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高一外研版必修三高一外研版必修三 Module 1 Europe Grammar 1&2 Grammar 1Grammar 1 1.Read the sentences and answer the questionsa Paris is visited by more than eight million tourists every year.b The Sagrada Familiar was designed by an architect called Antoio Gaudi.c Florences most beautiful paintings and sculptures were produced by great artists such as Leonardo da Vinci.d Athens is known as the birthplace of western civilisation.e The parthenon was built during this period.1.What does the word by in the first three sentences tell you?It tells us who did the action.2.Is there any difference in meaning between these two sentencess?Paris is visited by more than eight million tourists every year.More than eight million tourists visit Paris every year.The focus is different.In the first sentences it is Paris which is more important.In the second sentence we are more interested in the tourists.3.Why is the word by not in the sentence d and e?The word by is not in sentence d,because we understand that it means“is known by everyone”,and the inclusion of the agent would be superfluous.The word by is not in sentence e because we arent interested in who built it(although it would be perfectly alright to add“by Iktino and Kallikrates”here).Grammar 1 2.Explanation一、何时使用被动语态一、何时使用被动语态1.不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要 Paper is made from wood.He was wounded in the fight.2.需要强调动作的承受者时需要强调动作的承受者时 Books and newspapers in the reading room mustnt be taken away.He was awarded first prize in that contest.3.为了使语气婉转,避免提及自己或对方为了使语气婉转,避免提及自己或对方而使用被动语态,或由于修饰的需要,使而使用被动语态,或由于修饰的需要,使用被动语用被动语态,使句子得以更好的安排。态,使句子得以更好的安排。The construction of the new lab must be completed by the end of next month.Electricity is used to run machines.形式形式时态时态助动词助动词be的变化形式的变化形式+实意动词的过去分词实意动词的过去分词现在一般时态现在一般时态一般过去时态一般过去时态一般将来时态一般将来时态一般过去将来时态一般过去将来时态现在进行时态现在进行时态过去进行时态过去进行时态 am(is,are)was(were)shall(will)be should(would)be am(is,are)being was(were)being+done二、被动语态的构成二、被动语态的构成 现在完成时态现在完成时态过去完成时态过去完成时态将来完成时态将来完成时态过去将来完成时过去将来完成时态态 has(have)been had been shall(will)have been should(would)have been+done三、不三、不同形式的被动语态同形式的被动语态 1.含双宾语的含双宾语的含有直宾和间宾的主动结构含有直宾和间宾的主动结构,变为被动时变为被动时可将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动。可将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动。一般是主动结构的间接宾语变为被动的主一般是主动结构的间接宾语变为被动的主语。语。He showed me his pictures.I was shown his pictures by him.His pictures were shown to me by him.Aunt made me a new dress.I was made a new dress by aunt.A new dress was made for me by aunt.2 含有复合宾语的主动句,宾补不变。含有复合宾语的主动句,宾补不变。They call her XiaoLi.She is called XiaoLi.make,let,have,hear,watch,see,feel,notice.H 既动词后变做宾补的不定式一既动词后变做宾补的不定式一般不加般不加 to,变为被动,必须加,变为被动,必须加 to.My brother often made me do this and that when I was young.I was often made to do this and that by my brother when I was young.I heard her move about in her room upstairs last night.She was heard to move about in her room upstairs last night.Did you see Jack take away the magazine?Was Jack seen to take away the magazine?3.情态动词的被动语态。是由情态情态动词的被动语态。是由情态V+be+p.p.构成构成 They can not find him.He can not be found.You must pay me for this.I must be paid for this.4.短语短语V的被动语态的被动语态 一般来讲,只有及物一般来讲,只有及物V才有被动语态才有被动语态,因为只因为只有有vt才能有动作的承受者才能有动作的承受者;但有许多由不及但有许多由不及物动词物动词+介词及其他词类构成的短语动词,介词及其他词类构成的短语动词,相当于及物动词,可以有宾语。因而可以相当于及物动词,可以有宾语。因而可以有被动语态,但应注意短语有被动语态,但应注意短语V是一个不可分是一个不可分割的整体。