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,熟义生义1-61复习及检查,1 He looked at me in an absent way. 2 This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests. 3 It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. 4 He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. 5 She asked for an advance on her salary.,5.n.预付款,1.恍惚的茫然的,2.容纳,3.v.向发表演说;直接向说话,4.v.对打招呼,6 The picture looks nice against the white wall. 7 Worry aged him rapidly. 8 The cost amounted to &2000. 9 All stood up to welcome the new arrival. 10 The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease.,10.v.停止阻止,6.prep.映衬,8.v.共计达到,9.n.到达的人或物,7.使变老,11 I must check my bank balance. 12 Poor health may be a bar to success in life. 13 The behavior of this computer is moderately good. 14 the stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. 15 His songs always make me feel blue.,14.adj.没表情的,空虚的,11.n.差额,余额,12.n.障碍,13.n.性能,特点,15.adj.忧伤的,16 The athlete has a solid build. 17 Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down. 18 We should check the spread of the disease. 19 He is a civil person. 20 It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not.,20.n.阶级,阶层,等级,16.n.身材,体形,17.adj.极严重的根本的,18.v.阻止,制止,19.彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的,21 The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting. 22 She coached me in English. 23 He is too excited to contain his laughter. 24 It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. 25 The dining car was coupled onto the last coach.,25.v.联合连接,21.n.风气思潮倾向,22.v.辅导指导,23.v.抑制,24.v.有价值,重要,26 The main course was a vegetable stew. 27 Dont be cross with him-after all, he meant to help. 28 Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital. 29 The truth began to dawn on him. 30 He deserted his wife and children and went abroad.,30.v.抛弃,离弃,26.n.一道菜,27.adj.生气的,28.v.急送,29.v.开始明白,31 He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic. 32 The police employed force to open the door. 33 Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai? 34 Our water supply failed. 35 He is failing in health/his health is failing.,35 衰退,衰弱,31拒绝考虑(某观点、意见等),32 vt 利用,使用,33 快车,34 v 不足,缺乏,36 He failed to lend her a hand. 37 He behaves in a peculiar fashion. 38 The extraordinary man fixed our attention. 39 Fond parents will spoil their child. 40 The policemen forced the knife from the criminals hand.,40 vt 夺取,36 v 未能,37 n方式,38 vt 吸引,39溺爱的,41 The subject is foreign to me. 42 Telling lies is foreign to her nature 43 I can not form an opinion about it. 44 Dont worry. My watch gains. We still have time. 45 The car gained speed gradually.,45增加(速度,重量),41 不熟悉的,42 和。格格不入,43 想出,44(钟表)快,46 Greens are vital to our health. 47 He has strong grounds for more money. 48 I hope I will get a handsome present at my birthday. 49 The film Hero by Zhang Yimou is quite a hit of this year. 50 Were waiting for the hot news on the election results.,50 adj 最新的,46n (pl) 绿色蔬菜,47理由,48(礼物、行为)出手大方的 慷慨的,49 n 成功;红极一时的人或物,51 Its no good speaking ill of others. 52 His success was due to industry. 53 Scientists managed to get important intelligence thanks to satellite. 54 Our family has an interest in the business. 55 The company is introducing a new family saloon this year.,55 v 初次投入使用或运作,采用,51 adjadv 坏的,52努力,勤勉,53情报,信息,54 利益,股份,56 He introduced his speech with a joke. 57 He invented an excuse for his being late. 58 Dont leave the window open-Its inviting thieves to enter. 59 He jammed four apples in his pocket. 60 The accident jammed the main road for 2 hours. 61 There are traffic jams every day on this road.,61 n 堵塞,56以 开始,57捏造,虚构,58 吸引;招引,59 vt 塞进,60vt 堵塞,熟词生义检查,高三词汇复习 熟词生义,高三词汇复习 熟词生义(二),Hou haoran,62.1) Removing the table is quite a job _ 2) He jobbed his son into the position _ 63.Last week the prices of goods jumped. _ 64.Your coffee shop seems to be well kept _ 65. The swimmer has a strong kick. _ 66. Take it easy. Im just kidding. _ 67. That guy fools around all day long, killing time. _,n. 费力的事,Vt. 做零工 假公济私,n/v. 大幅度上涨,v. 经营;开设,n. 劲头;味道;乐趣,v. 开玩笑;欺骗,v. 