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高中英语教学设计课 题: Unit 2English around the WorldThe Road to Modern English (Reading)(Senior English for China Students Book 1B)设计教师: 授课时间: 45分钟 联系电话: I. Teaching Contents 教学内容Unit 2 English around the worldThe road to modern English (Reading)(Senior English for China Students Book 1B(全日制普通中学教科书(必修)人教版高一英语(上)第二单元世界英语 的阅读部分 现代英语历程)II. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标Make the students master the following words, phrases and sentence pattern.(让学生掌握下列单词、短语和句型。)(1)Important words(重点单词):Bash、Enrich、request、recognize、straight、actually、command(2) Important phrases(重点词组):Because of、at present , play a part in ,come up ,make use of (3)Important sentence pattern(重点句型)even if /even though即使,引导让步状语从句2.Ability objective能力目标Improve the students skimming ability through reading activities.(通过系列阅读活动提高学生的略读能力。)3.Affective objectives 情感价值目标(1)After learning the passage, the students are expected to arouse the zeal of learning English.(通过本节课的学习,让学生了解世界语言的多样性,培养学生的学习语言的兴趣。) III. Teaching Important Points(教学重点)1.Learn the words and phrases listed above.(学习上列单词和短语。)2.Learn to how to get the key sentence of a paragraph. (学会如何找段落中的关键句) V. Teaching Methods(教学方法)1.Task-based method to make students interested in what they will learn.(任务型教学法)2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the passage.(略读法) 3. Careful reading to get some detailed information.(细读法)VI. Teaching Aids:(教学辅助手段)1. A blackboard(黑板)2. A tape-recorder (收录机)3. A projector and a computer for multimedia (投影仪、多媒体)VII. Teaching procedures (教学程序)Step I Lead in (5 minutes)(引入,5分钟)Teachers activity: show a short film to student.教师活动:呈现一则关于英语与美语差别的短片Ss activity: to answer the question : what does the short-film want to tell us?1、 to outline the differences between American English and British English showed in the short-film.学生活动1、回答这则短片想要告诉我们什么? 2、列举短片中出现的英语与美语差别。设计目的:激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生主动参与。Step II pre-reading (3minutes)(读前,3分钟)Today we come to the Reading. Its about the road to modern English. As we all know, English is very popular in the modern. A lot of countries in the world are using it as the first or seconde language. However, do you know the history of English? Can you name some countries in which English is spoken? Do you know the history of English?教师活动:老师问学生并用地图展示Can you name some countries in which English is spoken ?( 你能说出一些讲英语的国家的名字吗?)学生活动:学生分组讨论后小组派代表把结果呈现给老师和同学。设计意图:(1)激活学生已有的信息,使学生具备摄入新知识的心理定势。(2)激发学生的学习兴趣。(3)帮助老师引入课文的主题。Step III. While-reading(14minutes)(阅读,14分钟)1. Fast reading(4minutes)(快速阅读,4分钟)1. Read the text and try to find the main idea of each paragraph. (Work in pairs)2. Check the answers. Ask some students to tell their answers, after giving the answers, they should also tell how they find the answers, then give the suggested answer.教师活动:要求学生快速阅读,找出每一段段落大意。 学生活动:学生快速浏览课文,了解课文大意。设计意图:训练学生快速阅读,归纳各段落的中心意思的能力。(Skimming for the main idea)参考答案 Paragraph 1: describes the extension of English in the world.Paragraph 2: tells us native speakers can understand each other but not everything.Paragraph 3-4: tells the development of English as native language.Paragraph 5: tells us English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries. 2. Careful reading (10minutes)(细读,10分钟)(1) 教师活动:要求学生认真阅读课文,寻找相关信息:(2) 学生活动:认真阅读课文,寻找相关信息。设计意图:培养学生快速阅读的能力。 show a chart about the development of English(on the green) and ask the students to fill the chart.(on the screen)(展示一个关于英语的发展的表并要求学生填表)(2) 学生活动:认真阅读课文,寻找相关信息。 AD450-AD800English was based on _German_AD800 to 1150 _English was more like French.At the end of the 16th century How many people speak English? _ _5 to_7 million_ In the 1600s_Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary._ by the 19th century_American English gained its own identity.todayMore people speak English than ever before.The number of people _learning English_in China_ _is increasing_ rapidly (2) Answer the questions of Ex. 1 on page 10. Step IV Post-reading(6minutes)(读后,6分钟)教师活动:教师展示英音与美英的区别 British EnglishAmerican EnglishspellingClour, favouriteTheatre, CentreTraveled, meterColor, favoriteTheatre, centerTraveled, meterPronunciation Ask, dance , box ,not wordsPost, film,I think , shopPetrol, flatAutumn,universityRubbish,undergroundMail , movieI guess, storeGas, apartmentFall , collegeGarbage, subway设计意图:让学生了解更多的关于英音与美英的区 别,在平时学习生活中注意区分。Step VI Listening and Consolidation (4minutes 听课文,4分钟) Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation ant intonation.教师活动:教师放课文录音带学生活动:学生小声跟读课文,并注意语音语调。设计意图:让学生更进一步巩固课文内容,并训练其语音语调。Step VII Homework(1 minutes)( 作业布置,1分钟) 1、Write a composition to introduce mandarin2、Think about Why do you think people all over the world want to learn EnglishVIII、The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard(板书设计)Unit 2English around the worldReading: The road to modern English command sb. to do sth be at ones command Command be under the command of command后接that从句时要用虚拟语气 request sb.to do sth. 3 request request that sb (should) do phraseplay a part (in) because of base on Believe it or not take part (in sth) make use of


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