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专业英语复习材料2011.1.19 2A401 上午9:0010:45简答:2 . Politics and Administration Frank J .Goodnow There are, then, in all governmental systems two primary or ultimate functions of government, viz . the expression of the will of the state and the execution of that will . There are also in all states separate organs, each of which is mainly busied with the discharge of one of these functions . These functions are, respectively, Politics and Adminis- tration.(p34) 因此,在所有的政府体制中都存在着两种主要的或基本的政府职能,即国家意志的表达职能和国家意志的执行职能。在所有的国家中都存在着分立的机关,每个分立的机关都用它们的大部分时间行使着两种职能中的一种。这两种职能分别就是:政治与行政。 Actual political necessity however requires that there shall be harmony between the expression and execution of the state will .(p35) 然而,实际政治的需要却要求国家意志的表达与执行之间协调一致。3. Scientific Management Frederick W .Taylor(1) To develop a science to replace the old rule-of-thumb knowledge.(2) The scientific selection of the workmen and his development.(3) The bringing of the science and the scientifically selected and trained workmen together.(4) An almost equal division of the actual work of the establishment between the workmen and the management.5 . Notes on the Theory of Organization Luther GulickThere are three clear limitations beyond which the division of work cannot to advantage go . The first is practical and arises from the volume of work involved in man-hours .The second limitation arises from technology and custom at a given time and place . The third limitation is that the subdivision of work must not pass beyond physical division into organic division . (p58)分工有三个明显的限制,超过这些限制分工就不能有利地进行。首先是实际工作中限制,是由与人员和工作时间有关的工作量产生的。第二种限制是由某一时刻和某一地点的技术和习惯造成的。第三种限制在于,越来越细的分工不能超出身体分工的范围变成器管的分工。Before doing this, however, it is necessary to have a clear picture of the job itself . This brings us directly to the question,“What is the work of the chief executive ? What does he do ?”.The answer is POSDCORB . POSDCORB is, of course, a made-up word designed to call attention to the various functional elements of the work of a chief executive because “administration” and “management ” have lost all specific content . POSDCORB is made up of the initials and stands for the following activities: Planning, that is working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise; Organizing, that is the establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined and co-ordinated for the defined objective; Staffing, that is the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favorable conditions of work; Directing, that is the continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise; Co-ordinating, that is the all important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work; Reporting, that is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to what is going on, which thus includes keeping himself and his subordinates informed through records, research and inspection; Budgeting, with all that goes with budgeting in the form of fiscal planning, accounting and control . (p70)但是,在这样做之前,我们有必要弄清这种工作本身的情况。这就向我们直接提出了一个问题:“什么是最高管理者的工作?他做些什么?”答案是POSDCORB。当然POSDCORB是一种组合词,目的在于唤起人们对最高管理者的各种职能性的工作因素的注意,因为“行政”和“管理”已经失去了所有具体的内容。POSDCORB是由下列活动的首字母组成的并象征着这些活动:计划(Planning):为了实现企业事业单位所设定的目标,制定出需要完成的事情的纲要及完成这些事情的方法。组织(Organizing):为了实现明确规定的目标建立起正式的权力机构,通过这种结构安排,规定和协调各种逐级分工的工作。人事(Staffing):雇佣和训练工作人员以及保持有利的工作条件等整个人事工作方面职能。指挥(Directing):指下列连续性的工作,作出决策并以各种特殊的和一般的命令和指示使之具体化,发挥企事业单位领导者的作用。协调(Coordlinating):使工作的各个部分相互联系起来的所有重要职责。报告(Reporting):使最高管理者应对之负责的那些人不断了解所正在进行的工作,也包括通过记录、调查和检查使最高管理者及其下属不断了解有关情况。预算(Budgeting):包括所有以财务计划、会计和控制形式出现的预算。