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坞修车间英语学习册一.接拆压载水 压载水 ballast water首尖舱 forepeak tank艉尖舱 afterpeak tank压载水舱 ballast water tank 简写B.W.T.双层底 double bottom 简写D.B.加压载水 filling ballast water停压载水 stop ballast water拆压载水管 disconnect/remove ballast water hose 开阀 open valve 关阀 stop/close valve二接拆冷却水/及时间 冷却水 cooling water冰机 fridge/ refrigerator 空调 air-condition康定生(冷凝器)condenser 海水 seawater 淡水 fresh water进水管 inlet pipe,简化说法:inlet;出水管 outlet pipe,简化说法:outlet接/拆冷却水管 connect/disconnect cooling water hose停冷却水 stop cooling water水管破裂 pipe break/broken时间 分钟minute,几分钟 a few minutes,等一会儿 wait a moment只一会儿 just a moment 一会儿 one second三接拆岸电 供岸电 shore power supply岸电箱 shore power connection box电度表 kilowatt hour meter/ electric meter相序 phase sequence起始读数 start read-out终止读数 end read-out换岸电 change power停岸电 shut off power/ power blackout接/拆岸电 (接)connect shore power, (拆)disconnect shore power岸电箱在哪儿?Where is shore power connection box?四 拆装船底塞/格栅 船底塞 bottom plug拆船底塞 open bottom plug 装船底塞 fit back bottom plug理牙 rethread海底门(阀箱) sea chest 格栅 grating/grid 拆格栅 remove grating 装海底格栅 fit back grating/grid装保险 make secure/locking 保险开口销 locking split pin 不锈钢 stainless steel 不锈钢钢丝 stainless steel wire螺栓/螺母 bolt/nut 不锈钢螺栓/螺母 stainless steel bolt/nut计程仪 speed log 测深仪 echo-sounder坞墩 block龙骨墩 keel block 边墩 side block五常规测量 下沉量 wear down 下沉尺 poker gauge/ wear down gauge 防绳罩 rope guards 拆/装/焊防绳罩 remove /refit/reweld rope guards渔网刀 net cutter工艺板 access plate 拆/装/焊工艺板 remove/ refit/reweld access plate舵间隙 rudder clearance 上/下舵销 (上)up pintle (下)lower pintle (上)top pintle (下)bottom pintle上/下舵销间隙(上)up pintle clearance (下)lower pintle clearance限跳 jump stopper 限跳间隙jump stopper clearance六系解缆 头(首)缆 head line 艉缆 stern line首倒缆 spring fore 艉倒缆 spring after撇缆 heaving line 引缆 messenger line横缆 breast line 拖缆 towing line锚机 windlass 绞缆机 winch 系缆 mooring 解缆 unmooring开绞缆机 operate winch 开锚机 operate windlass刹住缆绳 hold on the line 慢慢绞进 heave in easy挽牢 make fast 放松一点 slack a little准备解缆 prepare to let go 带横缆 send out the breast line准备带缆(前后准备) standy by fore and after 用船上缆绳 use ships lines解艉缆 let go the stern line 收艉缆 haul in the stern line七 。拆装尾轴、中间轴、车叶、油封艉轴 tail shaft 中间轴 intermediate shaft艉轴承 stern tube bearing 中间轴承intermediate shaft bearing白和金(巴氏合金)white metal(babbit metal)艉轴管 stern tube 拆检中间轴承 overhaul intermediate bearing法兰螺栓/螺母(考比林螺栓/螺母)coupling bolt/nut 飞轮 flywheel开口销 split pin 拂配螺栓(铰制孔螺栓)reamer bolt放油 drain the oil 放油塞 drain plug 前油封 forward stern tube seal 后油封 after stern tube seal垃圾封dirt sealing ring 水封water sealing ring 油封oil sealing ring 气封air sealing ring 白钢(不锈钢)套chrome steel liner 测量 calibrate 光车/抛光skimming and polishing 喷镀 plating 翻新 reconditioning 解体油封装置overhaul stern tube seal/liner备件油封 shaft seal spare parts 调整垫片 distance ring 螺旋桨(车叶) propeller 将军帽 propeller cap 车叶安装 propeller fitting车叶抛光 propeller polishing 抽艉轴 withdraw tail shaft 装艉轴 fit back tail shaft检查艉轴承清洁 check stern tube bearing cleaning 加油及压油试验 fill oil and pressure test磁粉探伤 magnetic powder test 着色探伤dye check百分表 dial gauge 跳动检查 check jumping 八借还工具、图纸扳手 spanner 专用扳手 special spanner专用吊环 special eye bolt 机舱行车 engine room traveling crane盘车机 turning gear 总布置图 general arrangement plan 进坞图 docking plan尾轴油封图 shaft seals plan 艉轴承图 stern tube bearing plan艉轴图 prollershaft plan 中间轴承图 intermediate bearing plan 中间轴 intermediate shaft plan车叶安装图 operation instruction manual for propeller install车叶图 propeller plan 轴系布置图 shaft arrangement plan 舵图 rudder plan 舵杆图 rudder stock plan 舵机图 steering gear plan 九. 