消磨(时间),68.He is always quick to know his friends and enemies. _ 69.He landed a contract for building a factory. _ 70.She missed her late husband very much. _ 71.Do stop lecturing me. _ 72.The couple decided to let off the smaller flat at a lower price. _,Vt. 辨别;认出,Vt. 获得,adj.已故的,v./n. 训斥;教训,v. 出租,73.Pro.Lin has a large library of books. _ 74.This poem marries theme and style well. _ 75.Its mean of you to eat up all the apples. _ 76.Id like to see a film with a message. _ 77.I use all my might to open the door. _ 78.1) They held a minute inspection of the grounds. _,n. 收藏;收藏量,v.使紧密结合;使混作一体,adj.有自私的;卑鄙的;吝啬的,n.教益,寓意,n.力量;权威,adj.微小的;详细的;仔细而准确的,2)Please read through the minutes first. _ 79.1)Learn the notes by heart. _ 2)I noted that her hands were dirty. _ 80.They left the matter open. _ 81.In order to raise money ,he had to part with some of his most treated possessions. _ 82.I have no idea what passed in my absence. _,n.(pl.) 会议记录,n. 台词,v. 注意,adj. (问题,议事等)未解决的),v. 分手;放弃;卖掉,vi. 发生,产生,83.He says farming doesnt pay these days. _ 84.He has peached me and all the others to save his life. _ 85.He took out a fire insurance policy for his house . _ 86.If we pool the ideas,we may find a better solution to the problem. _ 87.Whats your position on the problem. _,vi. 合算,vt. 告发 vi.告密,n. 保险单 ;保险凭证,v,.集中使用,n.立场;观点,88.The dark clouds promise rain. _ 89.Could you put me up for the night. _ 90.I didnt read mothers thoughts at that time . _ 91.I need time to reflect on your offer. _ 92.Please remember the waitress. _ 93.She rested her head on his shoulder. _,v.有的希望;使有可能,留某人住宿,v.理解;领会,v. 沉思;思考(on/upon),vt.送(人)礼物、付小费(给人),v. 把.依靠在,94.He is a safe man. You can count on him. _ 95.Say that war breaks out,what will you do ? _ 96.A writer with great scholarship can achieve great success. _ 97.I couldnt seize the meaning of his remarks. _ 98.Though aged,the women is still in good good shape. _,adj.谨慎的;不冒险的,vt.假定,n.学问;学时;学术成就,Vt. 掌握;把握,n.状态;状况,99.The trees give out new shoots in spring. _ 100.Young people should learn to shoulder the duty/blame. _ 101.Hardly a soul is seen in the village. _ 102.1)It is important to have a sound body. _ 2)My wife is a sound sleeper. _ 103.He spared the thief. _,n.嫩芽;新枝,v.承担,n.人,adj.健全的,adj.酣睡的,v.饶恕;放过,104.Fast food restaurants are spring up all over the city. _ 105.He stole a glance of her in the mirror. _ 106.1)Maths is not my strength. _ 2)The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths. _ 107.1)He will succeed Foley as speaker of the house. _,v.猛然跳起;涌出,v.快速或偷偷的取得,n.强项,n.优势;优点;长处,v.继承,2).Jim has just succeed a large fortune from his uncle. _ 108.Our troops surprised the enemy in the midnight. _ 109.She is a very thorough worker. _ 110.The new driver got a ticket for speeding. _ 111.1)I feel a touch of tenderness from moms words. _,v.继任,v.出奇不意的袭击或发现,adj.做事深入细致的,n.罚票;罚款单,n.少许,微量,2)Vegetables were touched by the frost. _ 112.1)Her sons visits are a great treat for her. _ 2).Its my treat this time. _ 113.The boxes are uniform in weight. _ 114.I vote that we go home. _,Vt.害到,伤害,n.(难得的)乐事,n.款待;请客,adj.相同的,一致的,v.(口语)建议,115.The girl always wears a happy smile. _ 116.Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this . _ 117.1)He showed great strength of will. _ 2)What did it say in the will. _ 118.With more money I would be able to buy it. _,Vt.表露,v.权衡;斟酌,n.意志力;意愿,n.遗嘱,prep.若是,119.I attended a theater workshop not long ago. _ 120.1)The cause of the crash was given as engine failure. _ 2)business failure_ 3)crop/harvest failure_ 121.1)She give the police a full account of the incident. _ 2)The advertising agency has lost several of its most important accounts. _,n.研讨班,讲习班,n.故障;失灵,倒闭,歉收,n.描述;报告,n.老主顾,122.1)Employees should have a voice in the decision-making. _ 2)He promised that his party would listen to the voice of the people. _ 123.My fall was cushioned by the deep snow. _ 124.The bank has branches all over the country. _ 125.He gave up the shares in British Telecom. _,n.发言权,n.呼声;意见;心声,v.缓和;冲击,n.分部;分支机构,N 股份,


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