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A book I most liked in my childhood - Aesops fables,我小时候最喜欢的一本书 伊索寓言,When I was a child, my favorite book is Aesops fables.当我还是个孩子时,最喜欢的一本书就是伊索寓言。,Aesops fables is mostly animal story, for animal metaphors , tell people the reason of life and human. 伊索寓言大多是讲动物故事,以动物为喻,教人处世和做人的道理。,Allegory by describing the relationship between animals to represent the relationship of the society at that time, mainly is the unequal relationship between the oppressors and the oppressed.,寓言通过描写动物之间的关系来表现当时的社会关系,主要是压迫者和被压迫者之间的不平等关系。,Fable author condemned the social people oppressed people phenomenon, called on bullying people to unite and fight the wicked.,寓言作者谴责当时社会上人压迫人的现象,号召受欺凌的人团结起来与恶人进行斗争。,For example, the fox and the goat, warned people to do good to also want to see objects, lest be deceived;,例如,狐狸和山羊告诫人们做好事也要看对象,以免上当受骗;,The story of the farmer and the snake, advised people to treat others should be different from person to person;,农夫和蛇的故事劝告人们待人要因人而异;,“The dog and the rooster and the fox telling people to be good at using wisdom, defeat the enemy;,狗和公鸡与狐狸告诉人们要善于运用智慧,战胜敌人;,In The lion and the deer, Fowler and crown finches , Two pots and so on in the story, the author revealed when the power in the hands of greed and brutal ruler, poor people is impossible to have a safe living.,在狮子与鹿、捕鸟人与冠雀、两个锅等故事里,作者揭露出当政权掌握在贪婪残暴的统治者手中时,贫苦的人是不可能安全生活下去的。,The lion and the deer, 狮子与鹿,Two pots ,两个锅,The rest of the fable is given priority to with people or god, in the form of short, metaphor is appropriate, vivid,and usually to make the finishing point to reveal a word is truth at the end.,寓言的其它部分以人或神为主,形式短小精悍,比喻恰当,形象生动,通常在结尾以一句话画龙点睛地揭示蕴含的道理。,Aesops fables collected about four hundred small story, Their length small and profound meaning ,language is not much but memorable, high artistic achievement, a great influence on future generations, is the story of the people of ancient Greek folk wisdom of ironic metaphor.,伊索寓言共收集了约四百个小故事,它们篇幅小而寓意深刻,语言不多却值得回味,艺术上成就很高,对后代影响很大,是古希腊民间流传的讽刺喻人的故事。,THE END,


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