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Chapter 1 (大连题库60篇)Passage 01Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners班轮. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea远洋 liners or short-sea liners近海. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries渡船 are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships游轮 for part of the year. 商船设计得能运载货物。有些是用来携带的乘客。他们可以胜任衬板。这些都是常规路线上,用于固定的时间表。把他们的抵港及离港日期提前公布,他们是否完整或不是。帆衬垫可归类为深海衬垫short-sea要么或衬板。前者主要集装箱货物进行横跨海洋世界;后者把货物集装箱或传统在相对较短的路线。渡船也列为衬板。这些提供每日或每周的服务在乘客和车辆通道和狭窄的大海。一些船还雇为乘客衬板。他们不但货物运送旅客在路线,但是也有一些来自欧洲,北美和远东地区。现在乘客贸易非常小,乘客通常使用的衬垫游轮的部分001.The deep-sea liners _.远洋班轮。 A. carry mainly containerized cargo主要集装箱货物进行 B. carry mainly conventional cargo携带货物主要传统 C. offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles提供每日或每周为乘客服务和车辆 D. sail across channels and narrow seas. 横渡渠道和狭窄的大海。002.The Liners _.全国的衬垫。 A. always sail full 总是满帆 B. sail regularly even not full 定期航行甚至没有吃饱 C. always sail in ballast 总是航行镇流器D. will not sail if not full 就不航行如果不吃饱了吗003.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners _.一连串的抵港及离港日期全国的衬垫。 A. will be published weekly将发表每周 B. will be published when they sail,whether full or not,from Europe to North America and to the Far East当他们航行将会公布,是否充分与否,从欧洲到北美和远东的吗 C. will not be published even they sail fully loaded他们甚至不会发表满帆吗 D. is published prior to their departure发表之前离开吗004.It is implied in the passage that _.这是隐含的,全国通道。 A. the number of passenger ships is small客船的数量很小 B. all passenger ships will carry some cargo in near future所有的旅客船会带一些货物在不久的将来 C. it is not necessary for liners to sail in regular time没有必要在规定的时间内衬垫航行 D. container carriers should carry some passengers要带一些乘客货柜航商Passage 02Nowadays,most merchant ships are built to carry cargoes. And they mainly operate as tramps不定期货船. These vessels do not sail on regular routes or keep to a fixed timetable,but are employed where there is cargo for them to carry. Tramps can be classed as deep-sea tramps or short-sea tramps. A number are classed as coasters沿海商船. These ply on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports. The traditional tramp cargoes are dry bulk cargoes,but some are designed to carry general cargoes.A large number of merchant ships operate as specialized vessels. These are designed to carry a particular type of cargo. There are several types of specialized vessel. The most common are oil tankers. They are owned by the major oil companies or by independent operators. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are chemical carriers and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers. 如今,大多数商船是用来携带货物。他们主要经营和无家可归的人。这些船舶航行路线不定期或保持一个固定的时间表,但应用在他们有货物运输。流浪汉可以被归类为深海流浪汉或short-sea无家可归的人。很多都被视为飞车。这些厚度和沿海路线河流内陆港口。传统的流浪汉货物交运干,但是也有一些是用来携带一般货物。大量的商船操作专用容器。这些都是用来携带一种特殊类型的货物。有几种类型的专业的器皿。最常见的油轮。他们属于主要石油公司或独立操作。其他两种液体散货船的日益重要的化学载体和液化天然气(LNG)载体。005.The deep-sea tramps _.远洋不定期货船。 A. carry bulk and general cargo across the high seas携带大件和普通货物在公海 B. are built to carry passengers是用来运送旅客吗 C. are mainly coasters主要飞车 D. are specialized vessel专业船舶006.The coasters _.云霄飞车的 A. always sail across the high seas总是横渡公海 B. commonly carry oil cargo通常将石油输送货物 C. are mainly tankers主要油轮 D. sail on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports航行在沿海路线和溯流至内陆港口007.The importance of LNG carriers _.全国LNG载体的重要性 A. is growing增长 B. is not mentioned in passage没有提到在一段吗 C. is decreasing下降 D. will be discussed further if necessary如果有必要将进一步讨论如何008.It is implied in the passage that _.