2012 在职联考 & GCT 语法与词汇 analysis

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leos_cage 000000leos_bao 8 eight1 one6 six eos Leo Leos 在职联考 & GCT 语法与词汇讲义目录I. 词汇题(Vocabulary)41题型41)语词辨析42)固定搭配52. 复习策略51) 参考资料52) 记忆方法53 历年真题820108200910II 语法111. 大纲要求112. 复习重点121)时态语态122) 虚拟语气153) 非谓语动词184) 倒装265) 从句296) adj、adv 比较级 及顺序337) 情态动词35GCT 2011年真题1. If the car you have rented is clearly unsatisfactory, you can always _ it for another.A. shift B. exchange C. switch D replace2. Every manager needs a secretary that he can _ to take care of something that may occur in his absence.A. bring on B. hold on C. count on D. focus on 3. The shirt is a real bargain because it is good in quality and _ in price.A. valuable B. remarkable C. available D. reasonable* 4. Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man _ it is for a woman.A. when B. that C. as D. than* 5. Nina _ back home if she had known that her husband would go to the bus stop to meet her.A. couldnt have walked B. shouldnt have walked C. mustnt have walked D. wouldnt have walked6. A news report is usually very short, _ when it is about something very important.A. besides B. except C. apart from D. except for7. In this advanced course, students are required to take performance tests at monthly _.A. gaps B. lengths C. distances D. intervals8. American women were _ the right to vote until 1920.A. ignored B. refusedC. derivedD. denied* 9. Seldom _ any mistakes during my past few years of working there.A. would I makeB. have I madeC. I made D. shall I make* 10. The proposal seems _ to oppose the government economic policy.A. designed B. to designC. have designedD. to have designed在职联考 2011年真题11. This crime fiction was _very popular but nobody reads it today.A. once B. ever C. never D. always 12. American women were _the right to vote until 1920A. ignoredB. refusedC. deprived D. denied13. Experts have _with effective- measures to prevent the disease from spreading.A. caught upB. put upC. come upD. kept up14. We cannot trust Steve any more because he often_ his duty.A. cancelsB. abandons C. deserts D. neglects15. In the early 1980s, though Coke was the leading soft drink, it was losing market_ to Pepsi.A. part B. share C. place D. ratio16. There is no cure for the disease yet, but these rugs can _ its development.A. break down B. take down C. slow down D. track down17. In the desert, even a small cup of water may be a_ of life or death.A. business B. matter C. fact D. thing18. She had not yet become accustomed_ the fact that she was a rich woman.A. for B. with C. about D. to19.The organization has published a_ digest of environmental statistics for five years.A. regular B. frequentC. random D. fixed20. I want to see the old part of the town where the essence of Beijing is best_.A. observed B. reserved C. preserved D. conserved* 21. Reporters rushed to the Airport after the CNN reported that nine passengers _by a “terrorist on the plane.A. were holding B. heldC. had held D. were being held* 22. Not long_ she registered a new number, she received five calls in one day.A. afterwards B. after C. agoD. since* 23. Nice words may win friends, but only ones good personality can hold_. .A. it B. those C. that D. them * 24. It was _ the chief engineer came_ we began the experiment.A. not until; that B. not until; thenC. until; that D. until; when* 25. About fifty million Americans are