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400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL第一课 60个词Chapter 1 Nature 20-371 Food CropsTarget Words1. abandon 放弃2. adversely 相反地 converselyver 转;versatileconvertibleconverselyuniversityuniverseuniversally3. aggregate 合计 把egg 不断re在gate里面合计总数。 你究竟有几个好哥哥?4. cultivation 教化;培养熟词cultivate,cul=culture三流的企业靠技巧二流的企业靠管理一流的企业靠文化5. fertilize 施肥;使丰饶fertilizer 肥料6. intensify 加剧 intensive class7. irrigation 8. obtainNo pain,no gain9. photosynthesis 光和作用photo;synthetic 合成的10. precipitation 降水量2 DisasterTarget Words1. anticipate预期=participate 参加2. catastrophic ktstrfik adj. 灾难的; 悲惨的; 激变的; 惨败的3. collide 碰撞co-teach;cohabit4. eruption 爆发rupt 破裂 bankruptcorrupt5. famine fminfather 在 mine 里很饥饿6. flood 洪水7. impact 影响=influence=effecthave an impact on8. persevere 坚持 p:svi persist=insist男人应该对自己狠一点,坚持到底9. plunge plnd和plus 哥,一起跳河10. unleash nli:;nli: 解开lease 合同约束 rent3 Evolution and Migration Target Words1. adapt 改编;适应 adjustadopt 收养 嘴巴吃饭的人2. diverse 多种多样的diversity=melting pot3. evolve 进化viv 活的 vivid4. feature 以.为特色;以.为主演;兰州吃的很有特色This weeks broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.5. generation 6. inherent adj 固有的;内在的;与生俱来的inner peace7. migrationimmigrate (immigration intention)emigrate8. physicalPhysical Educationphysically and mentally9. process;progress 10. survive4 Petroleum Alternatives Target Words1. constraint 强制 train 训练都是强制的2. contamination mine污染大3. deplete 耗尽 decrease; descend complete4. dispose of 处置miss; dismiss 5. elemental 基本的 elementary school6. emission 排放量7. extinction extinct 灭绝的 8. reservoir 水池 reserve;well-reserved9. shrink 收shou缩10. stableChapter 2 ScienceTime EfficiencyTarget Words1. adjust 调整一下使其正好2. arbitrary 任意的;武断的 Art 艺术在try 的时候都比较任意恣意3. denominator 分母 de 下面的 (numerator 分子)4. exponentially 成倍地5. infinitesimal 特小的6. maximize7. parallel;paraphrase8. proportion9. rate;interest rates;exchange rate10. sequence 序列 consequenceAncient LifeTarget Words1. accuracy;cure;accurate2. adjacent 和钱很接近3. compress 4. feasibly 可行的5. gut 勇气,剧情plot6. integral7. overlap 重叠 laptop8. retain 保持9. seep 漏,渗出;看,有纰漏10. structure;construction第二课 400托福词汇之二ComputersTarget Words1. circulate ; circulation 流通 2. corrode 腐蚀 erode熟词 corrupt3. derive4. detection ; detectivetect=pect=spect=lookspector;repect5. expeditiously 敏捷地 ex(向外)+ped(足,脚掌,走) pedal 踏板6. implement 实施compliment 表扬 complement 补充7. innovative;lenovo;legend8. installation9. maintenance10. simulation 仿真 same stimulation EnergyTarget Words1. combustion 燃烧2. component 元件3. convey 4. discretely 分别创造(分离地)5. nucleus 原子核 nuclear 原子核的6. permeate7. rotate 旋转 rotation(NBA)8. solar lunar9. source10. trigger 触发MemoryTarget Words1. acquisition acquire2. anomaly 反常 abnormal=perverted3. consciously=unknowingly subconsciousness 4. degrade(inferior)5. gap 6. indisputable dispute 争论7. intervene8. intuitively ;tuition直觉地9. recede10. retrieve SpiritualityTarget Words1. agnostic 不可知论的ignorance notorious2. animism 灵气论 animation 卡通 cartoon3. atheist 只崇拜he自己的人,无神论者4. be inclined to ;be subjected to 5. contemplate 6. deify 敬如神,像见到自己的dad7. ecclesiastical 拉萨有教会的8. exalt 到外面赞扬9. pious=religious10. sacrificeIllnessTarget Words1. aggravate 恶化 grave2. decrepit 衰退3. disease4. fatally 5. forensics 对人的一种科学(辩论学)6. persist7. prognosis 诊断8. terminal;terminate9. vein 静脉 veil 面纱 prevail10. wound;hurt;injury第三课 托福必考400词汇之三SurgeryTarget Words1. anesthesia 麻醉剂 进入Bird Nest 像打了麻醉剂2. augment 增大 August, 孩子都八个月了,一定很大了3. certifiably 可证明的4. complication 混乱;并发症;=chaos complicated=complex5. cure 6. implant 种植 implement7. inject8. obese 远离妹妹的眼球,因为太肥胖了(噢必死, 肥胖必死)9. procedure process10. scarGhostsTarget Words1. astrological astro- is used to form words which refer to things relating to the stars or to outer space.2. divination 玄学(相信数字占卜未来的国家)3. haunt 4. horror 5. intermediary 媒介的;中间的6. invoke 恳求7. meditate 深思 mediate 调停 在table上深思调停的方法8. phantom n. 