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GMDSS通信英语理论复习题单选题(每题1分,共403题) 1、_ means the finding of ships, aircraft, units or persons in distress. A、shore-based radar assistance B、locating C、search and rescue D、salvage 参考答案:B_是指船舶,航空器,单位或遇险人员发现。 A,岸基雷达援助B,定位C,搜索和救援D, 打捞2、_ will form the basis for distress alerting and safety calling. A、GMDSS B、EGC C、MSI D、DSC 参考答案:D_将提醒遇险和安全呼叫的基础上形成的。A,GMDSS B,EGC C,微星 D, DSC3、_ are used for distress alerting as a rule . A、SES/DSC/EPIRB B、SART/radiotelephone C、COSPAS-SARSAT D、both a and c 参考答案:A,_是用于遇险报警作为一个规则。A,SES/ DSC / EPIRB B,SART /无线电话 C,COSPAS-SARSAT系统, D, 同时A和C4、A digital calling system used to call ships and coast stations using frequencies in the MF, HF or VHF bands, as is defined by CCIR recommendations 493 and 541, is a _ . A、DSC system B、EGC C、Terrestrial Radio D、Alerting information 参考答案:A,数字电话系统,用来调用船舶和海岸电台在MF,HF或VHF频段使用频率,定义和CCIR建议493和541,是_。A, DSC系统,B,EGC C,陆地无线D, 预警信息5、A SART provides the main means _ a survival craft or the mother ship in distress under the global maritime distress and safety system A、to locate B、for locating C、in locating D、 by locating 参考答案:B 为定位一个SART提供的主要手段_下的全球海上遇险和安全系统的救生艇筏或母船遇险船舶 6、All coast radio stations _ DSC installed for VHF and HF. A、have B、 had C、are having D、have had 参考答案:D 所有海岸电台_ DSC甚高频和高频的安装。7、Bridge-to-bridge communication means _ communications between ships from the position from which the ships are normally navigated. A、distress B、urgent C、safety D、general 参考答案:C桥桥通信是指_之间的位置,从船舶通常驾驶船舶的通信。A,遇险B,紧急C,安全D.一般8、COSPAS-SARSAT is intended to be used for search of people in distress, _ . A、only at sea or in air B、no matter where they are C、mainly at sea or on board D、In Inmarsat operational regions 参考答案:B COSPAS-SARSAT的拟搜索遇险_人。A,只有在海上或在空气中B,不管他们在哪里C,主要是在海上或船上D,在国际海事卫星组织业务区域 9、Distress traffic _ all messages relating to the immediate assistance required by the ship in distress, including search and rescue communications and signals for locating. A、consists of B、is consisted of C、consisted of D、are consisted of 参考答案:A 由遇险交通_遇险的船舶,包括搜索和救援的通信和定位的信号所需要的即时援助有关的所有消息。10、Every ship shall carry personnel qualified for _ to the satisfaction of the Administration. A、distress and safety radio communication purposes B、life-saving purpose C、GMDSS requirements D、emergency position 参考答案:A,每艘船舶须携带_合格的人员,政府满意。A,遇险和安全无线电通信的目的B,拯救生命的目的C,全球海上遇险和安全系统的要求D.紧急位置 11、Exchange of answer-backs acts a confirmation that the messages _ at the destination. A、have received B、have been received C、are received D、are being received 参考答案:B答案回外汇行为的确认,在目的地的消息。_A,已收到B,已经收到C,收到D, 正在接收 12、GMDSS began a phased implementation on 1 February _. A、1971 B、1996 C、1992 D、1999 参考答案:C 全球海上遇险和安全系统2月1日_开始分阶段实施。 13、GMDSS is to provide _ with reliable communication . A、all large passenger vessels B、freighters of more than 300gt in coastal waters C、all passenger ships and cargo ships engaged in international-voyages D、all passenger ships and cargo ships of 300gt upwards in open sea 参考答案:D全球海上遇险和安全系统提供可靠的通信_。