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山西省怀仁县2016-2017学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题(含解析)山西省怀仁两校区2016-2017学年下学期高二年级期末考试英语试题时间:120分钟 满分:150分第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What will the woman do tomorrow night?A.Go to Bills.B.Eat with her colleagues.C.Call Bill.2.What does the man think of Amys latest book?A.Interesting.B.Exciting.C.Boring.3.When will the flight leave?A.At 11:20.B.At 12:20.C.At 1:20.4.What does the woman mean?A.Shell pick up the clothes.B.Sara cant take the clothes.C.The boy should do the cleaning.5.What are the speakers talking about?A.The mans new computer.B.A shopping plan.C.A shopping experience.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中做给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Why do the mans feet hurt?A. He walked for too long.B. He got injured.C. He is suffering a disease.7. What will the man do first today?A. Read a book.B. Listen to music.C. Do some sports.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. How long did the meeting last?A. For an hour.B. For one and a half hours.C. For two hours.9. What did the woman do at noon?A. She took a rest.B. She talked with a customer.C. She wrote a work report.10. What kind of life does the woman live?A. Boring.B. Interesting.C. Busy.听第8段材料,回答第10至12小题。11. What kind of room does the woman want?A. A room shared by a friend.B. A room offered by a family.C. A room costing around 300 pounds a month.12. Why does the woman want to wait for Mark?A. To ask about a room.B. To have supper with him.C. To invite him to the beach.13. Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Couple.C. Strangers.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Why couldnt the man get through when he called the woman?A. His phone had broken down.B. The womans phone was power off.C. The womans phone had broken down.15. How did the woman feel about her interview?A. Terrible.B. Not so good.C. Great.16. How much will the woman be paid in the first year if employed?A. $12,500.B. $14,000.C. $16,000.17. What did the man call the woman for?A. For asking about her uncle.B. For inviting her to his party.C. For asking about her job interview.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What does the woman think of drinking coffee from K-cups?A. Harmful to the environment.B. A waste of money.C. Very convenient.19. Why should we buy locally grown food?A. To help local farmers.B. To save money.C. To protect the environment.20. What is the text meant to?A. To show the environment is important.B. To give the some suggestions.C. To explain some problems.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn this digital age, we search almost everything online before we decide what to do. According to a USbased business reviewing website, the top searches at different times of the night in different European countries vary a lot. Below are some of the more interesting findings. Take a look.Italy: While most Europeans are searching for restaurants or bars around 6 pm., the Italians are searching for messages, shoes and job agencies.Germany:Coming from perhaps the most organized and efficient country, the average German is attracted to food and drink. Having looked up restaurants and bars earlier in the evening, they have already been searching for breakfast and brunch by 9 p.m.UK: Karaoke is one of the most popular pastimes in Asia, but in Europe, the UK seems to be the only nation to look first for Karaoke bars in its Internet searches, roughly around 9 p.m. Later into the night, Britons are going to 24hour pharmacies (药房)by 10 p.m., and then there is a steady interest in 24hour food stores and delivery, until 1 a.m.France:The French call it a day online quite early, at about 10 p.m. But they dont do it until theyve had a chance to put their dancing shoes