这篇文章,是隐含的 A. the number of specialized vessels is not small专业容器的数量不会小 B. all oil tankers will carry some chemicals in near future所有的油轮将携带一些化学物质在不久的将来 C. the tramps and specialized vessels are the basic type of merchant ships. 这个流浪汉和专业的船舶的基本类型的商船。 D. container carriers should not be classed as tramps货柜航商不应该被归类为无家可归的人A D A APassage 03Cargo ships can be divided into two basic types. One type carries dry cargo,the other carries liquid cargo; however,an OBO ship is designed to carry both. A traditional dry cargo ship is the multi-deck vessel. Her holds are divided horizontally by one or two tween decks,because these make stowage of individual packages easier. Dry bulk cargo is carried in bulk carriers. These do not have tween decks as cargo is carried loose. The most modern type of dry cargo carrier is the container ship. They carry containers of standard dimensions,consequently stowage is easier. Fruit,meat and dairy produce are carried in refrigerated冷冻 ships. Oil tankers are the most common type of liquid cargo carrier. They are often very large,because huge quantities of oil need to be transported and one large vessel is more economical经济的 to operate than two smaller ones. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are the liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier and the chemical carrier,although chemical can also be carried in drums in general cargo ships.货船可分为两种基本类型。一种干燥的货物,在进行其他携带液态货物,然而,一个鄂博船设计成既可携带。一个传统的干货船是multi-deck容器。她拥有分为水平之间通过一个或两个的甲板,因为它们使装载包更容易。个人干散货运输散装的载体。这些都不具有“甲板货之间进行松了。最现代的类型的干燥货物承运人集装箱船。他们把标准尺寸的容器,因而储物更容易。水果、肉和乳制品中进行冷冻的船只。油轮是最常见的液化货物载体。他们常常很大, 因为大量的石油需要运输和一个大的容器是更经济,在操作上比两个较小的公司。其他两种液体散货船的日益重要的液化天然气(LNG)载体和化学载体,虽然化学也可以放在鼓一般货船。009.There are _ types of liquid bulk carrier. 有全国_ 类型的散装液态载体。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5010.A multi-deck vessel has _ tween decks. 一个multi-deck船舶甲板之间全国。多层甲板 A. has many 有许多 B. no C. only one 只有一个;唯一 D. has up to two有两011.Fruit,meat and dairy produce are carried in_.水果、肉和乳制品in_进行 A. containers carriers 集装箱运营商 B. traditional ships传统的船只 C. OBO ships 石油散货矿砂(oil/bulk/ore) D. refrigerated ships冷藏船012.The types of dry cargo carriers mentioned in the passage are _.不同类型的干燥的货车中所提到的全国通道。 A. tween deckers,OBO ships deckers之间 ,石油散货矿砂(oil/bulk/ore) B. traditional dry cargo ship and multi-deck vessel传统的干货船、multi-deck容器 C. OBO ships,oil tankers,chemical tankers and LNG carriers油轮、化学品和液化天然气油轮航母 D. dry cargo ship,dry bulk cargo carrier,container carriers and refrigerated ships干货船、干散货载体,载体与冷藏集装箱船只B D D DPassage 04The axial thrust of the propeller is the force working in a fore and aft direction. This force causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern. Because of her shape,a ship will move ahead through the water more easily than going astern.The transverse thrust is the sideways force of the propeller as it rotates. The transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water is not strong enough to counteract the opposite effect of the lower blades. For right-handed propellers this cants the ships stern to starboard and her bow to port,when the ship is going ahead. The effect is small and can be corrected by the rudder. When the engines are put astern,the effect is the opposite and the stern cants to port. This effect is stronger and cannot easily be corrected. Vessels with left-handed propellers behave in the opposite way.螺旋桨轴向推力的是动力,工作在一个从船头到船尾方向。这种力量使船向前通过水或去倒车。因为她的外形,保留了前进的船将在水中会容易的多。横向推力倒车的螺旋桨的横向力当其旋转时。横向效应对螺旋桨桨叶顶部表面附近形成的水不够坚固去抵消了相反的作用较低的叶片。为右撇子螺旋桨这摘要黑话船的右舷,她严厉向港口,当船前进。这个影响小,可以更正舵。当引擎是把倒车,效果相反和严厉的摘要黑话港口。这个影响是越来越不容易被修正。船舶用左手螺旋桨表现在相反的方向。013.The force that causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern is known as_.使船的力量向前通过水或去as_倒车是众所周知的。 