变被动时,不可丢掉构成短语割的整体。变被动时,不可丢掉构成短语的的 prep或或 adv.这样的短语有:这样的短语有:look after,listen to,look at,pay attention to,take care of,look forward to,make use ofThey had put out the fire before the firebrigade arrived.The fire had been put out before the fire-brigade arrived.5.有些动词用主动形式表被动含义。有些动词用主动形式表被动含义。The goods sells well.The door cant open.类似的词:类似的词:write,cook,close,shut,cut,等,常等,常与副词连用。与副词连用。6.有些词如有些词如want,need,require 和和 be worth后后面面v-ing形式为主动,意义为被动。形式为主动,意义为被动。The room needs/wants/requires cleaning.The book is worth reading.7.主动语态中的宾语是从句,变成被动时使用主动语态中的宾语是从句,变成被动时使用形式替代词形式替代词 it.We know that Britain is an island country.Its known that Britain is an island country.8.宾语为反身代词,相互代词及虚词宾语为反身代词,相互代词及虚词 it 时,时,不用被动语态不用被动语态,只用主动。只用主动。I will do it myself.The man introduced himself as Mr.Wang.9.谓语动词是以下时,无被动。谓语动词是以下时,无被动。happen,belong to,suit,fit(适合适合),have,let,join,fall,last(延长延长),cost(花费花费)break out(爆发爆发)appear,burst out(迸发迸发),hold(容容纳纳),lack(缺乏缺乏),agree with(同意同意).10.据说据说.类动词:类动词:say,consider,think,report,know,believe,suggest,understand,hope,etc.如:如:It is said that There is said to be Sth./Sb.is said to 11.主动形式表被动主动形式表被动 感官动词:感官动词:sound,taste,smell,fell,look,seem等主语是物时;等主语是物时;一些一些 vi 主动形式表被动含义主动形式表被动含义open,close,shut,read,write,translate,wash,clean,lock,sell,wear,cut,cook,eat,weigh,drink,pay,draw,etc.不定式不定式 to blame,to let(出租)作表语时(出租)作表语时,主动形式表被动含义。主动形式表被动含义。You are to blame.The house is to let.表表(sth)需要的需要的need,want,require 等后等后的动名词用主动形式表被动含义。的动名词用主动形式表被动含义。The house needs/wants/require repairing be worth 后的动名词主动形式表被动含义。后的动名词主动形式表被动含义。The book is worth reading.Grammar 2Grammar 21.Read the sentences and answer the questions.My family lives in Cardiff.Our soccer team is fantastic.The whole class is here.What have the words family,team,and class got in common?(a)They are all singular nouns.(b)They are followed by a singular verb.(c)They refer to only one person.(d)They refer to a number of people.Grammar 2 2.Observation 一、主语为下列情况时,谓语用单数:一、主语为下列情况时,谓语用单数:1.时间时间/距离距离/重量重量/价值价值/数目等名词作整体看待数目等名词作整体看待时。时。Twenty years is only a short time in human history.Thirty dollars is too high a price for the book.Another 10 years has passed since he left.2.主语由从句、不定式短语、动名词充主语由从句、不定式短语、动名词充当时。当时。When they will discuss it hasnt been made public.To die for the people is a worthy death.Looking after the children is her full-time job.3.主语由主语由“S”结尾的学科名词充当时。结尾的学科名词充当时。Physics is well worth studying.Maths is a difficult science.4.主语为书、报、地名、组织名称,以复数形主语为书、报、地名、组织名称,以复数形式出现。式出现。The Times usually speaks for the British government.The United States is made up of 50 states.5.news,works,crossroads,woods等复数形式等复数形式表示单数概念时,表示单数概念时,means 视情况而定。视情况而定。Bad news has wings.Every means has been tried to settle the problem.6.并列主语指同一概念时并列主语指同一概念时A thief and murderer was sentenced to death.Bread and butter is served for breakfast.7.不定代词作主语时。不定代词作主语时。Somebody is looking for you.Everything is nice in your garden.Anyone is forbidden to smoke here.8.each/every/no/many a+名词单数名词单数+and+each/every/no/many a+名词单数名词单数Each man and each woman was invited to the party.No engineer and no worker was in theworkshop.Every hour and every minute is important.Many a boy and many a girl has seen it.9.many a/the whole/each/neither/either+名词单名词单数。数。Many a care makes the head white.