A,所有的大型客船B,300gt以上的货轮在沿海水域C,从事国际航行的所有客船和D,所有客船和300gt以上的货船,在公海 14、In addition to the identification and position of the distress, the distress alert may also contain information regarding the _, the type of assistance, the course and speed of the ship and the time at which the information was recorded. A、nature of distress B、natural distress C、series of distress D、radius of distress 参考答案:A,在另外的识别和遇险位置,遇险警报可能还包含信息有关的_,援助的类型,船舶和时间的过程和速度的信息记录。A, 遇险的性质,B,自然遇险C,系列遇险;D,遇险半径15、In case a ship is in emergency or distress in any of 4 areas, it is required to use the continuous _ alert . A、MF/HF B、SART C、EPIRB D、any of A, B, C 参考答案:C如果在4区中的任何紧急或遇险船舶,它需要使用连续_警报。A,MF / HF,B,SARTC,EPIRBD,任何的A,B,C16、In the GMDSS, distress alerting can be transmitted in _ directions. A、1 B、2 C、3 D、4 参考答案:C在GMDSS遇险报警可以传输_方向。17、NAVAREA warnings generally concern information_. A、in coastal waters B、in offshore waters C、within the limits of a harbour D、which the ocean-going ship does not require 参考答案:B,NAVAREA警告普遍关注信息_。A,在沿海水域B,在近海水域C.海港范围内,D,远洋船舶不需要18、Ship-to-ship distress alerting should be conducted by _ . A、Inmarsat SES B、VHF/DSC or MF/DSC C、SART and VHF/DSC D、Satellite EPIRB and VHF/DSC 参考答案:B,船舶,船舶遇险报警,应进行_。A, 国际海事卫星组织的SESB, VHF / DSC或MF中频/ DSCC,SART和甚高频/ DSCD,卫星应急无线电示位和甚高频/ DSC 19、_ means rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit which can provide or coordinate assistance. A、Distress message B、Distress alerting C、Safety calling D、digital selective calling 参考答案:B_是指快速和成功的一个单位,它可以提供或协调援助遇险事件的报告。A,遇险消息B,遇险报警C.安全通话,D,数字选择性呼叫20、Any ships fitted with SES can _ and _ through the satellite system when sending a distress alert . A、 enter the system / contact an RCC B、access to INMARSAT / establish contact with a CES C、have absolute priority to enter the system / make contact with a CES D、enter the system gradually / wait for rescue 参考答案:C与SES安装任何船舶可以_和_发送遇险报警时,通过卫星系统。A,进入系统/ 1碾压联系B,访问,INMARSAT /建立接触与CESC,有绝对优先进入系统/与CES接触 D,请输入系统逐步/等待救援21、distress and safety communications following DSC calling will be performed by radiotelephony or _ . A、 NBDP B、EGC receiver C、NBDP or both D、EGC receiver or both 参考答案:C遇险和安全通信DSC呼叫将通过无线电话或_。A,NBDPB,EGC接收机C,NBDP或两者的D,接收器或两者22、Equipment requirement vary according to _. A、Ship owners will B、economic condition C、the area in which the ship operates D、different orders of all countries 参考答案:C设备的要求,根据以_。A,船东B,经济状况C,该船舶在该地区的经营D,所有国家的不同订单23、For COSPAS-SARSAT system, _ usually transmit initial COSPAS-SARSAT alert . A、RCC B、MCC C、LUT D、MRCC 参考答案:C对于COSPAS-SARSAT系统,_通常传输初始COSPAS-SARSAT的提醒。24、If EGC receiver shares a same antenna with Inmarsat SES, it means that it can receive MSI _ . A、from any Inmarsat satellite B、from any appropriate Navtex and EGC station C、via the satellite the SES is tracking D、from any RCC and coast station 参考答案:C,如果早期的接收器共享相同的天线与国际海事卫星组织的SES,这意味着它可以接收微星_。