船员及船厂人员名称船东代表ship owner 验船师 surveyor 船长 captain 大副 chief officer 水手长 bosun 老轨 chief engineer大管轮 second engineer 电机员/电工 electrician 引水员 pilot 总领班 ship repair manager 铁工 steel fitter 焊工 welder 坞修钳工 docking repair fitter 铜工 plumber起重工 lifting worker领班 foreman 专家 specialist坞修总领班 docking repair superintendent. 坞长 dock master十 .船舶舱室/位置名称甲板 deck 主甲板 main deck左舷 portside 右舷 starboard 船尾 stern 生活区 accommodation艉楼甲板 poop deck 艏楼甲板 forecastle deck 机舱 engine room 集控室 control room空调间 air condition 冰机间 fridge room 船舶办公室 ship office 甲板办公室 deck office理货间 cargo office舵机房 steering gear room 艏物料间 bosun store货舱 cargo hold 1号货舱No.1cargo hold十一 . 放/收锚链锚机 windlass绞缆机 winch 链尾 bitter end 锚链 anchor chain/anchor cable链环 chain ring 链环横档link stud 松动的链环横档补焊 rewelding slacked link stud卸扣 shackle 肯特卸扣 kenter shackle 锚链转环swivel加大环enlarge linkD型卸扣 D-shackle 锚杆 anchor shank锚头anchor head(包括:锚冠,锚爪,锚臂)锚冠 anchor crown锚爪 anchor fluke锚杆校正 build up shank 敲锈scrape 高压水冲洗 high press water washing作标记(马克) make mark不锈钢钢带stainless steel band 放锚链range out anchor chain 弃链器quickly releaser(分为螺旋弃链器screw type cable releaser /栓式弃链器dog type cable releaser)活络 make movable 锚链直径测量anchor chain calibrate 锚链舱 chain locker锚链舱道门 chain locker manhole 十二.拆装海底阀及其交验出舷阀 overboard valves 截止阀 check valve (stop valve)截止止回阀no-return check valve 蝶阀 butterfly valve闸阀 gate valve 阀体 body 防浪阀storm valve阀座valve seat(disk seat)阀杆valve rod填料(盼更)packing 光车shimming 研磨grinding 解体overhaul现场解体overhaul on spot 组装 refit 垫床 gasket 垫床材料:耐油橡皮 高压石棉纸板垫床换新 change gasket 阀内油漆:底漆,面漆,沥青底漆常用海底阀修理单Auxiliary Engines port side aft, gate, 250 mm 1 pc副机左后闸阀1Port side main intake, 300 mm, SLRA, 1 pc左边主进水阀1Harbour & bilge Pump, 200 mm, 2 pcs港口及舱底水泵吸入阀2Starboard side Auxiliary intake, 150 mm, gate, 1 pc右边辅进水阀1Starboard side ballast intake, 300 mm, 1 pc右舷压载水进水阀1Starboard side ballast intake, 300 mm, 1 pc右舷压载水进水阀1High & low sea chest starboard side, 300 mm, 2 pcs右边高/低位海底阀2Low seachest emergency port side, 100 mm, 1 pc左边低位海底应急阀1Portside auxiliary intake Cock Valve, 50 mm, 1 pc左边副进水阀1Portside auxiliary intake blow Valve , 32 mm, 1 pc左边副进水吹洗阀1Portside Main intake By-Pass Valve, 250 mm, SLRA. 1 pc左边旁通阀1Port & Starboard side intermediate filter valve, 300 mm. Gate, 2 pcs 左右中间过滤器阀2Main sea water discharge valve, 250 mm, 1 pc主海水出舷阀1Ballast Pump discharge Valve, 250 mm, 1 pc 压载泵出水阀1Air Compressor discharge Valve, 65 mm, 1 pc 空压机出水阀1Ejector Pump Discharge Valve, 80 mm, 1 pc 喷射泵出水阀1Air Condition Discharge Valve, 80 mm, 1 pc空调出水阀1Bilge Pump Discharge Valve, 125 mm, 1 pc舱底水泵出水阀1Auxiliary Engines Discharge Valve, 125 mm, SDNRRA, 1 pc副机出水阀1Boiler Tanks Valves, 50 mm, SDNRRA, 2 pcs 锅炉出水阀2Engine Room Air conditioning discharge valve, 37 mm, 1 pc机舱空调水阀2Boiler Discharge Valve, 30 mm, R.A. COCK, 1 pc锅炉排污阀1Toilet Storm Valve, 150 mm, SDNR, 1 pc 厕所防浪阀1Oil Water Separator Valve, 50 mm, 1 pc 油水分离器阀1十三.割换锌块及其交验锌块zinc anode 铝块aluminum anode螺栓型锌块 bolt type anode 焊接型锌块welding type anode 十四. 