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Module9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday?教学目标1.知识目标:掌握本单元的新单词earth,复习上一单元的单词。 巩固本模块的重点句型:Did?以及相应的回答。2.能力目标:能够在时间练习中熟练的运用本模块的新词。 能运用本模块的知识对过去的动作提问,并能回答别人的提问。3.情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生养成勤于总结、勤于对比的习惯。教学重难点教学重点:1. 掌握本单元的新词:earth ,复习上一单元的单词。2.巩固Did?句型及相应的回答。教学难点:运用本模块的知识对过去的动作提问,并能回答别人的提问。教学准备课件,图片,点读笔,地球仪。教学过程一、Warming up and Revision1.Free talkT:Hello,boys and girls. Welcome to our English class. Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Did you go to the park last Sunday? Did you go to school by bike last week? Ss:. 2. Revision 教师呈现以前学过的动词短语的图片。学生看图片,说句子。可以参考句型:Did he.?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.3.Listen ,point and say.(1)教师播放动画,学生感知动画内容。(2)教师出示地球的图片,讲解单词earth。(3)学生听录音,跟读对话。二、Presentation1.Listen and say. (1)教师播放动画,请学生找出新句型:Did you.? (2)教师出示中国地图的图片,并提问:Did you go to Hong kong last year?引导学生回答:Yes,I did./No , I didnt.I went to Shanghai .(3) 学生用中国地图上的其他城市,替换香港和上海,继续操练该句型:Did you go to . last year?Yes,I did./No , I didnt.I went to . .(4) 教师出示长城的图片,并提问:Did you visit the Great Wall last year?引导学生回答:No, I didnt. I went to .(5) 教师出示其他标志性建筑的图片,继续操练句型:Did you visit . last year?No, I didnt. I went to .(6) 教师出示各种交通工具的图片,操练句型:Did you travel by. ?Yes, I did./No, I didnt. I went there by.(7) 学生听录音,回答问题。1.Did Xiaoyong have a nice holiday?2. Where did Xiaoyong go?3.How did he go there?4.Did Xiaoyong see his friend Lili in Hangzhou?(8)Listen,read and choose.( )1.Did you have a _holiday?A.fun B.nice C.busy( )2.Did you go to _?A.Hangzhou B.Shenzhen C.Sanya( )3.We went there by_.A.plane B.bus C.train( )4.Did you visit_?A.the Great Wall B.Beihai Park C.the famous West Park( )5.Did you see your _Lili in Hangzhou?A.sister B.aunt C.friend(9)Fill in the blankMs Smart:Did you _ a nice holiday,Xiaoyong?Xiaoyong:Yes,it _ great!Sam:Did you _ to Hangzhou?Xiaoyong:Yes. We _ there by _.Ms Smart:Did you _ the famous West Lake?Xiaoyong:Yes. Look! Its very beautiful.Sam:Did you _ your friend Lili in Hangzhou?Xiaoyong:No,she _on holiday in Shanghai.(10)Role play三人一小组,分别扮演Ms Smart,Sam 和 Xiaoyong。2.Language point (1) 询问某人过去是否做了某事 Did + 主语 + 做某事 + 时间 ? play , go , have, travel , live回答:-Yes,主语+ did. -No, 主语+ didnt.例:- Did you live in the US last year?-Yes , I did.-Did she live in the US last year ?-No, she didnt. She lived in China last year.(2) 小练习。 按要求完成下列各题。1.He lived in Washington DC. (变成一般疑问句) _ he _ in Washington DC?2. Did you go to Beijing last year? (肯定回答) _, I _.3.I went to China on holiday. (变否定句) I _ _ to China on holiday. 4. Does he live in Shanghai last year? (改错)_5. by, plane, I , travel (.) (连词成句) _3.point,ask and answer.学生两人一组利用句型:A:I went to_last year.B:Did you travel by_.A:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.I went there by_.创编对话。4.Listen and say.Then sing. (1)老师播放课本歌曲,学生第一遍听掌握主要内容。(2)老师再次播放课本歌曲,学生跟着录音,朗读歌曲内容。(3)全班分成两组,分别演唱歌曲。(4)改编歌曲:学生6人一组,模仿课本歌曲,对歌曲进行改编。改编后,老师请不同的小组展示改编好的歌曲内容。5.Guess and say.教师准备表示地点的单词卡片。学生两人一组,一名学生抽卡片,另一名学生猜地点。句型:Did you go to.last year?Yes, I did./No,I didnt.I went to.6.Ask and answer.Then write.一名学生作为“小记者”去采访其他同学,并做好记录,整理成表格。参考句型:Did you have a nice holiday?Yes,I went to.Did you go by.?No,I went by.Did you visit.?Yes,I did. 三、Consolidation( )1.-Does he live in Shanghai? -_A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did.( )2. We _ to the earth last holiday.A. went B. go C.will go( )3. Look _ these photos. A. on B. / C. at( )4. Did you _ your friend? A. see B. watch C. look ( )5. Did you go to Zhejiang _? A. last holiday B. next week C. tomorrow( )6. I visit _ on holiday. A. Great wall B. the Great Wall C. the great wall( )7. I visited my grandpa _ bus. A. take B. in C. by( )8. _ you at home yesterday? A. Were B. Are C. Did( )9. We want to _ Beijing. A. visit B. look C. watch 四、 Summary1单词 earth2. 句型Did you go to.last year?Yes, I did./No,I didnt.I went to.Did you travel ?Yes, I did./No,I didnt.I went there by.五、 HomeworkTalk about “What did you do last holiday?”with your partner.【板书设计】 Module9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday?单词:earth句子:Did you have a nice holiday?Yes,we did. We went to the earth. We went there by train.Did you visit the famous West Lake?Did you see your friend Lili in Hangzhou?


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