A,从任何Inmarsat卫星B,从任何适当的NAVTEX和EGC站C. 通过卫星,SES的追踪D,从任何RCC和海岸电台 25、In NAVTEX service, VITAL warnings will _ by transmitting station . A、be transmitted at once though the frequency is not clear B、be transmitted as soon as the frequency is cleared coordinately C、be transmitted at its scheduled transmissions D、be transmitted at next scheduled transmissions 参考答案:B,在NAVTEX服务,重要的警告发射站_。A,传送一次,虽然频率不明确B,尽快传送频率清除协调C,传播在其预定的传输 D,在未来预定的传输传送26、It is quite _ for an SES operator to send a distress alert . A、easy and expensive B、simple annd certai C、 dangerous and stable D、difficult and compulsory 参考答案:B这是很_为SES运营商发送遇险警报。A,容易和昂贵B,简单而一些C,危险和稳定D,困难和强制 27、Monitoring is especially important in a highly automated system which is dependent on careful _ procedure and format. A、adherence to B、adoption to C、relaying on D、usage of 参考答案:A日,监测尤其重要的是一个高度自动化的系统,这是依赖仔细_程序和格式。A,坚持B,通过C.中继上,D,使用 28、NAVTEX co-ordinators control messages transmitted by each station according to _. A、the information contained in each message B、the geographical coverage required C、transmitted identification D、A and B are right 参考答案:D电传控制信息联络员转交各站根据_。A,每封邮件中包含的信息B,所需的地理覆盖范围C,透射鉴定;D,A和B是正确的 29、On-scene communications will normally take place between _. A、 ship in distress and assisting units B、NCS and RCC C、RCCs and 0n-scene commander or “co-ordinator surface search” D、ship in distress and coast station 参考答案:A,现场通信,通常会采取_之间的地方。A.遇险船舶和协助单位B,NCS和碾压C,RCCs和0 N-现场指挥“或”统筹水面搜索“D,在遇险的船舶和海岸电台30、SAR coordinating communication are between _. A、SES and CES B、NCS and RCC C、RCCs and “on-scene commander” or “coordinator surface search” D、ship in distress and RCC参考答案:C.协调沟通,特区之间的_。A,SES和CESB,NCS和RCCC,RCCs和“现场指挥”或“协调员海面搜寻”D,遇险的船舶和RCC 31、Ships sailing in area A2 will at least be capable of transmitting a ship-to-shore slert on _ . A、COSPAS-SARSAT B、 156.525MHZ DSC C、 2187.5khz DSC and satellite EPIRB D、2182khz R/T and satellite EPIRB 参考答案:C船舶航行A2将至少发送一条船到岸_ slert的能力。A,COSPAS-SARSAT系统B,156.525MHZ DSCC,2187.5khz DSC和卫星EPIRBD,2182khz的R / T和卫星EPIRB32、SOLAS ships should keep a continuous listening watch on _ . A、CH 16 B、2182KHZ C、121.5MHZ D、Ch 70 参考答案:A,国际海上人命安全公约“船舶应保持在_连续守听。A,CH 16B,2182KHZC,121.5MHZD,CH 7033、The auto-operation of tron-30s S-EPIRBis mainly controlled by _. A、the mercury switch B、battery unit C、 its switch on the top D、 its environmental condition 参考答案:A,自动操作TRON-30S的S-EPIRBis主要由_控制。A,水银开关B,电池单元C,其顶部的“开关D,其环境条件 34、The coordinated broadcast and automated reception of MSI via the INMARSAT EGC system using English to meet the requirements of the SOLAS Convention: _. A、international NAVTEX Service B、FleetNET Service C、SafetyNet Service D、WWNWS 参考答案:C,协调使用英语,以满足海上人命安全公约“的要求,通过国际海事卫星组织的早期胃癌系统广播和自动接收微星:_。A,国际电传服务B,FleetNET事务人员C.安全网服务,D,WWNWS35、The position if the AOR-w satellite in the INMARSAT system is _ above the equator . A、64.5E B、178E C、15.5W D、54W 参考答案:D,位置,如果在国际海事卫星系统的AOR-W卫星的赤道上空的_。