active in _is called fitness walking.A. that B. which C. what D. something* 26. We waited for the decision for the whole afternoon, only _to return the next day.A. to be told B. were told C. being told D. having been told* 27. As a result of the busy work, he found less time than he_ for his hobbies. A. must have hoped B. had hopedC. should have hoped D. has hoped* 28. Some of them were well behaved, _ were insulting.A. and theyB. but theyC. while others D. as others* 29. The journalist feels he has a responsibility to ensure _the customers are not misled,A. whether B. so that C. as if D. that* 30. The matter_, we decided to proceed to the next program on the agenda.A. was settled B. settled C. had been settled D. had settledI. 词汇题(Vocabulary)1题型1)语词辨析词型相近e.g.: (GCT 09) 6. He added that the state government has made (_) arrangements for the conference.A. accurate B. absolute C. Active passive D. adequateTips:accurate adj 1 (尤指信息、量度或预测)准确的,精确的 2 (工具,方法)精密的 3 (工作)准确无误的absolute adj 1 绝对的; 完全的, 纯粹的, 净的 2(权利、权力)无条件的, 不受限制的 3(统治者)专制的, 独断的 active adj 1 活跃的, 积极的, 灵敏的 2 能做事的, 勤勉的; 精力充沛的 3【语】主动的(语态)adequate adj 1 足够的 be adequate for. 强调满足了基本要求的 = enough = sufficent 2 恰当的, 可以胜任的e.g. Though a bit too old, he is still adequate to the work. 虽然他年纪大了点,却仍能胜任这项工作 3 让人满意的, 尚可的Key: D词义相近e.g.: (GCT 08) 1 E-commerce | has witnessed a _ growth these years. A. fixed B. stable C. steady D regularTips:stable adj. 1.指化学物质的稳定 of substance tending to stay in the same chemical or atomic state. not breaking down easily or naturally.2.形容人的性格沉稳、持重、可靠 of person or character not easily upset or disturbed .reliable3.稳定、稳固 firmly established or fixed . not likely change or move 常用词组:a stable relationship, job, government 稳定的关系、工作、政府 a house built on stable foundations 房子建立在稳定的地基上The patients condition is stable. 病人的状况稳定。steady adj. 1.可以说是专门从stable的第三个解释中分出了物体固定稳固这个意思,单指这个意思的时候比较鲜明些。 firmly fixed, supported, balanced, not rocking ,shaking, likely fall over. 常用搭配: hold the ladder steady make the table steady2.均匀而有规律 常用搭配:a steady wind 匀速的风 a steady speed, low, rate, pace 稳定的速度、流速、速率、脚步fixed adj固定的; 确定的; 不变的; 固执的 【化】凝固的; 不易挥发的; 不可调的, 不可卸的e.g. a fixed price income 固定价格收入 短语辨析e.g.: (在职2010) 20. Because of the popularity of the region, visitors are advised to book hotels_.A. in order B. in person C. in turn D. in advance2)固定搭配e.g.: (在职2008) 13.Can you an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?.Aimagine Bsuppose Cthink Dexpect2. 复习策略1) 参考资料环球卓越核心词汇约2000历年真题中的词汇2) 记忆方法 构词法英语词的构成有一定的规律,这种规律称为构词法。掌握构词法知识对我们更好地理解词义、认识新词和扩大词汇量有重要意义。构词法主要有三种:派生法、合成法和转换法。一、派生法在一个词的词根(root)的前面或后面加上某个词缀来产生新词,这种构词法称为派生法(derivation)。加在前面的词缀叫前缀(prefix),加在后面的词缀叫后缀(suffix)。(一)后缀:许多名词、形容词、副词和动词是由词根加后缀构成的。create v.Creator n. Creation n. Creature n. Creative adj.Created adj. Created worldCreativity n. Trinity 1.构成名词的常用后缀有:(1)-er, -or, -ist, -ee, -ese, -ant等用于构成表示人或物的名称。例如:thinker(思想家),guesser(猜想者),;physicist(物理学家),dentist(牙科医生);employee(雇员),trainee(受训人员);physician(内科医生),Italian(意大利人);Japanese(日本人);assistant(助手)等。(2)-ance, -ence, -(a)tion, -sion, -ics, -ing, -ity, -ment, -ness, -th, -ty, -ure, -ship等用于构成表示行为、性质、状态等抽象名词。例如:acceptance(接受),assistance(帮助);dependence(依靠),confidence(信心);repetition(重复),preparation(准备);discussion(讨论),division(分开);physics(物理学),fabrics(纺织品);building(建筑物),wedding(婚礼);reality(现实),ability(能力);settlement(解决),argument(争论);greatness(伟大),hardness(硬度);warmth(温暖),length(长度);safety(安全),penalty(惩罚);failure(失败),pressure(压力);friendship(友谊),leadership(领导)等。