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Unit 2,City Life and Folk Customs,Burj Dubai Tower (Khalifa Tower) ),“迪拜大楼”的水系统每天需供 应25万加仑水。 2.它装有世界上速度最快(约每秒 17.5m)的电梯。 3. “迪拜大楼”被设计成一个周边 有3万住户、9个酒店、6个广场 和19座住宅塔楼以及1个12公顷 迪拜湖的大规模、多用途中心。,Buri Al Arab 伯瓷酒店,Dubai Mall 迪拜购物中心,广州国际金融中心 (IFC),简称广州西塔,位于广州 珠江新城核心商务区,项 目总用地面积31084平方米, 总建筑面积为45万平方米, 建筑面积和结构楼层数均为 全国第一,建筑总高度 437.5米,是中国第三高楼, 仅次于台湾101大厦(508m)和 上海环球金融中心(492m)。,Section Two Language Building,miracle mirkl n. an act or event that does not follow the laws of nature and is believed to be caused by God 圣迹;神迹 staggering stgri a. so large, shocking or surprising that it is difficult to believe大得惊人的;骇人的;难以想像的 apartment pa:tmnt n. a set of rooms rented for living in, usually on one floor of a building (尤指在同一楼层的)公寓套房,Dialogue One,Glossary,destroy distri v. to damage something so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc. 摧毁;毁灭;破坏 symbol simbl n. a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or situation 象征 (adj. symbolic, symbolical) entire intai(r) a. including everything, everyone or every part whole 全部的;整个的;完全的 (entirely, entirety) suffer from 因(疾病)而痛或不舒服;因而更糟;受之苦 keen ki:n a. wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much渴望;热切;热衷于,skyscraper skai,skreip(r) n. a very tall building in a city 摩天大楼 modernization mdnaizein n. 现代化,现代化的事物 rapid rpid a. done or happening very quickly 迅速的;快速的;快捷的 (adv. rapidly) ancient einnt a. belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past 古代的 preserve priz:v v. to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept 保护;维护;保留 (n. preservation) D1,miracle 奇迹 create miracle 创造奇迹 a miracle of architecture 建筑上的奇迹 staggering 难以想象的 a staggering problem 难题 stagger along摇摇晃晃地走,destroy destroy evidences毁灭证据 The house was destroyed in the fire. 这个房子被这场火毁了。 His arrogance destroyed his whole life. 他的高傲毁了他的一生。,symbol symbol of sth. 的象征 symbol for sth. 的符号 鸽子是和平的象征。 The dove is the symbol of peace. 铜的化学符号是Cu The chemical symbol for copper is “Cu”.,suffer 遭受 ( from 遭受); 忍住,容忍 你经常头疼吗? Do you often suffer from headaches? 你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢? How can you suffer such an insult? keen 热切,热衷于 be keen on sth./ be keen to do sth.热衷于 我不喜欢爵士乐。 Im not keen on jazz.,modernization 现代化 modern modernize - modernization popular popularize popularization,realization,realize,real,ancient 古代的,旧式的 an ancient city 一座古城 in ancient times 古代 preserve 保护,维护 It is difficult to preserve ones self-respect in that job.,做那种工作很难维护个人的自尊。,4 Sentences and structures,1. I dont understand why there are so many countries interested in creating such miracles. 我不明白为什么有那么多的国家对建造摩天大楼感兴趣。 2. I hope more attention will be focused on bettering peoples basic living conditions. 我希望有更多的注意力放到改善人民基本生活条件上来。,Sentences and structures,3. Skyscrapers are the symbols of modernization and rapid growth of science and technology. 摩天大楼是现代化和科技高速发展的象征。 4. That is not a technical question but a social one. 这不是一个技术上的问题,而是一个社会问题。,Sentences and structures,5. The height of buildings is strictly limited in such cities as Beijing to preserve the cities special features. 像在北京这样古老的城市里,建筑的高度受到严格的限制,以保护城市别具一格的特色。,Listen to the audio again, finish Ex. II 5 and remember the useful expressions,创造奇迹 金融危机 基本生活条件 世界第一高楼 科学技术的飞速发展 建筑物的高度 城市的特色,create miracles financial crisis basic living conditions Worlds Tallest Building rapid growth of science and technology height of buildings the cities special features,Ex. III,1. apartment 2. preserve 3. destroyed 4. interested (be/get interested in, have interest in) 5. incredible 6. symbol (the symbol of) 7. discuss (discuss about sth.) 8. located (be located) 9. keen (be keen on sth./ be keen to do sth.),Ex. IV Translation,1. Our teaching building reaches 80 meters in height. 