What Im concerned most is how to own more skills that may be necessary for my future. Finally, some students want to learn anything that is different from what they are learning now. The science students, for example, want to know about Shakespeare while the art students want to tell how a vehicle works and how to deal with it when it breaks down. So, they can all get what they think is useful to their college life.On the whole, the phenomenon is one of the results of multi-demand of the employment market. There is still a long way for us to improve the elective itself, but as a student myself, I find it rewarding and interesting.2007年6月英语四级真题作文解析与参考范文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to welcome students to join to a club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1、本社团的主要活动内容 2、参加本社团的好处 3、如何加入本社团 在新四级写作部分06年6月24日和12月连续考了两次论说文之后,07年6月23日再次考到了应用文之一:告示类应用文。这是自06年6月17日老四级最后一次考试之后第二次考到告示。 值得注意的是,自2001年6月至2007年6月的六年之中,四级共有15次考试,其中9次考到了应用文,包括5封书信(3封严格意义上的书信、2篇书信的变体),2篇致辞和2篇告示。应用文的考题占到了四级写作题目的60。2004年大学英语考试委员会明确声明:“以后的国内英语考试(包括四、六级、考研)侧重考查考生英语的实际运用能力”。应用文作为四、六级、考研的重点题型,希望大家引起高度重视。 2006年1月出版的大学英语四级考试大纲明确强调写作格式,格式写作将会扣分。告示的写作格式与书信不同。书信讲究称呼、正文、落款三种格式,而告示则包括标题、日期、正文、署名四种格式。 书信一般不写标题,告示必须写在首行正中央写上标题,今年标题已经给出:“Welcome to Our Club”。 书信一般无需写日期,告示最好写上(如果正文中交代清楚,不写亦可),写作标题右下方,不要空行。告示的正文可写13段,针对四级写作三点提纲的特点,最好写成三段,每点提纲各写一段、详细展开即可。书信中开头结尾的套句如自我介绍、写作目的、表示感谢、期待回信等等,在告示中不能使用。告示的正文时态以现在时和将来时为主。书信的落款是个人,但告示的署名可以是个人或单位,针对考题,应写为单位:某个社团,应写在答题卡中间偏右的位置。另外,四级写作最好采用缩进式,段间不空行,每段首行缩进45个字母并对齐。 June 23, 2007 The Speech Club is organizing school-wide speech training and contests to be held on each Saturday at the Students Recreational Center. Five prestigious experts and professors will be invited to be speech lecturers and contest judges. For each speech contest, the first six winners will be given awards. Attending our club has substantial advantages. Firstly, it can improve your ability to deliver a speech which is of utmost significance to your future career and development. Secondly, it can help you to possess self-confidence, enrich your extra curricula activities and make your campus life dimensional, colorful and vigorous. To sum up, the experiences in our club will be extraordinarily unforgettable throughout your life. Students who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week (June 26). Everybody is welcome to attend our club.Speech Club 欢迎参加我们社团 2007年6月23日 演讲社于每周六在学生活动中心举办全校性的演讲培训与比赛。我们将邀请五名资深专家及教授作为演讲教师与评委。每次比赛中,前六名获奖者将被给予奖励。 参加我们社团的好处很多。首先,它能提高你发表演讲的能力,这对你未来的职业和发展将非常重要。其次,它能帮助你拥有自信,丰富你的课外活动,并且使你的校园生活丰富多元、五颜六色、充满活力。总之,参加我们的社团将是你一生中非常难忘的经历。 有兴趣参加的同学们请在下周二(6月26日)之前在你们班长那里报名。欢迎大家参加我们社团。 演讲社06 12月Part I Writing(30 minutes)1、许多人喜欢看cctv 春节晚会;2、但有的人认为应该取消;3、你的看法The Spring Festival Evening Get-Together has been held in China for over two decades, which seems to have been an indispensable company during the traditional New Years Eve for a great number of people, who appear to be accustomed to enjoying the sights and sounds of a brilliant feast, while gathering with their beloved family.However, an increasing number of people have voiced different opinions towards it, as more diverse life styles have emerged nowadays. Some prefer to go to a fancy restaurant to enjoy a gourmet meal; some intend to go on a vacation to an incredibly exotic destination for a novel and thorough relaxation; others may have even more post-modern notions, like go bunging, hiking, or cycling for entirely new different experiences, forgetting all about the Spring Festival.To me, the Evening Get-Together is supposed to be here to stay. It may not remain a must for all people, but it can bring us a strong sense of festivity and serve as an alternative among the variety of holiday activities. Besides, with such a gathering, family members will have a perfect opportunity to enjoy more fun and happiness, for nowadays most people are so engaged in their daily businesses that they can rarely find any extra time to stay with their family, which, if not properly adjusted, might add further to the already worsening situation of the values of Chinese families.2006年12月23英语四级作文真题及参考范文【Direction】许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会 但有些人提出取消春节晚会 我的看法 The approach of the Chinese Lunar New Year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations. It is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes. Some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs. These young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in TV. Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance. The most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary peoples lives. Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve. They all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television. I am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned. Undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of Chinese New Year. To increase its appeal and meet young adults need, the upcoming performance should invite some big names including super stars from Hongkong and Taiwan. We are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show. 本次四级考试作文总体上来说并不是很难。但表现出两个出人意料:一是体裁,二是题材。 对于体裁来说,本次四级作文属于正反对比论证类的文体。比较出人意料,又回到了老的考查模式。很多学生把考前死背的作文模板派上了用场。但是这只能得到最基本的分数。虽然模板对于考查学生的语言表达并不益处,但还能测试出考生的语言基本功。从四级考试写作的测试目的来看,还是注重考查学生对基本语法、基本词汇运用能力的掌握情况。所以除了模板之外,考生还要在基本表达上狠下功夫,只有在平时多操练,在考场上才游刃有余。除此之外,学生还要在作文中多采用闪光点,这样就会使作文在基本分数上有所提升,有所突破。 对于题材,本次四级作文的话题是关于人们对于春节晚会的不同看法,属于社会生活类话题,一反常态,没有再次考查校园类话题。但是对于当代大学生来说,与大学生有关的社会话题也是需要关注的,这也说明考试方向的变化:校园类话题与社会热点话题同等重要,这一点对于未来考四级的学生的作文备考的方向有一定的指导意义。2006年6月英语四级作文An announcement for a voluntary program 1:校学生会组织一次暑假志愿活动,现招聘志愿者 2:本次志愿者活动目的 内容及安排 3:报名条件和联系方式2005年12月四级作文Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?如何看待大学校园成为旅游热点?2005年6月四级作文 In honour of teachers on the occasion of Teachers Day书信写作:在教师节给老师写信表示感谢2005年1月四级作文A Campaign Speech演讲稿:写一份竞选学生会主席的演讲稿 .页脚.


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