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英语报刊阅读复习英语报刊选读期末考试复习范围考试性质: 统考 考试日期: 18周 考试时间: 120分钟考试形式: 闭 卷,纸质考试(非机考)出题范围: 第I题从课本第1-8页出题,第V题出自教材之外,其余题目从第1、4、7、9、18、19、22、24、29课中出题)注意事项:所有答案必须写在答题纸上。I. 是非判断题(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从课本第1-8页出题。Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If a statement is true according to the textbook, write T for its answer. If a statement is false according to the textbook, write F for its answer. (10 points, 1 point for each) e.g. (F) 1. The New York Times was founded in 1877. (T) 2. The Washington Post is a necessary newspaper for the Congressmen and government officials to read when they have their breakfast. 报刊常识:1,the new york times :1851,美国第一大报,sulzberger家族,最多普利策奖,all the news that is fit to print ,越战,五角大楼the pentagon pent()n五角形papers,东部势力集团,反映美国的外交动向,执美国舆论牛耳,01年发网络版03年假新闻,日报排行32,the Washington post :1877,国会议员和政府官员早餐桌上少不了的一份报纸,水门事件,副总统spiro agnew 贿赂案,graham家族,排5 ,发周末版3,Los angeles times: 1881,西部老大,4,Use today:5,The wall street journal:6.International herald tribune;7.The Christian science monitor:8.time 9.newsweek10.u.s.news & world report11.readers digest12.fortune13.Business week14.Far eastern economic review英国报刊1. the times:1785,读者为统治阶级,高级知识分子和工商金融界人士。2. financial times3. the guardian4. the daily telegraph5. the independent6. the economist7. the spectator8. new statesman II. 写出缩略词的英文全称及中文(10小题,每小题2分,共20分)除了指定课文出现的缩略词外,还需掌握教材内其他课文出现的以下词:UK:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国WHO:The World Health Organization 世界卫生组织IMF: International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织MBA: Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织CIA: Central Intelligence Agency 美国中央情报局FIFA: Federation Internationale de Football Association 国际足球联合会UK: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国WHO: The World Health Organization 世界卫生组织IMF: International Monetarymnt()r adj. 货币的;财政的Fund 国际货币基金组织MIT:Massachusetts ,mstu:sits . 马萨诸塞州(美国)UNESCO: ju:nesku abbr. 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization)SAT: the scholastic assessment test 学业能力评估测试GOP:grand old party 美国共和党,老大党 III.将英文词组译成汉语(10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 选自指定课文后面注释中有中文翻译的词组 Open Door policy:门户开放政策Smaller establishment:较小的旅馆或旅游设施Conventional wisdom:通常的看法或见解,普遍看法Lvy Leaguers:the lvy league 常春藤联合会Andrew w. mellon foundation 梅隆基金会The college entrance examination board 大学入学考试委员会The inner city 贫民区Food chain 食物链The winner take all society 胜者通吃的社会President-elect当选但未上任的总统Fall short of 未达到目标The house of representatives 美国国会的众议院The rust belt 铁锈地带Hang in there 挺下去Private sector 私营部门Zero-sum-game 零和游戏On the ground 在现场Magnetic-levitation-train -maglev 磁浮列车Mass-transit systems大众运输系统Clean-energy capacity 清洁能源的生存量The state“s democratic caucuses州民主党基层骨干会议 IV. 将英文句子译成汉语(5小题,每小题4分,共20分) 选自所学课文后面注释中有中文翻译的句子Is it worth paying some ¥ 125,000 to give their child an education at an lite private college?花125,000美元让孩子在名牌私立大学读书划得来吗?Of course ,that”s not the impression you get from the $500_million a year college-admissions industry ,with its magazine rankings, test prep courses ,and guide books.虽然对于学生家长来说,决定送孩子去哪里上大学不是一件容易的事,可从每年有5亿美元进账的大学录取业来看,这事似乎并不难,因为它每年都在杂志上登出大学排名,开设考前辅导班,还有各校指导报考的书籍,好像一切有章可寻。Certainly many neurotic boomer parents and their stressed-out ,resume-building teenagers assume that it is always better to choose Harvard over big state U.对于那些在生育高峰期出生的已经为人父母的人和他们的焦虑不安,整日忙于增加阅历以使简历内容更加丰富的十几岁的孩子来说,选择哈佛大学当然比选重点州立大学更好The economic literature on the payoff of graduating form an elite college ,however ,as opposed any college ,is far less conclusive.相对于一般的大学而言,以名牌私立大学的毕业生所获得的报偿为依据的调查报告,却并没有令人信服。Most of the research concluded that for each 100-point increase in the average SAT score ,a graduate could expect a increase in lifetime earnings.大多数的调查杰伦是,SAT的平均成绩每高出100分,大学生的一生的收入便会增加3% -7%。In fact ,if you want to be governor of Oklahoma when you grow up .you are probably better off graduating a sooner 。如果你长大后想成为俄克拉荷马州州长,那么在俄克拉荷马州大学毕业,成为一名捷足者 ,可能会使你成功的机会更大V. 阅读理解(3篇文章,15小题,每小题2分,共30分)出自教材之外


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