单位名称及其换算长度单位:米meter(metre) 厘米centimeter 毫米millimeter 英尺feet 英寸inch(25.4mm) 英里mile 码yard1 feet =12 inchs, 1m=3.28 ft, 1mile=1.61km 1yd0.914m 1.5米one point five meter 0.67mm zero point six seven millimeter面积单位:平方米square meter 平方毫米square millimeter平方英寸square inch 体积单位: 立方cubic 立方米cubic meter容积单位: 升liter 毫升 milliliter 1 L=1000ml重量单位:吨(T)ton 千克(Kg) kilogram 克(g) gram 压强单位 :吧 bar =kilogram per square centimeter 磅/英寸 pound per square inch (Psi)兆帕 megapascal MPa (换算关系)0.1MPa =1Bar=1 kgf/c=14.19psi速度单位: 转/分(rpm) rate per minute 千米/小时 kilometer per hour 米/秒meter per second 温度单位:温度temperature 摄氏度centigrade十五.相关单词engineering department工程部hull workshop船体车间machinery & electric workshop机电车间dock workshop坞修车间bulkcarrier 散货船 diesel boat 柴油机船 freighter 货船oil barge 油驳passenger ship 客船combination ship 混合装运船semi-container ship 半集装箱船multi-purpose ship 多种用途船container ship 集装箱船;货箱船tug 拖轮(拖船)LNG carrier(liquefied natural gas carrier) 液化天然气船VLCC(very large crude carrier) 大型油船 ULCC(ultra large crude carrier) 超大型油船dockyard 船厂ship/vessel船舶voyage repair航修annual repair年修、岁修wharf码头anchorage锚地floating dock 浮船坞repair list 修理单additional item 加帐hull船体stem船首bow 船头stern船尾cabin 船舱rudder舵propeller螺旋桨tailshaft尾轴anchor chain锚链pulley 滑轮pump 泵life boat救生艇life jacket 救生衣radar雷达main machinery主机auxiliary machinery 辅机block 滑轮;葫芦boiler 锅炉baggage room 行李房crane 起重机;吊车main deck 主甲板diesel engine 柴油机;内燃机engine room 机舱;引擎间escape trunk 逃出口;救生道corridor , passage 走廊galley (船上)厨房lavatory , toilet, water closet(wc) 盥洗室 厕所mess(mess room) 餐厅turbine 透平机;涡轮机out of order 不正常hawse hole 锚链孔hawse pipe 锚链筒helm 舵轮;舵柄hold lower 底舱horizontal水平jigger mast 尾桅jumbo(derrick) 重吊(杆)load line 载重线longitudinal纵向plimsoll mark 载重线标志winch house 绞车楼 十六. Special and correlative facility for ship repairing (修船专用及关联设备) dockside traveling stage 船坞脚手架 aerial work platforms 高空作业车 sky elevator 升降作业车 high pressure water pumps 高压水泵 blaster 喷射机 high pressure water washer 高压水清洗机 sand blaster 喷砂机 descaling machine 除锈机 blast nozzle 喷砂嘴 sweeper 清扫车 marine coatingspaints 船用油漆 airless spray coating equipments 无气喷涂机 air hoists 气动葫芦 十七。 Docking(坞修用语) tightness to be checked during undocking 出坞时核查紧固度 valves to be repacked and refitted 各阀重新填料并装复 tail shaft to be drawn out for instpection 尾轴退出检查 lignum vitae to be renewed if necessary 铁梨木必要时换新 sea valvesoverboard discharge valves and cleaned and ground in海底阀、出海阀、 通海接头阀打开清洁磨合 sea chests to be opened up,cleaned and applied with two coats AC paint 海水箱打开清洁涂两度防腐漆 zinc plates to be renewed 锌板换新 十八. Troubles(表示故障的词语) beyond repair 已无法修复 over-sized 尺寸过大 slow function 反应缓慢 out of order 不正常 not up to standard 不合标准 inaccurate 不准确 ineffective 失效 out of function 失去作用 seized 粘着 stuck fast by icing 冰冻结住 over heated 过热 excessive wear 过度磨损 excessively worn out 过度磨掉 worn away 过度磨掉 a little bit inclined 有一点倾斜 abnormal 不正常 destroyed by overheating 因过热而毁坏 chapped 龟裂 collapse 塌陷 out of operation 运转失灵oval 呈椭圆形scored 拉痕deformed 变形deformed over a length of 3 mm 变形超过3 mmloose 松动greasy 油污dirty 肮脏stuck 咬住squeezed 挤压bent 弯曲faulty 故障frosted 结霜damaged 损坏broken into pieces 破裂成片partly detached 部分剥离partly blocked 部分阻塞violent vibration 剧烈振动low efficiency 效率不高twisted 挠曲burnt 烧坏choked 堵塞fractured 断裂earthed 接地knocking 敲缸leaking(leaky) 漏泄melted away 