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at Lincolns death.Neither story is true.Each bird loves to hear himself sing.10.each/neither/either of+名词复数名词复数/them,us,you。Each of them has a beautiful house.Either of the bicycles belongs to me.11.this pair of/that pair of/a pair of+名名词复数。词复数。This pair of shoes needs mending.12.more than one+名词单数名词单数More than one soldier was killed in the battle.13.主语为主语为 one,the other,another,no one,neither。One has to do ones best.Here is only one shoe.Where is the other?There was a rainbow in the sky,and another was in his breast.14.man,the world,clothing 做主语做主语All the world knows that the earth is round.Our clothing protects us from the cold.二、谓语动词用二、谓语动词用复数复数的情况的情况1.the+姓的复数形式姓的复数形式。The Greens are going to make a trip to London.2.以复数形式出现的表示群岛、山脉、瀑布等以复数形式出现的表示群岛、山脉、瀑布等的专有名词。的专有名词。As is known to all,Rocky mountains stand in North America.3.the+folk(s),people,police,cattle,Chinese,French,Japanese,English等等集体集体名词名词The police are running after the thief.The Chinese are a hard-working people.4.the blind,deaf,poor,living,young,dead,wounded 等等形容词表一类人或物形容词表一类人或物Generally,the young are thirsty for knowledge.The dead are soon forgotten.三、谓语动词与前面的主语一致三、谓语动词与前面的主语一致 as well as rather than along/together with suchas,like such as,besides no less than=as much as but/except beyondnobutand not分词分词(介词、不定式介词、不定式)短语短语同位语同位语定语从句定语从句1.He as well as I is absent from the meeting.2.The officer,rather than ministers answers for it.3.Mary,(along)with her friends goes abroad.4.Books such as this are useful and air is necessary for plants.5.The girl like many boys is fond of sports.6.Sunshine,no less than water and air is necessary for plants.7.Everyone here,including old people likes reading.8.A lucky visitor to the places is fortunate.9.The people in Luyi city are friendly.10.Foreigners who work in China are from Canada.11.The man invited to European countries is 80.12.The students studying in school study well.13.No one but we has seen the film.14.Jack,and not we has seen the film.四四、谓语动词与后者一致的情况、谓语动词与后者一致的情况(就近原则)就近原则)or,nor eitheror neithernor 连接连接2个并列主语时个并列主语时 not onlybut also not.but.1.You,he,or I am right.2.Neither you nor he is right.3.Either he or you are right.4.Is either he or you right?5.Not only he but also I am right.6.Not him but we have seen the film.五、视情况而定的情况五、视情况而定的情况1.Family,army,class,crew,team,enemy,group,party,couple,government 等等集体集体名词作名词作主语时。主语时。Her family is small,but the family are advanced workers.Class is over and the class are all out for play.Our group are reading the newspapers.This group is having a meeting.2.分数、百分数、分数、百分数、half,all,part,any,some,a lot,lots,plenty,rest,most,a supply,supplies of 后跟可数名词单数后跟可数名词单数/不可数名词或代表可数不可数名词或代表可数名词单数名词单数/不可数名词时谓语动词用单数;如不可数名词时谓语动词用单数;如果后跟可数名词复数或代表可数名词复数谓果后跟可数名词复数或代表可数名词复数谓语动词则用复数。语动词则用复数。Half of the work is finished and the rest is going to be finished next week.Half of the students in this class are girls and of course,the rest are boys.50%of the book has been finished reading.3.the+名词单数名词单数+and+名词单数名词单数+动词单动词单数;数;the+名词单数名词单数+and+the+名词单数名词单数+动词复数。动词复数。The writer and teacher is coming.The writer and the teacher are coming.4.what,who,which,such常与其后的作表语常与其后的作表语的名词一致。的名词一致。What you said is of great importance.What you left are only several old books.Such is our plan.Such are his words.5.these/those+sort/kind/type of+名词复名词复数数+动词复数。动词复数。