36、The quality of the message can be affected by _ . A、climate B、sunshine C、human beings D、both a and b 参考答案:A信息质量受到_。A,气候B,阳光C,人类D,a和b37、The transmitter identification character B1 is a single unique letter which is allocated to each NAVTEX _ . A、receiver B、SES C、 CES D、Transmitter 参考答案:D,发射机标识字符B1是一个独特的信,这是分配给每个NAVTEX _。A,接收器B,经济局局长C,国际消费电子展D,发射机 38、There are _ operational satellites in the INMARSAT system covering the whole globe except the polar regions . A、3 B、4 C、8 D、12 参考答案:B有_业务卫星,在国际海事卫星系统覆盖了整个地球极地地区除外39、There are _ NAVAREAs designated by IHO and IMO all over the world. A、13 B、11 C、16 D、12 参考答案:C有世界各地的IHO和IMO指定的_ NAVAREAs。 40、There are some back-up satellites in the event of failure. If the operational satellite is out of work, _ . A、 communications in the whole system will stop B、the global system will be damaged C、the back-up one will take its place D、 the whole system will not work 参考答案:C有一些后备卫星发生故障时。如果运行卫星的工作,_。A,在整个系统中,通信将停止B,全局系统将被损坏C,备份一会取代其位置D,整个系统将无法正常工作41、What channel is general communication used ? A、any appropriate channel except public communication B、any appropriate channel except for public communications C、any appropriate channel besides public communication D、any appropriate channel beside public communication 参考答案:C,使用一般的通信通道是什么?A,适当的渠道以外的任何公共通信B,除了适当的公共通信通道C,适当的渠道以外的任何公共传 D,任何适当的渠道旁边的公共通信42、What did you say on board _ any part of the message is considered sufficiently important to need safe guarding ? A、which B、if C、why D、that 参考答案:B你说什么板_任何消息的一部分,被认为是足够重要到需要安全保卫吗?B,如果43、What do the general radio communication relate to? A、management of ship B、operation of ship C、safety of ship D、a, b, c are all right 参考答案:D什么涉及到一般的无线电通信?A,一个船舶管理B,船舶操作C,船舶安全,D,A,B,C都是正确的 44、What does chapter IV of SOLAS deal with? A、SAR operation B、radio communication C、equipment of GMDSS D、none of these 参考答案:B,什么是“海上人命安全公约”第四章处理?A,特区运作B,无线电通信C,全球海上遇险和安全系统设备,D,这些都不45、What information will a distress alert contain ? A、nature of distress B、type of assistance required C、course and speed and time at which the information was recorded D、 A, B, C are all right 参考答案:D,将遇险警报包含哪些信息?A, 自然遇险,B,类型所需要的援助C,当然,速度和时间的信息被记录在D,A,B,C都是正确的46、What is AAIC of traffic system in China? A、CN05 B、CN03 C、CN06 D、CN04 参考答案:B,什么是AAIC交通系统在中国吗47、What is COSPAS-SARSAT ? A、 an international satellite system for improving communications in polar regions B、 an international satellite system using a number of polar-orbiting satellites C、 primary used for search and rescue D、B and C 参考答案:DCOSPAS-SARSAT的是什么呢?A,为改善在极地地区的通信的国际卫星系统B,国际卫星系统使用的极地轨道卫星的数量C ,主要用于搜索和救援D,B和C 48、What language does International NAVTEX use? A、Russian B、French C、English D、German 参考答案:C国际NAVTEX使用什么语言?A,俄罗斯B,法语C,英语D,德语49、What part of the Inmarsat will the SES get access to if the commissioning is successful? A、The SES B、The space segment C、Any CES D、The CES decided by the applicant 参考答案:B国际海事卫星组织的一部分将在SES获得如果调试成功的?A,SESB,以空间段划分C,任何国际消费电子展,D,由申请人决定本次CES50、Whats the abbreviation for the World