on, after searching for “night club” and “dance”.Spain: The Spanish seem to be quite practical. They search for elementary schools and dermatology(皮肤科) at 10 pm., followed by swimming lessons at midnight.1. A man searching for education information online often probably comes from _A. SpainB. UKC. FranceD. Germany2. What can we learn from the text ?A. The Italians dont like restaurants or bars.B. UK is considered the most organized country.C. Asian people often look for Karaoke first online.D. Usually French people end their online search early.3. In which section of a magazine does this text probably come from?A. Opinion.B. Lifestyle.C. Society.D. Technology.【答案】1. D 2. D 3. B【解析】文章介绍一项有趣的调查,不同欧洲国家的人们在不同的时间使用搜素引擎搜索的东西非常的不同。1. 细节理解题。根据最后一段的信息Spain: The Spanish seem to be quite practical. They search for elementary schools and dermatology(皮肤科) at 10 pm.可知网上搜索教育信息化的男士可能来自于西班牙。故选A。2. 推理判断题。根据The French call it a day online quite early, at about 10 p.m.法国人在线收工很早,大约晚上10点。对比其他国家的人们这个时间是比较早的。故选D。3. 推理判断题。通读全文可看处,文章介绍的是不同欧洲国家的人们在不同的时间使用搜索引擎搜索的东西,这属于生活方式方面的话题,故可能来自于杂志的Lifestyle部分,选B。BOn the day of college graduation, I told my friends and family the news:I was leaving the country I had lived in since childhood. “I just need a change,”I told them, but there was more. I was running from heartbreak. My relationship with the United States is the toughest one I have ever had, as a country I loved and believed in did not love me back.Back in the 90s, my mother brought me from our home in the Caribbean islands to the U.S.when I was 4 years old. She worked as a live-in nanny(保姆)for two years, playing mommy for white kids whose parents had better things to do. She didnt believe that nanny meant maid, and did whatever was asked of her. She was thirsty to embrace her American dream, hoping that her children would be educated and she might have nannies of her own.Those were our path to get a “good education.”When the neighborhoods with quality schools became too expensive for my mom to afford as a single parent, we went across the United States with Great Schools. net as our compass: New Jersey, elementary school; Texas, middle school; Florida, high school; New York City, private universityFor a long time I survived by covering myself in all kinds of labels so that people would ignore the color of my skin, yet I existed on the edge of ugly, ignorant and uncultured. “Black people dont really know how to swim, “a white lady told me when I worked as a swim instructor at my neighborhoods pool. “The black children dont like to read very much, “I overheard one librarian discussing with another while l sat down reading a book a couple feet away.I was never able to make America my home. When I stripped myself of the labels painfully one by one, beneath them there is a wounded colored woman who refuses to be faceless anymore. My face may be disgusting to some since it bears proof that race continues to be a problem. My hope is that it will force Americans to re-examine their “post-racial” beliefs.4. What was the real reason that made the author leave the United States?A. It couldnt provide her with good education.B. She just needed a challenge in her way of life.C. The way she was treated there broke her heart.D. She was tired of living in a strange country.5. What can we infer about the authors mother from Paragraphs 2 and 3 ?A. She sacrificed a lot to live a better life in America.B. She was quite content to work as a live-in nanny.C. She was particular about the schools her daughter attended.D. She liked visiting all kinds of schools with the author.6. The author gives two examples in Paragraph 4 to show that_ .A. how ignorant and uncultured many people are in USB. she needed to cover herself in all kinds of labelsC. the race problem is still serious in the United StatesD. black children often have no interest in reading books7. The authors attitude towards the United States on race problem is_ .A. supportiveB. positiveC. neutralD. negative【答案】4. C 5. A 6. C 7. D【解析】文章是一位黑人女孩介绍自己在美国生活,受到种族歧视的经历。