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Unit 13 “Thank you, Mom and Dad!”,本单元重点知识: 1. 单词: 本单元中单词的音、形、意 2. 词组: take place 发生 hold a special party for parents 为父母举行一次特殊的聚会 invite sb. to somewhere 邀请某人到某地 invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 say sth to sb. 和某人说某事 ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事,have nothing to do 没事可做 make an appointment with sb. 和某人有约 do some shopping 购物 at the bus stop 在公共汽车站 tell a real story 讲一个真实的故事 be sure about 对有把握 let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,be moved to tears 被感动得流泪 take care of alone 单独照顾某人 the whole world 整个世界 the noisy class 喧闹的课堂 in a special way 用一种特殊的方式 at that moment 在那一刻,become noisy 喧闹起来 find out 查明 on Thanksgiving 在感恩节 arrive at 到达 grow older 长大了 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 make their beds 为他们铺床,put away 收拾 clean up 收拾干净,清洁;肃清;除清;除掉;清理 a rock concert 一次摇滚音乐会 a high tea 晚茶 in the meantime = in the meanwhile 在这期间,这时,本讲重点知识讲解: 1. Where does the dialogue possibly take place? take place 发生 happen与take place的区别: happen 往往表示偶然性的没预料到的事情的“发生”; take place表示必然性的“发生” 或指是布置或策划好某事而后“举行”的。,例如: When did this take place? 这事是什么时候发生的? Where sports events take place. 进行体育运动的地方。 We happened to be in the neighborhood. 我们恰好是邻居。 The accident happened yesterday. 事故发生在昨天。 The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned. 按计划会议在八点举行了。,2. invite his mother to a movie. invite his mother to dance. invite sb. to my house 邀请某人到我家 invite sb. to sing 请求某人唱歌 She invited us to her party. 她邀请我们参加她的聚会。 He invited me to play football with him. 他邀请我和他一起踢足球。,3. To say “Thank you” on Mothers Day. say sth. to sb. 和某人说某事 知识链接: say “Hello” to sb. say “Sorry” to sb. say “Thank you” to sb. say “ Congratulations” to sb.,say, speak, tell 和talk 的区别: speak讲语言 speak to sb. about sth. tell告诉 tell sb. sth. /tell sth. to sb. say说 say sth. to sb. talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb./talk sb. about sth.,say, speak, talk 和tell辨析。 say一般作及物动词用,着重强调说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词、代词或宾语从句。 例如:He can say his name. 他会说他的名字。 Please say it in English. 请用英语说。 Shes saying , Dont draw on the wall. 她在说,别在墙上画。,speak强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容。作及物动词时,常以某种 语言作宾语。作不及物动词时,常见的搭配形式有: speak to sb. 跟某人讲话,此外speak还可用于在较为正式的场合的演讲或演说。 Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗? She is speaking to her teacher. 她正在跟她的老师说话。 He spoke at the meeting yesterday. 他昨天在会上讲了话。,talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是“交谈,谈话”,着重强调两者之间的相互谈话。 例如:She is talking with Lucy in English. 她正在和露茜用英语交谈。 What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? The teacher is talking to him. 老师正在和他谈话。,tell常作及物动词,意为“讲述,告诉”,常跟双宾语。 tell sb. sth.tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事。 例如: He is telling the children a story. 他正在给孩子们讲一个故事。 Did you tell her the news?Did you tell the news to her? 你把这个消息告诉她了吗?,Exercise,【典型例题】 I. 请在下列空白处填上适当的词语,使句意不变。 1. She said, “Are you from the south?” She asked _ I _ from the south. 2. Mom said to me, “Dont tell a lie.” Mom _ me _ _ tell a lie. 3. Susan said to me, “We visited the Red Star Farm last week.” Susan told me that _ _ _ the Red Star Farm _ _ _.,Thank you!Bye!,


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