Meteorological Organization? A、WMO B、IHO C、IMO D、WARC 参考答案:A什么是世界气象组织的缩写?A, WMO气象组织B, 国际航道测量组织C,海事组织D,战争 51、Whats the advantage when using the satellites ? A、The message can be directed to the desired location B、The message can follow the earths curvature C、The quality of message can not be affected by climatic D、The range of the message extend and the quality of reception is improved 参考答案:D时使用的卫星有什么优势?A,消息可以直接到所需的位置B,的消息可以按照地球的曲率C,信息质量,不能受气候的影D,信息的范围扩大和提高接待质量52、When a mis-entry _ in the logbook, a red line would be drawn through that part. A、has made B、make C、has been made D、is making 参考答案:C当在日志中的错误条目_,一条红线将通过这部分绘制。A,已取得B,使C,已经取得了D,制造53、When hearing a distress call, all station shall immediately cease any transmission capable of with the distress traffic. A、interfere B、interfering C、being interfered D、 interference 参考答案:B当听到遇险呼叫,所有车站应立即停止任何与遇险通信传输能力。B,干扰54、When receiving a distress alert, ship in the area addressed should establish communication with the _ concerned to enable assistance to be _. A、RCC/given B、RCC/ rendered C、SAR/united D、RCC/coordinated参考答案:D当收到遇险报警,船舶应在解决地区建立通信与关注,使援助是_,_。A,RCC/指定B,RCC /提供C,SAR/统一D,RCC /协调55、When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will _ in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay . A、assist B、send a rescue vessel C、search the distress area D、reach the distress position at once 参考答案:A收到遇险报警时,特区当局上岸,在遇险船舶附近的船舶将在协调搜索和救援行动的最小延迟_。A,帮助B,派遣救援船只C,搜寻遇险区D,一次达到遇险位置56、When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will _ soonest. A、reach the distress area B、conduct a sector search C、send rescue vessels D、 assist coordinately in SAR operation 参考答案:D当收到遇险警报,特区当局上岸,船只在遇险船舶附近,将_最快。A,到达遇险区域B,进行部门搜索C,派出救援船只D,帮助协调搜救行动 57、When the beacon in the upright position is put into water,transmission will start independent of the weitch_the beacon. A、at the bottom of B、at the top of C、at the left of D、at the right of 参考答案:B当处于直立位置的灯塔被放入水中,传输将启动独立的weitch_the灯塔。A,在底部B,在顶部C,在左边D,在右侧 58、When the power of a SART is on , it will _ . A、 transmit distress signal B、send response signal C、transmit the signal of ships position D、 be interrogated by X-band radar 参考答案:D SART的权力时,它会_。A,发送求救信号B,发送响应信号C,船位传送信号 ,发送X-波段雷达 59、Which equipment may achieve bridge-to-bridge communication? A、MF B、HF C、VHF D、LF 参考答案:C设备可以实现桥桥通信?A、MF 中频 B、HF C、VHF D、LF低频60、Which expression has the different meaning from entry into force ? “entry into force” means is _. A、coming into effect B、 moving to full effect C、being based on force D、 coming into force 参考答案:A哪些表达具有不同的含义从生效? “生效”方式是_。A,即将生效B,充分发挥作用C,根据生效D,生效61、which function is the most important one of the GMDSS. A、alerting B、on-scene communication C、safety information D、general communication 参考答案:A,是GMDSS的一个最重要的功能。A,警报B,现场的沟通C.