溶化reduced about 12 mm 缩减约12 mmjammed up in the cylinder 在气缸内卡住 十九. Dismantling(表示拆卸的相关词语)to be opened up for inspection 打开检查to be lifted out 吊出to be turned out 转出to be dismantled 拆卸to be withdrawn 退出to be loosened 拧松to be unscrewed 拧开to be drawn out 拔出to be pulled out for inspection 拔出检查to be dismounted 卸下to be pulled off 拉去to be taken off 拆下 to be turned(rolled) out 转出 to be extracted by drilling 钻孔拔出 to be removed 移开 to be disconnected 脱开 to be disengaged 解脱 to be disassembled 解体 to be overhauled 解体检修 to be ranged out 解开排好 to be turned over 翻转 二十. Cleaning(表示清洗的相关词语) slops to be disposed of 处理掉废油污水 to be cleaned away thoroughly 彻底清除 to be derusted by chipping 敲铲除锈 to be descaled 除垢 oil sludge and sediment to be dug and removed 挖掏油渣沉淀 to be scraped and repainted 铲刮重漆* Caution(告诫用语) * CautionLook out 注意 No smoking 禁止吸烟 Danger 危险 Poison 有毒 ExitWay out 出口 Entrance 进口 No admittance 禁止入内 Keep off 切勿靠近Keep out 切勿入内Road closed 止步(此路不通)Push 推Pull 拉 Hands off 勿动手Wet paint 油漆未干Keep dry 防止潮湿Keep in the sun 置于阳光下Keep out of the sun 勿露于阳光下Keep cool 保持阴凉Fire gate 火灾太平门 *Safety(安全用语)*extinguisher 灭火器fire hose 消防水带fine 罚款gas-mask 防毒面具respirator 呼吸器venerations 中毒suffocation 窒息oxygen depletion(lack of oxygen) 缺氧explosion 爆炸plump 坠落receiving an electric shock 触电accident 事故safety standards 安全标准general safety rules 安全通则life saving and fire fighting equipments 救生和灭火设备enclosed spaces 密闭空间oxygen deficiency 缺氧toxic vapors 毒气*基础句子*1. Good morning. 早上好2. Good afternoon. 下午好3. Good evening. 晚上好4. How are you? 你好吗?5. Fine, thank you. 好,谢谢。6. You are welcome. 不谢7. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。8. Are you chief engineer? 你是老轨吗?9. No, Im not. 不,我不是10. Who are you? 你是谁?11. Im chief officer. 我是大副12. What time is it? 几点了?13. Its twenty-five past two. 二点二十五14. Its fifteen to two. 一点四十五15. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?16. I am from Greece. 我来自希腊17. Nice to meet you, Mr. Li. 很高兴见到你,李先生。18. Follow me, please. 请跟我来19. This way, please. 这边走。20. Just a moment. 等一会儿。21. This is captain. 这是船长。22. Hello, Im the foreman of fitter, Im in charge of this job. 你好,我是铁工领班,我负责这项工作。23. Mr. Liu is responsible for pipe work. 刘先生负责管子工程。24. Do you like Chinese food? 你喜欢中国食物吗?25. Yes , I enjoy it so much. 我很喜欢26. When was the ship built? 这条船是什么时候建造的?27. It was built in 1980. 1980年建造的。28. Where was the ship built? 这条船是在哪里建造的?29. It was built by GuangZhou Shipyard in China. 中国广州船厂建造的。30. Lets discuss the items on the repair list one by one 让我们一项一项地讨论修理单上的项目。31. When will we start the work? 我们什么时候开始工作?32. Tomorrow morning. 明天早晨。33. See you tomorrow. 明天见。34. This is the schedule of repair. 这是修理计划。35Sent to the work shop for repair. 送到车间修理36When do you start working in the morning/stop working in the afternoon. 你们早上几点上班/下午几点下班?37Please cancel this item.请取消这一项38This item will take another five working days at least.这个项目至少还要5个工作日39If you are in a hurry, we can arrange overtime for you. 如果你们着急,可以为你们安排加班。40Can you lend me a tool? 请借我一个工具好吗?41The temperature today is two degrees hotter than yesterday. 今天气温比昨天高2度.我们将于20:00时间收锚链,请安排人员配合. We are going to take back anchor chain about 20:00 oclock tonight, please you arrange somebody to cooperate.