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Unit 3Travel journal,假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于6月26日接待来自美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排其在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队Smith先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。 (1)上午与我校学生座谈(话题如校园生活、文化差异等); (2)中午与我校学生共同进餐(午餐包括饺子、面条等); (3)下午与我校学生游览海河。,【素材示例】,注意: 1词数120150; 2可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯; 3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:海河the Haihe River Dear Mr. Smith, I am Li Hua,chairman of the Student Union,from Chenguang High School. Yours sincerely, Li Hua,【佳作播报】 Dear Mr. Smith, I am Li Hua,chairman of the Student Union,from Chenguang High School.Your students visiting group coming from the US will pay a visit to our school on June 26 and I was appointed to take charge of arranging all the activities that day.My plan about these activities is as follows.,On the morning of your arrival,we will show you around our school and introduce our most advanced science lab to you.Then a discussion will be held,which may cover such topics as school life,cultural differences,aiming to improve mutual understanding.At noon,we will have a gettogether in our schools dining hall.To let you know more about our traditional customs and culture,we will prepare dumplings and noodles as main food.In the afternoon,together with some of our student representatives,you are going to visit the Haihe River and enjoy the beautiful scenery there.After that,you will end your visit to our school.,What do you think of the plan?Can you give me some advice on how to make your visit to our school more interesting and impressive? I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua,【赏文酌句】 本文为一篇计划活动的应用文,条理清晰,很好地运用了叙述文字提示的全部信息。发散性思维得体恰当,重点突出。合理地使用了高级词汇。如appoint,take charge of等。,【佳句模拟】 1take charge of sth/doing sth 控制或掌管某物 模拟He will take charge of holding the meeting. 他负责召开这次会议。 2Then a discussion will be held,which may cover.然后举行讨论,讨论内容包括 此句为非限制性定语从句,对前句补充说明或解释,是写作中常用的表达之一。 模拟He was caught in traffic,which made him late for school. 他遇到交通堵塞,这致使他上学迟到。,3I am looking forward to your reply.我期望你的回复。 这是书信中常用的表达之一。 模拟Were looking forward to your arrival. 我们都期望你们的到来。,佳句背诵 I accompanied him to the school clinic. 我陪他去了校医务室。 The extracurricular activity is a necessary part for us. 课外活动对我们必不可少。 So I am determined to meet the challenge. 因此我准备迎接挑战。,Great hopes make a great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。 Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。 On our arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the local people.我们一到达,就受到了当地人的热烈欢迎。,重点突破,prefer,(vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他,事物),(教材原句)Which kind of transport do you prefer to use:bus or train?你更愿意用哪种交通工具:汽车还是火车?,联想拓展 prefer to do sth 宁愿干某事 prefer A to B 与B比更喜欢A,to是介词 prefer doing sth to doing sth 比起做某事更喜欢做某事 prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿干某事而不干某事 prefer sb to do sth 希望某人做某事There is tea or coffee.Which would you prefer? 有咖啡和茶,你喜欢哪样? He preferred swimming to skating. 他喜欢游泳胜过滑冰。,【词语辨析】prefer.to,prefer.rather than,The young lady prefers dressing up for a party to by others. Abe noticed Bbeing noticed Chaving been noticed Dhave been noticed,【一句辨析】 I prefer walking to cycling./I prefer to walkrather than cycle.would rather walk than cycle. 我宁愿步行也不骑自行车。,翻译句子 他愿意喝茶而不愿意喝咖啡。 我愿意步行,不愿意骑自行车。 他们的父亲更愿意他们早点儿回家。 答案BHe prefers tea to coffee.I prefer walking to cycling.Their father prefers them to go home early.,persuade vt.说服,劝说,(教材原句)Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.两年前,她买了一辆昂贵的山地车,然后说服我也买了一辆。,联想拓展 persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事 persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事 try to persuade sb to do sth 尽力劝说某人做某事 persuade sb of sth 使某人相信,She couldnt help being persuaded into making peace with her parents. 她经不住劝说只好与她的父母言和。 He tried to persuade us to go out with them. 他劝我们跟他一起去。 How can I persuade you of my innocence? How can I persuade you that I am innocent? 我如何能够使你相信我是无辜的呢?,【词语辨析】persuade,advise,【一句辨析】 I have persuaded him to stop smoking by advising him many times.通过多次劝告,我说服他戒了烟。,If she doesnt want to go,nothing you can say will her.(2012全国,35) Apersuade Bpromise Cinvite Dsupport,完成句子 即使她不想去上学,他还是说服她去了。 ,eventhough she did not want to. 