幽灵 adj. 幻觉的 Tom 是个幽灵9. psychic 灵魂的10. self-perpetuating;eternal; eternityadj. 能使自身永久存在的AnthropologyTarget Words1. assimilate 同化,吸收2. cremation 火化,火葬3. domesticate 教化;驯养4. folklore 民间传说5. fossilize 使成化石6. relic 废墟;遗物 回收re7. rite 仪式 right8. ritually 仪式上的9. saga 冒险故事 (巴嘎)10. vestige 遗迹 (哥哥的背心)Social InequalityTarget Words1. amend 改善2. biased 有偏见的; distort3. burden 使负担4. counter 柜台; count on=live off counterpart 5. de facto (法)实际上地6. discriminate 歧视7. notion; note8. oppress 压迫9. paradigm 范例10. prejudice 偏见ExpertiseTarget Words1. curriculum (see you, see you)2. distinct 明显的; instinct3. erudite 博学的学好english 让rude 的人变的博学4. fortify 5. implicitly 含蓄地 imply; timid;6. parochial 教区 father7. rigor 严厉 rigid 德国人严厉而睿智8. roster 花名册 roast 烧烤9. secular 牧师确保人内心安全的人10. suspend 延迟 三思再花钱 suspect suspicionMilitary OperationsTarget Words1. allegiance 忠诚 ally 盟友2. artillery 使用大炮是一种艺术3. battle4. cease 停止 cancel lease 5. hierarchy 等级制度 architect6. trench 沟渠 又是人又是车7. mobilize; motivation; self-motivated8. rank9. ratio =rate10. strategic;tactic 国家state 层面的,一定是战略性的War and ConquestTarget Words1. annex 附属物 next;=accessory2. apex 顶点 ape 猿人很高到了顶点3. collapse ; laptop4. conquest conquer5. devise 6. invasive invade; evade7. prevailing8. resist9. severely10. violation 违背400托福必考词汇之四HistoryTarget Words1. chronologic chronicle;chao;chaos2. coincide coincidence 3. consequence 和sese的queen在一起, 结果很严重4. core 5. deny 6. diminish 减少7. longitude 经度gratitudegratuity attitude altitude8. milieu 环境 弥留之间依然对环境sensitive9. reconciliation 和谐和解, 讲和【记】源于: reconcile(v 使和解), re反复, conciliate(v 安慰)Financial SystemsTarget Words1. allocate 使座落于2. commodity 3. decline 拒绝4. equity 公平5. inflation6. net7. per capita 人均8. regulate9. subsidy10. tangible 有形的 River 跳探戈很有形Wealth and Social ClassTarget Words1. accumulate2. affluence 富裕3. elite 4. impoverish 使贫穷 poverty5. luxury6. nobility;note7. prestige=reputation=fame8. privilege9. prosper 使繁荣 prosperous10. working classmainstream;middle class;grassrootPersonal PropertyTarget Words1. acquire2. assess;possession3. asset 资产 settlement4. hazardous horizon 开阔视野,必有风险 en widen;shorten;strengthen;broaden diversity5. jointly jointly venture6. lease=rent;cease;cozy7. liability 责任 reliable8. proprietor 业主 priority; real estate; property9. safeguard10. sole 单独的EmploymentTarget Words1. compensate 2. dynamic 动态的;有活力的 dynasty 朝代必然有变动 dramatic3. enterprising 有事业心的 entrepreneurs4. exploit 开采; explore;5. incentive;annual6. industrious =diligent勤奋的7. marginalize8. merit 优点 我总是对的 drawback9. promote10. resign retireInternational TradeTarget Words1. distill 滴下(病了,打点滴)Tears distilled slowly from her eyes.泪水从她的眼睛里慢慢地滴下来。2. entrepreneurial 3. extract 摘录4. haggle 争论(够了)5. intrepid 猛的 (痞的)6. merchant commercial7. proportionately 相称地8. prototype 标准9. reward10. shuttlePoliticsTarget Words1. advocate2. authority 3. bitterly 苦涩的4. candidate 5. coalition联合6. contest 竞争7. election collection lecture dict=director; fess=professor confess8. inaugurate 开创9. policy10. poll 民意调查400托福必考词汇之五A Reasonable DoubtTarget Words1. accuse 因被 “指控” 脸变 “醋色cuse”abuse 滥用2. allegedly ledidli 所有关于一个哥哥泡了两个妹妹的说法都是 “据传”A little bird told me3. civil civil war; civilian; civilization4. convict v. (与of连用; 经过法庭的裁定, 在法庭上正式)宣告有罪; 谴责 = condemn;【例】She was convicted of murder 她被判犯有谋杀罪. 