我们将于09:00-10:00时间进行锚链测量,你愿意核对吗?We are going to calibrate anchor chain diameter from 9:00 oclock to 11:00 oclock , would you like to check?锚链横档补焊已经完成,请检查.We have finished link studs re-welding, please you check.请问你将保留旧锌块吗?保留 Would you like to remain old anodes? Yes, please keep.请问谁供锌块? 船供 Who will supply anodes?Ship side supply*专业句子*Dry-docking(进坞)1The ship is going to carry out her voyage repair in the shipyard. It is to be dry-docked tomorrow 这艘船将进厂进行航修,它明天将要进坞。2The ship to be dry-docked for inspecting,derusting,painting and other underwater works. 船舶要进坞检查、除锈、油漆以及进行其他的水线下工程。3Please let me know the time of undocking in advance so that we can get everything ready. 请提前告诉我出坞的时间,以便做好准备。4. P1ease put off flooding the dockId like to make an overall inspection. 请推迟放水入坞,我想进行一次全面检查。 Derusting and painting(除锈和油漆)1The bottom platesdeckrusted parts should be cleaned with high pressure fresh water. 船底扳甲板/锈蚀部分应该用高压淡水冲洗干净。2The rusty plates should be scraped and brushedsand-blasted to bare metal before they at repainted. 在重新油漆之前,生锈的钢板应该刮净出白/喷砂出白。3 The bottom plugs should be removed,examined and renewed,if necessary,then refitted properly. 船底塞必须拆开并检查,必要时换新,然后装回原样。4Port and starboard anchors with chains are to be ranged out for rust removal and all joining shackles dismantled, inspected and cleaned. 左右舷锚和锚链都要卸下除锈,各连接卸扣应拆卸检查并清洁。5The patches where rust has been removed should be wiped clean before paint is applied. 在涂油漆以前,除锈的部分应该擦干净。 6Its raining now. Please stop the painting work in the open air 天下雨了,请停止在室外的油漆工作。7. Rusted area about 400 m2 is to be sand-blasted(grade SA-2),and patched with two coats of bottom primer on the bare metal surfaceThen the whole area is to be applied with one coat of anti-corrosive paint. 锈蚀部分大约400 m2 喷砂(等级为SA-2),在出白部分涂船底漆两度,然后全部面积统涂防锈漆一度。8. The bare metal surface near the waterline is to be patched with two coats of bottom primer and one coat of light grey paint 水线附近出白处涂两度底漆和一度浅灰漆。9. These areas are to be chipped and applied with two coats of red lead paint 这些部分需敲铲除锈,并涂两度红丹漆。Talking about the repair list(关于维修单)1 Im the docking fitter supervisorCould you tell me some repair work about the docking fitter part? Such as propeller,shafting,rudder system,anchor chains,sea bottom valve and over board valve,etc 我是负责这条船的坞修主管,您能给我介绍一下这条船的坞修修理工程吗?比如螺旋桨、轴系、舵系、锚链、海底阀和舷外阀等。2The intermediate shaft should be dismantled and hung up,the tail shaft should be dismantled and withdrawn into the ERThe tail shaft taper should be checked by the magnetic particle test and the fore and aft seals should be renewed. The fore and aft liners should be checked and measured,the outside surface should be machined if necessary 中间轴要拆掉、吊起;尾轴抽进机舱;尾轴梢头要进行磁粉探伤;首尾密封要换新;如有必要,首尾不锈钢套要检查测量;不锈钢套外圆要光车。3. The anchors and anchor chains should be lowered down and ranged on the deck of dryfloating dockMeasured the diameter of each length,cleaned by means of the high pressure water,marked by the red and white paint and stainless steel wire 锚和锚链要卸下并在干浮坞甲板摆放,测量每一节锚链直径,高压水冲洗,用红、白油漆和白钢链条作标记。4. The upper and lower rudder pintle clearance should be measured and recorded. The rudder jumper clearance also should be measured and recordThe inspection hole


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