2. She is suffering from the pain caused by stomachache. 3. The ancient building locates in the southwest of the town. 4. Jack is very interested in Chinese Kongfu. 5. All eyes were focused on him.,Ex. V Prepositions (介词),1. above 2. in 3. for 4. on 5. of 6. in; with 7. with 8. as,Dialogue 2: Refreshments,重庆小吃:,duck blood cake毛血旺,hot and sour rice noodles酸辣粉,Hechuan peach slices合川桃片,fried dough twists陈麻花,Dialogue Two,greeting gri:ti n. something that you say or do to greet somebody问候;招呼;迎接;致意 refreshment rifremnt n. drinks and small amounts of food that are provided or sold to people in a public place or at a public event(在公共活动场所供应或销售的)饮料,小食品 leisurely leli a. done without hurrying 不慌不忙的;慢悠悠的 (n./adj. leisure),Glossary,Section Two Language Building,dim sum dim sm n. a Chinese dish or meal consisting of small pieces of food wrapped in sheets of dough (中国的)点心 praise preiz n. words that show approval of or admiration for somebody/something 赞扬;称赞;赞美 snack snk n. a small meal or amount of food, usually eaten in a hurry 点心;小吃;快餐 negotiate niguieit v. to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion 谈判;磋商;协商,constitute knstitjut v. to be considered to be something (被认为或看作)是;被算作 remarkable rima:kbl a. unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice 非凡的;奇异的;显著的; D2,refreshment 小食品,提神,恢复 refreshment = re- + fresh + -ment retreatment = re- + + leisure leisure time空闲时间 at leisure 不慌不忙 我没有时间玩牌。 I have no leisure for playing cards. 我把报告带回家去慢慢看. Ill take the report home and read it at leisure.,treat,-ment,praise 赞扬,赞美 praise sb. for sth. = be praised for 为 而赞美别人,因为而受到赞美 他因获得该奖而受到同事们的称赞。 He was praised by his colleagues for winning the prize. His colleagues praised him for winning the prize.,negotiate 谈判,协商 n. negotiation 与某人就进行谈判 negotiate with sb. on/about sth. 我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。 Weve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wages. remarkable 非凡的,显著的 remarkable = remark + -able acceptable = accept + -able,Sentences and structures 8,1. Guangdong people can not forget the tea, especially the morning tea. especially特别,尤其,格外 旅游可以使人增长见识,尤其对年轻人。 Traveling can enrich ones knowledge, especially for young people.,2. Drinking tea constitutes a remarkable characteristics of Lingnan culture. constitute (被认为或看做)是;构成 建立了一个委员会以调查那件事。 A committee was constituted to investigate that affair. 这次丑闻成了他一生中最难堪的的事情。 This scandal constitutes the most embarrassing thing of his life.,Sentences and structures,3. I cannot wait to show you the Shrimp Wonton in Superior Soup 我都等不及想让你尝尝上汤鲜虾云吞了 cannot wait to do sth.迫不及待想做某事 知道儿子考上大学,她迫不及待地打电话给她的丈夫告诉他这个好消息。 Knowing that her son was admitted in a college, she could not wait to call her husband to tell him the good news.,cannot help doing sth.忍不住,禁不住 我不免对这座房子的历史感到好奇。 I cannot help being curious about the history of the house. cannot help but do sth.不得不做某事 为应对危机,公司不得不进行裁员。 For the purpose of coping with the crisis, the company cannot help but lay off employees/ dismiss staff.,Listen to the audio, finish Ex. II 9 and remember the useful expressions,喝早茶 问候语 更重要的是 招呼语 广东口味 谈生意 社会交际 岭南文化 显著的特征,drink morning tea greeting words whats more greeting words Cantonese flavor negotiate business social communication Lingnan culture remarkable characteristics,Ex. III,1. snacks 2. recommends 3. social 4. continued 5. leisure 6. constitute 7. popular 8. remarkable 9. communication 10. negotiate,EX. IV C-E translation,1. Her show is one of the most popular television programs in history. 2. I enjoy almost all sports, but I especially like tennis and gymnastics. 3. Talk to young children using language they understand. 4. The city is famous for its restaurants, cafes and theaters. 