Those type/kind/sort of machines are update.6.this/that kind/sort of+名词单数名词单数+动词单动词单数;数;this/that kind/sort of +名词复数名词复数+动词动词单单(复复)数均可数均可This/that kind/sort of man is dangerous.This/that kind/sort of apples are/is highly priced.This/that kind/sort of water is safe to drink.7.one of the+名词复数名词复数+动词单数;动词单数;One of the boys has helped me.He is one of the boys who have helped me.8.the only/very one of the+名词复数名词复数+定语定语从句从句+动词单数。动词单数。He is the only/very one of the boys who has helped me.9.population 后的动词单复数与表语一致后的动词单复数与表语一致The population of China is under control.80 percent of the population of China are farmers.10.the number of+名词复数名词复数+单数谓语单数谓语a number of+名词复数名词复数+复数谓语复数谓语A number of rooms are on sale.The number of the room is 303.11.quantities of无论修饰可数还是不可数名无论修饰可数还是不可数名词、谓语动词词、谓语动词都用复数都用复数。a quantity of+可数名词复数、谓语动词用复可数名词复数、谓语动词用复数数;+不可数名词、谓语动词用单数。即修饰可不可数名词、谓语动词用单数。即修饰可数或不可数名词均可数或不可数名词均可,作主语时采取作主语时采取就近一致的就近一致的原则原则,其谓语动词通常与短语中其谓语动词通常与短语中of后面的名词的后面的名词的数保持一致。数保持一致。Large quantities of money were spent on the bridge.A large quantity of money was spent on the bridge.A large quantity of materials were spent on the bridge.12.a variety of+名词复数名词复数+动词复数动词复数、a variety of+名词单数名词单数+动词单数、动词单数、varieties of+名词名词+动词复数、动词复数、the variety of+名词复数名词复数+动动词单数。词单数。A great variety of flowers were shown there.There was a considerable variety of opinion.There are several varieties of red roses.The variety of goods on display reveals a big leap forward in the development of our industrial and agricultural production.13.an average of+名词复数名词复数+动词复数动词复数the average of+名词复数名词复数+动词单数动词单数An average of 3 students are absent each day.The average of 14,3 and 1 is 6.14.a total of+名词复数名词复数+动词复数动词复数the total of+名词复数名词复数+动词单数动词单数A total of 300 letters were received last month.The total of letters received last month was 300.15.a majority(minority)of+名词复数名词复数+动词单动词单/复复数、数、the majority(minority)+动词单(复数)、动词单(复数)、the majority(minority)of+名词复数名词复数+动词单数动词单数或复数或复数A majority of people take/takes part in cultural pursuits.Only a minority of the members object.The majority was/were in favor of the plan.The majority of population live/lives in cities.The vast majority of the students need/needs increased financial support.16.one or two+名词复数名词复数+动词复数动词复数;a+名词单数名词单数+or two+动词单数动词单数;在倒装句中用单数在倒装句中用单数One or two days are enough for them.One or two students were absent from class this morning.A day or two is enough.A servant or two or three was to accompany them.Inside each folder is one or two sheets of information.One+in(out of,of)+名词复数名词复数+动词单数动词单数但在新闻报道或非正式文体中也可用复数但在新闻报道或非正式文体中也可用复数One out of twenty was badly damaged.One in ten suffer from bronchitis.Only one out of five were present at the conference.1.Nobody but Jane _ the secret.A.know B.knows C.have known D.is known(86)2.All but one _ here just now.A.is B.was C.has been D.were(87)3.Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one examination after another.A.is B.are C.am D.be(89)4.A library with five thousnd books _ to the nation as a gift.A.is offered B.have offered C.are offered D.has offered 5.When and where to build the new factory _ yet.A.is not decide B.are not decidedC.has not decided D.have not decided 6.The number of people invited _ fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A.were,was B.was,was C.was,were D.were,were7._ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifth,is B.Two fifth,are C.Two fifths,is D.Two fifths,are8.This is one of the most