【根】vict征服(victory; )【参】convince(vt 使确信; 使信服); victory(n 胜利); invincible(adj 不可征服的; 无敌的)5. guilty 6. offense defence7. peer; beer; cheer; cheers8. suspect9. verdict;裁定10. witness witty 智者常能窥见真理The PoliceTarget Words1. apprehend reading comprehension2. ascertain 确定; 查明3.bureaucratic bjurkrtik不能惹的地方4. condemn 谴责5. evidence6. implicate 牵涉 imply7. inquiry 探究8. intrusively 侵入地(进入我领地,又杀又突)9. seize 抓住10. surveillance 带着面纱监视别人 SupervisorInvestigating CrimesTarget Words1. analyze2. assail 攻击3. contrary 相反的4. hypothesize 5. impair 损伤 (repair)6. inference 推理 reference 7. objectively8. suspicious9. tolerate10. versusGovernment CorruptionTarget Words1. bribery 行贿 bribe;bride;bridesmaid;groom; best man2. cynical 愤世嫉俗的 critical 3. erode4. evade (invade) 规避5. grotesque 奇怪的;可笑的6. integrity 诚实;完整 dignity7. prevalent (talent)prodigy8. reform;confirm9. scandal (sandals) 丑闻10. unmask 暴露Crimes at SeaTarget Words1. abduction 诱拐 kidnap2. coerce 强制 force3. detain 扣留4. deviant 变态 abnormal; perverted5. distort 曲解;truth6. intentionally7. piracy 剽窃 pirates 8. predicament 困境 卡住了 dilemma9. smuggle 走私 (死跟马哥了)10. villainy 恶行 (为了你,恶事作尽)400托福必考词汇之六The War on DrugsTarget Words1. addictive 2. cartel 卡特尔noun Ca group of similar independent companies who join together to control prices and limit competition3. concentrated 4. interdict 禁止; prohibit;verdict5. juxtapose / dkst,poz /并列,并置(juxta并排+pose并排放)6. misconception7. modify 修改; 更正8. potent 强有力的; potential;competent9. residual rzdjl 残留的;residence10. subtle /stl/ 微妙的; 敏感的; 精细的 (杀头需要精细)Family RelationshipsTarget Words1. ancestral ancestor2. cohesion 团结;consolidate3. descendant 4. inheritance inherit5. kin (kin-ship) 亲戚6. legitimate 使合法;cohabit legislation legal ( illegal)7. paternal父系的 Maternal 母系的8. proximity 亲近9. sentiment 情感;mentor10. sibling 兄弟(死不离)FriendshipTarget Words1. affection 喜爱 affectation 矫揉造作 effect (side-effect)2. associate;联系social connection association3. bond 契约 在board 上on签的4. clique 私党5. confide 信赖6. exclusive排外的7. fluctuate 动摇8. in common9. solidarity 团结10. willingadj. 乐意的, 心甘情愿的, 自愿的PassionTarget Words1. complex;complicated 2. despondent 丧气的3. devotion;devote;vote4. dilemma5. endanger6. loyal;royal7. passion8. proliferation 分芽繁殖9. reciprocity 互惠主义10. vanish=perish Negative EmotionsTarget Words1. antipathy 反感;sympathy2. arrogantly;arrogant自大3. berate 严责; 4. contemptuous 藐视(tempt); seduce5. despise 鄙视6. humiliation 羞辱 humble7. obnoxious 可憎的;notorious8. shame9. stigmatize (使劲的骂) 给.带来耻辱Children in single-parent families must not be stigmatised.10. vitriolic adj. 尖酸刻薄的【记】vitri玻璃, olic: 玻璃是尖的尖酸刻薄的【反】soothing(adj 抚慰的)400托福必考词汇之七Social RebelsTarget Words1. adolescent 2. cause 3. conflict 4. delinquency 行为不良5. fringe 边缘; 刘海儿; edge 边6. hedonistic 享乐的7. hypocritically 虚伪的; hypo 瘾君子8. manipulation 处理9. rebel 反叛者10. status quo 现状Painting and SculptureTarget Words1. abstract 2. context 3. depict 4. dimension 容积5. esthetic 审美的6. intrinsic 内在的;instinct7. perspective8. portrayal 描绘 portray9. realism 写实主义10. spectrum 范围The Written WordTarget Words1. advent 2. ambiguous 模棱两可3. connotation 含义 notion4. decipher 解释=explain5. denote 指示6. illiterate 文盲7. ingenious 机灵的8. inscription 题字9. phonetic 语音的10. symbolic 代号EntertainmentTarget Words1. amateurish 业余爱好的2. cast 投掷3. charismatic 有魅力的4. gala 晚会5. hilarious 欢闹的6. improvisation 即兴演讲give an off-hand talk7. incompetent8. medium9. skit 滑稽短剧10. zeal 热情eager;eagleRisky FashionsTarget Words1. bulk 大块2. capricious 任性的3. cumbersome 笨重的4. exotic 异国的5. inhibit 禁止; prohibited6. minimum7. striking 引人注目的8. trend9. vanity 自负10. vulnerable


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