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新概念英语第二册综合水平测试(二).选择填空(10%)1.He an autobiography last year but I dont know whether he has finished it.A.wrote B.was writing C.had written D.has written2.Is the book interesting?Yes, but Im sure it wont interestA.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody3.Would you have written to her had it been possible?Yes, but I busy with my work.A.was B.were C.had been D.would be4.He says he has an uncle living in America.Nonsense. ,His father has no brother.A.More or less B.As a matter of factC.No matter what he says D.At least5.What did you see?We saw police there.A.many B.much C.plenty D.the6.Harry treats his secretary badly.Yes. He seems to think that she is the important person in the office.A.hardly B.least C.less D.most7.Shall I book a table for the dinner? . The restaurant wont be full this evening.A.Yes, you may B.No, you mustntC.No, you neednt D.Id rather not8.Thank you for a wonderful meal.A.No, really. Its all right B.Thank you all the sameC.The same to you D.Im glad you enjoyed it9.Excuse me, would you mind passing me that English-Chinese dictionary?Sorry, its my reach.A.over B.within C.far away D.beyond10.Tom tried hard to find a good job in this newspaper office, but he had noA.chance B.time C.money D.luck.完型填空(20%)Once upon a time, bee-keepers killed their bees every autumn. Why, you 1 ask? Well, the answer is this: to tet some 2. Bee-deepers and farmers used to 3 small wooden boxes in a corner of the farmyard. Bees would come and 4 the box with honeycomb. 5, there was no way of getting the honey out 6 killing the bees. So they used to burn a chemical 7 the box in order to kill the bees and then take the honey.Now, bee-keepers 8 beehives to collect honey. In the beehive there are a number of wooden 9 with spaces between them 10 can be lifted out. In later summer, the squares which are now 11 of honeycomb are lifted out. The squares are put in 12 special machine and turned round and round very fast for several minutes. Turning the squares round and round 12this 14 out the honey. Then the honey is collected and 15jars. After that the empty squares are returned to the hive for the bees to fill with honey the following year.Bees need food to live 16 the winter, Thats why they make honey. Bee-keepers can do one of 17things. Either they can leave 18 of the honey in the hive for the bees to eat during the winter. Or else they can 19 all the honey and provide the bees with a mixture of sugar and water for the bees to eat 20.1. A.canB.mayC.shouldD.must2. A.honeyB.beesC.honeycombD.flowers3. A.put inB.put awayC.put aheadD.put out4. A.fillB.fullC.supplyD.give5. A.StillB.ForC.HoweverD.So6. A.forB.inC.exceptD.without7. A.onB.closeC.insideD.on8. A.needB.takeC.useD.spend9. A.squaresB.boxesC.platesD.bowls10. A.manyB.theyC.whereD.which11. A.fullB.filledC.providedD.rich12. A.theB.aC.anotherD.other13. A.forB.alikeC.likeD.to14. A.forcesB.makesC.helpsD.drives15 A.led intoB.brought intoC.poured intoD.flown into16. A.throughB.acrossC.untilD.for17. A.twoB.threeC.untilD.for18. A.anyB.littleC.allD.some19. A.coverB.removeC.eatD.drink20. A.sinceB.replaceC.contraryD.instead.阅读理解(15%)Tom Green spent his 114th birthday the other day and some reporters visited him to find out the secret of a long life.“The secret of a long life is happiness,” Green said. “If you are happy, you will live a long time.”“Are you married?” a reporter asked. “Yes,” Green answered. “I married my third wife when I was 102. If you are happily married, you will live better. But for my third wife, I would have died years ago.”“What about smoking and drinking?” another reporter asked. “Yes, they are important,” Green said. “Dont smoke at all and you will feel well. Drink two glasses of wine a day and you will be healthy and happy. ”1. Some reporters visited Green becauseA.he did something peculiar B.he was a friend of themC.he had lived much longer than most people D.he had married three times2. Green thought that was the most important to life.A.his third wife B.glad C.happiness D.smoking.3.Green thought his third wife helped him to live years longer.A.12 B.14 C.16 D.184.The writer wants to tell usA.drinking a great deal is good for our healthB.drinking within a limit is helpfulC.smoking and drinking are indispensable to good healthD.we should quit smoking or drinking.5.The best title for this passage isA.Drinking and Smoking B.The Secret of a Long LifeC.Happiness in Life D.Astonished Reporters.翻译句子(15%)1. 我十点以后才有空。2. 欢迎你们参观我们的大学。3. 李伟想明年结婚。4. 你可不要说话不算数。5. 我们他相处得很好。.短文改错(20%)1.After I finished the school this year, I began1. 1.to look fir work. Now several month later, I still 2.hadnt found the job that I was interested. Last Sunday 3.morning I received a phone call from a man calling him 4.Mr Smith. He said to me on the phone, “I hear that you do 5.very well in your studies. I may have a job for you.” 6.I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped 7.that I will go through the job-hunting talk today and he 8.would take me on as a lab assistant. But to my surprised 9.what he said disappointing. He only needed a model. 10.书面表达(20%)提示:一组美国中学生来你校访问,校长交给你一份时间表,请你用英语向中学生讲清楚他们在南京逗留期间(共三天)的活动安排。时间活动项目有关内容:星期一上午:校长接见 介绍学校情况下午:参观实验室和图书室星期二上午:两国学生共同浏览中山陵; 张老师向学生介绍孙中山先生下午:在101室举行联欢会星期三上午:两国学生举行座谈会; 下午:4点乘飞机去西安字数要求:不少于100字。


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