interesting questions that _ asked.A.have B.has C.have been D.has been 9.Between then two rows of trees _ the teaching building.A.stand B.stands C.standing D.are10.All that can be done_.A.has been done B.has done C.have done D.were done11.They each _ a new dictionary.A.has B.have C.is D.are12.The singer and the dancer _ come to the meeting.A.has B.have C.are D.is13.I have finished a large part of the book;the rest _more difficult.A.is B.are C.was D.were14.The wounded _ by the hospital.A.have been taken in C.has been taken in C.have taken in D.has taken inAnswers:(1)plays(2)has(3)lives/liveGrammar 2 3.Finish Activity 2,Page7Answers:(1)Yes,they do.(2)Only that it is more than two(3)No we dont,except that there must be two or more.Grammar 2 4 Exercise Finish Activity 3,Page 71.Amy and Helen cant speak Chinese.Neither Amy nor Helen can speak Chinese.2.All the countries in Europe have a good soccer team.Each country in Europe has a good soccer team.Grammar 2 5.Exercise Finish Activity 4,Page 7 3.France and Germany arent going to sign the agreement.Neither France nor Germany is going to sign the agreement.4.The whole class doesnt want to study Japanese.None of the class wants to study Japanese.主谓一致练习主谓一致练习1.Every teacher and every student _ found a Students Union.A.has B.have C.expects to D.hope to2.Nobody but them_ to know about the matter.A.want B.wants C.have wanted D.were wanted3.Nothing but trousers_in that small shop.A.was worth of 20 dollars B.were worth 20 dollarsC.was cost 20 dollars D.was paid for 20 dollarsCBD4.The dictionary as well as the books that _pictures in them_to her.A.has;belongs B.have;are belongedC.has;belong D.have;belongs5.Twenty percent of the work of the whole year_finished by their group last month.A.has been B.had been C.were D.was6.A knife and fork_on the table.A.is B.are C.has been D.have being7.Neither his parents nor his wife_anythingabout it.A.know B.knows C.have known D.is knownDDAB8.Five dollars _ too much for a ticket.A.seems B.seem C.seem to be D.are9.Most of the apples_.A.was rotten B.were rottenC.has rotten D.have rotten10.About one third of the workers in that factory_ young people.A.is B.has been C.are D.have beenABC11.Not only the teacher but also the students_the change.A.object to B.objects toC.object D.objects12.Every means_ tried since then.A.has been B.have been C.are D.isAA13.This pair of trousers_ my sister.A.is belong to B.are belong C.belong to D.belongs to14.Our team _ defeated by theirs last Sunday.A.was B.had been C.has been D.have been15.Our team_ taking showers when the door was knocked open.A.was B.are C.were D.have beenDAC16.The League secretary and monitor_ asked to make a speech at the meeting.A.is B.was C.are D.were17.His“Selected Poems”_first published in 1965.A.were B.was C.has been D.had beenBB18.Mr.Smith,together with his wife andtwo sons,_ to arrive the following day.A.are B.are going C.is D.will be19.He as well as I _ you.A.agree with B.agree to C.agrees with D.agree to20.The singer and dancer _ our discussion.A.is to attend B.are to attendC.are attended D.is attendedCCA21.Politics _ one of the subjects that we study.A.are B.is C.shall D.were22.I have read a large part of the book,the rest _ more difficult.A.is B.has C.are D.have BA23.All that is needed _ a continuous supply of fuel oil.A.are B.is C.have been D.has been24.More than one _ dismissed(解雇解雇).A.have been B.has been C.are D.has25.Many a man and woman _ that he or she had better education.A.wish B.has wished C.do wish D.have wishedBBB26.Where to find him and how to find him_to us.A.has not known B.have not knownC.is not known D.are not known C27.It is I who _ next.A.am B.be C.is D.are28.Both bread and butter _ in that shop.A.were sold out B.was sold outC.has sold out D.have sold out29.Bread and milk _ what they usually have for breakfast.A.were B.was C.is D.are30.