A. axial thrust B. transverse thrust 地质 横推冲断层;横移断层;侧推力 横推冲断层 侧推力 横移断层 C. the transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water横向效应对螺旋桨桨叶顶部表面附近形成的水 D. the transverse effect of the lower blades of the propeller near the bottom of the water低的横向效应对螺旋桨叶片靠近底部的水014.A left-handed propellers,when the ship is going ahead,will cant ships stern to_.一个惯用左手的螺旋桨,当船前进,将斜面严厉的to_船。 A. starboard B. port C. to move ahead推进 D. move astern移动倒车015.The transverse thrust of the propeller is stronger when the ship is_.螺旋桨横向推力的那艘船什么时候is_强。 A. going a stern B. going ahead前进 C. stopped D. making no way through the water在没有任何水016.The transverse thrust of the propeller can mainly be overcome by _.螺旋桨横向推力的主要是克服 A. the rudder 舵 B. the propeller itself螺旋桨本身 C. the nautical instrument 航海仪器 D. wind and tideA B A APassage 05The Chief Officer,or First Mate as he is often called,is the Masters chief officer and head of the Deck Department. He is assisted by a Second Officer (Mate),a Third Officer(Mate),and sometimes a Fourth Officer(Mate). Several companies employ a First Officer as well as a Chief Officer. The Deck Department also includes a Boatswain (Bosun) and a Carpenter,both petty officers,and a number of ratings. These made up of Able Seamen (AB),Ordinary Seamen (OS) and a middle grade known as Efficient Deck Hands (EDH). There are other grades of seamen. On some ships Navigating Cadets are carried for training purposes.The Chief Engineer is head of the Engine Department. He is assisted by a Second,Third,Fourth and sometimes Fifth Engineer. An Electrical Officer may also be carried. The engine room petty officers are the Storekeeper and Donkeyman. On tankers there is also a Pumpman. He is also a petty officer. The engine room ratings are Firemen and Greasers. There may also be Engineer Cadets.The Catering Department is under the Chief Steward. It is divided into a saloon and galley section. The former is headed by the Second Steward,the latter by the Ships Cook. They are both usually petty officers. They are assisted by several stewards and cooks,and by a number of junior ratings.The Radio Department often consists of only one man: the Radio Officer. On ships where continuous radio watches are kept there may be three radio officers: a Chief,Second and Third.大副,或大副,他经常被称为是主人的大副和头部的甲板上的部门。协助他第二个官员(伙伴),另外一名警员(伙伴),有时第四官员(伙伴)。几个公司雇用一分之一“亦官亦隐”的首席官员。甲板上还包括一个Boatswain部门(Bosun)和一个木匠,两个士官,以及一些收视率。这些由能船员(AB),平凡的船员(OS)和中档称为高效的甲板上的手(选择)。还有其他等级的船员。在有些船只航行进行培训学员的目的。总工程师是头部的引擎部门。协助他第二、第三、第四和第五有时工程师。电军官也可以执行。机房士官是店主和Donkeyman。油轮上也有一个Pumpman。他也是一个小官。机舱消防队员和Greasers评级。还会有工程师学员。餐饮部门正在马术监事长。它分为一个酒馆里,厨房的部分。前者是为首的管家,后者由第二船的厨师。他们都是通常士官。他们是由几个人员协助厨师和一系列的初级收视率。广播部门通常包括只有一个人:收音机军官。在船舶上的连续保持无线电手表可能有三个无线电人员:有一个首领、第二和第三。017._ is not a petty officer. 不是一个小全国军官。 A. Boatswain B. Second Steward二管事 第二服务员 C. Radio Officer. 无线电军官。 D. Storekeeper仓库管理员018.EDH is rank which is higher than_.选择是高than_等级。 A. Second Steward B. AB C. OS D. Chief Engineer019.Storekeeper belong to _.主属于_。 A. Deck Dept B. Engine Dept机舱部门 C. Catering Dept 提供餐饮服务 餐饮 给养 D. Radio Dept020.There are _ departments on bard a big ship according to the passage. A. two B. three C. four D. fivePassage 06While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners service is accurate,the user needs to be aware of the risks to corruption of data. It is important that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that,other applications should not be running on the users machine at the same time. Users should exercise their professional judgement in the use of data,and also consult the Mariners Handbook (NP100) for further details. The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during transmission,or in the process of display or printing on the users equipment,or if converted to other software formats,and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept responsibility for any such change,or any modifications or unauthorised changes,made by licensees,or other parties.