5. He successfully negotiated a new contract with the union.,EX. IV C-E translation,6. The young couple paddled a little boat leisurely on the river. 7. Rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet. 8. She showed remarkable courage and resolution. 9. Mothers know by instinct that praise is vital to children. 10. Ice-cream is a good refreshment on a hot day.,Ex. V Dialogue translation,A: Hi, long time no see, how is everything? B: Well, pretty good, how about you? A: Same here! This summer would be very hot, where do you plan to have a vacation? B: I do not have any plan. But Hainan sounds great, and you? A: I have already decided! B: Really?,Ex. V Dialogue translation,A: I am planning to go to Guilin. B: Is it interesting there? A: Without a doubt! Have you ever heard “Guilins scenery is the best in the world”? What I love most is the snacks there. B: Sounds great!,Intensive reading:Is Golden Week Really Golden?,Golden Weeks National Day Spring Festival Labor Day,Section Three Intensive Reading,disrupt disrpt v. to make it difficult for something to continue in the normal way 扰乱;使中断;打乱 schedule edju:l n. a plan that lists all the work that you have to do and when you must do each thing 工作计划;日程安排 key government agency主要政府部门 tax tks n. a contribution for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government税,Glossary,tariff trif n. duties or a duty imposed by a government on imported or exported goods 关税 legal affair 法律事务 expand ikspnd v. to increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge 扩大 domestic dmestik a. of or inside a particular country; not foreign or international 本国的;国内的 tourism turizm n. the business of providing tours and services for tourists 旅游业,estimated estimeitid a. calculated and approximate 估计的 exceed iksi:d v. to be greater than a particular number or amount 超过(数量) migration maigrein n. the movement from one place to another 迁徙 overwork uvw:k v. to force to work too hard or too long 使工作过度 irregular iregjl(r) a. not arranged in an even way; not having an even, smooth pattern or shape 不整齐的;不平整的,scalper sklp(r) n. to engage in the reselling of something, such as tickets, at a price higher than the established value黄牛党 triple tripl a. having three parts or involving three people or groups 三部份的;三人的;三组的;三倍的 robbery rbri: n. the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop/store, person, etc., especially using violence or threats 盗窃;抢劫;掠夺,fraud fr:d n. the crime of deceiving somebody in order to get money or goods illegally 欺诈罪;欺骗罪 flagrant fleigrnt a. of an action shocking because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect for people, laws, etc. 骇人听闻的;公然的;罪恶昭彰的 T,disrupt 破坏,扰乱 (n.) disruption The heavy fog disrupted the traffic. 大雾使交通陷于混乱。 schedule 工作安排,时间安排 a train schedule 火车行车时刻表 on schedule按时间表, 准时 她今天行程安排很紧。 She has a busy schedule today.,domestic 国内的,本国的 domestic products 国产产品 我们必须想办法扩大国内市场。 We have to try our best to expand the domestic market.,estimated 估计的,预算的 estimated amount 估计金额,预算金额 It is/was estimated that 据估计 据估计,修建这座桥需要50万美元。 It was estimated that it takes 500 thousand dollars to build this bridge.,exceed 超出,超过,胜过 The sales exceeded my expectation. 销售超过了我的预料。 His older brother exceeds him in intelligence. 他的哥哥比他聪明。 He was taken to the police box for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速而被带到警察亭。,overwork 使工作过度 over- = be more than 过度,太甚 overload 超载 overstudy 用功过度 那车乘客超载,几乎爬不上这个坡。 