6. Bureaucratic Structure and Personality Robert K .MertonThe transition to a study of the negative aspects of bureaucracy is afforded by the application of Veblens concept of“trained incapacity ,”Deweys notion of “occupational psychosis ”or Warnottes view of“ professional deformation .”Trained incapacity refers to that state of affairs in which one.s abilities function as inadequacies or blind spots . Actions based upon training and skills which have been successfully applied in the past may result in inappropriate responses under changed conditions .(p81)运用维布伦(Veblen)的“训练造成的无能”、杜威 (Dewey) 的“职业精神病”或沃诺特(Warnotte) 的“专业畸形”的概念,可以帮助我们转过头来研究官僚制的否定方面。训练造成的无能指的是这样一种状态:一个人的能力不适当地起作用或在其活动方面存在着盲点。7. A Theory of Human Motivation The basic needs of human are physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs in order. And human needs arrange themselves in hierarchies of prepotency . That is to say, the appearance of one need usually rests on the prior satisfaction of another, more prepotent need .(p95)人的基本需要依次为生理需要、安全需要、爱的需要、尊敬需要和自我实现的需要。人的需要本身按照强烈程度梯状排列。即是说,一种需要的出现通常取决于优先满足另一个更为强烈的需要。9. Parkinsons Law or the Rising Pyramid C. Northcote ParkinsonThe fact is that the number of the officials and the quantity of the work are not related to each other at all . The rise in the total of those employed is governed by Parkinson.s Law and would be much the same whether the volume of the work were to increase, diminish, or even disappear .(p138)实际上,官员数目和工作数量相互之间完全没有关系。受雇人员总数增加是受帕金森定律的重要性在于,它是一种关于发展的定律,它以对支配发展的各种要素进行分析为基础。They can be represented for the present purpose by two almost axiomatic statements, thus: ( 1 )“An official wants to multiply subordinates, not rivals”and (2 )“Officials make work for each other .”(p139)为便于论述的目的期间,我们可以用两句几乎是公理的话对它们进行说明:(1)“一名官员想要增加的是下属而不是对手“;(2)”官员们相互之间制造工作“。16. The Peter Principle Laurence J . Peter & Raymond HullSo my analysis of hundreds of cases of occupational incompetence led me on to formulate The Peter Principle:“ in a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence .”(p261)这样,我对上百个职业不胜任的案例进行的分析使我能够对彼得原理做出规定:“在等级制度中,每一名雇员都趋向于晋升到他所不能胜任的等级上。”The term“ hierarcy ”was originally used to describe the system of church government by priests graded into ranks . The contemporary meaning includes any organization whose members or employees are arranged in order of rank, grade or class . (p261)“等级制度”一词最初用于描述将教士划分成不同等级的教会管理制度。其现在的含义包括其成员按照地位、级别或等级排列的任何组织。Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence .(p262)许多工作是由那些至今还没有达到其不胜任的等级的雇员来完成的。论述:3The drawbacks of scientific management principles(1)One-sided hypothesis on the nature of human being(2)Too many bosses lead to bad management(3)The monotony of work4.Bureauucracy(p45) Max Weber. There is the principle of fixed and official jurisdictional areas, which are generally ordered by rules, that is, by laws or administrative regulations . Italics added . The principles of office hierarchy and of levels of graded authority mean a firmly ordered system of super-and subordination in which there is a supervision of the lower offices by the higher ones . The management of the modern office is based upon written documents (“. the files”) , which are preserved in their original or draught form . Office management, at least all specialized office managementand such management is distinctly modernusually presupposes thorough and expert training . When the office is fully developed, official activity demands the full working capacity of the official, irrespective of the fact that his obligatory time in the bureau may be firmly delimited . The management of the office follows general rules, which are more or less stable, more or less exhaustive, and which can be learned . 