“All_ present and all _ going on well.”Our monitor said.A.is;is B.are;are C.are;is D.is;areAACC主谓一致之历年高考真题及解析主谓一致之历年高考真题及解析1.How are the team playing?Theyre playing well,but one of them_ hurt.(北京(北京2002春季)春季)A.got B.gets C.are D.were真题解析:真题解析:本题考查主谓一致和时态的用本题考查主谓一致和时态的用法。先从主谓一致入手,法。先从主谓一致入手,one of them为单为单数主语,可以先排除数主语,可以先排除C和和D;根据句意,;根据句意,“有个人受伤了有个人受伤了”应该是一般过去时,因应该是一般过去时,因此此答案为答案为A。A2.As a result of destroying the forests,a large _ of desert _ covered the land.(上海(上海2001)A.number;has B.quantity;has C.number;have D.quantity;have真题解析:真题解析:本题考查名词的修饰和主谓一致问本题考查名词的修饰和主谓一致问题。题。a large number of修饰可数名词,所以先修饰可数名词,所以先排除排除A的的C项;项;desert为不可数名词,后面的谓为不可数名词,后面的谓语动词应该用单数语动词应该用单数has,所以正确答案是,所以正确答案是B。B3.All the preparations for the task _,and we are ready to start.(2000年全国春季卷年全国春季卷)A.completed B.complete C.had been completed D.have been completed 真题解析:真题解析:本题考查名词的主谓一致。首本题考查名词的主谓一致。首先,根据句意先,根据句意“所有的准备工作都已经做完所有的准备工作都已经做完了,我们准备开始做。了,我们准备开始做。”可见此处应该用现可见此处应该用现在完成时;其次,在完成时;其次,preparations为复数,即为复数,即主语为复数,所以用主语为复数,所以用have,故正确答案为,故正确答案为D。D4.I told him what I was surprised _ his attitude towards his study.(2000年春年春季上海卷季上海卷)A.isB.was C.at isD.at was 真题解析:真题解析:本题考查主谓一致、固定搭配本题考查主谓一致、固定搭配和从句时态的问题。和从句时态的问题。be surprised at为固定为固定搭配,搭配,at 不能省略,它后面的宾语不能省略,它后面的宾语what;what I surprised at充当充当told后面宾语从句后面宾语从句的主语,是一个的主语,是一个what引导的名词性句子,引导的名词性句子,后面的谓语动词应该用单数,且和主句用后面的谓语动词应该用单数,且和主句用一般过去时,从句对应也要用过去时。因一般过去时,从句对应也要用过去时。因此,正确答案是此,正确答案是D。D5.Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.(2000年春季上海卷年春季上海卷)A.is used B.are used C.has been usedD.have been used 真题解析:真题解析:本题考查主谓一致和时态问题。本题考查主谓一致和时态问题。主语的主语的means为单数名词,意思是为单数名词,意思是“手段、手段、方法方法”,因此,要先排除,因此,要先排除B和和D项;根据句项;根据句意意“所有阻止空气污染的方法都用过了,所有阻止空气污染的方法都用过了,但但天空气还是不干净。天空气还是不干净。”,可见,此处应该,可见,此处应该用用现在完成时。因此答案应为现在完成时。因此答案应为C。C6.(09全国全国1)His sister left home in 1998,and_since.A.had not been heard of B.has not been heard of C.had not heard of D.has not heard of7.(09全国全国1)Edward,you play so well.But I _ you played the piano.A.didnt know B.hadnt known C.dont know D.havent knownBB8.(09全国全国2)Progress _ so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.A.was B.had been C.has been D.will be9.(09湖南湖南)When he _the door,he found his keys were nowhere.A.would open B.opened C.had opened D.was to openCD10.(09湖南湖南)Would you please keep silent?The weather report _and I want to listen.A.is broadcast B.is being broadcast C.has been broadcast D.had been broadcast11.(09湖南湖南)-The food here is nice enough.-My friend _me a right place.A.introduces B.introduced C.had introduced D.was introducingBB12.(09湖南湖南)Either you or one of your students _to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.A.are B.is C.have D.be13.(09陕西陕西)Dr.Smith,together with his wife and daughters,_visit Beijing this summer.A.is going to B.are going to C.was going to D.were going to14.(09陕西陕西)This is the first ti


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