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无问西东经典台词中英文对照无问西东经典台词中英文比照挚友圈最近被无问西东刷屏。无问西东是一部怎样的电影?有人说它是清华高校宣扬片,有人说它是长篇抒情MV,还有人说它是乱糟糟的故事杂烩。接下来我为你带来无问西东经典台词中英文比照,希望对你有帮助。可是,当电影结束,全场观众静默不语时,我意识到它不止于此。它赞美了清华,却不仅仅赞美清华,虽然有些煽情过度,却有高远的立意,每个故事都被同一股力气牵引,引发直击人心的拷问。它其实是一部格局宏大、自带浩然之气的青春片。电影无问西东主题也很简洁,无非是片名所代表的四个字:无问西东。往困难来说,就是在时代的洪流下,渺小的个人该何去何从?唯有立德立言,无问西东。片中的许多台词,让人记忆深刻,共享给大家啦。1. 无问西东,只问自由,只问盛放,只问深情,只问初心,只问敢勇,无问西东。You focus on doing what you are really into without caring about the practical stuff. What you dedicate yourself into and will always dedicate yourself into are freedom, blossom, devotion, original aspiration and guts.be into sth: 对深深宠爱dedicate oneself into sth: 聚精会神于gut:志气2. 这个时代缺的不是完备的人,缺的是从自己心底里给出的,真心,正义,无畏和怜悯。What this era lacks is not the person who is perfect but the person who is with virtue, justice, courage and compassion.compassion:同理心 the response to the suffering of others that motivates a desire to help3 不要放弃,对生命的思索,对自己的真实。Never forget to reflect on life and be truthful to yourself.4. 愿你在被打击时,记起你的宝贵,抵抗恶意;愿你在迷茫时,坚信你的宝贵,爱你所爱,行你所行,听从你心,无问西东。I sincerely hope that you can remember how precious you are when you are discouraged by the viciousness and I also truly beg you that you can believe how special you are and love who you really love, do what you should do, follow your heart without caring about practical gains or loss.5. 你怪她没有对你真实,可你给她对你真实的力气了吗?You whined that she didnt tell you the truth but did you give her the strength to be truthful to you?6. 我怕你还没想好怎么过这一生,你就连命都没了。Im so afraid that you dont think through how you will live your life but then you give your life away.7. 我就是那个给你托底的人,我什么都不怕,就怕你掉的时候把我推开。Im that person who carries you when you fall down. I am not afraid of anything but fear that you will daff me away when you fall down.8. 逝者已矣,生者如斯,对以后的人好吧。Ashes to ashes, treasure those around you.9. 人把自己置身于劳碌当中,有一种麻木的踏实,但丢失了真实.When people put themselves in daily errands, they will get certainty. Such certainty, however, is not real.10. 你看到什么,听到什么,做什么,和谁在一起,有一种从心灵深处满溢出来的不懊恼,也不羞愧的平和与喜悦,这就是真实。No matter what you see, what you hear, what you are doing and who you stay with, you dont feel regretted from the bottom of your heart but sense a strong feeling of serenity and happiness without being ashamed, and thats what we call trueness.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页


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