在其固定的和官方的权限范围方面具有理论原则,这种理论原则一般是以法规形式来加以规定的,也就是说是由法律或行政法规来规定的。.机关等级制与各种按等级赋予权力的原则,意味着一种牢固而有秩序的上下级制度,在这种制度中存在着一种上级机关对下级机关的监督关系。.现代机关的管理工作是以书面文件(档案)为基础的。.办公室管理,至少全部专门化了的办公室管理而这种管理工作显然都是现代的通常都假定是经过了彻底而且熟练的培训的。.当公共机关得到了充分发展的时候,公务活动要求官员有充分的工作能力,而对于他必须有严格规定的在办公室工作的时间这一事实是不予考虑的。VI办公室管理要遵循一般规律,这些规律的稳定性是时多时少,时深时浅,并且这些规律是可以学会的。7.(p109) 7选3. Further Characteristics of the Basic Needs The Degree of Fixity of the Hierarchy of Basic Needs . We have spoken so far as if this hierarchy were a fixed order but actually it is not nearly as rigid as we may have implied . It is true that most of the people with whom we have worked have seemed to have these basic needs in about the order that has been indicated . However, there have been a number of exceptions . 1. There are some people in whom, for instance, self-esteem seems to be more important than love . This most common reversal in the hierarchy is usually due to the development of the notion that the person who is most likely to be loved is a strong or powerful person, one who inspires respect or fear, and who is self confident or aggressive . Therefore such people who lack love and seek it, may try hard to put on a front of aggressive, conf ident behavior . But essentially they seek high self-esteem and its behavior expressions more as a means-to-an-end than for its own sake; they seek sel f-assertion for the sake of love rather than for selfesteem itself . 2. There are other, apparently innately creative people in whom the drive to creativeness seems to be more important than any other counter-determinant . Their creativeness might appear not as selfactualization released by basic satisfaction, but in spite of lack of basic satisfaction . 3. In certain people the level of aspiration may be permanently deadened or lowered . That is to say, the less prepotent goals may simply be lost, and may disappear forever, so that the person who has experienced life at a very low level , i .e ., chronic unemployment, may continue to be satisfied for the rest of his life if only he can get enough food . 4. The so-called“psychopathic personality”is another example of permanent loss of the love needs . These are people who , according to the best data available, 2 2 have been starved for love in the earliest months of their lives and have simply lost forever the desire and the ability to give and to receive affection (as animals lose sucking or pecking reflexes that are not exercised soon enough after birth) . 5. Another cause of reversal of the hierarchy is that when a need has been satisfied for a long time, this need may be underevaluated . People who have never experienced chronic hunger are apt to underestimate its effects and to look upon food as a rather unimportant thing . If they are dominated by a higher need, this higher need will seem to be the most important of all . It then becomes possible, and indeed does actually happen, that they may, for the sake of this higher need, put themselves into the position of being deprived in a more basic need .We may expect that after a long-time deprivation of the more basic need there will be a tendency to reevaluate both needs so that the more prepotent need will actually become consciously prepotent for the individual who may have given it up very lightly . Thus, a man who has given up his job rather than lose his self-respect, and who then starves for six months or so, may be willing to take his job back even at the price of losing his self-respect . 