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石滩镇小学三年级英语期中检测卷(20152016学年第二学期)-学校_ 班别_ 姓名_ 成绩_-(60分钟完成)题目听力笔试合计分数说明:请把选择题的答案编号写在题前的括号内。 听力部分:60分 (每小题读三次) 一 .请选出老师所读的内容。(10分) ( )1. A. USA2008 B. PRC2006 C. IBM 2007 ( )2. A. meet B. he C. red ( )3. A. a doll B. a desk C. a chair ( )4. A. a blue car B. a yellow crayon C. a red book ( )5. A. his ship B. her pencil-box. C. his rabbit ( ) 6. A. two B. three C. four ( )7. A. beside your bed B. on the desk C. under the chair ( ) 8. A. like B. five C. this ( ) 9. A. hat B. make C. face ( ) 10. A.52623183 B. 52731968 C. 52723018 二、听录音,请把下面的车牌补充完整。(填写大写字母和阿拉伯数字) (10分) 1. M 69_ 2. L 4_2 3. C 1 7 4. G 5 9 5. F 72 三、 听句子,请在听到的单词下面画横线。(5分) 1、My ruler is _( behind, beside )book. 2、Lets colour the hair _ . ( orange, purple ) 3、_ is that lady? ( What, Who ) 4、Bens QQ number is_. ( 64012837, 64012997 ) 5、Xiaoling is_? ( eight , nine )四、根据听到的内容,给相应的图写上英文大写字母编号。(10分)( )( )( )( )( )五、听录音, 请在相应的表格里“”出学习用品的颜色(10分)颜色物品redyellowbrownorangebluebookrulerpencilbagpencil-box六、听句子,选答语.(5分)( )1、A. Good evening! B. No, it isnt. C. Hi.( ) 2、A. Its a plane. B. OK. C.She is Janet. ( )3、A. OK. B.No, it isnt. C. Its near the box. ( )4、A. Happy birthday! B. Thank you! C. Yes ,it is.( )5、A. Its green. B. Thank you. C. Its a bear. 七、听录音,请写出Tom的物品所在的位置。(把单词写在横线上)(10分)( behind 、 under 、 beside 、 on 、 near )Hello, Im Tom. I have some(一些) toys. Look, my plane is the desk. My ball is the bed. My car is the chair .The toy bus is the box. And the kite is the box.笔试部分:(40分)一、按英语字母表顺序,默写字母IiRr的大小写形式。(5分)二、找出一个与其它三个不同类的词。(6分)( ) 1.A.ship B. plane C. picture D. boat ( ) 2.A.head B. hair C. mouth D. that ( ) 3. A. bye B. under C. near D. behind ( ) 4. A. pencil B. please C. rubber D. ruler. ( ) 5. A. brown B. thank C. white D. red ( ) 6. A. fine B. four C. seven D. six 三、选择一个最佳的答案,并把其编号写在题前的括号里。(8分)( ) 1. Whats _ name? A. you B. your( ) 2. Show _ your toys. A .I B. me( ) 3. _ colour it. A. .Lets B. Let( ) 4 .The doll is _ front of the bed. A. on B. in( ) 5. A: _ this lady ? B: Shes my mother. A. Whos B. How( ) 6. A: _ is the car? B: Its in the box. A. What B. Where( ) 7. A: _ is Bob? B: Hes ten. A. What B. How old( ) 8. This is _ you. A. of B. for四、根据问句,选择正确的答语。(6分)( )1、Is it near the chair? A. OK.Here you are .( )2、Who is the man? B. No, it isnt.( )3、How old are you? C. Its yellow.( )4、May I use your pen? D. He is my uncle.( )5、Where is my bag? E. Im nine.( )6、What colour is your doll? F. Its on the desk.五、用所给的词把对话补充完整。(5分)( you, Happy, Whats, How, for, )A: Wow, Xiaoling, its your birthday. _old are you?B: Im seven.A: birthday, Xiaoling! B: Thank you.A: The dolls are_ you.B: Thank _. A: that ?B: Its a yellow ball .六、阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文一致,如一致请打“”,否则打“”。(10分) My name is Mary. I am ten. Ben is my brother. He is nine. My mother is a teacher. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a teacher, too. I have a cat. Its name is Miaomiao. It is white. It is a nice cat. We are good friends. Look, its beside my schoolbag.( ) 1. I am nine.( ) 2. Ben is Marys brother.( ) 3. My mother is a teacher.( ) 4. I have a dog.( ) 5. The cat is black. 听力材料 一、 请选出老师所读的内容。(10)1、PRC2006 2、meet 3、a doll 4、a yellow crayon 5、her pencil-box 6、two 7、beside your bed 8、five 9、face 10、52723018二、听录音,请把下面的车牌补充完整。(填写大写字母和阿拉伯数字) (10分). K M 69_3_ .Q L 4_5_2 ._W_C 1_6_7 .G S 5 _4_9 . _U_F 72_8_三、 听句子,请在听到的单词下面画横线。(5分)1、My ruler is _( behind, beside )book.2、Lets colour the hair _. ( orange, purple )3、_ is that lady? ( What, Who )4、Bens QQ number is_. ( 64012837, 64012997 )5、Xiaoling is_? ( eight , nine )四、根据听到的内容,给相应的图写上英文大写字母编号。(10分)A. five crayons B .The dog is in the box. C The chair is near the desk. D This is Bens robot. E Its a schoolbag.五、听录音, 请在相应的表格里“”出学习用品的颜色(10分)1、My book is orange .2、My ruler is yellow3、My pencil is brown .4、My bag is red .5、My pencil-box is blue .六、听句子,选答语.(5分)1、Is this your kite?2、What is this?3、Where is the cat? 4、Happy birthday! 5、What colour is the table?七、听录音,请写出Tom的物品所在的位置。(把单词谢在横线上)(10分)( behind 、 under 、 beside 、 on 、 near )Hello, Im Tom. I have some(一些) toys. Look, my plane is on the desk. My ball is under the bed. My car is behind the chair .The toy bus is beside the box. And the kite is near the box.6


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