2.构成形容词的常用后缀有:-able, -ible, -al, -ful, -less, -ish, -ive, -ous, -an, -ic, -ly, -ant, -ent, -ary, -en等。例如:available(可获得的);responsible(负责的); natural(天然的),national(国家的);powerful(强大的);fearless(无畏的);selfish(自私的),childish(幼稚的);collective(集体的),decisive(决定性的);continuous(连续不断的);American(美国的);historic(有历史意义的),scientific(科学的);lively(活泼的);thirsty(口渴的);significant(重大的);consistent(一贯的);secondary(次要的);golden(金色的),wooden(木制的)等。3.构成副词的常用后缀有:-ly, -ward, -wise等。例如:terribly(可怕的),regularly(定期的);homeward(向家去地),eastward(向东方地);otherwise(否则),likewise(同样地)等。4.构成动词的常用后缀的有:-ise/ize, -en, -ify等。例如:realize(实现),modernize(使现代化);widen(加宽),strengthen(加强);verify(证实),modify(修饰)等。(二)前缀:词根加前缀多数不改变词性,只引起词义的变化。1.表示相反意义的前缀有:un-, dis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-, de-等。Cover discover uncoverCourage discourage encourage Enable entitleSb. Be entitled to do sth. 例如:unhappy(不高兴),uncomfortable(不舒服);dislike(不喜欢),disagree(不同意);informal(非正式的),inaccurate(不准确的);irregular(不规则的),irresponsible(不负责任的);illegal(不合法的),illogical(不合理的);decode(解码),devalue(降低价值)等。2.表示其他意思的前缀有:re-(重新),mis-(错误的),anti-(反、防)antiwar antivirues,ex-(前)ex-wife,pre- predict preview (预先),post- postpone (后的),fore-cast (先的),self-(自我的、自动的),super- superior (超级、上层),sub-marine(下面的),inter-net international interpersonal (之间的、互相),trans-(跨越、移),ultra-(外、极),semi-(半),vice-(副),uni-(单),bi-(双),multi-(多),auto-(自)等。二、合成法由两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词,这种构词法称为合成法(compounding)。合成词之间有的要用连字符连接,有的直接连接在一起。(一)合成名词,例如:hardware(硬件),network(网络),output(产量),typewriter(打字机),weekend(周末),by-product(副产品),well-being(福利)等。(二)合成形容词,例如:duty-free(免税),far-reaching(深远的),air-tight(密封的)large-scale(大规模的),first-rate(第一流的),face-to-face(面对面的),all-round(全面的),state-owned(国有的)等。(三)合成动词,例如:overthrow(推翻),undergo(经历),heat-treat(热加工),white-wash(粉刷),uphold(支持),counteroffer(还价)等。三、转换法在词形不变的情况下,一个单词由一种词性转换成另一种词性,称为转换(conversion)。转换后的词义与转换前的词义通常有密切的联系,但有时差异也很大。例如:Dream v.做梦 n.梦Look v.看 n.相貌Back n.后背 v.支持Air n.空气 v.通风 记忆曲线For Memory1. 5m, 30m, 12h, 1d, 2d, 4d, 7d, 14d12345678910上ABCDEFGAHBICJ晚AABBCACDBDECEFDFGEGHFHIGIJ11121314151617181920上DEFGAHBICJDEF晚HJIJ21222324252627282930上GHIJAB31323334353637383940上CDEFGHIJ2. 5m, 30m, 12h, 1d, 2d, 4d, 7d, 14d12345678910上ABCDEFGAHBICJ晚AABBCACDBDECEFDFGEGHFHIGIJ11121314151617181920上DKELFMGNAHOBIPCJQDKRELSFMT晚HJKIKLJLMKMNLNOMOPMPQOQRPRSQST21222324252627282930上GNHOIPJQKRLSMTNAOBP晚RTST31323334353637383940上CQDRESFTGHIJKL41424344454647484950上MNOPQRST3 历年真题2010 联考11. Discipline | cannot be _until the last day of school | has passed.A. less-ened B. reduced C. relaxed D. Low-ered12. Some people | argue that (_) regulations (for water pollution) | will drive up costs and put jobs at risk.A. firm B. tight C. tense D. close13. To keep her job, she | has to _ the bad temper of her bossA. put up with B. take up on C. make up for D. come up to14. Student journalists are taught how to be _adj._ when writing in a limited space.A. convincing B. brief C. appealing D. ExpressiveConvince v. Convince sb. To do sth.Persuade sb. To do sth. 劝说Convince sb. In sth.Convince sb. Out of sth.Convince sb. Sth. 让某人相信某事Convince sb. That S V. 