当所做的努力都是为了确保提供的数据中,通过通知服务是准确的,水手用户需要意识到风险的数据。腐败这是重要的,用户只能使用合适的设备的数据,不应该被其他应用程序运行在用户机器在同一时间内。用户应该锻炼他们的专业判断的使用数据,可以参考水手手册(NP100)为进一步的细节。用户需要意识到,这是一种可能性,即数据可以在传输过程中,或者在腐化过程显示或打印的用户的设备,或如果转化为其它软件格式,因此是告知UKHO不能接受责任,这种改变,或任何修改或非法的变化,由被许可人,或其他政党的支持。021.The data may become corrupted in any of the following process except _.数据可以在任何的腐化以下程序除外 A. during transmission在传输过程中 B. in the display or printing on the users equipment在显示或打印在用户的设备 C. in converting to other software formats在转换到其他软件格式 D. in air mail delivery to the readers在航空邮件交付给读者022.The use of the data is advised to consult _ for further details. 使用的数据是_。请先咨询为进一步的细节 A. Mariners Handbook 水手手册 B. Sailing Directions C. Guide to Port Entry 进港指南 D. Notices to Mariners023.Of the following items _ is not mentioned for which UKHO will accept no responsibility.下列事项(国)的没有提到,UKHO将不承担任何责任。 UKHO 英国海道测量局 英国航道测量事务所 The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office A. change in the process of display or printing改变显示或打印的过程 B. unauthorised changes made by licensees or other parties由许可或者擅自改变或其他政党的支持 C. modifications made by licensees or other parties被许可人或修改由其他政党的支持 D. professional amendments专业修改024.It is implied that _.它暗示_。 A. the data are incorrect这些数据是不正确的 B. the data are to be corrected intensively这些数据是应该修正强烈 C. although the data are accurate enough,you are still advised to use it with caution尽管这些数据是准确的足够的,你还是建议使用它十分小心 D. not to use it if you have not enough time or proper equipment to effect necessary correction 不要使用,如果你没有足够的时间和相应的设备来影响必要的修正Passage 07The container ship is different from the conventional type and is an innovation noted for easier handling and quicker turnover of cargoes. Cargoes to be carried by this type of ship are pre-packed into containers before being loaded aboard the ship.Containers are sealed after being packed with cargoes. Made of metal or other durable materials,they are watertight after sealing and can therefore be stowed on deck whilst being carried. One of the features of container ships is that some of the containers are usually stowed on deck.The container ship is becoming increasingly popular in trading circles,and the trend is that the tonnage thereof will grow at a faster pace in future.不同的集装箱船从传统的类型和是一个创新的注意容易处理和更快的货物周转。装有货物的这种类型的船到容器pre-packed被装在船上。容器密封经过挤满了货物。由金属或其他耐用材料后,他们是无懈可击的密封和就可以同时装甲板上被执行。的一大特色就是有一些集装箱船的容器通常装在甲板上集装箱船是。越来越受欢迎,而且这种趋势交易圈是吨位、更快的步伐增长将在未来。不同的集装箱船从传统的类型和是一个创新的注意容易处理和更快的货物周转。装有货物的这种类型的船到容器pre-packed被装在船上。容器密封经过挤满了货物。由金属或其他耐用材料后,他们是无懈可击的密封和就可以同时装甲板上被执行。的一大特色就是有一些集装箱船的容器通常装在甲板上。集装箱船是越来越受欢迎,而且这种趋势交易圈是吨位、更快的步伐增长将在未来。025.What does innovation in the first paragraph mean? _.“创新”是什么本条第一款规定的意思吗 A. making changes修改零件 B. the introduction of an antigenic substance into the body against a specific disease介绍一个抗原物质身体对一个特定的疾病 C. The act of introducing something new. 介绍新事物的行为 D. revolution革命 旋转 回转 026.Containers are sealed after being packed with cargoes. 容器密封经过挤满了货物。 A. filled加填的 填满的 加满的 B. loaded装载(load的变形) C. stuffed已经喂饱了的;塞满了的 D. closed officially or under the supervision of notary public不管是官方的还是关闭的公证机构的监督下进行027.Of the following,_ is not the feature of the container ship? 以下_的不是特点的集装箱船吗? A. Some of the containers are usually stowed on deck. 