thinthinfatfattaltall lshortshortbigsmalltall-short fat-thinbig-smallHes tall.Oh,hes short.Listen and read:thisthat Listen and read:Daming:Look!This man is tall.Sam:That man is short.Daming:This monkey is small and thin.Sam:That monkey is big and fat.FREE TALK:用所学句子结构描述下面的图片。Look at the trees.This tree is tall.That tree is short.Look at the monkeys.This monkey is thin.That monkey is fat.Bb is for book,Bb,Bb,Bb.Bb is for book,Bb,Bb,Bb.AAAA IS FOR APPLE,IS FOR APPLE,AAAA,AAAA ,AA,AA.Cc is for cat,Cc,Cc,Cc.Dd is for dog,Dd,Dd,Dd.同学们你们能利用我们学同学们你们能利用我们学过的单词、句子来描述一过的单词、句子来描述一下周围同类、或者不同类下周围同类、或者不同类事物之间的特点吗?事物之间的特点吗?Homework