让某人相信某事I am Convinced i am convincing Interested interesting The book is interestingI am interested in.She is interesting The boy is tiredThe boy is tiring 15. The discussion was so _adj./adv._ that at intervals the speakers stopped for refreshments.A. exhausted B. exhausting C. excited D. Excitingnervous nerve 16. The popularity of these schools is growing steadily _ their high tuition fees.A. instead of B .in favor of C. in spite of = despite D. in place of17. It is often not easy to _ the marked generation gap (which exists between the young and their elders).A. broaden weak weaken short shorten strong strength strengthen long length lengthen Broad adj. 宽的 广的 Board n 木板 甲板 Go Abroad all aboard B. break C. bridge D. build18. The drive from England to Scotland | provides the tourist with many pleasant changes of _.Provide sb. With sth.Provide sth. For sb. A. scenery B. sight C. perspective D. sceneScenery = scene + view See sight short-sighted adj.-n.ed名胜19. This ambitious project, _ scores of organizations around the world, will take at least ten years to be accomplished.S ,doing/ed 状语,V.O.Jack sneezed,Having lunch,.A. indicating B .composing C. containing D. involvingA involve B, C and D 包括A involve B 涉及到 A be involved in B20. Because of the popularity of the region, visitors are advised to book hotels _.Advise sb. To do sth. sb. Be advised to do sth.A. in order B. in person C. in turn D. in advanceGCT1. I cannot _ your plan ,for I | see no money return for the pursuit.A. A argue with B B. approve of C. turn down = decline D. give up 2. The thief was so _ by the bright lights and barking dogs that he left hastily.A. frightened B. annoyed C. puzzled = confused D. disappointed7.Since any answer may bring _ to his government,the spokesman | tried to avoid the question.A. embarrassment B. committee C. failure D. benefit8.It is possible for a person to _negative attitudes and gain healthy confidence (needed to realize his or her dreams).It is possible for sb. To do sth.It is + adj. + for sb. To do sth.我不可能借钱给你I impossibly lend you money It is impossible for me to lend you moneyThere was a temple in the mountain. monksA. get away with B. get rid of C. get out of D. get along with10. If you miss the cultural references _ a word ,youre very likely to miss its meaning.A. below B. before C. behind D. beyond200911.Sunny Monday skies will _ a shield of clouds by sunset.A. give space toB. give place toC. give path toD. give way to12.Eating regular meals is _ important for health.A. vividlyB. vitallyC. visuallyD. visibly13. A new electronic announcement system has been introduced in the taxis to _ passengers not to forget their luggage. A. informB. warnC. alertD. remind14. Consumer _ in food products has been shaken by several recent scandals. A. beliefB. trustC. confidenceD. assurance15. Such a proposal must have been put forward by people with limited _. A. overviewB. overlookC. outlineD. outlook16.Fighting corruption involves tackling those who offer _ as well as those who take them.A. contributionsB. donationsC. bribes D. bonuses17.In a _ of inspiration, I decided to paint the whole house white.A. flameB. flightC. flavorD. flash18.Unlike other leaders who put all blames on others, he took responsibility and resigned _.A. gracefullyB. faithfullyC. mysteriouslyD. reluctantly19.This report is _ with an article written by the same author.A. similarB. sameC. identicalD. alike20.Traditional publishing will be _ dramatically in the next 5 to 10 years.A. cut awayB. cut downC. cut backD. cut off* 25. The problem is that they are unable to