一些容器通常装在甲板上 B. It is easy for handling and quick turnover of the cargo很容易处理和薄利多销的货物 C. The container ship is becoming increasingly safer集装箱船是越来越多的安全 D. Cargoes are pre-packed into the container货物在集装箱内。是pre-packed028.The tonnage of container ship is _.集装箱船的吨位的 A. decreasing B. increasing C. remaining the same 保持不变 D. changingn. 改变;转换;替换Passage 08Nautical charts are indispensable to mariners. They,however,are subject to frequent changes,such as those of navigational aids,of waterways due to the dredging and construction,of depths of water,and of removal or appearance of wrecks. In order to keep up-to-date and reliable,nautical charts have to undergo correction. Changes of importance are generally promulgated by weekly edition of Notices to Mariners,which enable mariners to correct the charts by hand. If major changes make it impracticable to do so,the Notices will provide a reproduction of a small area,which is also called block,to be pasted onto the chart in its correct position.航海图表是不可或缺的水手。他们,然而,受频繁变化,诸如导航仪器,由于疏浚河道和建筑,深水,去除或外观的残骸。为了保持最新的、可靠的、航海图表都要经历更正。重要的变化通常是由周版通告发布的水手,使水手的表正确的手。如果发生了重大的变化使它行不通的,通知将会提供一个复制一个小的区域内,也就是块,在其上粘贴图正确位置。029.Nautical charts need correction because _.航海图表需要修正,因为_ A. navigational aids are sometimes indispensable. 有时是不可缺少的导航援助 B. there are always some mistakes总是有一些错误 C. wrecks may appear or be removed残骸可能出现或被删除 D. they could never be reprinted他们不可能被转载030.Correction to charts are made by crew members in accordance with _.修正来图是由船员依_ A. Notices to Mariners B. Sailing Directions C. Guide to Port Entry D. Supplement补充 增刊 附录 031.In the passage,Blocks are _.在课文,模块是_ A. large scale charts大型图表 B. representations of charts陈述的图表 C. reproductions of portions of charts复制部分的图表 D. small scale charts小规模的图表032.The purpose of correction to charts is to _.图表的目的是修正 A. keep them up-to-date保持最新 B. make the charts brand-new全新的图表 C. keep the charts available to all mariners in the world保持图提供给所有水手,在世界上 D. keep the charts free from mistakes让自由从图表的错误Passage 09Corrections to Sailing Directions are given in Section . Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners. A list of corrections in force is published in Section of the Weekly Edition for the last week of each month.It is recommended that corrections be kept in a file with the latest list of corrections in force on top. The list should be consulted when using the parent book to see if any corrections affecting the area under consideration are in force.It is not recommended that corrections be stuck in the parent book or current supplement,but,if this is done,when a new supplement is received care must be taken to retain those corrections issued after the date of the new supplement,which may be several months before its receipt on board.修正航路指南。那些在部队年底时是在年度总结转载注重水手。在一系列修正力发表在每周一次的节版每月的最后一个星期。这是推荐使用认是保存在一个文件的最新列表在力量上修正。列表中使用时应咨询家长书,看看是否有任何一个正在考虑影响区域修正生效的。这是不推荐认被困在父母的书或电流补充,但是,如果这样的话,当开始一个新的补充就收到了必须注意保留那些修正的日期之后发布的新补充,可能在几个月以前收到装船。033._ are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners. 是 重印年度航海通告。 A. The Sailing Directions B. The corrections to Sailing Directions C. The effective corrections to Notices to Mariners有效的修正航海通告 D. The Weekly Edition周版034.The parent book is _.家长书是_ A. The Sailing Direction B. The corrections to Sailing Directions in force C. the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners年度总结;年度摘要关于航海通告 D. the Weekly Edition035.It is recommended that corrections to the Sailing Directions be _. A. made by hand手工制作 B. consulted at the last week of each month在商议的最后一周,每个月 C. stuck in the parent book or current supplement卡在了父母的书或电流的补充


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