安全信息,D,一般通信研发,62、Which of the following has the same meaning as the phrase “relating to” in the passage? A、owing to B、such as C、concern D、For example 参考答案:C下列哪项有那句“在通过有关”的含义相同吗?A,由于B,如C,关注D,例如 63、Which of the following is not a DSC distress alert frequency? A、2187.5KHZ B、2182KHZ C、8414.5KHZ D、4207.5KHZ 参考答案:B下列哪一项不是DSC遇险报警频率?64、Which of the following is not the HF band? A、4MHZ B、8MHZ C、2MHZ D、16MHZ 参考答案:C下列哪一项不是HF波段?65、Which of the following not correct? A、MSI is navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent messages broadcast to ships B、In the GMDSS, MSI broadcast will be made on the INMARSAT safetyNet service and Navtex service C、MSI is suitable for all ships in all waters of globe. D、All ships over 300GT must be fitted with an INMARSAT safeyNet reception facility on and after 01 February 1999. 参考答案:D下列不正确的?A,微星是航行和气象警告,气象预报和其他船只广播紧急消息B,在GMDSS,微星广播将国际海事卫星组织的SafetyNET服务和NAVTEX服务 C,微星是适用于所有船舶,在全球所有水域。 D,超过300GT所有船舶必须配备一个国际海事卫星组织safeyNet接待设施和1999年02月01日之后 66、Which of the following statements is correct? A、NAVTEX station have the transmission power B、NAVTEX stations can transmit at the same time C、every NAVTEX stations have the different identification characters in each NAVAREA D、There are 24 NAVTEX stations in each NAVAREA 参考答案:C下列哪项是正确的吗?A,NAVTEX站的发射功率B,NAVTEX站可以同时传输C,每个NAVTEX站在每个NAVAREA有不同的识别字符D,有NAVTEX在每个NAVAREA 24站, 67、Which of the following statements is not a basic flaw of the terrestrial techniques. A、the need for specialization B、reception difficulties C、congestion of communication D、height of antenna 参考答案:D下列哪项不是地面技术的基本缺陷。A,需要专业化B,接待困难C,通信拥塞D,天线高度68、Which of the following statements is right? A、The SART can be auto-operated in float-free position when combined with EPIRB B、The SART can be auto-operated in parallel position at any time C、The SART can be auto-operated under the water sometimes D、The SART can be auto-operated in vertical position some time. 参考答案:A下列哪项是正确的吗?A,SART可以自由浮动位置自动操作时EPIRB的结合B,SART是平行的位置在任何时间自动运行C,SART可以是下的水自动运行有时 D,SART可以在垂直位置自动运行一段时间。69、Which of the following transmits and receives signals to and from the satellite using “L” band frequency? A、SES B、CES C、NCS D、NCC 参考答案:A以下的发送和接收从卫星上使用的“L”波段频率的信号?70、why do some stations keep silence ? A、Because they are not engaged in the distress traffic B、they will affect the transmission of the distress traffic C、The powers of these stations are very weak D、They are not in charge of search and rescue 参考答案:B为什么有些电台保持沉默吗?A,因为他们没有从事遇险通信B,他们将影响遇险通信的传输C,这些车站的权力非常薄弱D,他们不负责搜索和救援71、With the help of GMDSS _ can be alerted to a distress incident as soon as possible . A、 all ships in a large sea area B、only the sea authorities ashore C、 the SAR units ashore and at sea D、 the port radios and the coast stations 参考答案:C随着全球海上遇险和安全系统_的帮助下,可以提醒遇险事件尽快。A,所有船舶在一个大的海域B,只是大海当局上岸C,岸上和海上搜救单位D,港口电台和海岸电台72、_ allows SAR party to locate the ship in distress by starting 9ghz shipborne radar. A、DSC B、EPIRB C、SART D、EGC 参考答案:C_,使SAR找到遇险船舶,开始9GHz的舰载雷达73、_ is a space system using one or more artificial earth satellites . A、satellite network


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