答案AHe persuaded her to go to school,determined adj.已下决心的,果断的,决然的,,坚定的,(教材原句)She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not change her mind.她给了我一个坚决的表情那种表明她不会改变主意的表情。,联想拓展,determine a date for a meeting确定会议日期 The amount of rainfall determines the size of the crop. 降雨量决定着收成的好坏。 Her encouragement determined me to carry on with the work.她的鼓励使我决心把这项工作继续下去。,The look on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself. Asurprised Bupset Cexcited Ddetermined,What about the person? Seldom in all my life such a person. AI met;determining BI have met;determining Chave I met;determined Ddid I meet;determined 答案DC,give in v屈服,让步,投降;呈交,精解诠释,(教材原句)Finally,I had to give in.最后,我只能让步了。 He has given in to my views. 他已让步,接受了我的看法。,联想拓展 give away 赠送,泄露,出卖,放弃(机会等) give back 归还 give up 停止,放弃 give out 送出,分发;用完,耗尽,精疲力竭 give off 发出(光、热、气、味等),What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ? Agiven out Bput out Cheld up Dused up,用give的相关短语填空 Defeated by many failures,he finally . Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance,but her trembling voice her . The authorities have shown no signs of to the kidnappers demand. Dont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may the shocking ending.,It is always the husband who first when a quarrel breaks out between the young couple. 答案Agave in/gave upgave;awaygiving in give awaygives in,make up ones mind下决心;决定,(教材原句)Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.一旦她下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。,联想拓展 come to ones mind/head 突然想到 keep/bear sth in mind 记住 lose ones mind 发疯 read ones mind/thoughts 看透某人的心思 keep ones mind on sth 把注意力放在 out of ones mind 不理智,发疯 of the same mind 相同的心思、主意,After graduation,they made up their minds to go and settle in the countryside.毕业后他们决心到农村安家落户。,Fred,who had expected how it would go with his daughter,had a worry his mind. Aon Bin Cwith DAt That she hadnt kept her on her work resulted in failure. Ahead Bbrain Cheart Dmind,Sorry,I made a mistake again. .Practice more and youll succeed. ANever mind BCertainly not CNot at all DDont mention it 答案BDA,句型精析,(教材原句)Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly.虽然她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。,联想拓展 insist 意为“坚决要求”时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,所以谓语动词用“shoulddo”的形式,should可省略;意为“坚持认为”时,后面的从句根据实际情况用相应的时态。 insist on/upon(doing)sth 坚决要求(做)某事 insist on sbs doing sth 坚持要求某人做某事,【考点警示】 insist后可加由that引导的宾语从句。当insist表示“坚决认为是对的”时,从句用陈述句语气;当insist表示“坚决要求,应该”时,从句用虚拟语气,具体结构用(should)do。 【一句辨析】 The boss insisted that the man had stolen the money and insisted that he(should)leave the company at once. 老板坚持说那个人偷了钱并坚持要求他立刻离开公司。,【词语辨析1】insist,persist,【词语辨析2】stick to,insist on,The man insisted a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. Afind Bto find Con finding Din finding The doctor insisted that the boy seriously ill and that the boy on at once. Abe;should be operated Bwas;be operated Cbe;was operated Dwas;was operated 答案CB,(教材原句)Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.一旦她下定决心,什么也不能使她改变。,联想拓展 once adv. 一次,曾经 once in a while 偶尔地;间或地 once upon a time 从前;很久以前 not once 没有一次(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序),完成句子 一旦你见到它,你将永远忘不掉它。 youve seen it,youll never forget it. 他一次也没听过我的忠告! Not once follow my advice! 答案Oncedid he,【考点警示】 1在时间、条件状语从句中,有时可以用现在进行时表示一般将来时。 Dont go in when they are having a meeting. 如果他们在开会就别进去。 If she is sleeping,dont interrupt her. 如果她在睡觉,就别打扰她。,2go,come,begin,start,leave等动词可以用现在进行时代替将来时,表示一个预计将要发生的动作,这种用法通常会接一个表示将来的时间状语。 How many students are coming to the party this Sunday? 这个星期天会有多少学生参加聚会?,3在现代英语中,用现在进行时来代替一般将来时表示计划、安排发生的动作。 I am told you are going away.Are you travelling very far? 有人告诉我你要离开了。你会走很远吗? I am writing to you next week. 我下周会写信给你。,【过关强练】 .用所给动词的适当形式补全下列句子 1Betty (leave)for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 this afternoon. 2The Browns (go)to North China by train next week. 3Some friends (come)to Annes birthday party this evening.,4My plane (take off )at 9:20,so I must be at the airport by 8:30. 5They (get)there by air. 答案1.is leaving2.are going3.are coming4.is taking off/takes off5.are getting,.单项填空 1The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers .(2012山东,34) Awill leave Bare leaving Chave left Dwere leaving 2Food supplies in the floodstricken area .We must act immediately before theres none left.