communicate effectively in the language _ public services are offered.A. in whichB. for whichC. by whichD. of whichGCT1. Saffron returned to London to _ her acting career after four years of modeling.A. follow B. chase C. pursue D. seek2. He has fancy dreams about his life, and nothing ever quite _ his expectations.A. makesB. matches C. reaches D. realizes4. When I worked as a bank clerk, I had the opportunity to meet a rich _ of people: students, soldiers and factory workers.A. diversity B. kind C. variety D. range6. He added that the state government has made _ arrangements for the conference.A. accurate B. absolute C. active D. adequate7. This video may be freely reproduced _ commercial promotion or sale.A. expect for B. as for C. thanks to D. up to*9. Coffee has been a favorite drink for centuries, _ the time when we were drinking it strong and black, without sugar.A. during B. for C. since D. beforeII 语法1. 大纲要求GCT 单项语法考试与词汇考试出现在同一部分,共10题,20分,其中语法设置5道左右,词汇设置5道左右。词汇测试重点:名词、动词、形容词、短语及固定搭配,其中包括区分形近词、近义词的辨析。语法要求掌握:(1)名词、代词的数和格的构成及其用法;(2)动语基本时态、语态的构成及其用法;(3)形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成及其用法;(4)常用连接词的词的词义及其用法;(5)非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及其用法;(6)虚拟语气的构成及其用法;(7)各类从句(定语从句、主语从句、表语从句等)的基本用法;(8)强调句型的结构;(9)常用倒装句的结构。2. 复习重点1)时态语态 2)非谓语(to do., doing., doing/ed)3)从句 4)虚拟语词 5)倒装 6)强调 7)adj/adv比较级 修饰顺序1) 时态语态真题(在职2011) 22. Not long_ she | registered a new number, she received five calls in one day.A. afterwards B. after C. agoD. since(在职2010) 28. Joe_ away for the last two days but he is due back tomorrow.A. is B. has been C. went D. has gone(在职2007) 30. I was annoyed by my friend (who came late for our appointment but did not bother to ask how long I _).Awaited Bwas waiting Chave waited Dhad been waiting (在职2006) 20. 【By the time you | have completed the essential training】, you _ exposed to virtually every new feature of the course.主将从现【By + 将来时间】S V. will have done/will doBy + 过去时间, S V had done A. will have been B. will be C. would have been D. would be(GCT 2010) 3. Making energy use completely harmless to the environment _ very difficult and usuallyA. are B. is C. have been D. shall be(GCT 2008) 10. A virus, often too small to be seen except with a powerful microscope, _ diseases.A. causeB. is causedC. causesD. is causing(GCT 2007) 6. When we arrived at the airport, we were told that our flight | _A. cancelled B. had cancelledC. has been cancelledD. had been cancelled(GCT 2006) 2. It commonplace to think of sport as a “leisure industry” now. A. became B. will become C. is becoming D. had becomeIt is becoming On-line study is becoming popular (GCT2005) 2 Most thunderstorms _ in summer than any other time of the year.A. happened B. have happened C. happen D. will happen(GCT 2010) 9. By the end of this term, the girls _ the basic rules of dinner party conversation.A. will have learned B. will learnC. have learned D. are learning(在职 2009) 24. If she _ here next week, we would know her decision.A. will be B. were to be C. would have been D. is to be考点表一 时态时态一般进行完成完成进行将来现在过去过去将来表二 被动语态 do be done表三 时态的英文表达法时态形式被动形式一般将来时will/shall do be going to dobe about to do be doing do/doesWill/shall be donebe about to be donebe being donebe done将来进行时will/shall be doing将来完成时will/shall have done将来完成进行时will/shall have been doing一般现在时do/doesam/is/are


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