希望引起人们对美国种族问题的关注。4. 推理判断题。结合文章第一段的句子I was running from heartbreak.我是因为心碎了才要跑,以及下文自己在美国受到种族歧视的生活,可推断作者离开美国的真正原因是她在美国被对待的方式让她心碎。故选C。5. 推理判断题。根据文章第二和第三段的介绍,作者的母亲在美国做女仆,尽可能多的做事,希望以后自己拥有女仆,尽力的让孩子受到好的教育。可知作者的母亲为了在美国过上更好的 生活付出了很多。故选A。6. 推理判断题。第四段作者介绍自己的两次经历,引出白人的话“Black people dont really know how to swim, ”黑人不知道怎么游泳 “The black children dont like to read very much, ”黑人孩子不振的喜欢读书,是为了显示美国的种族问题非常严重。故选C。7. 推理判断题。文章作者介绍自己作为黑人在美国的生活经历,她因为心碎想离开美国,结合最后一句My hope is that it will force Americans to re-examine their “post-racial” beliefs.我希望这能迫使美国人重新检查他们的“种族信仰”,可知作者对美国种族问题持否定态度。故选D。【名师点睛】推理判断主要的解题策略有:(1)根据不同文体,推断目的意图。不同的文章可能有不同的写作目的, 通常作者的写作目的有以下三种:1) to entertain readers(娱乐读者,让人发笑),常见于故事类的文章。2) to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点)常见于广告类的文章。3) to inform readers(告知读者某些信息)多见于科普类新闻报道类文化类或社会类的文章。阅读时要善于根据文章的文体来学会推断作者的情感态度和目的。 (3)根据写作思路,推断段落发展。不同的文体,写作思路和写作手法也不尽相同。做题时,要善于体会作者的写作思路,揣摩作者的谋篇布局,从宏观上左右文章的结构框架;同时,还要把握作者行文时所运用的修辞手段,如对比、举例、下定义等。通过梳理写作思路,明晰写作手法,即可对文章的发展做出比较科学合理的推断和预测。(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。例如:本题中的第3小题:3.C【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题中的(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。答案需要从文章第四段中的作者的经历描述中进行推断。【答案定位】根据文章第四段句子作者引用白人的话语“Black people dont really know how to swim, ”黑人不知道怎么游泳 “The black children dont like to read very much, ”黑人孩子不振的喜欢读书。【推理关系】题干The author gives two examples in Paragraph 4 to show that_ .根据答案定位可推断美国的种族问题非常严重。推断答案C. the race problem is still serious in the United StatesCForest are amazing and so are the animals that live in them. We enjoy watching TV shows about bears, bats or monkeys. We know a lot about their lives: how they find food or what they do at different times of the year. But what about smaller animals that are more difficult to see or film?Many small animals that live in forests are very important for the soil. A French scientist, Francois Xavier Joly, is studying one of them the millipede(千足虫).The importance of leavesWhen the leaves begin to die in fall, they turn from green to yellow and fall from the trees. As they decompose on the ground, nutrients(营养物质) are returned to the soil and carbon dioxide to the air. Life in the forest needs these nutrients. Without them, plants could not grow and there would be no food for animals such as the millipede.Food on the forest floorSome living things, like mushrooms, break the leaves into smaller pieces and eat them. In a few months there is nothing left of them. But for mushrooms, not all trees are the same. Mushrooms prefer some types of leaves to others. This means that some leaves take much longer to be broken down than others. Sometimes it takes years. So what happens to these? This is where the millipede can help.More on the menuThe millipede also likes leaves and it eats any type. But when it has finished, it produces waste. This waste then becomes the food of mushrooms. When mushrooms eat leaves they choose only certain types but when they eat waste, they will eat any kind. This is how the millipede turns dead leaves into food for others and helps life continue.So next time you are walking through a forest, remember that something may be having a meal right under your feet.8. According to the passage, what can we learn about the millipede?A. It can often be seen on TV shows.B. It mostly feeds on the nutrients in the soil.C. It is too small to be noticed by people.D. It lives under mushrooms in the forest.9. What does the underlined word decompose in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Break down.B. Dry up.C. Dig in.D. Make out.10. What does the author want to tell us by mentioning mushrooms?A. The millipede eats mushrooms in the forest.B. The millipede helps to provide food for mushrooms.C. Mushrooms play an important part in helping millipedes out.D. Mushrooms decide what types of leaves the millipede will eat.11. According to the author, the millipede is .A. poisonousB. rareC. unimportantD. amazing【答案】8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D【解析】文章介绍森林里的一种小生物,对森林土壤非常重要的千足虫。8. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段的句子But what about smaller animals that are more difficult to see or film?但是那些很难被看到或者被拍到的更小动物呢?下文举了千足虫的例子,可知千足虫太小了以至于不容易被人们看到。故选C。9. 词义猜测题。本段说到,秋天树叶变黄,从树上落下来。这里当它们在地面上decompose,营养物质回到土壤里。以及结合下文This means that some leaves take much longer to be broken down than others.可知这里decompose的意思是“Break down分解”,故选A。10. 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的内容But when it has finished, it produces waste.This waste then becomes the food of mushrooms. When mushrooms eat leaves they choose only certain types but when they eat waste, they will eat any kind.千足虫吃完树叶会产生粪便。这种粪便成为了mushrooms的食物,当mushrooms吃树叶时,它们选择特定的类型,但是当它们吃粪便时,任何种类都可以。可知文章提到mushrooms,是为了说明千足虫给mushrooms提供食物。故选B。11. 推理判断题。根据文章第一句Forest are amazing and so are the animals that live in them.森林“amazing”,住在森林里的动物也很“amazing”。下文作者介绍了森林中很重要的小动物千足虫,可推断,在作者看来,千足虫是很“amazing”的生物。故选D。DThere was a time when a trip to the supermarket in the United States often ended with a seemingly simple question from the cashier: “Paper or plastic?” Well, which type of bag would you choose?While all types of bags have some influence on the environment, it has long been supposed that paper bags are kinder. They are made from a renewable source, break down easily, burn without giving off thick smoke and can be recycled. However, the producing process behind paper bags uses more energy than that of plastic ones. How can this be true?Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher. Besides, the influence on forests is very serious. It takes about fourteen million trees to produce ten billion paper bags, which happens to be the number of bags used in the United States yearly. In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environment-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper.Even though paper bags might be more harmful than plastic ones, plastic still seems to be considered by governments as the more harmful of the two. In Ireland, for example, a tax has been introduced to discourage the use of plastic bags. People have to pay 22 cents for every plastic bag, and as a result, their use has dropped quickly.Theres no doubt that it makes more sense to reuse these bags. However, we dont seem to be doing that at present. That may be because they fall apart quickly. If so, cloth bags are a better choice, but still, their production also has a bad influence on the environment. So what to do? How should we answer the question of “Paper or plastic?” It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I do to help the environment?”12. The questions in Paragraph 1 are used to .A. express the authors doubtsB. tell readers how to save moneyC. introduce points for discussionD. show the kindness of the cashier13. Compared with plastic bags, paper bags .A. need more water to produceB. require less energy to recycleC. take more time to break downD. have less influence on forests14. The underlined word “discarded” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ”.A. sharedB. given upC. discussedD. put forward15. Which question does the author probably hope the cashier will ask?A. Paper or cloth?B. Paper or plastic?C. A small bag or big one?D. A new bag or your own one?【答案】12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D【解析】文章列举了一些数据来说明纸和塑料哪种更环保。不管怎样,如何保护环境是我们所有人都需要关注的。12. 目的意图题。文章第一段说到”去超市购物,售货员最后问我们用纸袋还是塑料袋“的问题,引出下文关于环保的讨论,可知第一段的问题被用来引出下文要介绍的话题。故选C。13. 细节理解题。根据第三段的数据Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher.研究显示纸袋的生产需要塑料袋生产的四倍的能源。被用来生产纸袋的用水量比生产塑料袋用水量高20倍。可知与塑料袋相比,纸袋的生产需要更多的水。故选A。14. 词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子In terms of recycling, the idea that paper bags are more environment-friendly than plastic ones can be quickly discarded. Research shows it requires about 98% less energy to recycle plastic than it does paper.就回收而言,纸袋比塑料袋更环保的想法可以被很快的discard。研究显示,回收塑料比回收纸节省98%的能源。可知这里discard的意思是“放弃”,故选B。15. 推理判断题。根据文章最后的内容How should we answer the question of “Paper or plastic?” It seems that we first need to ask ourselves one more general question: “What can I do to help the environment?”我们应该怎样回答”纸袋还是塑料袋“的问题呢?似乎我们首先需要问自己一个更常规的问题”我应该做什么来帮助环境呢?“可知作者希望收银员问的问题是”新袋子还是自己的袋子?“故选D。【名师点睛】文章细节的理解可以细化为:(1)一一对应型。答案与题目在表达形式和意义上直接吻合,一一对应,一目了然。属于浅层次的阅读试题,分数比例较少。(2)语言转述型。这是一类间接事实细节题,答案与题目在意义上从分运用了词义之间的转述关系,即正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另类表达。属于中档难度题,分数比例较大。(3)语意理解型。这是一类深层事实细节理解题,答案与题目之间存在着一定的逻辑联系,这种联系需要建立在事实的基础上通过上、下文来进行判断、分析、归纳和整合,才能得出正确答案。属于较高难度的事实细节题。(4)是非辨别型。这是一类综合事实细节题,出题形式常常是“三正一误”(三项正确,只有一项不符合原文内容)或“三误一正”(三项错误,只有一项符合原文内容)。(5)事实排序型。这是一类运用多项事实进行排序的事实细节题,要求根据动作发生的先后顺序、时间顺序或者句子之间的逻辑关系,找出时间发生,发展的正确顺序。例如:本文的第2小题:2.A【解题剖析】此题属于细节理解中的(2)一一语言转述型。正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的另类表达。【答案定位】根据题干Compared with plastic bags, paper bags .首先定位答案在表述纸袋和塑料袋相比的段落,也就是文章第三段的内容。【推理关系】定位此部分内容Studies show that paper bag production requires four times as much energy as plastic bag production. And the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher.【答案】need more water to produce选项A,关键词the amount of water used to make them is twenty times higher.Part 2.(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Some people get pleasure from picnics and tours. Others like to discuss various topics and find pleasure in it. But the reading of books provides us with such pleasure as we do not get from any other activity.Books are written by learned people. They contain the best experiences and thoughts of their writers. Writers put in their books not only their own ideas and feelings, but also what they observe and find in society._16_If we are in a cheerful mood, our joy is increased by reading._17_They provide us with the best advice and guidance in our difficulties. Indeed, books are our best friends as they help us in our hour of need._18_They entertain us in our spare moments. Good novels, books on poetry and short stories, give us great enjoyment. At times we become so absorbed in our books that we forget even our important arrangements. Loneliness is no trouble for a reader._19_They give us sound moral advice. It is through the reading of books that we learn what to love and what to hate. The reading of good books develops and improves our character.It was the English author Bacon who said that reading makes a full man. No one can question the truth of this saying._20_Some books are such that instead of doing any good, they do harm to the readers. So it is the reading ofgood books alone that presents us the greatest benefit.A. Books keep us well-informed.B. Books contain grains of wisdom.C. When we are alone, books are our best friends.D. Books enable us to know the best of the colorful world.E. When we are in a depressed mood, books comfort our troubled minds.F. But we cannot get full advantage from reading, if our choice is not good.G. By reading books written by great thinkers, we come in contact with their minds.【答案】16. G 17. E 18. C 19. B 20. F【解析】一些人从野餐和旅游中获得乐趣,另一些人喜欢讨论不同的话题并从中找到乐趣,但是读书能让我们获得无与伦比的快乐。16. 考查对上下文语境的理解。由空前的Books are written by learned peopleWriters put in their books not only their own ideas and feelings, but also what they observe and find in society可知G项通过阅读伟大的思想者写的书,我们能与他们的思想交流符合语境。故选G。18. 考查对上下文语境的理解。本段中的Loneliness is no trouble for a reader对读者来说孤单不是问题暗示本空选C项当我们独自一人时,书是我们最好的朋友。


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