6. Another partial explanation of apparent reversals is seen in the fact that we have been talking about the hierarchy of prepotency in terms of consciously felt wants or desires rather than of behavior . Looking at behavior itself may give us the wrong impression . What we have claimed is that the person will want the more basic of two needs when deprived in both . There is no necessary implication here that he will act upon his desires . Let us say again that there are many determinants of behavior other than the needs and desires . 7. Perhaps more important than all these exceptions are the ones that involve ideals, high social standards, high values and the like . With such values people become martyrs; they will give up everything for the sake of a particular ideal , or value . These people may be understood, at least in part, by reference to one basic concept ( or hypothesis) which may be called“ increased frustration-tolerance through early gratification .”People who have been satisfied in their basic needs throughout their lives, particularly in their earlier years, seem to develop exceptional power to withstand present or future thwarting of these needs simply because they have strong, healthy character structure as a result of basic satisfaction . They are the“strong”people who can easily weather disagreement or opposition, who can swim against the stream of public opinion and who can stand up for the truth at great personal cost . It is just the ones who have loved and been well loved, and who have had many deep friendships who can hold out against hatred, rejection or persecution . I say all this in spite of the fact that there is a certain amount of sheer habituation which is also involved in any full discussion of frustration tolerance . For instance, it is likely that those persons who have been accustomed to relative starvation for a long time, are partially enabled thereby to withstand food deprivation . What sort of balance must be made between these two tendencies, of habituation on the one hand, and of past satisfaction breeding present frustration tolerance on the other hand, remains to be worked out by further research . Meanwhile we may assume that they are both operative, side by side, since they do not contradict each other . In respect to this phenomenon of increased frustration tolerance, it seems probable that the most important grati fications come in the f irst two years of life . That is to say, people who have been made secure and strong in the earliest years, tend to remain secure and strong thereafter in the face of whatever threatens . 基本需要的更深层的特点基本需要层次的固定程度。到目前为止,我们把这个层次系统说成仿佛是一个等级固定的系统,然而实际上它并不完全像我们表达的那样刻板。的确,我们研究的大多数人的这些基本需要,似乎都是按照自己已经说明的等级排列的。但是也有一些例外。1、例如,在有些人身上,自尊似乎就比爱更重要。层次序列中的这种最普通的等级颠倒,通常起因于这样一种概念的发展。最有可能获得爱的人是一个坚强的或强有力的人,他们令人尊敬或者敬畏,充满自信或者敢做敢为。因此,缺乏爱并且寻求爱的人可能竭力表现得具有进攻性和自信心。然而实质上,他们寻求高度的自尊以及自尊在行为上的表现方式,与其说是为了自尊本身,不如说是将它作为达到一种目的的手段。他们的自我表现是为了爱,而不是自尊本身。2.另有一些显然是天生具有创造性的人,他们的创造驱力似乎比其它任何一种反向的决定因素都重要。他们的创造性的出现不是作为由于基本需要的满足释放出的自我实现,尽管缺乏基本满足,他们仍要创造。3.有一些人的志向水平可能永远处于压低或者压抑状态,也就是说,不占优势的目标可能失去,并且可能永远消失。结果,这个在一种很低的生活水平上度日(如长期失业)的人,可能在余生中继续仅仅满足足够的食物。4.所谓心理变态人格是永久丧失爱的需要的另一个例证。根据掌握的做好材料来看,这些人从生命的头几个月开始就缺少爱,因而几乎永远丧失了给予和接受情感的愿望和能力(就像动物出生后并未立即练习而丧失吸允或者啄食的反应能力一样)。5.需要层次发生颠倒的另一个原因是,当一种需要长期得到满足时,其价值就可能被低估。从未体验过长期饥饿的人很容易低估它的效应,将食物看成无足轻重的东西。如果他们为某种高级需要所控制,这个高级需要的重要性似乎压倒一切。他们有可能,实际上也确实会为了这个高级需要而使自己陷入不能满足某种更基本的需要的困境。我们可以预料,在这种更基本的需要长期缺乏之后,会出现重新估价这来年各种需要的倾向。这样,优势需要将会在曾经将它轻易放弃的人的意识中占据优势地位。例如,一个为保其自尊而宁愿失去工作的人,在经历了六个月左右的饥饿后,可能愿意重新去工作,甚至不惜以牺牲自己的尊严为代价。6.对于需要层次表面上调到的另一个不完整解释是,我们一直是从有意识地感到需要或欲望,而不是从行为的角度来讨论层次优势的。观看行为本身可能给我们带来错误的印象。我们的观点是,当一个人同时缺乏两种需要时,他会想要其中更基本的一个,这并不意味着他一定按照自己的欲望行事。让我们再次强调,除了需要和欲望,还有许多决定行为的因素。7.也许比这些例外都重要的是那些设计理想、高尚的社会准则、高尚的价值观等等的例外。具有这类价值观的人会成为殉道者,他们为准球某个理想或价值可以放弃一切。