The bus was overloaded with passengers that it could hardly climb the hill.,irregular 不整齐的,不规则的 ir- (用在r开头的形容词之前) 不、无 irresistible不可抵抗的 irremovable 无法移动 im-: 用在b, p, m之前 impossible, immoral, imblance,Scan the text and finish Ex. III,1. B,D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C,Sentences and structures,1. However, many people argued that these Golden Weeks disrupted peoples regular 5-day weekly schedule and also the international trade market, as many argue (that): think, hold 认为,主张 Columbus argued that the world was round. argue for /against 为争取/反对 而争论 He tried his best to argue for his lateness. 他想尽办法为自己迟到争辩。,2. the 7-day holiday was shortened to be 3 days, instead, three other traditional festivals were raised as 3-day national holidays, shorten (v.) 缩短,减少 Our summer vacation was shortened to be 40 days. 我们的暑假缩短到40天。 Ive asked him to shorten my trousers. 我已经叫他把我的裤子裁短了。,3. During these national holidays people are able to make long-distance traveling and family visits, which has helped expand the domestic tourism market be able to 使能够,可以 她无法靠自己的一份工资来买房子。 She is not able to buy a house with her own salary.,4. The number of passengers (person-time) during the Spring Festival period has exceeded the population of China, hitting 2.29 billion in 2010. hitting 现在分词作状语, 作补充说明 Laughing and talking, they went into the room. 他们边说边笑地走进房间。 He sat at the table reading China Daily. 他坐在桌子旁边看中国日报。,5. Public transportation system, including bus and train, gets the most impact and experiences the biggest challenge during the Golden Weeks. including 现在分词作状语, 作补充说明 They have many pets, including three pets. 我们中的三个人,包括Mary 和Jack, 要去见班主任。 Three of us, including Mary and Jack, have to report to the headteacher.,6. Air transportation, though is less affected as most travelers cannot afford air tickets, the transport system impact can also be on the increase. though 尽管 (可放句前,句中,句后) Though it was late, we decided to go out. Ill try to come, though I doubt if Ill be there on time. He said he would come, he didnt, though.,impact (n./v.): on sth./ sb. Modern technology has greatly impacted on social life. affect (v.) sth. (n. effect) Her energetic speech has affected my whole career. influence (v./n.) n.: the influence of sth. on sb./sth. The influence of parents on their children shall not be ignored. v. sth./sb. I dont want to influence you in that way.,7. In order to gain a bigger profit, bus companies overwork the bus drivers on irregular schedules, and overload people every round, which cause a higher accident rate. in order to do sth. 为了 in order that + 句子 I am saving money in order that I can buy a house. 我正在攒钱,以便我能买一所房子。,Read the text again and remember the following expressions,A. 7天的国家假日 B. 国际贸易市场 C. 主要政府部门 D. 法律事务 E. 长途旅行 F. 国内旅游市场 G. 年度人口迁移 H. 公共运输系统 I. 获取更大利润,a. 7-day national holidays b. international trade market c. key government agencies d. legal affairs e. long-distance traveling f. domestic tourism market g. annual human migration h. public transportation system i. gain a bigger profit,Ex. IV,1. traditional 2. expand 3. schedule 4. estimated 5. exceed 6. domestic 7. disrupt 8. legal 9. overloaded 10. irregular,Applied writing,请根据个人情况,填写以下的英语预科课程申请表,介绍本人目前学历,学习英语的目的和经历,英语的强项和弱项,希望在哪方面加强等。,English Preparatory Course Application form,Family Name:_ First Name (s): _ Date of birth:_ Nationality: _ Sex: _ Telephone No.:_ Address:_ I am a freshman in _, and I have been learning English _. Though I am good at _, I am eager to improve _. And I hope I will _.,Example: Address: 17 Zhongshan Road, Guangzhou I am a freshman in Sun Yat-sen University, and I have been learning English for eight years. Though I am good at reading and writing, Im totally at a loss when attending the English Corner because my oral English is so poor. I am eager to improve my oral English. And I hope I will have more chances to talk to my teachers and classmates to practice my oral English.,


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