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七年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 7 Period 4一、词组翻译。1买些圣诞礼物_2需要些果汁 _3纸杯子 _4在学校周围 _5一些其他好东西_6练习本 _7离学校不远 _8足够的零食 _二、词汇运用。1I need to buy some birthday _(礼物) for Millie.2-Do you have (some) children, Mr. Gao? -Yes, I have two.3There (be) a book and two pens on the desk.4 (be) there any vegetables in the supermarket?5There _(be) some juice in the table.6I want to buy a (音乐) box for my sister.7Would you like to have _(some) coffee ? No thanks.8-Can I ask (一些) questions? -Sure.三、翻译句子。1妈妈,我能吃些苹果吗? apples, mum?2冰箱里有三瓶果汁。 _ _ _ _ _in the fridge.3这种水果里含有太多的糖分。 There _ too much sugar .4桌子上有一些芒果吗?是的,有。 _ _ _ _ on the table? _, there _.5桌子上有些鱼肉吗? _ there _ fish on the table ?四、阅读理解。 Alice, 35 years old I like shopping, but shopping with young children is not a good thing. I have to look after them while Im shopping. I go shopping with my husband only when I want to buy something for him. When I look at a cheap dress, he always says, Its nice on you. But when I have an expensive one in my hands, he always says, I dont think it fits (适合)you well. So I often go shopping with my friends. Its fun. Maria, 26 years old I like shopping very much, but I never go shopping on weekends. There are too many people in shops. I dont like shopping with other people. It usually takes me much time to buy things because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to find the same thing cheaper. Im good at finding cheap things. I dont like buying food in small shops or street markets. I think food in the supermarkets is fresh(新鲜的) and cheap. ( )1. Alice likes shopping with _.A. young children B. her husband C. her friends D. her parents( )2. Alices husband says, “I dont think it fits you well.” It really means “_”.A. its too small B. its too big C. its not beautiful D. its too expensive( )3. It usually takes Maria _ to buy things. A. a lot of time B. a little time C. little time D. no time( )4. Maria does not like shopping on weekends because _. A. she has no time B. there are too many people C. the things are expensive D. there are not many things( )5. Maria likes to buy food in _.A. small shops B. street markets C. the supermarkets D. big shops七年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 7 Period 4参考答案一、词组翻译1buy some Christmas presents 2need some juice3paper cups 4around the school5some other nice things 6exercise books7not far away from my school 8enough snacks二、词汇运用1presents2any3is4Are5is6Music7some8some三、翻译句子1Can I have some2There are three bottles of juice3is , in this kind of fruit4Are there any mangoes, Yes, are5Is, any四、阅读理解 CDBBC


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