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a famous historic and cultural citywuwei(武威)11级电子信息工程主讲人:严维彦目录l地理位置l历史文化l重点文物保护l特色美食Geographical Location(地理位置)Wuwei city is located in central Gansu Province,the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor,east of the provincial capital of Lanzhou,Jinchang West,the South Qilian Mountains,north of Tengger desert.The ancient name Liangzhou,history is the famous Silk Road hub.Is a national historical and cultural city and open city,is China signs tourism city China wine home Tibet belongs to the history of our country witness and world of white yak sole origin.Area of 33249 square kilometers,the resident population of 1918300 people,under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou District,county,Gulang County,the two county and Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County,7 street agency,116 villages and towns,1125 village committees,inhabited by the Han,Tibetan,Mongolian,back to 38 nationalities.National level nature protection area 1,the national 4A level scenic spot 2,provincial natural protection area 3.武威市位于甘肃省中部,河西走廊的东端,东临省会兰州,西通金昌,南依祁连山,北接腾格里沙漠。古称凉州,历史上曾经是著名的“丝绸之路”的要冲。是全国历史文化名城和对外开放城市,是“中国旅游标志之都”“中国葡萄酒的故乡”“西藏归属祖国的历史见证地”和“世界白牦牛唯一产地”。面积33249平方千米,常住人口191.83万人,辖凉州区、民勤县、古浪县两个县和天祝藏族自治县,有7个街道办事处、116个乡镇、1125个村委会,聚居着汉、藏、回、蒙等38个民族。有国家级自然保护区1处、国家4A级景区2处、省级自然保护区3处。Wuwei Culture SquareHistory and culture(历史文化)武威有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化,历史的长河曾在这里抛洒过晶莹的珍珠。早在四千年前的新石器时代,中华民族的先人们就在这里繁衍生息,创造了群星灿烂的远古文化。2100年前匈奴人修筑的故臧城,成为今天凉州城最早的雏形。自汉代张骞“凿空”西域,开通“丝绸之路”,绵延万里的丝绸古道孕育了惊心动魄、波澜壮阔的历史风云。Wuwei has a long history,splendid culture,the long river of history here through Pearl crystal.In the early four thousand years ago in the Neolithic age,the nations first people multiplies here haunt,created the splendid ancient culture of the stars.In 2100 before the Xiongnu people built the Zang Cheng,to become today the first prototype of Liangzhou city.Since the Han Dynasty Zhang Qian forced western,opened the Silk Road,stretches million in silk road gives birth to be struck with fright,surge high and sweep forward the historical situation丝绸之路The Silk Road飞天Flying Apsaras重点文物保护(Key cultural relics protection)Galloping horse西夏碑西夏碑西夏碑高2.5米、宽0.9米、厚0.3米,两面撰文称颂先祖的功德;护国寺富丽堂皇的景象白塔寺White Pagoda Temple天梯山石窟,又称凉州石窟,窟下有寺,也称大佛寺、广善寺。石窟造像别具一格。大佛含笑,高30米,右手指向磨脐山,雍容典雅,庄严肃穆,有气吞烟霞,挥斥乾坤之势。据有关史料记载:此石窟是北凉王沮渠蒙逊于公元412年至439年之间开凿的。天梯山石窟是在天然洞穴的基础上创凿的,距今已有1580多年的历史。石窟里面有北魏、隋、唐时期的汉藏手写经卷,唐初绢画菩萨像,唐、五代、西夏(宋)、元、明、清各代塑像、壁画、经卷等。天梯山石窟虽地势险峻但蕴藏丰富。佛教兴盛是五凉时期凉州文化发展的一大特征。文庙ConfuciousTemple罗什寺塔特色美食(Characteristics of food)面皮子三套车


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