至少在某种程度上我们可以根据一个基本概念(或者假设)来理解这些人,这个概念可以称为“由于早期的满足而增强的挫折容忍力”。在生活中基本需要一直经受这些需要在目前或将来遭到挫折的含有力量,这完全是由于他们具有作为基本满足的结果的坚固健康的性格结构。他们是“坚强的”人,能够经受非议或反对,能够抗拒公众舆论的潮流,能够为坚持真理而付出个人的巨大代价。正式那些给予了爱并且获得了充分的爱,与多人有着深厚友谊的人能够在仇恨,孤立、迫害中岿然不动。10. The Human Side of Enterprise(p146) Douglas Murray McGregorChoose “X” or “Y”The conventional conception of management.s task in harnessing human energy to organizational requirements can be stated broadly in terms of three propositions . In order to avoid the complications introduced by a label, let us call this set of propositions“Theory X”: 1. Management is responsible for organizing the elements of pro- ductive enterprisemoney, materials, equipment, peoplein the interest of economic ends . 2. With respect to people, this is a process of directing their ef- forts, motivating them, controlling their actions, modifying their behavior to fit the needs of the organization . 3. Without this active intervention by management, people would be passiveeven resistantto organizational needs . They must therefore be persuaded, rewarded, punished, controlledtheir activities must be directed . This is managements task . We often sum it up by saying that management consists of getting things done through other people . Behind this conventional theory there are several additional beliefsless explicit, but widespread: 4. The average man is by nature indolenthe works as little as pos- sible . 5. He lacks ambition, dislikes responsibility, prefers to be led . 6. He is inherently self-centered, indi fferent to organizational needs . 7. He is by nature resistant to change . 8. He is gullible, not very bright, the ready dupe of the charlatan and the demagogue . 管理部门的任务是利用人类的能量实现组织的需要。它的传统观念可以按照三个命题广泛地进行说明。为了避免标签式的名称使问题变得复杂,让我们把下面这组命题称为“X理论”:1为了实现经济目标,管理部门负责组织生产性企业的各种要素资金、物资、设备和人员。2在人员方面,这是一种指挥他们的工作、激励他们、控制他们的行动、纠正他们的行为以适应组织的需要的过程。3没有管理部门的这种积极干预,人们会消极地对待组织的需要甚至是有抵触的。所以,对他们必须进行说服、奖励、处罚和控制必须对他们的活动进行指挥。这就是管理部门的任务。我们经常用下面一句话来概括它:管理部门是通过他人完成任务而构成的。在这个传统理论背后,有几条附加的信念虽然不很明确,但流传甚广:4一般人的天性是懒惰的他想尽可能少干工作。5他缺乏抱负,不喜欢负责任,宁愿被人领导。6他生来是以自我为中心的,对组织的需要漠不关心。7他在本性上抵制变革。8他易于上当受骗,不很聪明,容易受到骗子和煽动家的愚弄。For these and many other reasons, we require a different theory of the task of managing people based on more adequate assumptions about human nature and human motivation . I am going to be so bold as to suggest the broad dimensions of such a theory . Call it “Theory Y, ”if you will .1. Management is responsible for organizing the elements of pro- ductive enterprisemoney, materials, equipment, peoplein the interest of economic ends . 2. People are not by nature passive or resistant to organizational needs . They have become so as a result of experience in organizations.3. The motivation, the potential for development, the capacity for assuming responsibility, the readiness to direct behavior toward organizational goals are all present in people . Management does not put them there . It is a responsibility of management to make it possible for people to recognize and develop these human characteristics for themselves . 4. The essential task of management is to arrange organizational conditions and methods of operation so that people can achieve their own goals best by directing their own efforts toward organizational objectives . 由于这些原因和许多其它原因,我们需要不同的对人进行管理的理论,这种理论是建立在关于人的本性和人的激励的比较适当的假定基础之上的。我想在此冒昧地提出这样一种理论的主要方面。如果你愿意,可以把它叫做“Y理论”。1为了经济上的目的,管理部门应该负责把生产企业的各种因素金钱、物资、设备、人员组织起来。2人们不是生来就是消极的或是对抗组织需要的,他们变成这样是在组织中的经历导致的结果。3激励、发展的潜力、承担责任的能力、使自己的行为服从组织目标的意愿,所有这些都存在于人们当中,管理部门不能对它们置之不理。使人们自己有可能认识和发展这些人的特性,是管理部门的职责。4管理部门的根本任务是安排组织条件和工作方法,使人们的努力集中于组织的目标,并借此更好地实现他们自己的目的。


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