(2012重庆,27) Ahave run out Bare running out Chave been run out Dare being run out,3Are you still busy? Yes,I my work,and it wont take long. Ajust finish Bam just finishing Chave just finished Dam just going to finish 4As the supermarket ,all the goods are sold at half price. Ahas closed down Bis closing down Cclosed down Dhad closed down,5Mr.Black Shanghai in a few days.Do you know when the earliest plane on Sunday? Ais leaving;takes off Bleaves;takes off Cis leaving;is taking off Dleaves;is taking off 6Do you think we should accept that offer? Yes,we should,for we such bad luck up till now,and time out. Ahave had;is running Bhad;is running Chave;has been run Dhave had;has been run,7I am sorry.I forgot to post the letter for you. Never mind.I it myself this afternoon. Aam posting Bam going to post Cwill post Dam about to post 8Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belt.The plane . Atakes off Bis taking off Chas taken off Dtook off 答案1.D2.B3.B4.B5.A6.A7.B8.B,见Word版双基达标,.书面表达集训,A精通句式主谓宾结构 一、结构:主谓宾结构 二、说明:SVO(1)主语及物动物名词/代词 He wrote two books last year. SVO(2)主语及物动词宾语状语 I found a letter under his pillow.,例句感悟 1She looked after the baby carefully. 2I remembered him/his name/doing it/I had seen him before. 3I decided to see him in person.,句型仿练(翻译下列句子) 1我们成功地实施了这项计划。 2她努力争取每天做一件好事。 3王老师不止一次地纠正我的发音。 4讲故事对提高英语口语技能很有用。 5李华教学成绩优秀,受到学生的喜爱和尊敬。,答案1.We carried the plan out successfully. 2She tried to do a good deed every day. 3Mr.Wang corrected my wrong pronunciation more than once. 4Storytelling has much strength in improving oral English skills. 5Li Hua has a good achievement in teaching,and he was dearly loved and respected by the students.,B学以致用连句成文,1一家公司要给我们学校捐大量图书。 2学校将举行一个捐赠仪式。 3都市之声(The Voice of Urban)和都市快报(City Express)也都参加此仪式。 4所有老师和学生也都参加。,基础篇 A company will donate a lot of books for our school,and our school will hold a donation ceremony by then.The Voice of Urban and City Express will attend the ceremony.All the students and the teachers are requested to attend too.,优秀篇 In order to enrich studentsoutofclass activities and improve our school conditions,a wellknown company will donate a large number of valuable books worth 500,000 yuan.So the Students Office has decided to hold a donation ceremony at 3 pm. this afternoon.The invited guests are the general manager,the director of Municipal Education Bureau as well as our headmaster.Besides,the Voice of Urban and City Express will attend the ceremony.All the students and the teachers are requested to meet in the school hall on time.,.特别关注攻克长难句,1Decades later,however,plastics very durability is raising questions about how appropriate it is for onetime products such as plastic bags,or shortlived consumer goods,used in the home for a few years and then cast into a landfill where they will degrade for centuries.(2012湖南阅读理解B),分析:本句是一个复合句。句子的主干是plastics very durability is raising questions。how在句中引导一个名词性从句作about的宾语。Decades later在句中作时间状语。句中where引导定语从句修饰先行词landfill。 译文:然而,数十年后,塑料的耐用性引起了人们对如何正确使用塑料的关切,比如一些一次性产品如塑料袋或供短暂使用的消费品在家里用几年后就被扔进垃圾填埋场,在那里它们将花费好几个世纪才能降解。,2The law of overlearning explains why cramming for an examination,though it may result in a passing grade,is not a satisfactory way to learn a college course.(2012新课标阅读理解D) 分析:此句中的主语是The law of overlearning,谓语是 explains,后面是why引导的宾语从句,在这个宾语从句中含有though引导的让步状语从句。 译文:强化学习的规则解释了为什么为考试进行的突击学习虽然可以让人通过考试,但不是一个学习大学课程的令人满意的方法。,分析下列长难句并翻译成汉语 1At night you will sleep on board the ship,leaving the wildlife in complete occupation of the islands,which are as undisturbed now as they have been since the beginning of time. (2010重庆阅读理解D),分析:这是一个复合句。句子的主干是you will sleep。谓语动词sleep后面的on board the ship是介词短语作地点状语,leaving the wildlife.the islands是动词ing形式短语作状语,表示伴随情况;which引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词islands,定语从句中第二个as引导比较状语从句。 译文:夜里,你睡在船上,岛上只留下各种野生动植物,此时这些岛屿又远离了纷扰,宁静安详犹如创世之初。,2One morning more than thirty years ago,I entered the Track Kitchen,a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微的)to the most powerful came for breakfast. (2010重庆阅读理解A) 分析:这是一个复合句。句子的主干是I entered the Track Kitchen。句首的One morning.ago是时间状语,a restaurant是the Track Kitchen的同位语,where引导定语从句,定语从句中的from the humblest to the most powerful是介词短语作后置定语,修饰everyone。 译文:三十多年前的一个早上,我走进特拉克厨房,在那里吃早饭的既有卑微贫贱者也有身居高位者。,


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